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Feb 21st, 2003 05:57 PM
Anonymous "...Amber's Awesome Ambulances?"

Feb 21st, 2003 05:47 PM
Malevolent A "big dumb head" am I? Wooeee! Is that that there college-education talkin' there? So, how is Assclown College going?

In any event, allow me to first say that I actually had absolutely nothing to do with starting this thread. I did find it absolutely hilarious not because you were the target, but because the person responsible did such a fantastic impersonation of the person on whom Professor Poddar is based. Eventually, the thread completely ceased to have anything to do with you, so why are you crying?

I was very much introverted and avoided most social events in high school. I was very picky about my friends. I guess I was quite the elitist then. I was never bullied and have never had my head in a toilet, sorry to disappoint you. Since then, I'm not nearly as shy as I once was, but I'm still a bit picky hence my distaste for you.

So, when are you buying out the company for which I work? Are we going to have bright, rainbow uniforms and trucks when you do? Are you going to rename it Amber's Awesome Ambulances? Woohoo!
Feb 21st, 2003 02:27 PM
blah blah blah

This upsets me, Maybe I should start some threads about everyone on this board, and how Much you all suck, espeically when it turns into an even bigger suck thread, but only because carnie had to interfere cause hes a big dumb head!!!

Bitch, cry me a river and sail away on it.. if you dont like my name being mentioned then you need to grow up.. Have'nt we allready had this discussion many times befor, especially how you talk so much shit, but when it comes to backin it up you deny anything that happend. The great thing is the people who use this board to get out their child hood wishes to be the bully, so they arent picked on anymore.

Carni was it hard being the one beat up your whole life, and throw in the toilet because No-one cared???
Feb 21st, 2003 01:12 AM
Malevolent Whatever you say, my little pony.
Feb 20th, 2003 09:02 PM
Feb 20th, 2003 08:57 PM
Anonymous That was amazing.

It was like if Carnivore and Helm got together and had Captain Robo type something for them.
Feb 20th, 2003 08:55 PM
Professor Poddar Tex,
You're not worth spending any more time on. Consider yourself fortunate beyond all earthly measure that I, Professor Poddar, condescended, for a time, to interact with YOU. It's to be hoped that my superiority might inspire you toward, if not similarly lofty heights, then at least a bare measure of mental competence. We shouldn't hold our breath in regards to the above, but at least you have something to strive for, hmm?

A self-proclaimed victor? Splendid. Saddam Hussein announced to all who'd listen that he'd won the Gulf War in 1991, but... he didn't. I believe an aging Napoleon never admitted to defeat, even when he was scrubbing latrines in Corsican exile. But hey, if such delusional thinking got him through the day... you've not won this, and likely haven't emerged victorious from any scuffle, computer-based or otherwise, in your life.
That said, if my imminent withdrawal from this exchange makes you feel as though you've won, then I'm glad to have gilded your palm with such a guinea. Savor the taste of "victory", dear "winner". We're all very proud of you here.

(Cue imaginary pat on sadly real little head)
Feb 20th, 2003 02:04 AM
ItalianStereotype you are probably right, but i want to finish up with this thread since i wont be able to reply to it from tomorrow until sunday.
Feb 20th, 2003 12:58 AM
Carnivore As much as I loathe Texas (as it is a part of the South and the land of GW) and do not agree with... really any of your opinions (except on some of the fucktards that post here), I seriously doubt you've seen the last of Professor Poddar.
Feb 19th, 2003 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Chojin
You can have your gay thread. I'm not gonna stop you. :/
youre a part of this gay thread you know...
Feb 19th, 2003 09:58 PM
sadie me! dammit.
Feb 19th, 2003 09:57 PM
Anonymous You can have your gay thread. I'm not gonna stop you. :/
Feb 19th, 2003 09:55 PM
ItalianStereotype well, i guess this thread has pretty well lost its purpose, therefore i declare myself the victor.

unless chojin or carni want to do something about it
Feb 19th, 2003 09:48 PM
sadie me! me! me!
Feb 19th, 2003 09:06 PM
Carnivore Wanna fight?

Them's fighin' words!
Feb 19th, 2003 08:56 PM
ItalianStereotype yeah...it was about that time aim crashed, or else i would have ripped you apart with a scathing and witty repartee.
Feb 19th, 2003 08:53 PM
Anonymous StupadDago: dont like it, dont read it
Popndeth: ha ha ha
Popndeth: I didn't
Popndeth: I stopped after my brain fell asleep
StupadDago: most others seem to be entertained, you just have to be mr. im-too-cool-for-school. or whatever.
Popndeth: No, it was just really, really boring
Popndeth: I mean, it's obvious I already own you all, but that wasn't even on my mind
StupadDago: sorry, not all of us have the ability to fight solely with photoshopped pictures
Popndeth: That would be funny if it weren't based on something that happened over a year ago :/
StupadDago: it wasnt meant to be funny
Popndeth: well, you've nailed your target, then :/
StupadDago: well, unless you are planning on jumping in...
Popndeth: that doesn't even make sense
Popndeth: or is that part of what you meant?
StupadDago: brains just working too fast for you
Popndeth: So, from my data, you're shooting for nonsensical and lame, right?
Popndeth: This silence could mean anything...
StupadDago signed off at 8:44:50 PM.
Feb 19th, 2003 08:26 PM
Anonymous Could you kids please make some more really long, boring posts riddled with clichés?

