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May 17th, 2004 12:29 PM
mburbank Who, Vinth or Nalds?

Vinth is entertainment.

Nalds? I can't say why I've never entirely depsaired of him. Flashes of humanity now and then, and I keep hoping that by pressing him on wether or not he agrees with horrid things people he supports say or making him compare himself to Vinth that he'll slip up and reveal a third dimension.
May 17th, 2004 12:10 PM
KevinTheOmnivore Wasting your time on a waste of time. Why?
May 17th, 2004 11:44 AM
mburbank BUMP!
May 14th, 2004 03:47 PM
mburbank Yeah, that was my point right there.

But remeber, Tom, Dostoyevski was a godless communist.
May 14th, 2004 12:58 PM
Buffalo Tom "One can measure the degree of civilization in a country
by looking at it's prison system" - Dostoyevsky

You will not save the hearts and minds of ordinary Iraqis from the monsters who killed Nicholas Berg and who mutilated the four Americans in Fallujah, by becoming a monster yourself. Follow the advice of someone whose name is often invoked by Dubya to justify his actions - turn the other cheek and love your fellow man.


Look, Raygun. You strike me as someone with a brain and a conscience. Are you really incapable of showing compassion for the people who were abused in Abu Ghraib? This has nothing to do with political ideologies. It has everything to do with being a decent human.

Burdock says you're a stand-up guy. Don't lay yourself low and crawl into the gutter with scum like VinceZeb. I hope you're better than that.
May 14th, 2004 12:42 PM
mburbank Vinth is so desperate to take back his status as A#1 asshole here he's talking about my two kids gtting raped. Just when you think this bottom dwelling slug has puked up all the fish shit and mud in his stomach, he bores a little lower and pukes up something even worse.

There's no end. He's talking about my two daughters getting raped. Having failed to get a reaction to mocking the holocaust he desprately reaches for my daughters. Nice.

That's the boat you want to be in Nalds? That garbage is what you are at this point closely associating yourself with. You've allied yourself with Vinth's position way more heavily than I have with Kerry of Kennedy or Clinton. You want to agree on something with Rush that even Bush won't? My thread's title predicted Rush's feelings. I chose the phrase 'no big deal' as a joke, not knowing that on May 10'th those were the exact words he used. Maybe I'm the psychic one, but predicting what really bad people will do and say isn't that hard.

You want to think that 'in context' the torture that took place is 'no big deal'. Fine. But read Vinth. He's a rush fan too. And you're almost all the way to being him. Is that what you want?
May 14th, 2004 12:38 PM
KevinTheOmnivore From the May 11 episode of Hannity & Colmes:

(Ollie) NORTH: The official response of the United States is to catch and punish the perpetrators of this heinous act [the murder of American civilian Nick Berg]. That's what we must do.

COLMES: And there certainly has been outrage. There's been outrage in this country. There's outrage globally. You don't feel there's enough outrage about this? I've been hearing outrage all day.

NORTH: Alan -- Alan, for 13 or 14 days now, all we have seen on the front pages of America's newspapers is a group of obviously twisted young people with leashes and weird sex acts, the kind of thing that you might find on any college campus nowadays, being perpetrated by people in uniform.
May 14th, 2004 09:41 AM
KevinTheOmnivore Limbaugh: gives context of Skull and Bones comment -- "was actually relating to the media"

LIMBAUGH: [A]nd I -- I'll tell you why I used Skull and Bones. You know, I was tweaking them, because Bush is Skull and Bones, and it's Yale, and they think Bush didn't qualify to get into Yale. That Bush is a phony-baloney and they hate -- normally they hate Skull and Bones. The Media hates Skull and -- except those that are members. But they hate it, because it's super-secret, and it doesn't allow them in. And so I thought I was actually relating to the media by calling this a Skull -- I thought I was helping them criticize Bush. Yeah, this is the kind of stuff Bush did in college instead of learning stuff.

But no, they missed that totally. I really was trying to relate to them. I was trying to give them a line that I thought they would appreciate the nuance of. But no, they've totally missed it, because they're reacting in shock and emotion and seeking an opportunity to inflict a little knick or two, fire some BBs at the battleship of Rush Limbaugh in an attempt to inflict a little harm here. But we're not, we're not only still floating, we're still steaming through the waters here.

