I-Mockery Forum

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-   -   NEW USERS: Let's all get to know one another... (http://i-mockery.com/forum/showthread.php?t=313)

Rev. Danno Feb 4th, 2003 09:59 PM

NEW USERS: Let's all get to know one another...
OK, The boards been up for a few days, We've all been fucking with each other. Maybe we should get to know one another better.
We might decide we don't hate some one as much, or it might just give us all more fuel for the fires of hate, ya hate...

Here's a simple form.... (if you're a wuss, feel free to omit any you don't feel like answering)

where are you at?-
how did you find out about this site?-
what's your favorite thing about the site?-
why did you start posting-
Level of Educ.-
fav. music/band-
fav. book-
fav. movie-
Fav. Video Game-
fav. food-
In high school you were voted most likely to...-
Is there anything else we should all know about you?-

James Feb 4th, 2003 10:01 PM

Considering I have no idea who the hell you are, how about you fill out your own form first?

Evil Robot Feb 4th, 2003 10:02 PM

Am I gonna get put on another mailing list or some shit?

Les Waste Feb 4th, 2003 10:05 PM


Name- CHRIS >:
Age- 20 >:
where you at?- WISCONSIN >:
why did you start posting- I SUCK :(
how long have you been on the board- I DUNNO :(
hobbies- MASTURBATING >:
fav. music/band- THE CLASH, JERKS >:
fav. movie- HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW?! >:
Who do you hate the most on this board- NOT JIXBY PHILLIPS IS A TOOL >:
what is that smell- LOL SOMEONE CRACK A WINDOW ;)

Rev. Danno Feb 4th, 2003 10:05 PM

Name- Rev. Daniel O'Blivion
where you at?-Phx, Az
why did you start posting-I thought Mockery was funny on the UCB board, & Agent Burdock told me to.
how long have you been on the board-This board a few days, the old board... mid june of 2000?
hobbies-Bicycling, drinking, Bowling, & painting
fav. music/band-Beck
fav. book-An Incompleat education
fav. movie-Night of the Living Dead
Who do you hate the most on this board-I don't know yet...Maybe Error, or jamesman.
what is that smell-Me, I haven't bathed in 6 hours...

What else...I'm on Lithium now, & I'm not as mean, or anthing else as I used to be on the old board.

Malevolent Feb 4th, 2003 10:07 PM

Name: Jeff
Age: 23
Job: If you don't know, you're a newbie
Where you at?: Massachusetts, just like it says under my name, fuckhead!
Why did you start posting?: Meatatarian
How long have you been on the board?: Since April 16, 2000
Hobbies: Eating meat
Fav. music/band: Difficult choice, but I'd have to go with The Gathering
Fav. book: Can't decide
Fav. movie: Probably Office Space. Another difficult choice
Who do you hate the most on this board?: Impossible to choose. So many fucktards
What is that smell?: Smells can't be transmitted over the Internet, dumbass!

James Feb 4th, 2003 10:12 PM

Name- James
Age- 19
job- none
where you at?- Connecticut
why did you start posting- Came across the site, and then was drawn into the board community via FatSatan
how long have you been on the board- For about 4 days. Counting the old board though, about 8-9 months.
hobbies- Video games, writing, art, downloading and masturbating to porn
fav. music/band- KMFDM, Rammstein, Disturbed (get the laughs out of your system), and a bunch of other things.
fav. book- The Dragonlance Villains Series, Tony Hawk's Occupation: Skateboarder
fav. movie- Lord of the Rings Series, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Clue, Evil Dead series, Nowhere (can you tell that I don't like to limit myself to just one favorite?)
Who do you hate the most on this board- Evil Robot, Captain Robo, GnrySgtHartman, Jerseyboy, and a bunch of others.
what is that smell- The dead retarded kid under my mattress. :(

Evil Robot Feb 4th, 2003 10:32 PM

jamesman needs a hug

Rev. Danno Feb 4th, 2003 10:34 PM

Wow Carni, you have seemed to have gotten bitter over the last year..., Jixby as well.

Rongi Feb 4th, 2003 10:39 PM

Name- John (after John Lennon)
Age- nice try >:
job- none
where you at?- New York
why did you start posting- I-mockery is one of my favorite sites
how long have you been on the board- bout 4 days
hobbies- Videogames, music, anime, etc
fav. music/band- Radiohead, NIN, Beck, Johnny Cash, Beastie boys, and a ton others
fav. book- anything thats cynical and evil >:
fav. movie- Princess Monoke, anything by Kevin Smith
Who do you hate the most on this board- Jersyboy, Captain Robo, GnrySrgtHartman, error, and a few others
what is that smell- my ASS >:

McClain Feb 4th, 2003 10:40 PM

My Turn
Name- McClain
Age- 23
job- Sailor
where you at?- San Diego
why did you start posting- Because the people on the Zug forums were getting boring.
how long have you been on the board- January, 2001
hobbies- Web design, basketball, collecting remnants of my childhood
fav. music/band- Tie between Radiohead and Ben Folds Five.
fav. book- Siddhartha.
fav. movie- Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
Who do you hate the most on this board- Mockery
what is that smell- Me blowing cigarette smoke in your face.

