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Jun 16th, 2004 02:46 PM
Bush wasn't notified of the full scope of this issue. And the abuse that was happening he said to "take care of it" and deal with it and have the situation rectified.
prove it
Jun 16th, 2004 10:31 AM
mburbank Ronnie, as to Moore's motivation, 'prove it'.

You're like a guy about to be run over by a truck who's so busy complaining about the gum someone spit out in the crosswalk he won't get out of the way.

Moore did a bad thing. We agree. But he's a film maker. Crimes of omission happen all the time at some level.

You go right ahead nd focus your laser like intelligence on this tiny fraction of the world scene.
Jun 16th, 2004 08:06 AM
Dole 'euro elitists'
Jun 15th, 2004 08:46 PM
Ronnie Raygun Prisoner abuse happens on some level all the time everywhere.

Bush wasn't notified of the full scope of this issue. And the abuse that was happening he said to "take care of it" and deal with it and have the situation rectified.

Moore had direct knowledge and did nothing so that he might make a buck and win a few awards from some euro elitists.
Jun 15th, 2004 07:23 PM
ziggytrix Like Bush gives a damn what them good ol boys in the Pentagon do, as long as he gets results.
Jun 15th, 2004 05:48 PM
AChimp If Bush didn't know about it, he's an incompetent head of state for not knowing what his military is doing, either by sheer ignorance or through the choice of people that he has working for him. If he did know about it, he's an asshole for not ordering an end to it right away.

Both are bad for him.

And he rapes babies.
Jun 15th, 2004 05:19 PM
Drew Katsikas
Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun
"Two people covered up one thing that needed to be known."

prove it.
Do you really think Moore knew before Bush? If so, isn't that complete ineptitude?
Jun 15th, 2004 05:00 PM
ScruU2wice Google search Shows:


Secondly, No matter how much you argue over this, you have to admit that the prisoner abuse videos would have a different impact, if it came from Moore. :/
Jun 15th, 2004 04:52 PM
Ronnie Raygun "Two people covered up one thing that needed to be known."

prove it.
Jun 15th, 2004 04:21 PM
Drew Katsikas Sure it does. Two people covered up one thing that needed to be known. One runs the country, the other is a fat jackass. The one who runs the country is dutifully obligated to report this, the sensationalist retard, only morally. Therefore, the president has failed to do his job, whereas the "documentary maker," is merely a sack of shit citizen. He shouldn't be under 1/100 of the bad press that Bush should get. No argument.
Jun 15th, 2004 03:25 PM
Ronnie Raygun "Moore did a bad thing. Bush did worse." - cap. bub.

hold on there! This has nothing to do with Bush....other than that you are on the right track...
Jun 15th, 2004 02:38 PM
CaptainBubba Max and Scru pretty much said my response Ranx.

Moore did a bad thing. Bush did worse. Does it make it ok that Moore did a bad thing? No. We all understand that the actual acts taking place were horrible. Moore had a personal moral responsibility to report them. Not a professional one. Although considering he is a figurehead of the compasionate liberal demographic it does seem rather odd that he would decide to withhold information on the suffering of others till he could use it in his little "documentary".
Jun 15th, 2004 01:01 PM
mburbank I think Moore should have reported this stuff right away, and simply eaten whatever criticsim came with it.

Of course, the red cross already reported it to the administration, and the first guy they sent out to 'investigate' said nothing out of the ordinary was going on.

Nalds posted this not because of hat he thinks of Moore, (A given) but to reinforce his belief that we'd all leap to Moores defense. I think he did the wrong thing, I wish he'd done otherwise, but I don't think he needs defending in any case. He's not in the military, he didn't commit these crimes, he didn't ask lawyers to lay legal groundwork for commiting these crimes, etc, etc, etc.

Again, I think he had a moral obligation to turn this stuff over immediately. I think he failed. That his mortvation was profit is speculation, and no more justified by the article than my theory that W's motivation for invading Iraq is his twisted relationship with his father. My point is, the number of people on the list above Moore who need defending for their actions in this situation is really, really long before you get to Moore. Mayeb at some future point it will be worth spending time on Moores culpability for abuse that took place during the months he knew and the time 60 minutes first publicly aired the photos. But before we get there, a whole lot of actively involved parties need to be... examined. Maybe if we hooded them, stripped them and set dogs on them the process would go quickly enough that we might get to Moore in the next decade.
Jun 15th, 2004 12:14 PM
hey bubba, if moore is a very very bad person why would he struggle on the issue of forwarding the footage? wouldnt he just hide it and make up some story about how he couldnt release the footage?
why would he admit his faults if he were so bad?
Just because you admit you're wrong doesn't make you a good person. Just because he struggled with a decision doesn't make his choice anymore right or wrong. Hiding the footage would just make even more of a douschebag than he already is