So no, I've been amazed that they missed the Skull and Bones re - I couldn't -- I didn't even say college initiation, a caller said that. I said Skull and Bones. I said it specifically for a reason, because I was trying to help them take another route to Bush. They've missed it, and they're coming back at me with it. Idiots.
May 14th, 2004 09:29 AM
KevinTheOmnivore And since the theme of this thread is not merely pertaining to Rush, but other conservatives as well, here's what Mike Savage had to say on it:

From the May 10 Savage Nation:

Savage on the Iraqi prisoner abuse photos:

I don't mean to be too comedic in the political arena, but these so called abuse photos frankly are mild by comparisons to what goes on in South of Market clubs in San Francisco.

Savage on why "we need more of the humiliation tactics, not less":

And eventually you're gonna find that we need more of the humiliation tactics, not less. ...

I don't know what its gonna take for you to finally welcome what the troops are doing, what the interrogators were doing until you finally recognize the enemy, the true face of the enemy and what its gonna take to break this death grip that they seem to have on the minds of the Democrats. ...

These people don't fear death, they fear humiliation. The only way to humiliate them is take their deepest fear, the pig, the dog, the woman with the leash, and use it on them to break them!

Savage on the consequences of prohibiting "these interrogation tactics":

What's gonna happen is terrible. What's gonna happen now is even worse that you can imagine. Because these interrogation tactics which were working, by everything I can read, are no longer permissible, you are gonna have an event in this country before the election, and you can thank your friends Levin and Kennedy for that, you can thank all the phonies on the Democrat side for that.

Savage on the utility of the abuse to facilitate intelligence-gathering:

These people live only for their honor, and so the only thing you can withhold from them is their honor. There is the answer as to why you see these graphic pictures. These are not a few individuals who made this up. That's crap. That's crap in my opinion. This came from the top. And how high up it goes I don't know but frankly I commend them for it. It's wise intelligence techniques, to break the enemy where he's vulnerable, not try to get him where he's strong. ...

That's why the women were used! It's a very intelligent method to break the enemy without resorting to thumb-screws and the much more severe methods of torture. ...

I think it's a very good policy, and the more I learn about it I think that it made good sense. Short of real torture, this worked. Use little women in particular. Little, ugly women. And let 'em take big strapping Iraqis and put 'em on leashes naked. ... Get police dogs to bark at naked Iraqis, until they crack and tell you which Ahmed or... [unintelligible mocking of Arab names]

From the May 11 Savage Nation:

Savage on who's to blame for Nick Berg's death:

Nick Berg, an American, not military, over there building transmission towers, was captured by the Untermenschen the sub-humans, who wrap themselves in a religion. He is seen saying his mother's name, his father's name, sister's name, his brother's name and then the smiling Arabs cut a living human beings head off as he screams. It's a blood-curdling scream that you'll ever hear again. You'll never get it out of your mind if you're a normal person, or you're not given to murder or you've never been around murder. Uh, it's something you'll never forget, not should you ever forget it and you can thank the Democrats, you can thank the Senate Arms Services Committee for their hysterical hearings. You can thank John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Biden, The New York Times, the alphabet channels and The Washington Post for this atrocity because they caused it.

Savage on Senator Dayton, liberals' reaction to abuse:

There was nobody worse today than Senator Mark Dayton, Democrat of Minnesota as he calls putting panties in the head of cold blooded murderers atrocities. Listen to clip six.

DAYTON: Thank you Mr. Chairman, and I thank you Mr. Chairman for holding today's hearings and for your resolve to face these atrocities. You're an honorable man.

Shut this atrocity up. Mark Dayton is a human atrocity for saying this, but he's really just a little cog in the wheel of Liberalism. I used to say that Liberalism is a mental disorder. I don't think it's a mental disorder. Nope. I think it's far worse than that. I think this kind of Liberalism is suicidal behavior. An act of suicidal behavior.
May 14th, 2004 09:22 AM
KevinTheOmnivore I'm done with you. You are an apologist for a piece of filth, and thus have become one yourself.
May 13th, 2004 07:52 PM
Ronnie Raygun "I can provide many, many more quotes if that's what you'd like. He said several more idiotic things, and all of the backpedaling in the world doesn't change what he said." - Kevin

Yes it does. Whenever you look at what he said in context it makes sense.

Just listen to the show tomorrow and you'll have a different point of view.

JUST LISTEN TOMORROW and you'll understand what I'm saying.

I listen to him everyday when I drive to work.

Each day he comments on what was in the news the previous day.

The quote Max gave was on May 4th when only three pics had been released.