Ninjavenom Feb 4th, 2003 10:41 PM

Name- Brian
Age- 15
job- Ha.
where you at?- Maryland
why did you start posting- certain topics interested me
how long have you been on the board- since september
hobbies- toys, computers, drawing, etc.
fav. music/band- Atari Teenage Riot or Obituary
fav. book- Jurassic Park
fav. movie- UHF
Who do you hate the most on this board- those damn newer-beis
what is that smell- It's Ireland! Come on Brian, let's check it out!

Mockery Feb 4th, 2003 10:43 PM

why did you start posting- Because the people on the Zug forums were getting boring.

You talkin about EvilZug? Cool guy, we talk fairly often on AIM. He's pretty good with Flash too.

Who do you hate the most on this board- Mockery


ItalianStereotype Feb 4th, 2003 10:47 PM

job-lazy fuck
why did you start posting-i didnt like somebody and wanted them to know
how long have you been on the board-approx. a year
hobbies-i hate things
fav. music/band-freestyle kings
fav. book-i burn books. DEUTSCHLAND UBER ALLES.
fav. movie-uh...goodfellas, TMNT, Nightmare Before Christmas, Robocop, Dont be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood, Transformers, Trigun
Who do you hate the most on this board-its kind of childish. besides, you know who you are...
what is that smell-i cant smell anything, i can hardly breathe :(

Spooky Feb 4th, 2003 10:55 PM

Name- Jesus.
Age- Ageless
job- Son of God, Queer Hater, ****** Lover.
where you at?- Heaven, and in the hearts of all.
why did you start posting- Jesus needs no reason.
how long have you been on the board- Since it's birth, since, I'm jesus and I'm everywhere.
hobbies- Being Jesus, watching 13 year old girls bathe, acid.
fav. music/band- Christian Death Metal :(
fav. book- The Bible
fav. movie- Jesus
Who do you hate the most on this board- Jesus loves all.
what is that smell- Teen Spirit?

McClain Feb 4th, 2003 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mockery
why did you start posting- Because the people on the Zug forums were getting boring.

You talkin about EvilZug? Cool guy, we talk fairly often on AIM. He's pretty good with Flash too.

Who do you hate the most on this board- Mockery


Evil zug? I have know clue what you're talking about... Actually, the forum I was referring to was when John Hargrave had a show for ZDNet. It was a great show, but the people in the forum were sucky.

JeefGyle Feb 4th, 2003 10:56 PM

Name- Jeff
Age- 16
job- Server at an assisted living center
where you at?- Saginaw, MI
why did you start posting- The site is great, lots of funny people on these boards
how long have you been on the board- Old board: about 6 months
hobbies- Guitar, Music, Video Games, Movies
fav. music/band- Metal/HardCore, although my favorite band is Smashing Pumpkins
fav. book- Please Kill Me: The Oral History Of Punk
fav. movie- Legally Blonde (I can't wait for part 2! :) )
Who do you hate the most on this board- Jamesman and Rongi, I don't hate the newbs, as I am one
what is that smell- A maggot covered half eaten sandwich, discarded and forgotton under one of many fat rolls on Wayne Knights Belly

James Feb 4th, 2003 10:59 PM

I like how he says he hates Jerseyboy and Rongi, then says he doesn't hate newbies.

Rongi Feb 4th, 2003 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Jamesman
I like how he says he hates Jerseyboy and Rongi, then says he doesn't hate newbies.


MrAdventure Feb 4th, 2003 11:06 PM

Name- Chris
Age- 20
Job- House Bitch
Where you at?- Springfield, OR
Why did you start posting?- TO GET ATTENTION.
How long have you been on the board?- Around February of 2002.
Hobbies- Art Shit, Exacerbating Friends and Relatives.
Favorite Music/Band- Ol' ROCK AND ROLL, ELO
Favorite Book- Felton and Fowler's Best, Worst and Most Unusual.
Favorite Movie-"The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover"
Who do you hate most on this board?- INTERNET TRAILER TRASH, Generic garbage, Repetitious dregs of ignorance.
What is that smell?- BURBANK'S PERFUME.

