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Dec 18th, 2003 11:10 AM
KevinTheOmnivore Hehehe, that guy's name is "Hosenball." Heh heh....eh. I'm sorry.
Dec 18th, 2003 05:33 AM
Dole what a fucking surprise! Thats what you get for trusting the Telegraph.
Dec 18th, 2003 01:03 AM

Please forgive me for staying on topic. My apologies. Further, please forgive my inability to post this with text and the link the way you cool smart people do. I am of a feeble mind. However, just wanted to share the joy.

Dec 16th, 2003 10:59 PM
Abcdxxxx Only one of my parents was born there. I'm not sure when they moved to Israel, but I know the whole family was exiled. The wealthy side went to England, and the rest got themselves to Israel.... there were Jews put under house arrest, and in several cases, hung on Iraqi tv in the town square. Unlike most Jewish exiles, the ones from Iraq never really talk about themselves as being Iraqi... or want to be called Arabs at all. So it's only recently that I've started asking about my own family... and only recently that Jewish groups have started trying to document and identify the lost babylonian Jewry communities.
Dec 16th, 2003 07:28 PM
ScruU2wice I didn't know your family came from iraq. you just said you had some middle eastern blood in you. did you actually live in iraq, or are your parents just from there
Dec 16th, 2003 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by ScruU2wice
Ok i know women are being treated badly in middle east and people are using the quran as a tool to justify these things. But not all muslim men are evil men and not all muslim women are victims of cruel treatment. ALL I AM SAYING IS THAT THE ISLAMIC RELIGON IN GENERAL IS NOT TO BLAME...

i wasn't even saying you are racist, if anything in that thread I seem completely sexist. I'm sorry if you take it as an insult but I was just saying that i got offended far too easily and went on arguing for pages for something someone was just joking about...
Okay, I'll buy that. I personally didn't have a problem with you being overly sensitive and arguing for pages. I was more concerned that you were defending something that you seemed to agree was wrong. Sure you don't want us to blanket our criticism of the Middle East with harsh words for your religion in general, but you're doing a great diservice to your religion by pretending there's no relation between the two, instead of confronting it head on. I'm sure it feels shitty to know that off base comments that strike you as out of line have even a tiny basis in truth. If the largest public presence of Islam is what you believe to be a corruption of the quran, then you can't blame outsiders for this perception, you have to blame those who chose this message to take to the world in the name of the muslim religion.

More then coming off misogynist, you came off well meaning, but a little ill informed, and mislead.
Dec 16th, 2003 06:22 PM
ScruU2wice Abcdxxxx- What should exactly treat with responsibility? I'm not beating women in the middle east. Maybe I should go on a solo political reform mission and stop everyone from doing bad things in the world. Ok i know women are being treated badly in middle east and people are using the quran as a tool to justify these things. But not all muslim men are evil men and not all muslim women are victims of cruel treatment. ALL I AM SAYING IS THAT THE ISLAMIC RELIGON IN GENERAL IS NOT TO BLAME...

i wasn't even saying you are racist, if anything in that thread I seem completely sexist. I'm sorry if you take it as an insult but I was just saying that i got offended far too easily and went on arguing for pages for something someone was just joking about...
Dec 16th, 2003 10:22 AM
Bennett can someone respond to my statement, or answer this question:
why would a libertarian be gloating (used loosely) over this news, rather than be pissed off at the methods through which this information was gathered?
Dec 16th, 2003 02:03 AM
Abcdxxxx What's that scru? I remember the last time we talked about the Muslim religion you had no idea that it was responsible for the oppression of women in several nations, and even thought they "like
" being treated as third class non-citizens. So if that was someone being racist, then fine, because I'm partly of that race, and I'd like to take responsibility for the mistreatment of people no matter what gender or race they are. Oh, and while we're at it... let me remind you that my family come from Iraq and lost everything because of the Baathist party, so if you're gonna bring my name into this, don't be cryptic - say your piece, and stop complaining about how many pages it takes you to do it. Or better yet, take responsibility.
Dec 15th, 2003 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Ant10708
Exactly so by hating all Muslims we aren't racists
I remember the last time someone posted something like this and I went on a 5 page rant and rave with abcdxxx

but I guess I can't deny your logic this time
Dec 15th, 2003 09:31 PM

Yeah, well you're still ignorant! If you don't agree with Raxers world view, you're clearly a moron!