At least be fair and use Rush's words in context.
May 13th, 2004 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun
"The prevailing point of this thread was that Rush didn't give a fuck about it. He has more than proven that to be true, and you just can't accept it, because you worship the man. :idolotry" - Rush

That's not true. You've only posted less than 1% of what he's had to say on the matter and the reason I know that is because he's been talking about it all week.
I can provide many, many more quotes if that's what you'd like. He said several more idiotic things, and all of the backpedaling in the world doesn't change what he said.

You are full of shit....at least as far as this is concerned.
Back it up, dipshit. I'm tired of you blaming people on the Left for everything and never backing it up. It my book, you are a coward and an opportunist.

Did he not mean what he said? Were the dog comments taken out of context? How about the "relieving stress" comments? Can you even support what you're saying, or are you just blindly defending your deity???

"You are so fucking ridiculous. Republicans who voted for this war, John McCain to name one, are incredibly outraged over this. Even Karl Rove acknowledged that this will set the U.S. back in the Middle East. Yet there you are, you and your messiah, El Rushbo."

John McCain is not nearly as outraged as Kennedy and some others who say we are no better than Saddam. That in itself is completely outragous.
Because I pity you, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Granted, for merely the sake of argument, maybe Kennedy was more outraged than others. But he certainly wasn't more outraged than McCain, his points on the Ronnie Retard outrage-o-meter CERTAINLY went higher than Kennedy's did. If you don't believe me, find an article on McCain grilling in to Rumsfeld in committee hearing. That's outrage. That's empathy. That's the vibe in America, and you my friend, are on the fringe. You, Vinth, and Rushbo.

Put that other crap out of your mind and focus on the fact that an addmitted war criminal who never faced punishment is now asking for the punishment of someone who had nothing to do with recent "war crimes".

Blow it out your ass, Raygun.

You people will do anything to regain power.
Would that be John McCain, or Karl Rove? Would that be the other House and Senate Republicans who nearly vomited in the capitol? Would that be me, who has never voted for a Democrat, and won't be supporting John Kerry? What "people" are you talking about? If your talking about the bulk of compassionate and reasonable AMERICANS, than I gladly lump myself in there. You can sit yourself out in the fringe with all the other politburo Republicans and bigots. Idiot.

He does it every time he's wrong.
He doesn't even take full ownership of the mistake in this one example. He phrases it to make it seem like he was given misleading information, as if the pictures he HAD seen didn't indicate enough. Once again, you're pathetic. Give a few more examples of Rush admiting he was wrong. Can you cite them? If you can't, don't even bothering typing up a response. I'm tired of you wasting my fucking time.

Originally Posted by A big, moronic, bipolar clown
You idiots that are outraged about these photos do realize that the groups these people represent and follow would love nothing more than to rape and murder your loved ones, right?
And you do realize that this is irrelevant, right? And you do realize that we are supposed to set the standard, right? And you do realize that we are already hated throughout much of the Arab world anyway, right? And you do realize that you can't actually fucking SUBSTANTIATE your claim that most of these men being DETAINED are necessarily guilty yet, right? You do realize that you waste every single person's time here with your posts, right? Right?
May 13th, 2004 06:40 PM
Ronnie Raygun He does it every time he's wrong.

You don't see Ted Kennedy doing that.
May 13th, 2004 06:28 PM
Jeanette X Rush Limbaugh admitted he was in error?!

Holy shit. Lions will lie down with antelopes next.
May 13th, 2004 06:25 PM
VinceZeb You idiots that are outraged about these photos do realize that the groups these people represent and follow would love nothing more than to rape and murder your loved ones, right?

I guess in Max's world the rape of his kids wouldn't be as horrible as a video of the cop who arrests the rapist introducing his anus to the business-end of a club.
May 13th, 2004 06:00 PM
Ronnie Raygun "then why hasn't he made sure Rummy resigns?" - Ben

Because he isn't to blame.

"The prevailing point of this thread was that Rush didn't give a fuck about it. He has more than proven that to be true, and you just can't accept it, because you worship the man. :idolotry" - Rush

That's not true. You've only posted less than 1% of what he's had to say on the matter and the reason I know that is because he's been talking about it all week.

You are full of shit....at least as far as this is concerned.

"You are so fucking ridiculous. Republicans who voted for this war, John McCain to name one, are incredibly outraged over this. Even Karl Rove acknowledged that this will set the U.S. back in the Middle East. Yet there you are, you and your messiah, El Rushbo."

John McCain is not nearly as outraged as Kennedy and some others who say we are no better than Saddam. That in itself is completely outragous.