Geggy Feb 4th, 2003 11:11 PM

Name- Greg
Age- 24
job- Manager of a Janitorial Supplies company.
where you at?- Salem
why did you start posting- To humor myself.
how long have you been on the board- Too long.
hobbies- Biking, snowboarding, water activities.
fav. music/band- Tool, Primus
fav. book- Webster Dictionary
fav. movie- Scarface
Who do you hate the most on this board- Jamesman, MBurbank, Evil Robot
what is that smell- Moisterizer chapstik smeared on my lips

edit: forgot to add Evil Robot, is all.

Evil Robot Feb 4th, 2003 11:32 PM

Everybody stop hating jamesman, your gonna make him cry!

James Feb 5th, 2003 12:09 AM

job- Manager of a Janitorial Supplies company.

AKA: The Janitor King! :eek

KevinTheOmnivore Feb 5th, 2003 12:12 AM

Name- Kevin Barry Patrick Sullivan
Age- 22
job- College Student
where you at?- Albany, NY
why did you start posting- Because I just did.
how long have you been on the board- I dunno, since before ezboard.
hobbies- reading, sleeping, eating, listening to music, etc.
fav. music/band- i dunno.
fav. book- "The Third Policeman" by Flann O'Brien
fav. movie- Ghostbusters
Who do you hate the most on this board- I don't hate anybody.
what is that smell- What, er, the rock is cookin...? :/

soundtest Feb 5th, 2003 12:14 AM

Name- stephen
Age- 25
job- animation post production & internet tech. support
where you at?- ottawa :(
why did you start posting- i spammed some 8bit remixes i did in the art shit forum and people didn't flame me :eek
how long have you been on the board- a year or so
hobbies- making welfare beats for video games that don't exist and never finishing anything
fav. music/band- LMF, Skinny Puppy, Amon Tobin
fav. book- marabou stork nightmares
fav. movie- depends on my mood
Who do you hate the most on this board- me :suicide
what is that smell- :melt

edit: i put soundetest as 'name' :dunce

Anonymous Feb 5th, 2003 12:18 AM

Name- RE
Age- 27 :( soon to be 28 god help me :(
job- jobless
where you at?- the capital of the confederacy
why did you start posting- rog made me / to piss people off
how long have you been on the board- since the beggingingings
hobbies- erm. ? wow. I don't think I have a hobbie
fav. music/band- don't have one
fav. book- don't have one
fav. movie- don't have one
Who do you hate the most on this board- the people
what is that smell- me. fo sure :(

theapportioner Feb 5th, 2003 12:25 AM


Anonymous Feb 5th, 2003 12:27 AM




James Feb 5th, 2003 12:44 AM


And Doopa, you have no reason to be feeling old. You are quite far from being old. But if that doesn't reassure you, we'll just have to wait for Max to reply.

Spooky Feb 5th, 2003 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jamesman


dad? :(

Hobo Renee Feb 5th, 2003 12:58 AM

Name- Hobo Renee
Age- 16
job- student
where you at?- The greater Sacramento valley region
why did you start posting- I wanted to save the UCB
how long have you been on the board- 2000-2001?
hobbies- guitar, painting, reading, writing
fav. music/band- SLEATER-KINNEY
fav. book- Bee Season-Myla Goldberg
fav. movie- Hairspray
Who do you hate the most on this board- This stupid kid at my school:(
what is that smell- school lunch

poopyone Feb 5th, 2003 03:03 AM

Name- Nate
Age- 20
job- None at the moment :(
where you at?- Canada
why did you start posting- Yes
how long have you been on the board-Lurking for months, posting for days.
hobbies-Candlelight dinners, the smooth stylings of Kenny G and romantic walks on the beach.
fav. music/bands-Alkaline Trio, Reggie And The Full Effect, and The Ataris.
fav. book-I don't know.
fav. movies- Half Baked, The Big Lebowski, Jason X ( :love Uber Jason), Dead Alive, and Strange Brew among others.
Who do you hate the most on this board- Error, sorry I mean "3rr0r" EDIT: I almost forgot about Dane Brammage. He sucks ass too.
what is that smell- He who smelt it dealt it :smartypants

FS Feb 5th, 2003 03:11 AM

Renee is 16? From her pictures I thought she was like, in her twenties. I suck at guessing ages.

Name- Juns
Age- 20
job- hahaha. hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
where you at?- the Netherlands
why did you start posting- Jamesman pointed me to the lost PSAs. Eventually I checked out more of the site and got hooked on the Picture Captions forum.
how long have you been on the board- I forget, exactly. Started somewhere in 2002. Maybe even 2001.
hobbies- Anything that distracts me of the gothic poem that is my life :tear
fav. music/band- the Foo Fighters
fav. book- Bag of Bones
fav. movie- Currently... I guess Fellowship of the Ring.
Who do you hate the most on this board- No one in particular, at the moment.
what is that smell- Nothing. I don't know what you're talking about. Stay away from my basement.

