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Apr 30th, 2003 04:18 PM
mburbank Hee hee.

'Burbank' him.
Apr 30th, 2003 03:44 PM

This phrase is one of the many titles of the concept many have around the world about being a society that does not need leader, govt or Supreme Being to dictate the course of our actions.
This is the first sentance of the first article on your site.

At first read I honestly couldn't figure out what you were saying. But after reading it two or three times, breaking it down as I went, the meaning became more clear.

What I think you are trying to say is that the phrase All Indians/No Chiefs is a title given to the concept that a society does not need a leader, govt or Supreme Being to dictate the course of it's actions. Many people around the world believe in this concept.

I'm not trying to Burbank you here. I am honestly trying to get you to look at your own work as another person would. You may know what you were trying to say, but will they?

My S/O is laughing at me right now. He has me proofread all his papers for college for just this reason. Though he often jokingly points out that it is unfair that his un-edu-ma-cated girlfriend is proofing his papers for readability.
Apr 30th, 2003 03:04 PM
mburbank See, Vince? THAT's why I started posting stuff from your site. Because your whole argument that you just don't give a crap about your I-mockery posts is garbage.

You don't do one damn thing Vibe was nice enough to detail for you. You work is slipshod and lazy and your articles and rants are only marginally better than the off the top of your head stuff you favor us with.

That's the MAIN reason I take off after you. You have this GIGANTIC ego, you boast about how you can back it up and all you offer is pap, regurgitation, spleen, and crap.

Show some self respect. Do a little work, think before you type, if you're going to call something an 'article' or 'essay' or even 'rant'
for God's sake do more than one draft.

And stop telling yourself you don't care. Horseshit. If you didn't care you wouldn't bother. You came here thinking you could make 'libs' look 'stupid' and that it would be 'fun' to be an asshole. You've certainly garnered lot of attention, but that's what a laughingstock does. This isn't one of your "I-Can-Hardly-write-a-sentence-but-boy-do-I-hate-the-same-
folks-you-hate" sites. Drop your lame former fat boy chip on shoulder chest puffing and try writting sentences that actually express what's in your head. Work at it, at least on your own site... Hard work is good for you.
Apr 30th, 2003 02:08 PM
The_Rorschach I saw the movie, and it was crud. Poorly researched, he put more of an emphasis on sensationalism and headlining than in-depth disclosure of facts. But thats Moore, he's to Liberals what Boortz, O'Reilly or Limbaugh are to Conservatives.

Leave Hannity alone, he's a cut above those maggots
Apr 30th, 2003 01:51 PM
ranxer vince, did you see the whole movie or just a promotional clip?

the 'promotional' video i saw was less than ten minutes long..
the movie was over an hour and a half..
i didn't get to see 100% of the movie yet because there was something wrong with the sound system at the theater i went to in chicago. hah, the volume was at like 180% and blowing our eardrums .. i was in the lobby trying to get them to fix it for at least 5 min.. i'm sure it was an innocent mistake, heh.. then again i wonder.
Apr 30th, 2003 01:01 PM
Anonymous In Real Life he is brilliant
How do you think he gets all those fine ladies?
Apr 30th, 2003 12:52 PM

I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt here.
Apr 30th, 2003 12:47 PM
Protoclown Actually Vibe, have you taken a look at that piece of shit? It's pretty obvious he DOESN'T care about it.
Apr 30th, 2003 12:28 PM
Chicken F'ker


It's not just here. You come across this way on your own site. Which I am assuming you do care about.
Apr 30th, 2003 12:25 PM
VinceZeb Vibe, I already do all of that. It's not that I am lazy on here, it's that I just dont care.

I do love the Farva reference though. I to sometimes perfer a goddamn Litera Cola.

He's actually a one-eyed Social Services worker named Petey, Max. And why the hell are you bringing up Tibetians? What the hell do they have to do with anything?
Apr 30th, 2003 12:03 PM
mburbank Oh, boy.

See now, what Vibe just said? That's what I'd be saying if I was much, much, much, much nicer than I am. It was direct, truthful, to the point, kind and what you need to hear. Treat your ambitions with some respect.

Oh, and is your convenient friend with the 'promotional' DVD a convenient Tibetan, a hot li'l Latino, or a submarine throwin' away roomate?
Apr 30th, 2003 11:56 AM


Please take this as the honest advice it is meant to be. If what you say is true, and you only throw things around because liberals do, you should stop. It does nothing to support your stance on any issue, and actually makes you look like a back peddling hypocritical ass. Base your arguments on what you actually believe and you will not only be taken more seriously, you will sound more intelligent and the ground you stand on will be more solid.

Most of the time, I can see what you are trying to say, but it does get muddled in what appears to be your desire to immitate the talk radio hosts you admire. Unfortunatley, your presentation comes off more like Rod Farva in Super Troopers.

Take the time to learn to present your case clearly before you try to make jokes on the subject. Especially if you really want to go into talk radio. (That was you right? I ain't goin' searchin' for dat piece of info) Talk radio hosts are masters at making other people look like fools, not themselves. Slow down, especially when you are writing something and think about how it is going to come across to people other than yourself. Can it be misconstrued? Is there another side? Does it make sense? Try to be objective when you are discussing something. Be open to other views. You don't have to agree with them, you just have to accept that they exist. And that they may be just as valid as your view if you actually look at them with something less than a closed mind.
Apr 30th, 2003 11:52 AM
VinceZeb My friend had a DVD copy that was a promotional tool.
Apr 30th, 2003 11:42 AM
mburbank YOWTCH! Ya got me there, pard! If there's two things I am it's a Jew and a shitty speller.