Anyway, back the subject, they mentioned this story on the O'Rielly show this evening. It must be true. I mean, it's a no spin zone or something like that so it's gotta be just the facts.
Dec 15th, 2003 07:58 PM
Ant10708 Exactly so by hating all Muslims we aren't racists
Dec 15th, 2003 07:57 PM
Perndog Exactly. And Islam is a religion, not a race.
Dec 15th, 2003 07:37 PM
Ant10708 Yea they just might hate Muslims.
Dec 15th, 2003 06:49 PM
Perndog Hey, a person can hate the middle east without bringing race into the picture.
Dec 15th, 2003 06:47 PM
ranxer killing 7thousand plus iraqi civilians and tens of thousands of soldiers, not including our own is justified by one terrorist training group?

do you care to apply the same standards to those responsible for training osama?

do you care that every missle and stray bullet that killed a civilian may have just created a terrorist enemy of america?

do you care that many of those in favor of the war are making huge sums of money on it?

did you know that the turkey dinner bush showed up to was paying 30 some bucks a plate to haliburton?

bah, why do i bother?

i think you have to be either racist against the middle east or just plain ignorant to think this was a justified war.
Dec 15th, 2003 05:49 PM
Phil the anorak I seem to recall the sunday torygraph being responsible for some good disinfo during the actual conflict with some papers being found conveniently which had something to do with wmd's or something.

That ended in nothing probably just like this will.

Its not exactly earth shattering though. If you want to learn the theory and practice of terrorism you ain't likely to find that on the syllabus at Yale, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge are u?

Berkeley, possibly, Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Afghanistan definately!
Dec 15th, 2003 05:14 PM
ScruU2wice where did you get this information you didn't provide a link
Dec 15th, 2003 05:13 PM
kellychaos You know what I like? I like pan-fried perch. It tastes really good.
Dec 15th, 2003 05:09 PM
The One and Only... All I'm saying is that if this pans out, it justifies the war in my view. If it doesn't, it obviously remains a bad move.
Dec 15th, 2003 04:56 PM
kellychaos Teehee. Max is making me giggle again ... sorry ... teehee.
Dec 15th, 2003 04:36 PM
mburbank What you mean waited sixteen hours?

I guess your right though. He sure held off before he announced we'd found weapons of mass destruction. And then he held off when he announced it again. Dick Chenney held off before announcing that the Iraquis had a nuclear weapon. The britts held off before realeasing the uranium papers that bushg held off on putting in his state of the union. And then they held off on declaring the hydrogen trucks were mobile weapons labs. He's a hold off kind of guy, always holding off until he's real, real sure of a thing. It's pattern with him. He's a guy who never ever shoots his mouth off without being certain of something. That's why today we not only have Sadaam Hussein, all his weapons of mass destruction most of whioch could be launched within 45 minutes. The ones that Rummy held off saying we knew where they were until he really, really did. Caution is by word with these guys. It's just lucky for us Sadaam came back from Syria and had all his facial reconstruction reversed.
Dec 15th, 2003 03:58 PM
The One and Only... I think that this may well turn out to be authentic, since more than one source has talked about it.

Bush is probably waiting to be sure, along with big media networks, because they do not want to blunder. He did the same thing after he found out that we had caught Saddam.
Dec 15th, 2003 02:52 PM
mburbank I think you're getting suckered.

Think of it like this. The administration thought the forged Nigerian papers were legitimate enough looking to exploit, although many senior officials knew they were fakes.

They don't seem to think this 'bombshell' has even that much credability. The dateline on that story is Saturday. Don't you think if W's boys lent it any credence at all, even the most meager hint, they'd have put that information into the either the press conference or the presidents speech?

Or do you think that just now, after all this time and so many gaffs and deliberate missinformation they SUDDENLY learned caution? Wasn't it you who gleefully posted the new story about chemical weapons being siezed at the Kuwaiti border?
Dec 15th, 2003 01:31 PM
ranxer almost laughable, considering all the links to terrorist training with our tax dollars.. we set up the Al Qaeda network.. we helped set up the madrasas.. we trained bin laden etc.. on and on.

we even had General Mahmoud Ahmad the so called bagman for Mohamed Atta who the cia confirmed wired Atta $100,000 as a guest in D.C. from the 4th to the 13 of september. He met with administration officials to discuss what?!! i wonder since they won't say.

not only that some 70% or so of 9/11 investigation has been classified top secret.. gee i wonder why.

And to make matters worse, saddam(as a secular dictator) had a history of routing fundamentalism in iraq and was threatened by terrorists throughout his regime. sure he may have invested in a terrorist here or there but its peanuts compared to saudi arabia, iran, and the U.S.! if we are to treat these terrorist supporters as total criminals we should not look the other way when we fund similar groups for our own reasons.
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