Jixby Phillips Feb 5th, 2003 04:16 AM

where you at?- DONALD DUCK
why did you start posting- DONALD DUCK
how long have you been on the board- DONALD DUCK
hobbies- DONALD DUCK
fav. music/band- DONALD DUCK
fav. book- DONALD DUCK
fav. movie- DONALD DUCK
Who do you hate the most on this board- DONALD DUCK
what is that smell- DONALD DUCK

SUM Feb 5th, 2003 04:32 AM

Name- John
Age- 21
job- nothing
where you at?- Oklahoma
why did you start posting- I been posting for years
how long have you been on the board- Years
hobbies- DJing, music, producing
fav. music/band- jungle / DJ Marky
fav. book- Cyberia
fav. movie- Backdraft
Who do you hate the most on this board- You
what is that smell- cigarette smoke

LegoLars Feb 5th, 2003 06:02 AM

Name- Lars Erik Bonde Skagerstam
Age- 19
job- student. (of life?)
where you at?- Trollhättan, Sweden.
why did you start posting- newgrounds brought me here. :(
how long have you been on the board- the new boards? 2 of febuary 2003. old ones march 2002.
hobbies- Gaming, drinking and bananas.
fav. music/band- Megadeth. (yeah i know)
fav. book- benrangel by Stephen King
fav. movie- right now? Resevoir Dogs
Who do you hate the most on this board- pub for not posting. We had something man!
what is that smell- MR FART FOR PRESIDENT!

Slinky Ferret Feb 5th, 2003 06:26 AM

Me and other wondeful stories...
Name- Mel
Age- 21 (22 in July!)
job- Student and I've just lost my job at M&S and gained one at Libary
where you at?- South Coast, UK
why did you start posting- 101101 made me
how long have you been on the board- Since 2000 I think
hobbies- Music, Web Design & Development, Watching films
fav. music/band- Iron Maiden
fav. book- Lord Of The Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
fav. movie- I love loads The Crow, The Mission, LOTR etc.
Who do you hate the most on this board- Anyone who posts disgusting pictures
what is that smell- The kitchen, I need to wash the damn floor!

Helm Feb 5th, 2003 08:37 AM

Name- Telemachus Stavropoulos
Age- 18
job- No.
where you at?- Athens, Greece.
why did you start posting- some AGS folk decided that a monkey island flash joke FS did (I think) deserved TEH BOARD WARS, and I just kinda stayed after it was over.
how long have you been on the board- Not sure. Must have been a while. not here for much longer either.
hobbies- Composing music ,drawing, pixeling.
fav. book- Still 'Fucault's Pendulum' by Umberto Eco.
fav. music/band - Metal of all kinds/ Psychotic Waltz
fav. movie- Brazil
Who do you hate the most on this board- The new bunch of newbies is particularily detestable
what is that smell- Doopa. For sure.

Xylitol Feb 5th, 2003 09:16 AM

Name- Jan
Age- 17
job- none
where you at?- Norway
why did you start posting- Dunno
how long have you been on the board- 3-4 days
hobbies- cars, PS2, beeing boring
fav. music/band- Nirvana, Eminem
fav. book- The car design year book 2002
fav. movie- Le Mans
Who do you hate the most on this board- Dunno
what is that smell- it's the rotten :meat

JeefGyle Feb 5th, 2003 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Jamesman
I like how he says he hates Jerseyboy and Rongi, then says he doesn't hate newbies.

I meant I don't hate newbs for being newbs. Not that I like all of them. Jerseyboy and Rongi have been here longer than me, so from my view they here long time :bow

george Feb 5th, 2003 10:08 AM

Name- george

Age- 31

job- Wide Area Network Service Delivery and Implementation Project Manager.

where you at?- maryland

why did you start posting- i had read everything else on the website and finally clicked the link for the forums.

how long have you been on the board- since 9/04/01

hobbies- this is it.

fav. music/band- jim croce, tool

fav. book- the old man and the sea by hemingway

fav. movie- reservoir dogs

Who do you hate the most on this board- no one. i honestly like everyone, i just like teasing people even more.

what is that smell-it is the pure scent of my hypocrisy.

slavemason Feb 5th, 2003 10:44 AM

Name- Randall
Age- 32
job- I work in a plant that makes kegs.
where you at?- South Carolina
why did you start posting- Seems like alot of assholes here
how long have you been on the board- I haven't started yet
hobbies- Playing music: bass, ukulele, lapsteel, banjo, etc...
fav. music/band- Ted Tourette and the Hushpuppies
fav. book- I like all those Jack Chick Christian Tracks
fav. movie- Forbidden Zone, Shakes the Clown, Jesco the Dancing Outlaw.
Who do you hate the most on this board- Me
what is that smell- Me

Les Waste Feb 5th, 2003 10:53 AM


Name- Telemachus Stavropoulos

Buffalo Tom Feb 5th, 2003 11:01 AM

Name- John

Age- 30

job- Software engineer for a company that makes VR devices.

where you at?- Half-way between pastoral naivete and world-weary sophistication.

why did you start posting- I'm an attention whore.

how long have you been on the board- February 2001.

hobbies- Looking for love in all the wrong places.

fav. music/band- When I'm trying to impress cute indie rock girls, the Clash or the Pixies. In truth, the Bay City Rollers.

fav. book- Where the Wild Things Are.

fav. movie- I waiting until 'The Matrix: Revolutions' and 'The Return of the King' are released before I decide.

