I-Mockery Forum

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kellychaos Nov 18th, 2005 04:19 PM

would you eat me?

Ushnor Nov 23rd, 2005 07:38 PM

Name- Ushnor
Age- 100
job- Viking
where are you at?- the open sea, on route to a small city
how did you find out about this site?- I plundered a computer that had this site up in a raid of small defenseless village.
why did you start posting- To join the Path of Neo photo-editing contest
Level of Educ.- Education is for landlubbers
Income- Whatever I can loot
hobbies-Looting, pillaging, graphic design
fav. music/band- Queen, They Might Be Giants
fav. book- "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"
fav. movie- Fight Club, Army of Darkness
Fav. Video Game- Anything and everything
fav. food- Fresh wild bore
Who do you hate the most on this board- The letter Q. Don't get me started on that letter! And it's everywhere!
In Viking school you were voted most likely to...- go to Valhalla

mmmcdaniel Nov 24th, 2005 02:34 PM


MLE Nov 24th, 2005 05:22 PM

Do you honestly think that you're the first person to think of such a witty response?

You've gone from cutely annoying and naive to that "oh I'm a badass I'll impress them with my quick wit and sharp tongue while breaking every forum rule possible" attitude, but you're no better than the tons of people that have adopted that attitude and been banned shortly afterwards.

Moobs Nov 30th, 2005 10:37 AM

Name- Richard
Age- 15
job- Looking for
where are you at?- Bath
how did you find out about this site?- Newgrounds maybe, or maybe I googled it, but I'm here now
why did you start posting- This is my first of possibly many posts, we'll see how things go down and if I can handle 4 forums at the same time.
Level of Educ.- School
hobbies- Running, football, Fencing
fav. music/band- The Who
fav. book- Not much of a reader, but to answer your question, The Darren shan saga
fav. movie- Waynes World
Fav. Video Game- God of War
fav. food- duck in pancake
Who do you hate the most on this board- I know of none of you, so I dislike none at this point in time.

MetalMilitia Nov 30th, 2005 11:05 AM

hey Halfie I heard you give blowjobs to tramps when you run out of change.

Moobs Nov 30th, 2005 11:24 AM

How have you gathered this information? Are you that guy who put cheese and onion crisps and vodka in my hair when I didn't give you my laundry money?

kellychaos Nov 30th, 2005 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia
hey Halfie I heard you give blowjobs to tramps when you run out of change.

That's the OTHER Halfie! :rolleyes

Dr. Boogie Nov 30th, 2005 04:08 PM

So that's how the other Halflie lives.:lol

Moobs Dec 3rd, 2005 03:43 PM

There's another.....me :chatter

Jeff The Ninja Dec 3rd, 2005 04:13 PM

Name- Jeff
Age- 17
job- Burger Flipper
where are you at?-Saskatoon Saskatchewan
how did you find out about this site?- Newgrounds.com
why did you start posting- Because I am Very bored
Level of Educ.- School
hobbies- TV, Video Games, watching movies and beating my neighbours kids when ever they call me fatty.
fav. music/band- Heavy metal
fav. book- Either The Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy or The lord of the rings.
fav. movie- Thats too hard of a Question
Fav. Video Game- Final Fantasy VII
fav. food- BEEF AND TURKEY
Who do you hate the most on this board- Nobody because that is bound to start a Internet feud and that could to an argument. And argueing on the internet is just like running in the special olympics, even if you win, youre still retarded.

MetalMilitia Dec 4th, 2005 01:16 PM


And argueing on the internet is just like running in the special olympics, even if you win, youre still retarded.

Diseased Dec 15th, 2005 12:35 PM

Name- Timo
Age- 20
job- Polytechnic Student
where are you at?- Finland (the cold, small country in Northern Europe, also the country which desperately tries to get Conan O'Brien to spend his holidays in)

how did you find out about this site?- Can't remember, it's over a 1½ years now
why did you start posting- .....good question
Level of Educ.- Will-Be-Engineer
Income- More than enough to pay for the rent
hobbies- music in it's all forms
fav. music/band- Changes weekly, metal in general
fav. book- Aku Ankan Juhlasarjat-series
fav. movie- Not the #1 Box-Office Hit
Fav. Video Game- Megaman Series
fav. food- Chinese
Who do you hate the most on this board- I love people
In high school you were voted most likely to...- become a success at the job market

MetalMilitia Dec 15th, 2005 01:33 PM


Income- More than enough to pay for the rent
Non standard editions to the "Tell us a little about yourself" thread, especially when you are a big fat showoff, are frowned apon.