I despise anyone who is either completely Liberal or completely conservative. Hence I despise Micheal Moore, because since his one tooled out acceptance speech about bush. He's perhaps the most whiny person ever.
Jun 15th, 2004 11:45 AM
ranxer hey bubba, if moore is a very very bad person why would he struggle on the issue of forwarding the footage? wouldnt he just hide it and make up some story about how he couldnt release the footage?
why would he admit his faults if he were so bad?

plus the stories that came out about abuse BEFORE moore had his footage were being met with accusations of anti-americanism and were being blacklisted from the mainstream. i read many reports just a couple months after the war started but only in the alternative media, and those media outlets were often severely attacked or ignored.
Jun 15th, 2004 11:17 AM
CaptainBubba I saw a black child getting beaten today in the middle of the street by police officers for no reason, but yunno, really, honestly, thats none of my business. As a citizen I really don't have to report stuff like that, because, heck, I wasn't the one beating him and really the police shouldnt have been doin it in the first place! I'm in the right guys, aren't I? I'm still a morally sound and ethical individual right?

For the love of fuck you assholes will do anything to dissagree with Ronnie, or for others, agree with Moore. This was a very very bad thing he did. He had information that probably could've led to earlier action in fixing the situation in Iraqi prisons and he didn't for reasons concerning public fucking opinion on him. Thats horrible. Hes a horrible person, and you cannot dodge that.

And I'm extremely anti-war and anti-bush, as most libertarians are, so alliegances to politcal agendas and the like have no bias on my opinion in this matter. Moore is a douchebag no matter what case hes fighting for.
Jun 15th, 2004 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun
You could care less. All you care about is using it as an issue to bash Bush over when it really has nothing to do with Bush.

For more than a month you've been screaming about coverups and now that your personal Jesus, Michael Moore, is involved in a coverup....you refuse to condemn his actions....

I'm just exposing you for what you are...
Let me explain something to you, jerky: I know jack shit about Michael Moore. I've never read any of his books or seen any of his movies. I may have read an op-ed somewhere along the way, and I think I saw his TV Nation show once or twice. Got it? While I'm sure he's much more in the neighborhood of my political views than, say, Bush, I really know very little about the guy. I also said that exactly to what extent he is a hypocrite, or is at fault, remains to be seen.

But I'll bet you that he DIDN'T know about it as early as the administration did, because, again, the administration approved and condoned the tactics that are the focus of this scandal. You're not exposing anything other than your typical partisan jackassery.
Jun 14th, 2004 08:42 PM
ScruU2wice Well with any luck Moore won't profit at all from this movie and it'll go down the tube, but we can only hope... :/
Jun 14th, 2004 07:04 PM
ranxer the bush administration takes the cake in coverups.

starting with the election, on to 9/11, support and use of known felons, corporate preferential treatment, reasons to go to war and on and on.

there's more than a few previous administration officials talking about it as well as several dozen books and hundreds of articles, but i guess their hard to find :/
Jun 14th, 2004 06:56 PM
AChimp You're right. I don't need to care because it wasn't my country's soldiers doing the torturing.

You've only brought this up because, *gasp!* there was someone on the left who didn't run screaming to the "liberal" media when they found out.

You still haven't explained how Moore did this to score more money, which WAS the original intent of this thread, wasn't it? Or did you mean to type "Moore is a hypocrite" rather than "MICHAEL MOORE KEPT IRAQI ABUSE QUIET TO MAKE A PROFIT"? That's rather Vinthian of you, Ronnie, but when have we ever been able to expect anything else?

The article makes no mention of him doing this for extra money; in fact, he claims to have done it to avoid being perceived as only seeking attention. Had Moore exposed this himself, rather than letting a reliable news outlet do it, it's quite likely that the whole issue would have been whitewashed as exaggeration because Mooer "lies."
Jun 14th, 2004 06:44 PM
Ronnie Raygun I don't worship W....never have. But if I found out that he personally attempted to cover up Iraqi abuse instead of trying to do something about it I would say that it was an incredibly shite thing to do.

The fact that you can't shows that you don't really care and that it only matters if it suits your political agenda.
Jun 14th, 2004 06:36 PM
AChimp And you can keep worshipping W's shit and proving ours.
Jun 14th, 2004 06:30 PM
Ronnie Raygun Whatever.....just keep supporting Michael Moore and proving my point.
Jun 14th, 2004 06:28 PM
AChimp Yes, yes, Ronnie, we're all hypocrites and you are a blind sheep.
Jun 14th, 2004 06:20 PM
Ronnie Raygun You could care less. All you care about is using it as an issue to bash Bush over when it really has nothing to do with Bush.

For more than a month you've been screaming about coverups and now that your personal Jesus, Michael Moore, is involved in a coverup....you refuse to condemn his actions....

I'm just exposing you for what you are...
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