Who do you hate the most on this board- I'm generally apathetic to most of you.

what is that smell- Teen spirit.

mburbank Feb 5th, 2003 11:13 AM

Name- Max
Age- 40. That's right, you punk ass kids. I got nothing to lose. YOU HEAR ME?!
job- Museum exhibits flunky
where you at?- Salem, MA. The town so nice they put a lot of innocent folks to death and then creqated a tourist industry based on it.
why did you start posting- I'm a staff writer for Mockery.
how long have you been on the board- More than a year, but it seems ever so much longer.
hobbies- enui, skulking, withdrawl, see-sawing between disbelief and self loathing that am I answering this questionaire seriously thereby proving my commitment to art does not equal Jixby's.
fav. Music- The Residents, Brian Eno, Robyn Hitchcock, They Might be Giants, Michael Nyman
fav. book- John Crowley, Ian Banks, Phillip Dick,
fav. movie- The Loved One, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Naked Lunch, Blue Velvet, Sunset Boulevard
Who do you hate the most on this board- Hate is such a strong word. I hate you all.
what is that smell- That question stinking up an otherwise innoucuos survey

Geggy Feb 5th, 2003 11:24 AM

I'm dead to the world! dead to the wooooorld! whooooo! I'm Mr. Spooky and I like to scare the kids out of the toooown! whooooo!

Helm Feb 5th, 2003 11:39 AM

I have a friend whose name is Sosimpandros Mpirtahas. That's so- sEE - mpa -dros, bEE - rtah - haS.

Greece is cool.

mburbank Feb 5th, 2003 11:40 AM

Geggy; Salem totally 'rocks'. How can you hate me when all I know about you is your user pic which I like? Do you know me? Is this some awful sort of stalking that ends with my death? God, I hope so. Who do you like better, our sad little witch community or the Victory Chapel and their astounding seven person congregation?

sspadowsky Feb 5th, 2003 11:51 AM

Name- Sam
Age- 26
job- IT monkey
where you at?- Nebraska
why did you start posting- Found the site via Abbreviated. Life. Expectancy. on mp3.com. Plus I crave attention and vaildation by others, because I am a needy fuck.
how long have you been on the board- Since June 2000
hobbies- Guitar, reading, baseball
fav. music/band- Tom Waits, Clutch, Barkmarket
fav. book- The Long Walk by Stephen King
fav. movie- The Usual Suspects, anything else where there are no good guys.
Who do you hate the most on this board- Every single one of you bastards.
what is that smell- The smell of oppression by The Man.
Big Tits Mature

glowbelly Feb 5th, 2003 12:08 PM

Name- Karen
Age- 27
job- Office slut
where you at?- northcoast
why did you start posting- Mockery made me do it
how long have you been on the board- September 15, 2000
hobbies- i like takin' pictures and reading comic books and other books and i like postcards too. boys cry around me a lot.
fav. music/band- beck, bjork, ella fitzgerald, pixies, radiohead, the germs, x, angry samoans, la la la loooooooooooodles (that's the music in my head).
fav. book- Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace (i need my copy back from Protoclown because there is NO WAY IN FRIGGIN HELL HE IS EVER GOING TO READ THAT MONSTER)
fav. movie- Amelie and Raising Arizona
Who do you hate the most on this board- JERKSBY >:>:>:>:>:>:>:>: (just kiddin :lol), ummmm, i HATE, errrrrr, i'm not telling.
what is that smell- organza by givenchy. you like?

Mockery Feb 5th, 2003 12:10 PM

why did you start posting- Mockery made me do it

If I had a dollar for every child and serial killer that said that, well, I sure as hell wouldn't be posting in this thread. >:

Protoclown Feb 5th, 2003 12:43 PM

Name- Jason
Age- 25
job- Trying not to gouge my eyes out as I sit in front of a computer and wait for 5:00 to arrive
where you at?- Richmond, Va
why did you start posting- me and Roger go way back, like Lando and Han
how long have you been on the board- October 2000
hobbies- COMIC BOOKS
fav. music/band- Frank Black (with or without the Pixies), Tom Waits
fav. book- Sandman
fav. movie- The Seven Samurai, The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Who do you hate the most on this board- Too apathetic to care
what is that smell- Bitter disappointment.