...by me atleast. >:

ziggytrix Dec 15th, 2005 05:21 PM

and most other folks just don't give a fuck

SlyBattery Dec 16th, 2005 12:02 AM

Name- Jeremy
Age- 19
job- Movie Gallery outlet
where are you at?- I hate fat joe
how did you find out about this site?- Hmm...long time ago...I think I was searching in a search engine for something and I found a link to a peice called "Ask Dr. Bactine" I think that was the name of it.
why did you start posting- The Louie C.K. message board gets a little to stagnant.
Level of Educ.- I am going to college, but learning very little. Except that I dislike college.
Income- Not enough to raise 2 kids, I hope the orphanage treats them well
hobbies- playing guitar, watching good/bad films. Writing various things...
fav. music/band- Nirvana
fav. book- "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
fav. movie- Blade Runner? Fight Club? Pulp Fiction? All are on about the same level.
Fav. Video Game- Final Fantasy 3.
fav. food- Cheesy Tuna Helper, or Quasedillas
Who do you hate the most on this board- Everyone is way to nice to ever hate.
In high school you were voted most likely to...- continue smelling

SuperChicken Dec 17th, 2005 04:08 AM

edit: ewps, double posted. see below

SuperChicken Dec 17th, 2005 04:09 AM

I'm new. Don't hurt me unless whips and midgets are involved.

Name- Ellie aka Super Chicken

Age- Seventeen ... million

job- Register hopping monkey

where are you at?- Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

how did you find out about this site?- My friend linda sent me the "sexual moments in video games" site. It made me giggle...sexually.

why did you start posting- Right now

Level of Educ.- High school and SUPER SAIYAN

Income- Minimum wage bitch

hobbies- guitaring, internetting, eating babies

fav. music/band- The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix Experience, Led Zep, Iron Maiden, Guns n Roses, Muse, Polyphonic Spree, the's, Nancy Sinatra... my taste is pretty weird

fav. book- "He Died with a Felafel in His Hand"

fav. movie- Wayne's World, Kill Bill, Sin City, Resevoir Dogs, This is Spinal Tap, every Monty Python Movie

Fav. Video Game- Alex Kidd in Miracle World (if you love this game too, LET US MARRY), Super Mario, Bomberman 3, Pokemon

fav. food- Babies, sacrificial virgins

Who do you hate the most on this board- I LOVE YOU ALL. Not really, I just don't know anybody as of yet.

In high school you were voted most likely to...- kill everybody in a bloody homicidal ninja rampage!

LadyMage Dec 20th, 2005 08:19 PM

Name- LadyMage
Age- 23
job- Right now looking for work *mutters something about the employment rate*
where are you at?- New York
how did you find out about this site?- sheer chance acutally, and random surfing
why did you start posting- figured I surfed here long enough
Level of Educ.- graduated college, ba in english
Income- very little
hobbies- writing, reading, listening to music, daydreaming
fav. music/band- anything but boy bands and rap (except icp, I do like them)
fav. book- Animal Farm by George Orwell
fav. movie- Right now, "the man who went up a hill and down a mountain" although anything horror is good too
Fav. Video Game- hmmm Mortal Kombat or any rpg that is good I guess
fav. food- Meat!!!!! or just about anything really, if I don't like it I'll let you know
Who do you hate the most on this board- well I just got here but right now Italiansterotype (he called me a cunt and a shitflap over a friggin comic book debate how lame is that)
In high school you were voted most likely to...- either publish a book or become a crazy cat lady, I am not sure which

