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Apr 22nd, 2005 05:03 PM
James I've not heard many good things about the .hack series. The whole MMORPG that's not an MMORPG deal gets old fast, and the series gets ridiculously harder with the last two games. No real interest in it.

I started Golden Sun yesterday. I bought it used for $15, and there was still a save file on it. The last person who owned it spent 33 minutes playing the game, then decided to sell it.

I played through the prologue, and saved. 33 minutes. I can see why the person would have sold it. So far, there's a LOT of pointless conversation. Something about elemental stars and alchemy and... I don't know. They throw all this shit at you, and not all of it makes a lot of sense. And some people just don't shut the fuck up.

Also, you're asked Yes-or-No questions A LOT, and they never matter. They're not there to decide the outcome of events. They're just there to piss me off.

"Hey Isaac, that's what we did, isn't it?"
"Should we keep going, Isaac?"
"That didn't go as expected, huh Isaac?"
"You're going up to the mountain, Isaac?"
"You're going down this path, Isaac?"


I also loved the moment where we had to escape IMMEDIATELY from a volcano, and about 3 minutes of conversation followed, about how we needed to escape. JUST LET ME FUCKING LEAVE YOU FUCKING DOUCHEBAG I GET IT I HAVE TO LEAVE SO I WILL LEAVE IF YOU JUST FUCKING LET ME WALK OUT OF HERE JESUS CHRIST.

I just got to the part where I can travel the world map (after an hour and a half into the game), so I'm hoping things get better. I'll also say the gameplay is very confusing, revolving around character classes and Djinn you collect to boost your skills. But none of it really is explained well enough to make any sense. I'm hoping this changes once I get to experience it in the game.
Apr 22nd, 2005 03:18 PM
bigtimecow i didnt read this entire thread so i don't know if it was mentioned...

is dotHACK any good?
Apr 1st, 2005 08:20 PM

So guess what? You see how I was saying FFX-2 was a good game? I was so wrong. I'm RIGHT at the end of Chapter 5, but I can't bring myself to complete the game because it's just mind-numbingly tedious to complete all the side quests.

I was trying to beat Via Infinito (100-floor basement filled with tough enemies), and it's just REALLY fucking hard when you get to the last few floors. And the final boss is really fucking hard, too. After that, I go to the LAST FUCKING AREA OF THE GAME and beat it. Why I won't just give up and beat the game, I don't even know for sure, myself. I feel compelled to complete everything I can in the game, and I've already given up oversouling every enemy in the game to get a special garment grid. But there are certain side quests you need to do to get 100% and see the best ending, and Via Infinito is one of those.

FFX-2 starts out strong enough, but then it just drags on as you near the end. Only play it if you're a hardcore RPG gamer and have a huge boner for Final Fantasy.

Moving on, I just beat Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. An above average game, but one I was happy with. Battles can get a bit tedious, especially with the card-style active battling. And at the start of the game, the whole things will feel like a retread of the first game (the story REALLY opens up after a few worlds into the game). If you're a fan of KH, you WILL want to play this before you get Kingdom Hearts 2.

RPGs are kind of taking a break for now. I have a lot of non-RPG games to play. But I DID get Golden Sun for the GBA, so that will probably be the next thing you hear out of me about. Unless I somehow manage to force myself to beat FFX-2.
Aug 30th, 2004 04:04 AM
James Bump.

I've just recently gotten into Chapter 3 of 5 in FFX-2, so I thought I'd give an update.

As I said before, you can play and beat a mission, then turn the game off and feel like you did a whole lot. This is still true, and can really slow down your advancement through the game. But one thing I want to touch up on is the battles.

When I'm playing, I'm finding myself fighting A LOT of random battles, instead of progressing through the story. The thing is, I'm CHOOSING to do this. I could easily just rip through and take the challenges that come across, but I actually LIKE fighting random battles.

While sometimes tedious, the key is that they're typically fun. The frantic action and the various skills make battles go really fast. And with the great job system, you'll always be getting new skills for your jobs, and/or levelling up and getting some good items. The bottom line is you actually constantly feel like you're accomplishing something while fighting. In other RPGs, the battles can feel fairly tedious or drawn out with very little payout. So the real reason I'm progressing through the story so slowly, is because I'm having so much fun just building up my characters.

Also, by the end of Chapter 2, you'll have two accessories: One to eliminate random battles, and one to increase them. So even if you're not a big fan of the random battles, you'll have the option to moderate them soon enough.
May 17th, 2004 04:31 AM
executioneer no, warrior uses english and quest uses fucking japanese, pay attention
May 17th, 2004 12:14 AM
MikeSoAwesome From what I have heard Dragon Quest and dragon Warrior are the same series Warrior uses olde english and Quest uses modern englishas well as some other minor differences, If you like Dragon Warrior DO NOT play the GameBoy version it is a dumbed down version of it and enimies are weaker. FF8 had a great battle system(as opposed to newer RPGs), so did FF7(don't play it over and over again to figure out the story it's not happening. Tactics however had the most veratile and customizable battle system. As oposed to RPG's I have but never finished Phantasy Star I, Miracle Warriors, Final Fantasy 1, Ultima:Exodus, Final Fantasy 4(PSX) and Final Fantasy 8.

Anyone know where I can find a decent SMS(Sega Master System) emulator? Massage sucks. as well as roms PS1 was the only one I could find.
May 17th, 2004 12:14 AM
MikeSoAwesome From what I have heard Dragon Quest and dragon Warrior are the same series Warrior uses olde english and Quest uses modern englishas well as some other minor differences, If you like Dragon Warrior DO NOT play the GameBoy version it is a dumbed down version of it and enimies are weaker. FF8 had a great battle system(as opposed to newer RPGs), so did FF7(don't play it over and over again to figure out the story it's not happening. Tactics however had the most veratile and customizable battle system. As oposed to RPG's I have but never finished Phantasy Star I, Miracle Warriors, Final Fantasy 1, Ultima:Exodus, Final Fantasy 4(PSX) and Final Fantasy 8.

