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Oct 28th, 2003 11:02 AM
Drev I wish one day they can sentence people to death just for an overabundance of stupidity that cause them to do stupid actions and their reason (or blame) is stupid.

I really hope this lawsuit gets thrown out, and the morons put to death at the age of 19 (It won't happen ). They probably just did it for the money thinking it'll work, and it slowly seems to be working.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised that a parent sues Namco for having a child OD on pills while he was playing Pac-man OR he took pills, thought his brother was a ghost, and proceeds to resort to cannibalism. :/
Oct 28th, 2003 03:11 AM
Zbu Manowar Isn't it common procedure to sentence them to a harsher sentence? Most of the time the children are treated as adults and given heavy sentences that really put a dent in any chance of a future. Maybe because in this case of the GTA lawsuit?

Either way, throw the book at them. Fuck it.
Oct 28th, 2003 02:30 AM
James Well, it's nice to see that there's little debate here on the stupidity of the situation. But let's shift gears to another aspect of thise story.

They are sentenced to a juvenile facility, and will be released when they're 19. And as far as I know, that's it. They commit that kind of crime, and serve 5 and 3 years, then are released back into society.

Am I the only one who sees what's wrong with that? They're 14 and 16, and they fired shotguns at passing cars, killing someone. They should be old enough to be tried and sentenced as adults, given their sage and the severity of the crime. And unless I'm missing something, they're getting away with it.
Oct 28th, 2003 01:22 AM
The_Rorschach I don't see a problem here, really
Oct 28th, 2003 12:13 AM
Zbu Manowar Should I just title that 'Modest Proposal 2' and leave it at that?
Oct 27th, 2003 11:55 PM
Oct 27th, 2003 11:27 PM
DJ Potatoe I'll pretty mcuh just say ditto. Everyone has pretty much said what I feel.
Oct 27th, 2003 08:53 PM
Zbu Manowar Blaming guns is just another way to heat up this debate. These kids were responsible for their actions because in their retarded minds, they thought they were being cool.

But to really prevent this from happening again, let's do this: every parent can win millions with these kinds of lawsuits if they do the following:

1) Give up any right to your children legally. Sign them over with no chances of getting them back. Winning the settlement requires this, no loopholes. You are too unfit a parent if you honestly believe your children is this stupid and you have 'no effect on his behavior.'

2) Your child--or ex-child--will be considered too retarded to interact with society and will spend the rest of his life in a drug-induced coma to prevent any further 'outbursts.' The coma will insure he receives no further 'inspiration.' If chosen, your child could be put to sleep at age 40 to prevent wear and tear on the American economy.

3) Both parents will be sterilized immediately. Since their child is 'uncontrollable' it stands to reason not to let these two people procreate anymore to produce more defective children. Both parents will field the expense of this punishment.

4) Fellow siblings will be sterilized and placed into drug-induced comas or on fifteen-year suspended sentence. Any criminal action will result in the former of those sentences.

5) All immediate family members will be moved to a detainment center in the middle of Montana, a five mile by five mile square of land in which, removed from the society they cannot be trusted to enjoy, they will live out their lives until dead. Extended family members will pay double their taxes plus a $10,000 yearly restitution which will incur fines if not paid by the due date.

6) All possessions (including stocks and bank accounts) will immediately be seized, excepting settlement which will be used to pay punishment fees (if applicable).
There. If people don't want to take responsiblity for themselves, they they should not be allowed in society at all. A bit extreme, but I doubt anybody will try to get rich after that. A few million dollars will hardly be useful if comatose or in the middle of nowhere to spend it on.
Oct 27th, 2003 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by El Blanco
Off the top of my head: Switzerland. You have to spend time in the military and join the militia to be a citizen. Everybody keeps an assault rifle in their closet and is trained how to use it.
I think that's the whole point right there: The Swiss are TRAINED how to use them.

A 14 year old kid waltzing into his grandfather's arsenal room has not had formal training in weapons combat or anything of the sort.

The problem also is, either the kid was blatantly stupid ("who knew I'd hurt someone by shooting them?"), uninformed (but then, soccer moms hardly have time for life's little lessons, hmm?), or that this kid was just straight out of the gate sadistic.