timrpgland Feb 5th, 2003 01:23 PM

Name- Tim.......
Age- 20
job- Internet Tech
where you at?- Minnesota
why did you start posting- I enjoyed the site.
how long have you been on the board- I guess it would be about a year now
hobbies- video games, hanging out, snowboarding, walking since I don't have a car (it is fucking freezing here).
fav. music/band- Operation Ivy
fav. book- Words of Power: Castlevania 2 (haha) I dunno, maybe Game of Thrones.
fav. movie- Memento, Fight Club, Empire Strikes Back, Clerks
Who do you hate the most on this board- I don't really hate anyone here.
what is that smell- Defeat

noob3 Feb 5th, 2003 02:27 PM

Name- Chuck Baxter
Age- 16
job- Professional Asking My Parents for Moneyer
where you at?- Oklahoma City
why did you start posting- I did a google search for something and I never left :(
how long have you been on the board- A year and some month agos
hobbies- eating, sleeping
fav. music/band- i'm illiterate
fav. book- i'm illiterate
fav. movie- i'm illiterate
Who do you hate the most on this board- jeefgyle
what is that smell- me

Generator86 Feb 5th, 2003 03:00 PM

Name: Jeremy
Age: 26
job: receptionist/bass player
where you at: Wisconsin
Why did you start posting?: Boredom, I suppose.
How long have you been on the board?: A few days.
hobbies: Reading, playing bass, video games, drinking myself into a drunken stupor, making out with my girlfriend, Pokemon.
fav music/band: Bad Religion, Propagandhi, Dance Hall Crashers, Pig Destroyer, Mr. Bungle.
fav book: Not sure, probably anything by Andrew Vachss or Chuck Palahniuk.
fav movie: Fight Club, Orgazmo, UHF.
Who do you hate most on this board?: Nobody, really.
What is that smell?: The dog. I'm sure of it.

ItalianStereotype Feb 5th, 2003 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Generator86
making out with my girlfriend, Pokemon.

i think somebodys not telling the truth....

noob3 Feb 5th, 2003 04:38 PM

maybe his girlfriend is named pokemon

mburbank Feb 5th, 2003 05:16 PM


GET IT?!?!


[size=x-small]fuck all you guys anyways[/size]

Les Waste Feb 5th, 2003 06:21 PM


fav. book- Words of Power: Castlevania 2 (haha)
OMG!! I had that!! I also had the one for Mega Man 2 and Ninja Gaiden. I think I had more too, but I can't remember.

Generator86, where in Wisconsin do you live? Maybe we can "hang out" or "chill." :)

But most importantly, you're a secretary. Hahahahaha.

Rev. Danno Feb 5th, 2003 06:23 PM

Damn, I'm so glad I posted this...
So many of you I like more all ready.
Proto...Fav. Comic books? For me it's anything hellboy, preacher, & Batman.
Max You have been my Hero sience your first Mini mock...
Rog, Where is your info?
Post damn you!

James Feb 5th, 2003 06:28 PM

I think I still have the one for MM2. God, that was a piece of shit book.

ItalianStereotype Feb 5th, 2003 06:35 PM

i had the blaster master one :/

Les Waste Feb 5th, 2003 06:58 PM

ogha;liu;laoufpoaugtawflijqw OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THE BLASTER MASTER ONE!!!!!! :eek :eek :eek



Mockery Feb 5th, 2003 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rev. Danno
Rog, Where is your info? Post damn you!

Alrighty, here ya go Danno.

Name- -RoG-
Age- 26
job- Webmaster of I-Mockery (and seeking freelance web design projects)
where you at?- Richmond, VA (Cheapville, USA)
why did you start posting- I have no fucking idea.
how long have you been on the board- Since the dawn of time.
hobbies- Guitar/Keyboards/Singing, writing humorous web pieces, games, toy collecting, and I just started Tae Kwon Do lessons.
fav. music/band- Faith No More, Bad Religion, Cynic, Nine Inch Nails, Queensryche.
fav. book- The "Choose Your Own Adventure" series:love
fav. movie- High Strung (there is no substitute)
Who do you hate the most on this board- Who DON'T I hate?
what is that smell- Hopefully a nice tax refund.


James Feb 5th, 2003 08:10 PM

You know what CYOA books were really good? The Nintendo ones. They had little games and items that you'd play to determine your path sometimes.

ItalianStereotype Feb 5th, 2003 08:12 PM

i remember those too...i only had the super mario bros one though...

James Feb 5th, 2003 08:34 PM

We should write new ones, filled with adult themes.

"Mama mia!" exclaimed Luigi. "Bowser's running a drug trafficing business in the Mushroom Kingdom! We've got to stop him."