"A war that I'm sure you think was necessary, and were it a Republican vet., you'd have no problems with the atrocities." - Kevin

That's a bullshit lie.

Put that other crap out of your mind and focus on the fact that an addmitted war criminal who never faced punishment is now asking for the punishment of someone who had nothing to do with recent "war crimes".

You people will do anything to regain power.
May 13th, 2004 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Ronnie Raygun
You talking about two diferent things here. You posted something from Rush that he said on May 4th and then had to rely on ME to give YOU the background.
The prevailing point of this thread was that Rush didn't give a fuck about it. He has more than proven that to be true, and you just can't accept it, because you worship the man. :idolotry

Like Rush, I'm more concerned by the level of outrage than the "humiliation" that took place.
And like Rush, you have taken a terrible event, which has been given all of its due scrutiny and thoughtfulness by both Republicans and Democrats, and you've politicized it. You turned it into a way to bash liberals and stump for Dubya. You're concerned about the outrage, eh? You're pathetic. I really pity you.

It's obvious to me that its all political because the same people who are bitching now didn't give a shit when Saddam was murdering thousands of INNOCENT people.....only now when Bush is up for reelection are these kinds of things so outragous.......
You are so fucking ridiculous. Republicans who voted for this war, John McCain to name one, are incredibly outraged over this. Even Karl Rove acknowledged that this will set the U.S. back in the Middle East. Yet there you are, you and your messiah, El Rushbo.

...and the fact that you have Kerry running around blaming it on Bush when he has admitted to commiting the same attrocities in Vietnam.
A war that I'm sure you think was necessary, and were it a Republican vet., you'd have no problems with the atrocities. McCain was in Vietnam, too. He probably had to do some pretty unpleasant things, too. He also felt what's it's like to be at the end of torture and humiliation. This isn't about Kerry, this isn't about November, this is in fact a unifying issue. The President stands with those who are outraged, much like John McCain, John Kerry, Karl Rove, and just about everybody else with a grain of decency and common sense. That long list apparently excludes you and Rush Limbaugh.

What a joke.
My sentiments exactly.
May 13th, 2004 04:34 PM
Bennett then why hasn't he made sure Rummy resigns?
May 13th, 2004 04:29 PM
Ronnie Raygun You talking about two diferent things here. You posted something from Rush that he said on May 4th and then had to rely on ME to give YOU the background.

Like Rush, I'm more concerned by the level of outrage than the "humiliation" that took place.

It's obvious to me that its all political because the same people who are bitching now didn't give a shit when Saddam was murdering thousands of INNOCENT people.....only now when Bush is up for reelection are these kinds of things so outragous.......

...and the fact that you have Kerry running around blaming it on Bush when he has admitted to commiting the same attrocities in Vietnam.

What a joke.

The rapes and murders are of course horrible, and whoever was responsible should and will be punished. Bush will make sure of that.
May 13th, 2004 04:29 PM
The One and Only... Eye for an eye is a poor strategy.

Head for an eye ensures they will never do it again.
May 13th, 2004 03:34 PM
mburbank Thanks, Kev. ou can see the Rusher really softened his tone once he saw the rest of the pictures. The fact that pictures of rape and murder exist but have not been made public has been a matter of public knowledge since Seymour Hersh's article came out almost a week prior to the 5/10 Limbaugh show, but of the President doesn't read the paper, why would Rush?

Here's bit more text from the same show.

"How many of you went out to social occasions over the weekend and this subject, this story came up? And how many of you wanted to really say, "I don't see the big deal here. This is war. These are people who tried to kill Americans." But you didn't say it or some variation of that because you were afraid because you were with a bunch of people who were start yelling at you that you for being insensitive or coarse or crude or whatever, so you said what you thought you had to say in order to get along during a controversial situation if this conversation came up wherever you were. How many of you did that? How many of you did that? Admit it to yourself you don't have to raise your hands out there. I'm not, we're not counting hands out there. I want you to think about it because the fact of the matter is I think that's what most people are doing. I think most peo --that's where my optimism and faith in the people of this country remains steadfast. I don't think most people are that outraged by this. I don't thi -- let's put it this way, I don't think the public outrage nowhere near matches what we watched on television on Friday and yesterday exhibited by these holier than thou sanctimonious elected officials who are themselves acting and saying what they think you their voters want them to say and what you their voters expect to hear. ..."

So there you have it, Nalds. Limbaugh said
" And how many of you wanted to really say, "I don't see the big deal here."

