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Aug 15th, 2004 09:10 PM
ArrowX They had it running at future shop today when i went to get new headphones (damn cat) The 9year old before me took off afteryou see the first hell knight. Of the 6 minutes i played i think in the long rin it would be a huge pain in the ass to keep pulling the flashlight out.
Aug 15th, 2004 07:32 PM
eggyolk oh shit look out its a zombie but wait there is another behind you, where did he come from though!?
Aug 15th, 2004 02:08 PM
ArrowX from this board I gather that it fucking sucks ass but is scary

Fuck you all for ruining the disfigured magic
Aug 15th, 2004 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by AChimp
I don't see what you're complaining about. Those original shots look fine. I didn't have any trouble seeing things in those conditions. You're supposed to be on a ruined base on fucking Mars. If a burning pit to Hell opened, do you really think that everything would still stay at full power and completely lit, just for your benefit?
Well, the elevators and doors do, for the most part. But that's not the point: Even before the shit goes down everything is PLUNGED INTO ETERNAL DARKNESS, and hell, of all places, is like that too.

It isn't a processor-related issue at all - it's an entirely seperate animation from what's actually happening.
Learn more about programming before talking about what is and isn't a processor-related issue. More animations mean more CPU speed is required to make everything happen fast enough for you not to notice. That delay is caused by the same reason why it can take up to a minute to load a new level or the game pauses for a second when you enter a new room.
I love how you think that no-one else has a clue when it comes to things that you seem to think are esoteric. But speaking of clues, here's one: The model of the marine and the model of your weapons are two seperate things, with seperate animations. If they weren't, (for one thing) you'd be able to see yourself when you looked down. I was making fun of how wildly different the animations are. Not only that, but the 'idling' animations are ALSO completely different, and make it look like you're just hanging out with some guy in another room. Which is more or less what's really happening anyway.

The chainsaw works differently than it did in the previous Dooms. You have to move around with it and run into the bad guys. Holding fire and standing there won't damage anything, because a lot of the monsters have reach and don't charge blindly into the sawblade; they're smart enough to avoid it. I was confused by that to begin with, too, until I figured out how to use it.
Which makes it about as useful as, say, the flashlight? IF ONLY I HAD MADE SUCH A POINT EARLIER.
Aug 15th, 2004 01:50 PM
AChimp I don't see what you're complaining about. Those original shots look fine. I didn't have any trouble seeing things in those conditions. You're supposed to be on a ruined base on fucking Mars. If a burning pit to Hell opened, do you really think that everything would still stay at full power and completely lit, just for your benefit?

It isn't a processor-related issue at all - it's an entirely seperate animation from what's actually happening.
Learn more about programming before talking about what is and isn't a processor-related issue. More animations mean more CPU speed is required to make everything happen fast enough for you not to notice. That delay is caused by the same reason why it can take up to a minute to load a new level or the game pauses for a second when you enter a new room.

The chainsaw works differently than it did in the previous Dooms. You have to move around with it and run into the bad guys. Holding fire and standing there won't damage anything, because a lot of the monsters have reach and don't charge blindly into the sawblade; they're smart enough to avoid it. I was confused by that to begin with, too, until I figured out how to use it.
Aug 15th, 2004 01:37 PM
Now I see why you're whining about it being too dark everywhere. Unless you've compressed those JPEGs down to 30% quality, the colours are all washed out. Look at my screenshots or post something uncompressed for comparison.
Actually, I had to increase the brightness on those pictures in photoshop by 48 points just so you could see anything

I didn't stand in front of the mirror shooting guns and timing the processor delay and adding up ultra realism points (faster computers don't have this delay).
It isn't a processor-related issue at all - it's an entirely seperate animation from what's actually happening.

You stop getting pistol ammo for the entire middle part of the game, and anything leaping out of the dark at you definitely doesn't deserve the pistol treatment, especially once you get the chainsaw.
You constantly get pistol ammo from dead people, and recover the pistol itself on both occasions that you lose it, despite it being relatively worthless. It is not nearly as worthless is the chainsaw, however, which does about as much damage as your flashlight and offers about as much not-getting-raped protection therein.

As for the BFG, they tell you near the beginning of the game where to find it.
Sort-of. They tell you about 1/3rd of the way in what the code to the door is, and you have to reference the audio log and change it from what the email tells you. But the PDA with the information is so far away from the area with the BFG that it made me feel smart. And the part in hell that has it is ridiculous too, since it's in one of the many pitch black areas, on a ledge, behind a rock.

post something uncompressed for comparison

Welcome to 99% of the game.
Aug 15th, 2004 11:49 AM
AChimp Now I see why you're whining about it being too dark everywhere. Unless you've compressed those JPEGs down to 30% quality, the colours are all washed out. Look at my screenshots or post something uncompressed for comparison.