Mario slapped Peach across the face, and tossed her a crumpled up five-dollar bill before pulling his overalls back on.

"Yeah, I hear ya, bro. That's fucking lizard's got another thing comin, if he thinks he can muscle in on our drug ring..."

-If you want to go to the hermaphroditic porn shoot to see Toad, turn to page 50
-If you want to visit Yoshi, turn to page 17
-If you want to go kick back a 40 and then go gangbanging on some whack Goombas, turn to page 20

Rez Feb 5th, 2003 08:44 PM

Name: Alan
Age: 17
job: student
where you at: Davis, California
Why did you start posting?: renee told me to.
How long have you been on the board?: about 6 months.
hobbies: Reading, video games, music, radio DJ.
fav music/band: Underworld, Autechre, Radiohead, Boards of Canada.
fav book: Red Dwarf (better than life) by grant naylor, Fight club by chuck P. No Logo from Naomi Kleine.
fav movie: silence of the lambs, fight club, ususal suspects, killer klowns from outer space, dancer in the dark.
Who do you hate most on this board?: i remember there was someone but he left so it doesnt matter.
What is that smell?: WHO FARTED >:

Zomboid Feb 5th, 2003 09:13 PM

Name: Like hell
Age: 15
job: No
where you at: Somewhere in Alberta (Canada, morons)
Why did you start posting?: Mock suggested it after my horrible comics submitted for pixel pals
How long have you been on the board?: Since early last june
hobbies: Video games and movies
fav music/band: Classic rock and some theme music
fav book: The instruction booklet that came with my ps2...who would've seen that ending coming?
fav movie: Dawn of the dead or from dusk till dawn
Who do you hate most on this board?: No one right now
What is that smell?: I smell nothing, now go away >:

Jixby Phillips Feb 5th, 2003 09:51 PM

Name- Luke
Age- 19
job- Usher at Cinemark Movies 10, the fast food of movie theaters
where you at?- Redding, CA
why did you start posting- Mockery made me do it when I spammed him with my retarded geocities site.
how long have you been on the board- 3 years this July. fucked up, I know.
hobbies- videos and laughter
fav. music/band- BANDS
fav. book- BOOKS
fav. movie- MOVIES
Who do you hate the most on this board- !!!!
what is that smell- DONALD DUCK :lol

Zero Signal Feb 5th, 2003 09:52 PM

Name- Jason
Age- 26
job- Overnight Transportation call center / private web dev
where you at?- Midlothian, Va (just outside of Richmond)
why did you start posting- I thought it would get rid of this rash
how long have you been on the board- a few years
hobbies- web dev, video games, guitar
fav. music/band- Queensryche, Machines of Loving Grace, Nightwish, Journey
fav. book- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series
fav. movie- Full Metal Jacket, Star Trek 2, Dune
Who do you hate the most on this board- me
what is that smell- my optimism rotting in a ditch

Thetawaves Feb 5th, 2003 10:03 PM

Name- Doug >:
Age- 15
job- Student/Work at Library (kinda)
where you at?- Long Island :)
why did you start posting- Lurked for a long time, finally decided to post
how long have you been on the board- a few months
hobbies- video games, music, art
fav. music/band- System Of A Down, Radiohead, Sublime
fav. book- I don't know :/
fav. movie- Don't really watch movies, but A Beautiful Mind was pretty good
Who do you hate the most on this board- You know who you are
what is that smell- My dog, unfortunately. I'm serious :(

Ninjavenom Feb 5th, 2003 10:16 PM

Chuck Baxter

That's the coolest fucking name ever. Better than Helm's. :eek

Zomboid Feb 5th, 2003 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jixby Phillips
Name- Luke


Rongi Feb 5th, 2003 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Jack Skellington

Originally Posted by Jixby Phillips
Name- Luke


My name means toilet :(

Jixby Phillips Feb 5th, 2003 11:06 PM

People saying "Luke, I am your father" to me all the fucking time made me fucking hate star wars.

JeefGyle Feb 5th, 2003 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Rongi

Originally Posted by Jack Skellington

Originally Posted by Jixby Phillips
Name- Luke


Check it out, the first triple quote!

Ninjavenom Feb 5th, 2003 11:12 PM

Har Har, Rongi's name is LOO. :lol

Zomboid Feb 5th, 2003 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jixby Phillips
People saying "Luke, I am your father" to me all the fucking time made me fucking hate star wars.

Oh shit, don't even get me started on that shit. Do people honestly think I've never heard that fucking joke before?

Edit: Rongi, trust me, you've got it easy name-wise compared to all the lukes of the world :(

Darryl Feb 5th, 2003 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jixby Phillips
People saying "Luke, I am your father" to me all the fucking time made me fucking hate star wars.

