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Title: Donkey Kong
Author:Nintendo and Coleco
Rom Player: IntvWin
Reviewer: Randy Johnson

Synopsis: I recently bought twenty Intellivision games on Ebay and Donkey Kong was one of them. The arcade machine was made by Nintendo. This version was made by Coleco.
I can't say anything good about this game. It has worse graphics than the Atari 2600 Donkey Kong. The only thing that was better than the 2600 DK was that the fireballs can move to different platforms.
Had this game had three screens like the Colecovision version, it would've been better. But the way it looks and the fact that it only has two screens makes it suck. I give it a 1.

Best Cheats: Nothing Entered

Game Play: 1
Graphics: 1
Music/Sound: 4
Originality: 4
Overall Rating: 1

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