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Oct 15th, 2005 10:36 PM
The One and Only... I squat thrust all night long.
Oct 15th, 2005 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by HickMan
You can always DO SOMETHING about it, you know..
Yeah I could totally just crap out 100 pounds in a night. I am working on it! Of course, until then I am going to bitch and moan on the internet. ONWARD!

Originally Posted by kellychaos
That is NOT good ... really. That is really a dark, unhealthy perspctive.
Yeah, I suppose... It's kind of trying to lighten the dark mood, though.

My healthalicious friends do complain about the toughness of the sports they're in, so I don't dislike them for being fit. I had to ask one of them if she'll be allowed to eat sugar for my Halloween cookies day Sometimes I wish that you didn't have to be good at a sport to join as a Freshman, though.

Obedience, keeping at it and not becoming depressed when you stumble is harder than it looks, especially for marshmallows such as myself. Mostly I need an attitude adjustment on myself, though. Not just the weight, I've had an inferiority complex since God knows when. I never wanted to be one of those people who is overly confident. Better to think you suck and not actually suck, than to think you're awesome and to totally suck. 'CUZ GOD FORBID I BE CONFIDENT AND NON SUCKY NO THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!

And hey, wasn't this OAO's thread? I feel like a damn hijacker. Go make fun of him, now! Squat thrusts and whatnot!
Oct 15th, 2005 05:52 PM
Slinky Ferret Before I went to senior school I was a healthy little thing, doing lots o cycling, swimming etc. by the time I left senior school, thanks to a sadistic PE teacher I loathed even the mention of the word exercise.

Everything was fine during college but when I hit 21 and started drinking and eating as uni students do, well the weight piled on and before I knew it I was pretty over weight.

Since then I have battled with it, I do eat healthily but I'll mess up and eat some chocolate and then feel bad. I'm trying to walk to uni this year thats 45 minutes a day. I am not fat, just would look alot better if I lost a stone. I do go to the gym but I feel stupid and its hard when there are skinny girls there that don't need to do much to maintain their weight. I try to work hard for at least an hour and I do feel better afterwards.

The one thing I can't do is running, it brings back horrific memories at school. I can run, it just hurts my throat and I can't breathe. We weren't allowed to stop at school, we had to do two laps. In the freezing cold. With these tiny shorts that dug into your legs.

That is why I became a lazy git. But I'm trying to improve my attitude. But half of me thinks, why bother, only old blokes notice me anyway these days.
Oct 15th, 2005 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by maggiekarp
Sometimes the negative attitude can be good, though, like in a fat joke I make at my own expense. Like today when my friends were griping about little poochyness that had developed on their tummies, I said "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT FROM YOU!" and we all had a hearty chuckle.
That is NOT good ... really. That is really a dark, unhealthy perspctive.
Oct 15th, 2005 12:05 PM
HickMan You can always DO SOMETHING about it, you know..
Oct 14th, 2005 11:34 PM
maggiekarp Really?

Damn, guess I have no more positive ways to deal with my fat misery, huh?
Oct 14th, 2005 11:18 PM
adept_ninja It might seem like its a good idea to make those kind of jokes but most people assume you are digging for a compliment
Oct 14th, 2005 10:03 PM
maggiekarp I know I could be a lot less self-depreciating, but I was just failing to make a joke there...

I'm just saying that you can be dumb without being a dumb fuck, or fat without being a fat fuck. I have a friend who is skinny as fuck, but not a skinny fuck.

Also that society will pretty much accept you if you're nice :/

Sometimes the negative attitude can be good, though, like in a fat joke I make at my own expense. Like today when my friends were griping about little poochyness that had developed on their tummies, I said "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT FROM YOU!" and we all had a hearty chuckle.
Oct 14th, 2005 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Aneurysm
Internet people take comments too seriously.
Re: useless fuck

And Maggie? Stop being so self-deprecating. You're not helping yourself in the least. This is not the first time in which you've mentioned your weight in a negative tone and I'm sure the negative attitude comes across socially whether you mean it to or realize it. Kellychaos ... saving internet lives one person at a time.

I'm only one man!
Oct 14th, 2005 10:45 AM
Oct 14th, 2005 10:16 AM
sadie what the hell is that supposed to mean?!
Oct 13th, 2005 05:20 PM
Aneurysm Internet people take comments too seriously.
Oct 13th, 2005 04:37 PM
kellychaos You had all the prerequisite classes but were just not a senior? I have a modest (calc, prob/stat, discrete, linear, ect) background in college mathematics and have made a cursory attempt at reading up on topology. While understanding the basic principles, I can see where it might get rather difficult.

And Maggie,

You are not alone: there are skinny fucks, dumb fucks, useless fucks, ect ... I hope that helped
Oct 13th, 2005 04:30 PM
CaptainBubba yea i have to admit that `was an internet faux pau but i just got back my exam yesteray and i was fucking ecstatic. normally topology is a class for graduate studies` and seniors. I only got allowed to register for it by a registrar error. Technically I should be failing is all. So im proud o myself. Sorry
Oct 13th, 2005 01:13 PM
I must be an idiot. Only idiots get Bs in Topology in their sophomore year of college. I have no concept of logic or reason and will probably fail out of high school after I've graduated college.

I don't think people who tell people there grades online as proof of their intellect online, is convincing or a likeable. I'm only saying that because Bubba's comments are pretty much right on the ball through this whole thread.