Yeah, I get, "Hey Darryl! Where's your other brother Darryl?"
:rolleyes >:

James Feb 5th, 2003 11:27 PM

Ronji's name must be Lou, John, or Shitter.

JeefGyle Feb 5th, 2003 11:39 PM

most likely, but what is Rongi's name?

Les Waste Feb 6th, 2003 12:33 AM

I'm glad I have a normal name like Chris :)

sadie Feb 6th, 2003 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Les Waste
I'm glad I have a normal name like Chris :)

now, that's irony. :lol

Protoclown Feb 6th, 2003 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Jixby Phillips
People saying "Luke, I am your father" to me all the fucking time made me fucking hate star wars.


Ihach Feb 6th, 2003 01:26 AM

Name- Dan
Age- 18
job- i wish....
where you at?- outside o' toronto, canada
why did you start posting- moment of weakness
how long have you been on the board- almost a year now
hobbies- video games, drinking, being a jerk
fav. music/band- Tool, Sublime, Bad Religion
fav. book- Rising Sun by Michael Chricton
fav. movie- tough one.....LotR of course, Excalibur, Forrest Gump
Who do you hate the most on this board- JeefGyle irritates me for no apparent reason
what is that smell- I'd also say Doopa

Rev. Danno Feb 6th, 2003 01:29 AM

I Have to put up with shit like... book'em Danno, Oh Danny Boy.... & Daniel my Brother....

CastroMotorOil Feb 6th, 2003 02:55 AM

Name- Andy
Age- 18
job- Stock shelves for Farmer jack grocery store
where you at?- Livonia is a suburb of Detroit
why did you start posting- started in the metal forum then the forums changed.
how long have you been on the board- would guess aroung 6-7 months lurking just started posting.
hobbies- video games, drinking, hanging out w/ teh girlfriend, the secks
fav. music/band- Pantera, Down, Superjoint Ritual, Cannibal Corpse
fav. book- Belgarath the Sorcerer by David Eddings
fav. movie- Lotr, and the Star Wars movies
Who do you hate the most on this board- anyone who made fun of jersy's dad, that crossed the line and was not even funny at the same time.
what is that smell- my roommate at college.

kinot Feb 6th, 2003 03:31 AM

Screw it >:

kinot Feb 6th, 2003 03:36 AM

edit: double post >:

FS Feb 6th, 2003 06:46 AM

Wow, Mock is younger than Doopa :eek :spice :bowtie

And kinot, I hate to ruin the effect of your sig, but no, vegans do not eat eggs. :(

Mockery Feb 6th, 2003 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Jixby Phillips
People saying "Luke, I am your father" to me all the fucking time made me fucking hate star wars.

Yeah, I bet it's just about as fun as hearing "Roger That!" and "Roger, Roger." and "Roger Dodger!" GOOD TIMES! :lol :party :lol

Thetawaves Feb 6th, 2003 08:36 AM

If people hear my first name, they're like " Oh, like that show? Do you watch that show? I love that show!" It's very annoying. >: And you should hear the dumbass comments people make about my last name >:

mburbank Feb 6th, 2003 10:03 AM

I'll tell you waht, nobody gives me 'jive' about my name, see? 'Cause the furst thing they hear after "MAX BURBANK" is the sound of my fist rearanging their nose.

No "Beautiful downtown" , No "Spermbank"

Just "MAX BURBANK" followed by WADUHDGE!! right in the nose, and then them crying for their mama. I'm that crazy, man.

That crazy.

george Feb 6th, 2003 10:29 AM

try being named george.

the dumb one in of mice and men was lenny fuck faces!!!!!

and try seeing the little shadow cross behind a chics eyes hen she hears that your name is the same as the famous nursery rhyme rapist Georgie Porgie.


mburbank Feb 6th, 2003 10:37 AM

Your all a bunch of crybabies! Don't like your name? CHANGE IT!! YOU CAN DO THAT, YOU KNOW, THEY INVENTED CHANGING YOUR DAMN NAME!! Why don't you ALL take a sick day, go down to your local notary public and have your name changed to Mr. Big Fucking Crybaby.

If someone even looks like they're going to give you shit about your name, JUST BUST E'M IN THE CHOPS PRE-EMPTIVELY before they even get the chance!

Or say " know you are but what am I?" and then whatever they say, say the exact same thing back but in a high, nasal voice, and prance around while you say it.

george Feb 6th, 2003 11:01 AM

thank you for kicking me in my moment of glorious self pity.

i wont forget it >:

mburbank Feb 6th, 2003 12:06 PM

forget what?

george Feb 6th, 2003 12:10 PM


Generator86 Feb 6th, 2003 01:27 PM

It doesn't happen too often anymore, but a couple of years back, fucking everybody thought it was hilarious to sing that god-damn Pearl Jam song to me. The worst thing is that I used to like that song. Those fucking bastards.

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