Seriously, you actually saw it? You plunked down your hard earned post tax dollars and sat in a movie theater and saw it? Honestly? I mean only you know if that's true or not, but I have to ask, why?
Apr 30th, 2003 11:38 AM
VinceZeb Racism isn't my main argument about gun control. It's unconstitutional. That is my main argument. I use the race argument because liberals love to throw it around. And since liberals "care" about minorities so much (especially during voting times), I want to see how they react to it.

But the school comparision doesnt make sense. If a school wants to be known as a black school, let it. I wouldn't go to Bob Jones University because they are a bunch of fundie Bible thumping sheep fuckers and they wouldn't go to Notre Dame because their ignorance of the Bible and common teachings would be shattered, plus we have a rule about not screwing our own kin.
Apr 30th, 2003 11:03 AM

Please explain to me how gun control and private schools are even alike in the public debate?

Possesion of weapons is given to us in the 2nd Amendment. Private schools are there for EVERYONE, as long as you can afford to pay. There are BLACK schools, Vibe.
Gun control IN THE PAST had some basis in race.
Private schools IN THE PAST had some basis in race.

Now you bring up the second ammendment. The last two times that gun control was brought up your first line of defense was Black Man With a Gun. All I am saying is that using racism as your main quailfier for why you don't like something makes you look hypocritical when the same argument can be used for something you support. And don't try to tell me that you were differentiating between legal and social. You were talking about racism plain and simple. And just in case you still want too, might I remind you that it was social racism that caused racist laws to pass in the first place.
The second ammendment issue I can't disagree with. But then, that was not what you brought up first.

Black schools.....um......duh. I was hoping you'd go there. I just want to thank you for mentioning that private schools are racist NOW as well as IN THE PAST. You saved me the trouble.
Apr 30th, 2003 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by mburbank
Say Vince, ever seen "Bowling for Cloumbine"?
Nope, but I have seen "Bowling For Columbine".
Apr 30th, 2003 09:54 AM
mburbank Say Vince, ever seen "Bowling for Cloumbine"?
Apr 30th, 2003 09:39 AM
VinceZeb Please explain to me how gun control and private schools are even alike in the public debate?

Possesion of weapons is given to us in the 2nd Amendment. Private schools are there for EVERYONE, as long as you can afford to pay. There are BLACK schools, Vibe.

The whole voucher movment is very simple: The money that Ms. Jones pays for her kid out of her taxes to go to a shitty public drug ridden school is then given to a private school that will allow her kid to get a good education. Private school students PAY for public schools. They should be able to get a tax credit based on the tuition they pay for private schools. It creates COMPETITION! Competition elimateds the sucky schools and raises the bar on ALL schools. The kids and parents win. The Teacher's Union ends up looking stupid.
Apr 29th, 2003 09:29 PM

Ror -

I agree with both you and Blanco, however I am only talking about the race issue. Not the legal issue.
I tend to take things down to their most base point. In this case racsim. Legal or social, racism is racism.

Vince is crying racism when it comes to gun control, but not when it comes to private schools. Not to mention he is talking about the past when he does, not the present. And remember, he lives in the present.....at least when it comes to museums. With gun control it's okay to live in the past so it seems.

I was only trying to show that he is picking an choosing. Just like the killing / murder issue in another thread.
Apr 29th, 2003 09:19 PM
theapportioner Private v Public... what about affirmative action in a private versus public university? Question for everyone.
Apr 29th, 2003 08:51 PM
The_Rorschach With all due respect, they aren't all that similar however.

I believe in absolute freedom absolutely. I am more than willing to tolerate racism in the private sector, assuming that racism is not endorsed publically. By which I mean, lets say a privately-owned Golf Club decides it does not wish to allow anyone with white fingernails to join. I believe this is their perogative, so long as the prejudice is passive i.e. they are simply refusing admittance to such individuals and not seeking them out and setting fire to their front yards.

Institutionalized racism however, such as laws, should be race neutral. I don't believe the gun laws of old were racist. Alright, cheap pistolas were illegal to sell. The argument goes, Well, The Blacks Were The Poorest So Thats An Example Of Whitey Trying To Keep Them Unarmed! Not so. Poverty is an equal oppourtunity lender, and (debatable) statistics have shown that more whites than blacks were adversely affected by that law. In number only, however, not by percentile, it should be noted.

I'm afraid I stand by Blanco on this one Vibe
Apr 29th, 2003 08:34 PM

Blanco -

My point was...that Vince, who doesn't live in the past like all those museum lovin' people, keeps spouting off about how gun control laws used to be racist while something he is so in favor of, private schools, used to be just as racist.

How was that for a run-on sentance?
Apr 29th, 2003 07:49 PM
El Blanco
Private schools were to originally designed to keep the rich away from the poor. Most of the poor were Black or Mexican. Guess what........racist.
Calm down. Private schools were meant for the rich, but they were equal opportunity excluders. Black, white, Mexican, Indian, as long as you were poor, you were out.
Apr 29th, 2003 07:24 PM

Gun control was originally designed to control Blacks and is racist

Illegalizing marijuana was originally to control Mexicans and is racist

Private schools were to originally designed to keep the rich away from the poor. Most of the poor were Black or Mexican. Guess what........racist.
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