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Mar 19th, 2004 04:04 PM
Prince Valium Cammi Granato's hot. Is she still playing in Vancouver?
Mar 19th, 2004 02:59 PM
El Blanco You forgot to mention how Granato has put up a few bounties himself, so he should be very familiar with the situation.
Mar 19th, 2004 12:39 AM
Guderian My opinion, for what it's worth:

There's no question that the hit was deserving of the suspension handed out. There's no question that the hit was pre-meditated, to some extent, on Bertuzzi's part, and he should and will pay for it.


If you really want to point fingers, point to the NHL disciplinarians and the Vancouver Canucks organization in general. After Moore's hit on Naslund, Marc Crawford and Brian Burke were screaming bloody murder and calling for Moore's head, making it abundantly clear weeks before the Bertuzzi incident that the Canucks were out to get him. Brad May went so far as to openly place a "bounty" on Moore's head. To suggest that no one could have possibly seen something coming would be naive in the extreme.

Yet even after these public threats on an individual by an organization, the NHL powers that be did absolutely nothing. May wasn't even fined for his comments (Bettman would later talk about how comments alone aren't enough to be worthy of inquiry...but then, Bettman's an jackass anyway). Anyone who can tell me that no one had any idea what might transpire is an idiot.

So, despite these things, the Canucks and Avs play two more times. Once in Denver - nothing happens, a combination of the fact that it was a close game and the Canucks couldn't afford to take stupid penalties and that it was on Avs ice. They meet again in Vancouver, and the rout is on - by the time of the Bertuzzi hit, the Avs were leading 8-2. The game was no longer in doubt.

So, here's the situation: it's the third period, and the Nucks losing 8-2. There's no way they can come back and make a game of it at this stage, and its been a pretty violent game throughout. At this point, everyone in the building knows that there's only one thing a losing team tries to do in a situation like this - play as physically as possible, with no regard for dumb penalties, as a means of sending a message to the other team ("next time we meet, things are going to be a lot different" sort of thing).

What does Tony Granato, in all his wisdom, do in this situation? Why, he sends his most marked man, Steve Moore (who is hardly necessary for their success - he's a third-liner at best), out on to the ice without any "physical protection". In the conditions mentioned above. Granato knows what those conditions are - he's had a long NHL career of his own. Why did he do it? Don Cherry mentioned this the other night, and this is first time in a long time I've agreed with him on a serious issue.

Summary: Bertuzzi's attack on Moore was not a surprise. I'd compare it to Pearl Harbour in the sense that everyone with a scrap of intelligence knew it was coming - they just didn't know when or where (or in the case of hockey, who). No one took any pre-emptive action to nip it in the bud, and as a result blood was spilled. Bertuzzi is fully deserving of his suspension, but I would argue that a great deal of the blame lies with others, and unfortunately these "others" aren't going to be brought to account.
Mar 18th, 2004 06:07 PM
El Blanco
Originally Posted by AChimp
When he skated up to him, he punched him in the back of the head, which is what did the damage, not slamming him on the ice.
No, but it does go well towards breaking a vertebrae or two, which is the injury that is causing all the stir.
Mar 18th, 2004 04:11 PM
kellychaos Again, I've seen fights in professional hockey that looked much worse but had less resultant trauma. Yes, it was a cheap shot. Yes, it was a shame. The resultant trauma was more or less a freak consequence like when you lift a heavy object the same way hundreds of different occasions but, due to some unusual angle or sudden movement, you pull a muscle and throw your back out. You were just as stupid to do the move the first hundred times or so but this time there was a consequence.
Mar 17th, 2004 08:45 AM
When he skated up to him, he punched him in the back of the head, which is what did the damage, not slamming him on the ice.
Mar 16th, 2004 11:48 PM
Command Prompt
Originally Posted by El Blanco
When he skated up to him, he punched him in the back of the head, which is what did the damage, not slamming him on the ice.
Okay thanks doctor
Mar 16th, 2004 10:41 PM
El Blanco When he skated up to him, he punched him in the back of the head, which is what did the damage, not slamming him on the ice.

And Moores hit against Nazlin (sp) was clean,
He used his stick, that is as far from clean as China is from Iowa.
Mar 16th, 2004 08:12 PM
Big Papa Goat He didn't punch him, he took his head and slammed it into the ice. What kind of 'roughing up' is that? It's nothign like anything I've ever seen in hockey.
And Moores hit against Nazlin (sp) was clean, and made three games before Bertuzzi pulled this shit. He didn't do it the next game they played against Colarado, because he was too chicken shit to be such an asshole outside of home ice.
Mar 16th, 2004 01:30 AM
CastroMotorOil umm when does he punch moore in the face again? he gets swarmed by other people nanoseconds after they hit the ice.