Anyone know where I can find a decent SMS(Sega Master System) emulator? Massage sucks. as well as emulators PS1 was the only one I could find.
May 16th, 2004 12:46 AM
Comrade Rocket I always liked that one RPG where you were that dude with the sword and hes all like HEY, DONT TAKE THE PRINCESS and the bad guy is like TO BAD, YOUR TOO WEAK TO BEAT ME. and then you do a bunch of crap and the princess winds up being in another castle anyway, you know what game im talking about?
May 15th, 2004 11:52 PM
AChimp I finished Serious Sam: The Second Encounter today, dudes.
May 15th, 2004 10:28 PM
James No shit, Mr. Obvious.

But I'd trick them into giving me the men first, then I'd run away to Mexico with them without ever touching their fucking games. Seriously, Dragon Warrior is the game Hitler must have played to get himself all psyched for another day of Jew killing.

"Jews are blue slime! Kill blue slime! No metal slime. Germans are metal slime! REICHEN EIZDEN AUCHSTE EDRICH!"
May 15th, 2004 10:25 PM
Cap'n Crunch You'd touch it if it was men.
May 15th, 2004 10:22 PM
James I will never again touch a Dragon Warrior/Quest game, even if it promises to deliver to me 50 sexy women made out of money and french fries.
May 15th, 2004 10:10 PM
VolCanon If you -WANT- a decent Dragon Warrior (It's really Dragon Quest but whatever), play the two releases for SNES and the remake of DQ4 for PS. Only problem is they are in Japanese. I think there are translation patches for the two SNES ones (I don't need em, never bothered to get them). They are at least on par with FF games. I found DQ6 to be a lot better than FF3 cuz:

1) It's actually hard
2) Every character can learn almost every ability, but fighters will still suck at using magic (whereas in ff3, shadow 1-shot KO's kefka with 8 consecutive ultima's)
3) Most importantly, you can recruit monsters to your party (this was BEFORE pokemon). In my file on DQ6 I have 4 slimes, all over Level 40 (Slime, Hoimi(Heal) Slime, King Slime, Slime Knight). There's a slime arena where you can pit ur slime against other slimes for prizes.
May 13th, 2004 10:06 PM
MrAdventure someone ban this post counting fag seriously
May 13th, 2004 09:46 PM
May 13th, 2004 09:33 PM
James I've actually not even played it yet, and I don't know when I'll get around to it.
May 13th, 2004 05:39 PM
Perndog Did you ever finish Bahamut Lagoon? I'm playing it now, and really enjoying it.
May 13th, 2004 03:17 PM
James k, I'm about a day away from beating Dark Cloud 2. I beat Chapter 7, and now I'm on Chapter 8, which is kind of like a side quest.

This is really a great RPG for people who don't like RPGs. I'll spare saying more, because I've already said enough. Since Dark Cloud 1 is only $20, and this one is getting close, I'd suggest people look into them. There's certainly a fair amount of original ideas, and the RPG elements are few enough to make the game enjoyable to non-RPG fans, while still having enough to appeal to those who are fans.

Up next will be Final Fantasy X-2, finally.
Apr 8th, 2004 04:22 PM
James That's my problem. Since RPGs are such long games, I usually pace myself and take a few months to go through them. But during those few months, a new game might come out that I want, so I get that and start playing that, and forget about the last game.

Dark Cloud 2 is really fun. They improved on all the things that made the first one great, and took out all the things that dragged it down. The inclusion of a more involving (though not entirely original) storyline makes you feel more interested in progressing through the game, and inclusions of making inventions and taking photographs are fun additions.

It'd best be described as a real-time RPG meets Legend of Zelda. So for those of you who don't like turn-based RPGs, you should look into Dark Cloud 1, and then Dark Cloud 2.

The only downside is the Georama system is a little TOO complex, without a simple pick-up and move objects option that was in the first game. But one you get familiar enough with the system, it'll be alright.
Apr 8th, 2004 11:23 AM
Also Consider...

Damn, I signed up just to make this post since I was treading through the RPG's listed and you missed a couple of good ones. I know I'm a fan of the tactical RPG and if you think you might be you should pick up a copy of Front Mission 3, Disgaea, and later this year the american releases of La Pucelle Tactics and Phatom Brave. OTherwise I bow to you in some respects, I own many of those games but it's actually rare that I beat an RPG nowadays. Lunar Legand for GBA was cute and fun in way. I have this problem with getting to the last disc, I'm too easily distracted by new games.....
Apr 6th, 2004 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Rongi
Pfft please

The combat system blew, the characters were completely one dimensional, the story was boring, and Squall was a bigger faggot then Tidus.

WA2 forever, bitches
ff8 had the best combat system in the world. by far. yet another reason you suck...

edit: damnit! your avitar makes me think your meatman!!! so its not another reason, but a reason...
Apr 6th, 2004 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by executioneer
Originally Posted by AChimp
Have I talked about how great Return to Zork is in this thread yet?
return to zork is not a role playing game if you're gfoing to talk about a zork game in this thread you have to talk about Beyond Zork

I wish I had a giant onion. :dornbeast
Apr 6th, 2004 11:14 AM
ItalianStereotype I've already posted like 8 times today, I'm getting tired.
Apr 6th, 2004 11:13 AM

Sit on that
Apr 6th, 2004 11:09 AM
ItalianStereotype you're the one who does it before the first
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