Pack in '07 Jan 9th, 2006 12:04 AM

Name- Atticus (no shit, I'm Greek)
Age- 24
job- tour guide at the Atlanta Zoo (hey, it aint that bad, the tigers kick ass and are my best friends)
where are you at?- Atlanta
how did you find out about this site?- from a friend, LONG time ago
why did you start posting- 1/7/06
hobbies- playing video games, rooting for the pack (fuck you sherman)
fav. music/band- Weezer, Offspring, anything but country
fav. book- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
fav. movie- many, Boondock Saints, Hostage, the old Star Wars movies, Jackass the movie
Fav. Video Game- right now, it's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
fav. food- lasagna
In high school you were voted most likely to...- join the NFL (no shit, I was second string wideout for the badgers a while back)

sadie Jan 9th, 2006 12:08 AM

your name given your post makes me :(.

Summourn Jan 13th, 2006 02:36 PM

Name- Cara
Age- 20
job- ice cream man :(
where are you at?- Illinois
how did you find out about this site?- Emu is my IRL best friend <3
why did you start posting- Because internet mockery is the thing to do
hobbies- drawing, writing, eating stuff
fav. music/band- Soundgarden for the win :(
fav. book- House of Leaves
fav. movie- Spirited Away (shut up)
fav. Video Game- Super Mario Brothers 2
fav. food- "Special chicken" ramen noodles. Either that or tacos
In high school you were voted most likely to...- make it big with art stuff (I don't think so but they did)

Mystie Jan 13th, 2006 03:59 PM

Name- Mystie
Age- 22 (23 next Saturday)
job- I work at a fucking Time-Out Arcade.
where are you at?- Reading/Kutztown area of PA.
how did you find out about this site?- I followed the linkies.
why did you start posting- Because I'm an internet whore.
Level of education?- Some college. I have like 3/4 of an associates in Web Design. Unfortunately the 1/4 I don't have is all the database type stuff. :P
hobbies- writing, web design, collecting old videos and random weird junk, painting, girly 80s 90s stuff, goggle wearing
fav. music/band- VNV Nation, Orgy, Apoptygma Berzerk, Manson
fav. book- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
fav. movie- Labyrinth
fav. Video Game- Bubble Bobble
fav. food- pizza
In high school you were voted most likely to...- I wasn't voted anything. I spent all my time hiding in the library or drawing obscene images on all my notes.

lunlun Jan 15th, 2006 09:58 PM

Name- Eva
Age- 20
job- working with mind disabled people (no this is not a joke :P)
where are you at?- Germany
how did you find out about this site?- oh i searched informations about tamagotchis while ago and found this incridible Mutsu-minimock. still read it sometimes :)
why did you start posting- i was bored
Level of Educ.- mittlere reife. dont know to what compared in usa
Income- 340 euros at month
hobbies- sleeping, reading, playing, laughing, beeing moody
fav. music/band- none
fav. book- none
fav. movie- The End of Evangelion
Fav. Video Game- Tales of Phantasia (SNES)
fav. food- Döner
Who do you hate the most on this board- i dont know yet
In high school you were voted to be school captain

Lycurgus1985 Jan 16th, 2006 05:09 PM

Name: Jason
Age: 20
Job: Currently Unemployed (Have been incapacitated by damned cluster headaches >: )
Where are you at?
Far away from you and I know you're glad about that.
How did you find out about this site?
2-3 years ago when a friend of mine gave me a link to the Sexual Moments in Video Games section of the site. I've been hooked ever since.
Level of Educ.: I'm currently a sophmore at college.
Income: I told you, I can't work at the moment. :/
Hobbies: Reading, writing, filmmaking, watching horror movies, wolves, biking, swimming, exploring forests, playing video games, MST3King Troll 2 with friends.
Fav. Music: Rock, metal, hard rock, electronica, classical, instrumental, parody, oldies
Fav. Book: "Magic" by William Goldman
Fav. Movie: Too many to pick from
Fav. Video Game: Clock Tower, Gabriel Knight, Intelligent Qube, Shadow of Destiny, Shivers
Fav. Food: They don't call me Chinese Food Lovin' Lycanthrope for nothing you know. :P
Who do you hate the most on this board: Everyone can be an asshole, including myself. Not really anything to really worry about.
In high school you were voted most likely to...: Become a film director.

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