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Dec 14th, 2007 02:34 PM
El Blanco Who wants to watch a game full of Canadians?
Dec 14th, 2007 02:16 PM
AChimp I think they should kick all of those bums out. Afterwards, baseball could return to its roots of being played by overweight, middle-aged drunk guys.
Dec 14th, 2007 02:00 PM
El Blanco Stanton was a Met for about 2 weeks.

Anyway, ya, the whole thing was a dog and pony show. There is nothing that can be considered solid evidence (although, I'm willing to bet Mitchel wouldn't have exposed these names without a little more than the word of a guy copping a plea). Clemens was already brought up last year. Nobody cares about Velarde, Hundely, and Joyner.

I say anyone that you can't confirm after 2003 gets off the hook. After all, the owners and writers knew and didn't do shit until then.

I'm wondering will this turn into an new witch hunt. What if teams use this as bargaining leverage when players negotiate contracts?

"We'd like to give you the money you're asking for, but you've been mentioned in steroid talks. We can't take that chance now."

It doesn't even have to be true. Someone just needs to "leak" it.
Dec 14th, 2007 12:50 PM
KevinTheOmnivore STANTON WAS A MET!

This list is crap, in my mind. This isn't a comprehensive list of anything, and it's based partly off of a guy who wants to flip on people to lessen his own jail term. I was listening to some legal pundit talk about it this morning, and he made a couple good points: 1. If you aren't going to bring charges against the listed, then you've basically slandered them throughout the publc, and 2. you wouldn't rely simply on a rat to convict a person.

Guys like Clemens and Tejada--guys that are immortals, or still playing, or both--have the money and the players union behind them probably to defend their name.

What about a guy like Randy Velardi? He tried shit, supposedly, at the end of his career, but unless he wants to start his own lawsuit against MLB there's little he can do. Guys like CLemens will fight this and try to create a public debate...Velardi is just a juicer, and will forever be a juicer, b/c nobody cares otherwise. Sort of sucks for him.
Dec 14th, 2007 10:40 AM
El Blanco OK, I'm about ready to punch every member of the Baseball Writers of America.

And the more I read from them, the more I want to punch the pretentious, self important, pompous hypocrites. They have the nerve to say that Clemens or Bonds don't go to the Hall of Fame and that they wouldn't vote for any player accused of steroids. These assholes were covering the players in the 80s and 90s and knew what was going on. they decided not to say anything. And now, they are using their votes to punish certain players.

I think if you covered these guys and never mentioned anything, you lose your vote.

I think the only person I've agreed with so far from that group is Buster Olney. He may be going a little overboard, but at least he isn't being two faced about it.
Dec 13th, 2007 10:21 PM
KevinTheOmnivore Oh, and btw, you might want to check out which team Stanton was playing for when he made his first HGH purchase. Tisk tisk.
Dec 13th, 2007 10:18 PM
KevinTheOmnivore Andy--if you believe his accuser--didn't start until after his injury, which was after the championships. Strike one.

John Wetteland was the closer in '96, Rivera set him up. Stanton didn't join the Yanks until 1997, and was never ever the closer. Strike two.

Clemens was a virtual non-factor in '99 for us, although he pitched well against Seattle and Oakland in 2000. The Oakland series was especially big, but guess what? He was pitching against another juicer, Jason Giambi. So let's call it even.

Strike three!
Dec 13th, 2007 09:16 PM
El Blanco Petite was there for all four.

Mike Stanton was the closer in 1996.

And you know why Clemens got run out of Boston. Out of shape, broken down, lost it.

suddenly a few months later in toronto, he starts a Cy Young campaign.
Dec 13th, 2007 06:20 PM
KevinTheOmnivore B.S.

He came along for the last two, and can hardly take credit for the winning the rings.

Let's not forget that this list is not comprehensive...this is who they could actually accuse. There is no paper trail leading to Clemens or Pettite, just the word of one guy. I know this is how a Mets fan will rationalize their team sucking at life. Maybe Cameron and Lo Duca should've taken more.
Dec 13th, 2007 05:26 PM
El Blanco Hey Kevin,

Dec 13th, 2007 12:35 PM
HungryWantBiddy told you
Dec 13th, 2007 12:13 PM
El Blanco Roger Clemens on 'roids? Gee, couldn't see that coming. not like he's a bulging freak prone to violence or anything.
Dec 13th, 2007 10:37 AM
Geggy god damn it

Nov 26th, 2007 05:56 PM
Dr. Boogie I was talking with a buddy from my old job the other day, and he was telling me about how he and all the other game testers are bored out of their minds testing the new baseball game. Basketball was fairly entertaining, but there's just so very little variation in a baseball game, just selecting different pitches and lineups, with nothing like play-calling or the like. Oh yeah, buy College Hoops 2k8. Your favorite college is probably in there somewhere, there's so damn many teams.