Also the police have no buisness here, if Claude Lemuiex gets away with DESTROYING Kris Draper's face, without apologising, then why should Bertuzzi?
Mar 16th, 2004 12:02 AM
soundtest Yes, he obviously wanted to hurt him. I'm not arguing that. But to break his neck, leave him unconscious in a pool of his own blood, and completely fuck up his career in the process? You think he intended that? I don't. Again, was Mike Tyson criminally charged for the ear incident?
Mar 15th, 2004 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by soundtest
It's you who doesn't get it. If you think that Bertuzzi sincerely wanted to hurt Moore that badly you're retarded. Yes, he intended to rough him up, but by no means have him unconscious in a pool of blood with a broken neck.
Look at the footage again. I'll repeat myself: After Bertuzzi assaults Moore from behind, knocking him down to the ice, he procedes to pound him in the face repeatedly. This was more than simply good 'ol rough housing in hockey. This was a premeditated assault with the intention of serious harm. This was the hockey equivolent of a drive-by shooting....
Mar 15th, 2004 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by AChimp

You just don't get it, do you? Bertuzzi had it out for Moore. This was no accident.
It's you who doesn't get it. If you think that Bertuzzi sincerely wanted to hurt Moore that badly you're retarded. Yes, he intended to rough him up, but by no means have him unconscious in a pool of blood with a broken neck. Yes it was vicious, yes there should be repurcussions. Hell, throw him out of the league entirely and fine him thousands if you want to send a message to the players, but the police have no place in this, as they don't in boxing, football, or any other violent sport where things like this are bound to happen.
Mar 15th, 2004 11:19 PM
mesobe well its not really the act of hitting moore from behind, its more because it fucked him up good like. He was out cold before he could eat the ice and it busted his neck. I watched the game and Im one for hockey fights and blood, but that was just brutal.

I havent heard anything from moore as of late. I wonder what he has to say about all of this
Mar 15th, 2004 11:18 PM

You just don't get it, do you? Bertuzzi had it out for Moore. This was no accident.
Mar 15th, 2004 11:07 PM
El Blanco So, if hockey players can be arrested for hitting a guy from behind, are we going to have linebackers arrested when they lead with their helmets when they sack a quarterback?

Because that is way more dangerous.
Mar 15th, 2004 10:25 PM
Carnivore Marty McSorley. That happened in Vancouver. Need I say more?
Mar 15th, 2004 08:36 PM
mesobe moore was knocked out before he even hit the ground
Mar 15th, 2004 08:13 PM
AChimp Best. Team. Ever.
Mar 15th, 2004 07:15 PM
El Blanco Ya, like the Jets were a real hockey team anyway.
Mar 15th, 2004 07:00 PM
AChimp I think the police have every right to intervene. It was premeditated and went far beyond the level of violence that's acceptable in hockey. Punching him from behind, yeah. Ramming his face into the ice after you stun him, no.

Besides, I'm a bitter Winnipegger who's still upset about losing the Jets. So there.
Mar 15th, 2004 06:02 PM
El Blanco Nobody is saying what Bertuzzi was right. We all agree he should be suspened and fined. Even his coach is getting fined. Jumping a guy from behind is not hockey.

The issue is whether or not the police have a place in this. They don't.

Also, Moore isn't some innocent victim here, either. He hacked a man with his stick because he was a big scorer.
Mar 15th, 2004 05:56 PM
Zebra 3 I played and watched hockey practically all my life and what Bertuzzi did in my opinion isn't part of what's considered acceptable in hockey circles.

Even CBC's Hockey Night in Canada - Coach's Corner's Don 'I played exactly one NHL game in my important career' Cherry thinks what Bertuzzi did was wrong.
Mar 15th, 2004 05:36 PM
KevinTheOmnivore These are all gripes that hold weight....were Bertuzzi's actions not above and beyond the normal violence involved in hockey. Assaulting him like that, merely b/c he avoided you, is a poor excuse for Bertuzzi. It actually makes him look a lot worse....
Mar 15th, 2004 05:34 PM
El Blanco Bertuzzi tried to square off with Moore, but Moore kept pussing out.

And what about fining Colorado's coach for leaving a player with bounty on him (this is not uncommon in the NHL or any contact sport) when he is winning 9-2 inthe third period? Thats not goading the other team?
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