Now, if the third choice is the case, could you feasibly sue a game manufacturer because your kid is a fucking nutcase?
Oct 27th, 2003 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by kellychaos
I blame Ozzie Osbourne for all the ills of our youths! He's been spreading evil for decades and did anyone think to stop him I ask you?!
@ Kellychaos
Oct 27th, 2003 05:04 PM
kellychaos I blame Ozzie Osbourne for all the ills of our youths! He's been spreading evil for decades and did anyone think to stop him I ask you?!
Oct 27th, 2003 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Immortal Goat
Jesus fucking Christ! I have had it with people so pathetic that they need to find a scapegoat for everything that happens to them! "McDonalds made me fat.", "GTA made me murder.", "It's that 'Devil Music' that did it." JUST FUCKING OWN UP TO YOUR OWN SHORTCOMINGS!! If you are so weak as to blame other people for your decisions, then just take that goddamned shotgun and fucking shove it up your ass and pull the trigger!

I am an avid gamer! I take offense to this shit! I don't go around with a sword throwing people into the air and then shooting the living shit out of them and then blame Devil May Cry, do I?! The video game industry is not forcing people to do this. If they were, than EVERYONE who has EVER played a viloent game would be committing unspeakable crimes every day! As it is, all we have are a few snot-nosed, shit-for-brains asshole kids fucking other people up! SOMEBODY KILL THOSE FUCKERS NOW!!!
Exactly right! COMPLETELY bloody correct!!! Further more, Ginmortal hit it right on the head as well when pointing at the parents!!

I think that if it were up to most parents today, they would just rather find someone else to give birth to their children, just so they don't have to take the responsibility anymore!! The same thing applies to the upbringing of their children...it always HAS to be someone elses fault when THEIR kids mess up!!
Talk about over-used rhetorics to avoid the TRUTH: "its the schools that are to blame", "its the teachers that are to blame", "it is a MUSIC LYRIC that is to blame", "it is a VIDEO game that is to blame" I am so sick of hearing that kind of BLAH bullshit!

It really makes me wonder, after all these years of gaming, why I (or ANY of the many people who I know like to play games) haven't picked up a weapon and gone completely bezerk.

When will parents grow up and face THEIR bloody responsibilities, so that the rest of us can live in peace?!?!

Maybe, when I have "off'ed" a few of these kids and got busted, I can say: Well, its because, I was learning from these parents see? ......
Oct 26th, 2003 08:20 PM
Skulhedface Well sure, because the amount of good games out there that also happen to graphically depict brutal murders is declining.

If you want your statistics to catch up, call your video game companies RIGHT NOW and tell them to not make their next bloody violent death-fiesta so sucky.
Oct 26th, 2003 08:16 PM
The One and Only... Am I the only one here who realizes that as gun ownership has increased in the U.S., the violent crime rate has decreased? Or how about Britain (or was it just England?), whose violent crime rate has been increasing since they passed complete gun control?
Oct 26th, 2003 07:17 PM
AChimp You parents didn't pay attention to you. They coddled and babied you.

Controlling what games you played when you were 16? Gay.
Oct 26th, 2003 05:44 PM
ginmortal I don't know much about anythig, however, I have the feeling that bad parenting is the source to most problems.

Let's look at some other lawsuits that have been filed,
WWE sued by parents of kid that ended paralyzed from practicing "backyard wrestling" (I can picture it, Mom, can I borrow the cheese grater to use it on Jimmy's face?)

Mcdonalds sued by fat kid's parents (Mom, I'm hungry, could YOU please fix me something? I'm kinda tired of Big mac's? What? No, ok, I'll have the quarter pounder with extra large fries with dripping oil and extra sugary sprite)

Those are the other fivolous lawsuits I can remember right now.

In all cases, where were the parents when these kids got the Videogame?, I can't remember buying a videogame by myself at the age of 16, it usually meant going to the store with my mom or dad and basically having to run the story behind the game before he/she bought it for me, sure it was embarassing, but now I know that it worked for them, because they were getting informed of what type of game I was playing. I landed my first real job at 18 and by that time I was well aware that you couldn't pull off somebody's skull from the body just like depicted in Mortal Kombat.