On May 10'th. He could have seen any photos you had by the tim he said that. Not only does he think it's no big deal, his assumption (his, not mine) is that most people feel this way. Not most conservtives, and I don't think most conservatives feel this way, but most people.

What do you think, Nalds? Do you see the big deal here?

See, I thought to myself, Rush being Rush, I bet having seen all the photos he hasn't changed his mind very much. So here's hat I did. I went and checked. That's what Kev did too. That's what I do when I want to know something. I don't declaim, I don't rely on 'common sense' and what everybody knows, I check the record. That's one of the great things about freedom of the press, we as Americans have access to the record.
May 13th, 2004 03:03 PM
Good try. Next time take people's statements in the proper context.
From the May 10 Rush Limbaugh Show:

Limbaugh on latest photos of Iraqi prisoner abuse

LIMBAUGH: Even this latest picture of a dog and a nude Iraqi -- you seen that one? A couple of Americans are holding -- it looks like German Shepherd, some kind of vicious big dogs, the dogs are barking, bow wow arf arf arf, this big dog -- you know and the Iraqi prisoner is cowering there in fear, he's all nude. And the picture caption "Dog attacks Iraqi." No, the dog isn't attacking anyone, the dog's on a leash. The dog is scaring an Iraqi prisoner. [gasp] "No! We're scaring them, too? Is that allowed in the Geneva Convention?! We're scaring then with dogs?" Yes, my friends we are. The dog didn't attack anybody. The dog's not attacking anybody. The dog's on a leash. Both of them are. I've seen the pictures. ...

[... about 35 minutes later ...]

LIMBAUGH: Apparently, ladies and gentleman, I need to offer a modification. Apparently, the pictures that are, the picture going around of the uh, the nude Iraqi prisoner cowering in fear of a couple of dogs. The caption to that picture that I've seen going around, uh, intimates that the dog was on the verge of attacking this guy, and he was very scared and so forth. In the picture that I saw the dogs were leashed and the correct caption would be "Nude Iraqi prisoner scared of dog but not attack [sic]." Apparently -- there's not a picture of it -- but apparently uh, well, there's another picture later where the nude Iraqi prisoner no longer cowering, um, in the corner against his cell, he's writhing on the floor with a pool of blood. Apparently, the dog did bite his leg, but there's no picture of that. I have just been, uh, informed of this. So I wanted to, uh, pass that on to make sure that the facts are out there. There's no picture of it, but that's apparently what uh, what happened. We were told there are going to be a lot of pictures coming in, and that they will be worse than what we've seen and this sort of thing. So, uh, sorry for the error. ...

Limbaugh on prisoners getting "a taste of [their] own medicine"

CALLER: When I saw those pictures -- the Iraqi supposedly torture pictures -- I felt no shame. The only thing I could think is, they're getting a little taste of their own medicine, and those Iraqi women must be cheering.

LIMBAUGH: Made that point last week, but it didn't go over well with Rush Monitors. I did -- that's -- made that point. That point has not been quoted. I said, you know, this might not be bad -- oh, it's gonna happen again -- I said, if you look at the role Iraq -- Arab men make their women play -- the roles they play, the roles they have to live -- to, to, to make American prison guards females and to give those women utter power over Arab men -- some might call that torture, some might call that decent punishment, some might say here's a taste of your own medicine. This is what you've been doing to your women for time immemorial, only now the tables are turned. But all that's been lost because [with a slight lisp] "This is horrible. This is, this is disgusting. This is outrageous. This is mean."
May 13th, 2004 02:21 PM
mburbank Huh, really? Only this three pictures at the time? It's still kind of callous and you'd really want to know what he's said since then. If that's when he said it. You don't suppose you'd like to check it out for me would you Nalds? I mean, I didn't get it off Newsmax, so I suppose there might be some question of context and timing.

I don't know though. I think it's more than enough to make a statement with confidence that all conservatives feel the torture was no big deal. Because all conservatives are the same, a monolith. It's common sense. Everybody knows it's true.
May 13th, 2004 12:21 PM
Protoclown Ronnie, could you at least TRY to act like a real human being for one day? Just ONE day. That's all I ask.
May 13th, 2004 10:57 AM
mesobe and there are hundreds of more photos on they way! even some video too. I wonder what sort of clever exuse the government will come up with in the next few weeks.

You can sneer at these acts or play them down all you want... but the fact is this type of shit is going to destroy the god-like war machine of the US of A.

It seems like its all gunna be downhill for them now. But its for the best really.
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