Feb 19th, 2003 12:47 PM
ItalianStereotype its really not the same since you are a CHARACTER

i agree victory was confirmed-so why did you even bother to try? some kind of masochistic love of humiliation?

youre response was unsatisfactory, i smell blood...

you know, one would think that for somebody whose intellect is SO great, you would have been able to get that joke. although i suppose that its really not your fault. if you spend so much of your time wallowing in shit everyday, humor tends to escape you. keep working that toilet, you guys will get it some day...

hinduism...colorful and interesting? if beastiality ever had its own religion, that would be it.

i guess with your desperate desire to get out of the shithole that is india you would want to settle in the first place that didnt have animals shitting in the streets. boston just has homeless people shitting in the streets, so i guess that is a step up for you. although you really should have reconsidered, at least in india there were people who smelled worse than you.

now who are you?
Feb 19th, 2003 09:02 AM
Professor Poddar Victory, dear chappy, was confirmed well prior to this post- at the start of the thread or in the womb, depending on your perspective.
But if it makes you feel any better to believe yourself a spirited competitor, then by all means continue.
Am I to be impressed by a list of Indian names? Hmm... I think I'll start on a list of my own... Jim, Fred, Rick, David... nahh, stupid idea. You seem to be in denial- by shitting on various minority groups, you've overlooked the existence of fucking white trash. Recent arrivals to this country at least have the excuse of starting off in a wholly unfamiliar culture, but your kinfolk have no fucking excuse, having been there for ages. That alone deflates your previous challenge.
First off, not being- like, say, a Texan- possessed of limited mental faculties, I'm an atheist. That said, it's pretty foolish to place Hinduism in the same light as Christianity; the former at least has the benefit of being colorful and interesting. The latter simply would have you believe that a dead man rose for you. Great.
No one would deny that Christians are Premiere League fuckheads in the game of religion- devout Muslims, for example, however misguided they may be, at least actually believe in their religion. You and your Southern Baptist buddies are hypocrites and cowards.
Don't place my family on a level with yours- I come from an upper middle class family- one, I might add, that lives in the nation's 'brain', shall we say (i.e. metro Boston), and not in its arse (fill in the fucking blank). 24 states? Are you a fucking vagrant, or can mama and daddy simply not find steady work picking fruit?
Feb 19th, 2003 08:25 AM
slavemason Onetime I had a picture of a sexy cowgirl at work. We used to take long walks together on the roof, often we'd nap together. One day out of boredom, I colored her skin blue. She was even sexier. I'd like to have sex with a blue gal. Are there any in Texas or India?
Feb 19th, 2003 01:24 AM
Carnivore I want this to go on! It's extremely entertaining. I have a feeling I know who's behind this... I hesitate to call it a character because it so closely resembles an actual person, but I'm not going to ruin this fun!
Feb 18th, 2003 09:54 PM
ItalianStereotype gee, look at who thinks he is actually worth the curry some drunk fuck shit out.

you know what would be ironic? after talking sooo much shit, i end up being the only specialist who can perform the delicate operation required to keep you alive. know what i would do? i would make sure that your family was able to watch the operation, then i would make the first incision and piss in it. "SORRY LITTLE HABEESH, DADDY ISNT COMING HOME ANYMORE!"

who fits the bill? gee, in every state i have ever been in, all 24 of them, who do i see waiting tables, flipping my burgers, or begging for someone to put him out of his misery? plenty of mexicans and a fair number of INDIANS. thats right buddy, YOUR family: aditi, ahimja, akjay, babu, babar, ganesa, masheesha, bombu, karani, karkar, latika, vrinda, veda, monglor, sandya, sakti, ravi, ratra, zharlasma, thaman, lublor, blooblarg, apu, pandita, and lakosma all snaking the shit out of a backed up convenience store toilet. makes you proud doesn't it?

you want to bring religion into it? tired of pulling 50 year old hick jokes? ok fine, i would much rather be a christian than some silly fuck who worships elephants or drinks the same milk that a holy rat took a shit in. but thats just me.

this can go on for as long as necessary, you aren't going to win.
Feb 18th, 2003 07:52 PM
noob3 I like Lenor. She's my friend.
Feb 18th, 2003 06:36 PM
Professor Poddar What, I wonder, is considered an "upper class job" in Texas? Scraping the grill at Cousin Jimmy Joe's Barbecue Pit?
Very amusing that you, of ALL people, mention education; and very telling that your cousin G.W. had to travel to my hometown of Andover, Massachusetts, to find decent schooling. You see, if he wanted to rise above pig-rasslin' and the like, he had to get the fuck out of Texas. I somehow doubt you were accepted to an out-of-state school, unless you were picked alongside the Appallachian charity cases. What stellar peers to have! I am so pleased that you're "fixin' to get an eddication!". All the best. What's your major- steer branding? Ten-gallon hat-ology? Bible studies? Basics of bovine anatomy (we know how most of you farm boys lose your virginity)?
The grand irony about the Indian 7-11 stereotype is that most Indians working in such shops at least own them; who, now, do they employ? The absolute fucking dregs of society-- i.e. subhuman white trash. Who actually "fits the bill", tough guy?
You live in the state with the highest percentage of Christians. Enough said. That ALONE does, and always will, cause you to hang your head in shame. Fucking Christian waste; leave it to Texans to buy that shit hook, line, and sinker-- en fucking masse!
You live in the Bible Belt, so based on that alone have NO right to speak with me. Fuck off back to the hog ranch. Now.
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