It's usually the parents that have to attend to several things at the same time that forget to supervise the children, most parents think that videogames are a simple cartoonish fantasy that will get the kids off their backs so that they can have time to manage the household and leave time to play cards or watch the game.

Shit, if my parents hadn't paid attention to me, I'd probably would be prize fighting brazilian green mutants, hindu stretching men or Spanish gay bullfighters with hokey masks.

It's pathetic
Oct 25th, 2003 04:26 PM
kahljorn I think what's funniest is after they get the 246 million they'll have enough money to buy every violent video game/movie ever produced. OH GOD NO, WHAT WILL HAPPEN THEN?

I think it would be ironic if they did reward them with money, but then only gave them(and their parents) access to barney and other lovey dovey things... under strict probation. If they violate the terms they will goto jail for a few years.

No eatting meat either, cause it was violently slaughtered.
Oct 25th, 2003 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by soundtest
Why did these kids start shooting at cars? Because they had access to guns, that is all there is to say. Blame whoever allowed them access to guns through stupidity or neglect, or change the gun laws so it won't be an issue.

Virtually every other country in the world has GTA, The Matrix, 'devil music', and everything else that is attributed to child violence, yet these type of crimes are almost specific to the US. The only other variable is the access to firearms.
Now that you clarified yourself, I kind of agree. Stupid people should not get firearms, and the difference between America and other countries (as far as I can tell) is not that guns are controlled better elsewhere but that citizens are more responsible. I think the variable is not access to firearms so much as cultural stupidity.

And while we're at it, I think they should not be allowed access to air or water either.
Oct 24th, 2003 11:10 PM
El Blanco Off the top of my head: Switzerland. You have to spend time in the military and join the militia to be a citizen. Everybody keeps an assault rifle in their closet and is trained how to use it.
Oct 24th, 2003 11:08 PM
soundtest READ:

I'm not blaming guns, I'm blaming the idiots who are careless with them and their care.

Which countries have access as open as the US?
Oct 24th, 2003 11:01 PM
El Blanco
yet these type of crimes are almost specific to the US.
No. Only the asshole defense is.

The only other variable is the access to firearms.
Actually, several other countries have access to firearms for citizens, but have no reported incidents like this.

Don't try and find another faceless object to blame. Thats what these poeple are doing.
Oct 24th, 2003 09:45 PM
Ninjavenom I'm just going to start walking around kicking 12-14 year olds in the dick. Maybe i'll kick the right one on accident.
Oct 24th, 2003 09:43 PM
soundtest Why did these kids start shooting at cars? Because they had access to guns, that is all there is to say. Blame whoever allowed them access to guns through stupidity or neglect, or change the gun laws so it won't be an issue.

Virtually every other country in the world has GTA, The Matrix, 'devil music', and everything else that is attributed to child violence, yet these type of crimes are almost specific to the US. The only other variable is the access to firearms.
Oct 24th, 2003 09:02 PM
James Well, the kids themselves said they were inspired by the game.

But like I said, inspiration is not grounds for a lawsuit, criminal charges, or even a letter from an angry soccer mom saying, "Shame on you!"

When 50,000 people of no relation to one another burst into rage all at once, and kill people by stabbing them with GTA disc shards, then I'll believe that it's to blame.
Oct 24th, 2003 08:39 PM
Oh man... these mass marketed murder lessons are ruining our great country, aren't they? I mean, you sell this game to SEVEN MILLION PEOPLE, and TWO RETARDS might go out and try to KILL someone!
I think this just shows, as others have said, how bad some people are at being parents.

Blaming a video game for your child's actions is avoiding responsibility for your own poor parenting and/or decisions. I find it interesting that parents blame this sort of thing on a game that, in many cases, THEY bought for their kids without bothering to look at ratings or content. If parents are so worried about video games corrupting their kids, why do they buy the games for them without doing a little research? And why don't they tell them that there is a difference between fantasy and reality? Little things like that could possibly prevent a huge problem later on.
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