Yes, there are pitch black areas, but that an experienced FPS player can't handle. There's flickering lights in most places.

Still regarding the pistol, boo hoo. I didn't stand in front of the mirror shooting guns and timing the processor delay and adding up ultra realism points (faster computers don't have this delay). The flashlight thing is a minor issue that only people who were spoiled by Half-Life's suit-mounted light are complaining about. You stop getting pistol ammo for the entire middle part of the game, and anything leaping out of the dark at you definitely doesn't deserve the pistol treatment, especially once you get the chainsaw.

As for the BFG, they tell you near the beginning of the game where to find it.
Aug 15th, 2004 10:59 AM
Anonymous It isn't an old-school shooter, either. It's a 1st-person survival horror game with way too many teleporting fags.

Last boss fight is the best part of the whole game because you actually get to use your rockets instead of hoarding them like some dragon from ADND. And it's the first time you actually get to enjoy the ragdoll effects as the demons go whipping and spinning through the air as you pound away at the cyberdemon.

I notice I keep killing him with the soulcube, is that the only thing that does damage to him or is it a sort of Bald Bull effect where you have to whittle him down before using the soul cube to finish him off? I've noticed he screams and cries when I hit him with the BFG, too.
Aug 15th, 2004 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Chojin
Doom3 is nothing like previous doom titles, DF. THAT'S WHY PEOPLE ARE UPSET.
ok, maybe my 'doom is doom' statement was somewhat inaccurate, but what i mean is, from what i gathered, people are upset because it is squarely an 'old skool' shooter, without any halo-esce elements that many FPS games have now.

I feel that the single player side of id's FPS games has not changed too dramatially over the years, the main big change was an extra dimension via quake and the main gameplay of Doom3 is very much like quake2, but with less backtracking.

in my view it seems the main concern of id when making Doom3 (apart from a lovely engine) was atmosphere and gameplay so it would have been better to stick to tradional game design.

(this ends my attempt to look like a sophisticated Edge writer
Aug 15th, 2004 08:32 AM
Anonymous Doom3 is nothing like previous doom titles, DF. THAT'S WHY PEOPLE ARE UPSET.


BTW, the marine holds the pistol with both hands (one on the handle, and the other supporting the wrist).



It's also sad how little what the guy in the mirror resembles what you actually do. He's routinely a half-second late with weapons and it gets really weird when you hold out the grenades.
Aug 15th, 2004 12:48 AM
mubert Doom 3 is like going to a scary ass movie. I seriously shit my pants when I hear a clanking sound, and I get scared and misfire. The scariest enemy in it is prolly the mutants who throw fireballs at you, cause they take random lunges at you from like 30 feet away. :/ The fact that my comp's speakers are basically surround sound, and really large doesnt help matters.
Aug 14th, 2004 10:09 PM
the_dudefather i got doom3 the other day (plus t-shirt and poster) and i personally think it rocks!

it seems a lot of anti-doomers seem to hate it becuase they where expecting something new. its not like there was much difference in doom 2 compared to doom1, or final doom to doom2.

in short. doom is doom. it doesnt revelutionise the genre, but defines the 'guns blazing gameplay' element of it.

ok the multiplayer kinda sucks, but there is quake3 for that (sorta like unreal2 => unreal tournement 2003). it would have been cool if there was a co-op mode, but a mod will sort that out eventualy (sven co-op for doom3 maybe?)

playing the game 'as intended' in the dark and with 5.1 stereo is the best way to play it (as stated millions of times before) and it does become a heart attack inducting perilous experience.

but why isnt there a super shotgun? my Fo-averate doom2 weapon.

(rant / fanboy-praise mode off)
Aug 14th, 2004 08:57 PM

I feel compelled to beat it, but apparently spent 9 hours playing it today. The good news is that the game gets a lot better from the Delta area onward, and you FINALLY get some real doom action in the areas after hell, where there are tons of enemies and you're running and gunning :o

Speaking of hell, when I think of places that are NOT shrouded in mystery and EVERLASTING FUCKING DARKNESS, HELL is pretty close to the top of the list. What is John Carmack's problem with over-dramatic lighting? In the intro to the game the scientists were working in horrid lighting conditions to begin with, and a big window with a view of the martian landscape casts heavy dark shadows on the guys sitting around in the lounge. I had to go look up the flashlight key before the game even told me about it because I couldn't tell in the very first room you're in whether or not I was about to drop to my death. And for some reason, HELL is equally dark and sad, and you somehow misplace your flashlight before entering it.