As opposed to aneurysm's comments which don't deserve the gratification of a response
Oct 13th, 2005 12:58 PM
maggiekarp What about fat fucks like me? Can I be loved by society? TELL ME I MUST KNOW~!
Oct 13th, 2005 12:07 PM
adept_ninja I hate fat fucks like you Aneurysm. Keep on saying its in the genes everyone will accept you eventually. Who cares that you are over weight and you dont care about your body or how it looks. The ladies love that shit man thats why they are called love handles the more you have the more you are loved.

Oct 12th, 2005 07:44 PM
CaptainBubba Everybody loves you.
Oct 12th, 2005 07:22 PM
Aneurysm It's a start, keep at it buddy!
Oct 12th, 2005 06:43 PM
CaptainBubba You're right. My eyes have been opened.

I now see that having a fit and muscular body does in fact make me appear as a fag. I am shamed to belong to that shameful demographic.

I must be an idiot. Only idiots get Bs in Topology in their sophomore year of college. I have no concept of logic or reason and will probably fail out of high school after I've graduated college.

Sadly I have to say I am falling behind in the job area with a measly 2 jobs. I could be doing so much more work.

From now on I wont waste about 2 hours a week being healthy. I'm going to go out and write letters to my congressman about outlawing faggots from the the local swimmin hole and get me a respectable job down at the mine where I can bring home an honest wage to my fat disgusting whale of a wife. But at least she doesn't waste time excersising.
Oct 12th, 2005 06:07 PM
Aneurysm Only idiots care about athletics this much. Why waste your time building your muscles up and competing and looking like a fag when you could be getting a fucking job?
Oct 12th, 2005 05:17 PM
CaptainBubba Listen to me. Listen hard.

You have been working out seriously for maybe 8 months.

Nothing you have done or heard or gained means anything right now. Its gonna take you maybe a year or two to figure that out if you keep on excersising that far into the future. You like math right? Think good and hard about how many thousands of variables factor into biological muscular growth. Weightlifting takes periods of YEARS to see growth after your first 6 months or so. Putting that together one cannot logically attribute any particular dietary plan or excersise routine to one's growth unless you've been doing tjhe same one for about the entire span of how long you've been working out.

And mark my words. Supplementation is largely unnessecary for most people with a regular diet plan consisting of a good amount of fiber, omega fatty acids and protein. No supplement will help you in the long run and none of them are worth the exorbitant prices they charge for them. You do not need anything more than probably .8g of protein per lb of bodyweight. Most people can get that without some foul shake that cost 4 dollars.

Just working out for a long time on a split routine program changing your routine roughly every 2.5 months or so and eating well is enough.
Oct 12th, 2005 04:56 PM
The One and Only...
Originally Posted by CaptainBubba
Squats can do serious long term damage to skeletal structure and pose serious risk of severe tendon damage. There are safer excersises just as effective and far less blatently homo-erotic.
Are you smoking crack? Maybe I'll give you that front squats or deadlifts are potentially less dangerous than standard on-the-back squats, but in the vast majority of cases, damage results from improper form. And squats as a whole are very effective and difficult to substitute - it's works so many muscle areas in the movement.

Fuck programs. Save that shit for CPSC 110 motherfucker. Maxing out is another aspect of bodybuilding reserved for insecure homosexualites who post about weightlifiting online.
That doesn't even make sense. Periodization of lifting programs and consistency within the period are practically necessities for today's pro athletes. That's why they are so much stronger and faster than they used to be.

How long have you been lifting weights?
Around 8 months now, I think.

Is there any proof that their methods and nutritional suggestions have done anything for you?
Well, I did gain a lot of muscle and strength.

Do you know any gains you've made aren't due to the mere fact you're in perhaps your first year of serious muscular training of all the muscle groups?
Calisthenics didn't work well for me.

Have you tried anything different for a period of months?
I'm lifting on my school's program now, which combines explosive plyo sets with heavy sets. At first I didn't like it because the volume was very high and I never finished the workout, but now it's growing on me since we dropped volume while upping the intensity. My only real complaint with it is exercise variation; I wish we would do more direct ham, arm, and middle back work. Of course, I never get to my supersets at the end, which are supposed to work these areas...

Websites and magazines like bodybuilding.com (which is affiliated with about 1,000 supplement organizations) exist to perpetuate the myth that bodybuilding is a sport of gods that requires intense dedication in order to make people believe they need supplements. Try finding a scientist around who will back up "CREO-X PROTEIN NO2 POWDER MIX" SCIENTIST X's claims that you need to consume, well, what is it now? 1.5g of protein per lb of bodywieght? Yea you keep on truckin budy.
That's simply not true. While bodybuilding.com certainly does have sponsors and sells products, many of it's articles are of decent quality. More importantly, the best source of info is from other bodybuilders themselves - which is why I used the site's forum and discovered Westside for Skinny Bastards.

There's no doubt that you can make gains without supplementation. All I use are a few sparing protein shakes and vitamins. However, from the vast majority of bodybuilders I've interacted with online, I have found that in their experience they made greater gains on certain programs, certain diets, and certain supps.
Oct 12th, 2005 04:46 PM
HickMan Seriously, guys. Why are we talking fitness?

Oh, and OAO, quit bragging. Really.
Oct 12th, 2005 04:03 PM
kellychaos His quads are abnormally and freakishly large and make his overall muscle distribution look stupid ... most analagous to Popye ... I seent it on the internets.
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