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MockBot Dec 1st, 2008 03:01 AM

Tales From the Longbox 30: "Frank Miller Spiraling Out of Control"
Automatically generated comment thread for Tales From the Longbox 30: "Frank Miller Spiraling Out of Control".

Mockery Dec 1st, 2008 03:11 AM

The Joker's henchmen are now half-naked Nazi women!? Holy shit, Batman! Frank Miller, you have truly outdone yourself. "Goddamn" Batman indeed!

GreyWeirdo Dec 1st, 2008 03:48 AM

The Crazy Neo-Nazi chick is in Dark Knight Returns too. She's on like one page, but she's there. Frank must have a 'thing' for her, which is sadly the least creepy 'thing' he's had so far.

All Hail Duke Dec 1st, 2008 04:22 AM

this...is so beyond fucking nuts

Purple Man Dec 1st, 2008 05:15 AM

Holy clusterfuck, Batman! Joker's sure got a thing for crazy blondes. As an old Babsy fan, I did kinda like her role in this - but Yvonne Craig, it is not.

Note how Yellow Batman, without his mask, resembles that famous mugshot of a dead-eyed paint huffer, his chin covered in gold paint? Probably not a coincidence.

For that matter, isn't Fraulein Swastika Boobs a Golden Age Wondy villain, or something? ("Wicked witch of Lesbos Island" - my LOL of the week).

g_tonttu Dec 1st, 2008 05:47 AM

Oh man...Frank must be so brilliant the rest of us just cant keep up.

Who...I ask you, who would have come up with combining neo-nazi nakedness and the Joker.

...oh and props for you Proto for not puting any caption under that image, it is indeed true what you say; "There is no caption that can do this image justice. "

Pentegarn Dec 1st, 2008 06:02 AM

If all comics were this out there, I would spend all my money on comic books

Odworthy Dec 1st, 2008 06:22 AM

'Damn you and your lemonade' - I feel the uncontrollable need to repeat that to each and every person I meet. God bless Frank Miller and God bless you, Protoclown for making my week.

Commanderraf Dec 1st, 2008 09:21 AM

"Don't try to confuse me!" And Green Lanter's expression made my day. I'm thinking into changing my avatar to that.

Thanks Protoclown, for another fine article.

darkvare Dec 1st, 2008 09:46 AM

is the art by jim lee cause i like it but i think is wasted witht this weird story

Gourry Dec 1st, 2008 10:45 AM


Green Lantern wanted to conjure up some mustard for his hot dog, but he was powerless to do so because it's yellow :(
The frowny face makes this comment full of win

Doctor_Who Dec 1st, 2008 11:15 AM

We don't tolerate bad writing from bad writers, why do we tolerate it from good writers? Seriously, if you had never heard of Frank Miller and you picked this up you'd be taping his picture over Rob Liefeld's on your dartboard before you'd finished the first page.

Drunken_Lemur408 Dec 1st, 2008 11:43 AM

I really love the freaky bug eye that GL has while he's on the ground gasping for breath. Damn you Frank Miller for satirizing Hal Jordan.

HowardC Dec 1st, 2008 11:56 AM

For some reason I see an image of robin getting the crap beaten out of him for bringing home pink lemonade instead of regular. "Oww Stop Hitting ME! You just said to get some lemonade! Seriously, how was I supposed to know?"

Julio Dec 1st, 2008 12:00 PM

I know what my school project will be... Forget about software retail shops, forget about a law firm... What I must open is a fast food chain oriented to satisfy the needs of every superhero during a nocturnal shift.

Green Lantern: Hey, good ol' Silver, how's it going?
Silver: Not bad Lantern, not bad...
Green Lantern: Everything going OK with business?
Silver: It pays the bills...
Green Lantern: Great. While you're at it, can I have a something to go? You know I can't be seen eating here...
Silver: Only if you got the cash, bum. There's now way in hell I'll keep sticking those hot-dogs and sodas to your tab.

captain516 Dec 1st, 2008 12:52 PM


The Crazy Neo-Nazi chick is in Dark Knight Returns too.
So does that mean this is all a prequel?

homor Dec 1st, 2008 02:04 PM

i don't know if theres anything i can say that can do justice to how bad and batshit insane this comic is.

jo8136 Dec 1st, 2008 05:17 PM

wow. wow. love the look on the dying Gl's face!

Primortal Dec 1st, 2008 05:51 PM

I agree with Doctor Who, if this was anyone else writing this, we'd be badmouthing them like there was no tomorrow, but because it's by Frank Miller, we're apparently supposed to give him a pass???

Sorry, but no, Frank Miller is long past his prime, (and possibly f'n insane) and this series has been nothing more than a pathetic waste of time and Jim Lee's talent.

Stop letting Frank Miller play with Batman, he's obviously no longer competant enough for the job, or has long since become tired of having to constantly return to this character for the past decade, when he clearly said all he needed to say in DKR.

The utterly stupid and craptacular "Dark Knight Strikes Again" should've been a clear indication that this guy should no longer be allowed near anyone else's characters but his own.

greenimp Dec 1st, 2008 06:44 PM

@purple man: how else woiuld miller get these FANTASTIC ideas from?

Beardy Goodness Dec 1st, 2008 07:34 PM

I nearly peed myself with laughter at neo nazi chick.

Redem Dec 1st, 2008 09:26 PM

Can someone care to explain to me why the joker have the tatoo of a dragon in his back usually its a cliché tatoo reserve to asian characters

Godzilla Dec 1st, 2008 09:30 PM

Man, I gotta pick up some of these comics. Crazy shit...

Also, the "sara" chick Gordon's obsessing about im presuming is Sara Essen. Who he has a bit of an affair with in "Batman: Year One".

HeroliciousDeBlanc Dec 1st, 2008 11:51 PM

Fast hands, big mouth. Sweet gams that go on for days... Hold on let me just show his thighs in his Robin outfit... Mmmm, sassy.

Protoclown Dec 2nd, 2008 12:21 AM

GreyWeirdo: You're right, I didn't even realize! It's been about eight or nine years since I've read Dark Knight Returns so I'd totally forgotten that! Good catch!

Darkvare: Yes, the art is indeed by Jim Lee.

Doctor_Who: You bring up a very good point. I've seen lots of reviewers giving this series a free pass, primarily because of that. Sad thing is that I've heard it's DC's best selling title for the past couple years (I have not verified this). Of course, I have to admit that I myself have enjoyed it immensely, because it's just so fucking insane.

Primortal: Sadly, if All Star Batman is making the kind of money I indicated up above, I'm afraid DC will continue letting Miller piss all over their characters. At least if my childhood heroes are going to be perverted though, we can try to have a sense of humor about it...of course, it's not hard to find the humor here.

Godzilla: Good catch. I haven't read Year One in a long time, so I never would have remembered that. That's surely who it is since Miller wrote both of those stories.

Thanks to everyone who enjoyed this piece.

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