Also, I did think it was kind of crummy that Barry Bonds made it into the Hall of Fame, but I don't mind it now so much seeing as his record-breaking ball has that asterik branded on it.
Nov 23rd, 2007 01:58 PM
george don't forget the newports and fat redheads geggy, hank could not get by on food alone.
Nov 21st, 2007 11:56 AM
KevinTheOmnivore This thread is so oligopolistic.
Nov 21st, 2007 10:52 AM
El Blanco Do you know that children are different from adults? That your metabolism decreases as you get older?
Nov 21st, 2007 10:25 AM
HungryWantBiddy You may say a lot, but I'm still right.
Nov 21st, 2007 12:48 AM
MattJack yall niggaz is gay
Nov 20th, 2007 11:04 PM
Sethomas Oh. Sorry, I just read your flailing attempt at screwball psychoanalytical ad hominem as just kindergarten mud-slinging. I didn't respond to it because that would, you know, feed the trolls. I mean, it's not like there's a staggering precedent of sedentary and obese fans of professional sports, right?

So, no. I've been in competitive sporting teams for a strong majority of all my years of education and beyond. Four different sports, in fact.

You're unfounded in your claim that I'm not interested in discussing sports, I'm just not interested in discussing them in a light that you'll agree with. Your insistence that I find professional sports retarded because I'm not good at sports would be like claiming that Preechr or KKK or Blanco support an unregulated market because they're millionaire industrialists, or that Max supports civil liberties because he's a gay flag-burner who enjoys recreational abortions. Extrapolate from that, and the rest of your post is meaningless.

Anyways, here's a fun fact I once read about PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL: a young child (I forget how old) will burn as many calories playing in a pool or whatever on a summer day as a professional athlete will on gameday. I find the physiology behind that pretty amazing, and not in a positive way coupled with the fact that we pay athletes millions and heroes such as Mr. Bonds can't even keep up his end of the bargain without steroids.
Nov 20th, 2007 11:47 AM
HungryWantBiddy haha, yowza. "the Peewee Herman School of Rhetoric".. that actually made me laugh. Lighten up, Seth. You've proven your intellectual superiority...and my point, again.

Let me clarify this time, so you don't miss it:

You're a nerd. A loser, with nothing better to do than to troll a low-traffic forum and try to shoot others down. Why do you do that? Methinks it's because you were always picked last. Which, if you had been paying attention rather than seeing how far you could cram your nose up your own ass, you would have already known. I'm not interested in philosophy (maybe I'm just too dumb), so I don't give my input when others are seriously debating it. You obviously are not interested in discussing sports, so why did you post?

ANSWER: you're a loser, and you were always picked last.
Nov 19th, 2007 06:31 PM
Sethomas Okay, I'll get to you eventually Blanco, but first I have to remind Hungryhungryhippo that he's retarded. Just a sec.

Hey Hungry! I see what you did there with the whole, "you proved my point" thing without making any link as to what the flying fuck you're talking about. A surprise move indeed, I had no idea you studied in the Peewee Herman School of Rhetoric. Oh, and the inclusion of the hyperlink in your ridiculously prolix quotation of the board's name was a nice touch. I can't really see how it was at all necessary, but perhaps it's a bit much to ask you to say things purposefully.

Okay, Blanco. I saw this thread as an invitation to discuss professional sports in general because there's no reason in hell why the titular issue of Bonds being indicted should come as any shock nor should meet any opposition. I mean, if I were to make a post saying, "Alan Greenspan depletes ozone layer with burning of polyester American flag", with my intent being to express the idea that the ozone hole is a straw man argument, then I wouldn't be altogether surprised if someone started talking about the Federal Reserve or the right to burn the flag.

And by the way, I don't feel guilty for shitting on a pointless institution because it involves lots of money and lots of history. The money part is horrendously oligopolistic, and I'll point out that racism, xenophobia, and high cholesterol are all just as or more intimately tied to American history as professional sports.
Nov 19th, 2007 05:39 PM
El Blanco
Originally Posted by Sethomas View Post
Actually, no. And since this is about professional sporting and not sports in general, that question is about relevant as my asking you if your fecal complex lasted until eighth grade. But, you know, with your primarily (and probably only) sports-related posts in the philosophy forum demonstrating you to be illiterate (well, maybe you read and understood my post, but made a retarded non-sequitur comment anyways because you were offended and you had to do something, I dunno), I guess I should thank you for proving my point.

You came into a topic on an internet message board you have no interest in and no knowledge of just to tell a bunch of people they are stupid for being concerned with a multi-billion dollar industry that has deep ties to American history. I'm sure you realize this a text book example of trolling.

Apparently, you were looking over the boards and decided there were too few douchebags around, so you increased their ranks by 1.

Well done, sir. Well done indeed.
Nov 19th, 2007 12:59 PM
HungryWantBiddy Also, I didn't know this was strictly a philosophy forum. If I read correctly, and I did, it's the Philosophy/Sociology/Religion/Politics/News/etc. forum. Thanks again, Seth.
Nov 19th, 2007 12:53 PM
HungryWantBiddy No, Seth. Thank YOU for proving MY point.
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