I also feel smart for getting the BFG9000 twice before you're 'supposed' to get it from Sarge (Once in the containment area in the sealed room and once on a hidden ledge in hell ;<)

I cannot say I feel the designers are smart for doing some very stupid things with the bosses. Why I have to shoot the lil blue orb above the big monster's head is a mystery to me and stupid, when I should be able to just shoot HIM if all the fucking voices are saying he's vulnerable. LITTLE DO YOU KNOW THEY REALLY MEAN 'PRETTY UPTIGHT ABOUT GETTING HIS ORB SHOT.' And tank-boy was annoying because there are only two healths in the room, plus the soul cube, to keep you alive through the BFG blasts, which still chip away at you even when you shoot the blasts. And what the fuck is the point of him opening up the pillars to reveal ELECTRICITY?

But yus, I just maimed mister tank and been through hell and the fucking game still won't end and I have work to do but I must finish this first for no adequately explored reason.
Aug 14th, 2004 02:27 PM
eggyolk shut up it sucks
Aug 14th, 2004 12:54 AM
CaptainBubba Its basically AvP but you can only be a marine, the graphics and A.I are way better, and it scares the fuck out of you. This will be a fun game to play drunk late at night when I'm bored, but its not something I'm going to eagerly pursue finishing.

Imps are the stuff of nightmares.
Aug 13th, 2004 11:39 PM
DeadKennedys It's sad but true that Doom 3 won't last forever. But it sure was one hell of a ride.

I started playing through it again on Veteran, and there were at least 5 occasions during the first 20 minutes of the game that I nearly shat myself.
Aug 13th, 2004 08:59 AM
Matt Harty I think light mounted guns would still have a scarier effect.

As opposed to getting blindsided in pitch black, having to take out the flaslight while still being hit, find out where and what the attacker is, change to a weapon and fire hoping that you hit it.
Aug 12th, 2004 11:28 PM
Ant10708 I wasn't comparing the two just pointing out graphics don't make a game fun.

Like I said I havn't played it for myself so I really don't know if its great or not. I planned to just rent it for 5 bucks when it comes out on Xbox and play it one night with a friend on co-op.
Aug 12th, 2004 07:21 PM
AChimp You can't compare a game like Sonic to Doom 3. The genres are too different.

The best way to play Doom 3 IS with the lights off, and with good headphones. Also, rather than treating it like a non-stop kill-fest, pretend that you actually are the marine and give a damn about your health level; that means playing it somewhat realistically.

BTW, the marine holds the pistol with both hands (one on the handle, and the other supporting the wrist).
Aug 12th, 2004 05:37 PM
Ant10708 From what I read from people who have played the game, on this board, is the mood of the game becomes dull and repetitive so I guess having the most superior graphics to create a mood of a game isn't the most effective technique.

The people who made Doom3 said that the game is meant to be played at night, alone and in the dark with the sound cranked up. I havn't played the game so maybe under those circumstances it rules.

I'd add getting high before hand since its mindless killing(so you dont need to not be high to beat it I am assuming) and being paranoid should help keep the scares fresh.

Eternal Darkness created a 'scary' mood and it used N64 graphics. Its the only game besides Resident Evil(when the dogs jump thru the windows) that has made me jump.
Aug 12th, 2004 04:42 PM
DeadKennedys Doom 3 doesn't have those graphics just to be pretty, they're there to create the mood of the game, and that's one of the few ways to achieve that.
Aug 12th, 2004 03:44 PM
Ant10708 Doom 3 may put consoles to shame in respect to its graphics but who cares. Some of the most entertaining games came from the 8-bit and 16-bit era. Halo 2 won't be able to compete with Doom 3 on a graphical level but it will most likely be a hell of alot more fun to play in single player and have great replay value with the multiplayer options. From what I've heard Doom 3 doesn't provide anything special in terms of multiplayer and it doesn't seem like the single player is so great besides graphics and sound.

Graphics are always nice to have but if thats all it has then I'll just look a demo of the game in a store to experience its graphical power.

Xbox will be getting 20 Sonic games on 1 disc for 20 bucks!
Horrible graphics to todays standards but I bet I'll get more then 20 hours of playtime out of it.
Aug 12th, 2004 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by AChimp
I dunno. He ends up becoming a demon with HELL POWERS, I guess.

I remember an arm pops out of a door, and then you can't go through the door because it's all bent to shit.
It's after that
Aug 11th, 2004 10:28 PM
AChimp I dunno. He ends up becoming a demon with HELL POWERS, I guess.

I remember an arm pops out of a door, and then you can't go through the door because it's all bent to shit.
Aug 11th, 2004 10:11 PM
DeadKennedys Well, I'm sure someone remembers it... right? It's not that far into the game, but far enough.

I'm also confused. Is Betruger the devil? Or did he mutate himself into that thing? Or did he fuse himself with it?
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