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Mar 31st, 2003 07:15 PM

Mar 31st, 2003 05:51 PM
mburbank Vince; first of all, a hearty congratulations on the breast feeling and underwater handjob. On which side do you have the implant?

Second; Why do you feel compelled to mention the race of the women you allegedly date?

Third; Are you some kind of sideshow freak?

Forth; When are you going to post your Submarine letter?
Mar 31st, 2003 04:52 PM
CaptainBubba You're all wasting your time. Weren't you listening???

Hes gotten ACTION!
Mar 31st, 2003 03:54 PM
punkgrrrlie10 Watching what you eat is one thing.

Eating a sandwich named veggie delight just sounds gay. You might as well have a fabulously luxurious legume.
Mar 31st, 2003 02:50 PM
The_Rorschach "I control the number of calories/fat/carbs I take in every day."

And I'll bet your colon is the strongest muscle in your body. Your life sounds pretty fucking shitty Zeb, and you have my sympathies. If getting laid is the height of your ambition -something which takes little or no effort-, and your total self concept is base upon how you look -a superficiality which is fleeting at best-, you are more shallow, stupid and useless than anyone I've ever met in the real world. Or even on the Wired for that matter.

You are crass, classless and, worse than any of these, you are boring. Your words are numb and fumbling, revealing more of your pathetic desperate nature than hurting the image of others. The only purpose in tearing others down, is so you can build them back up. I insult people on this board often, but as a general rule, only for their first week or so, and never personally. I think a little adversity is good for people, and if they can put up with a little shit from me, they will have the confidence to face true vitriol when they recieve it from others. Thats the whole point to hazing, well, that and forced conformity anyway.

I realized a long time ago that it was easy to be right, it was harder to show restraint in favour of getting along with the opposition in spite of it. I think you'll be happier with yourself, your life, and your ideals if you can find similar peace.
Mar 31st, 2003 10:35 AM
Mar 31st, 2003 09:44 AM
Anonymous The comics take about 15 minutes and I'm not doing them for your fat sake.

I'm doing it...for the people
Mar 31st, 2003 09:19 AM
VinceZeb I could write a long diatribe, but you are not worth it, Jamesman.

Ignorance is bliss. When people look up that saying in a book, there will be a picture of Jamesman. Ignorant, uncaring, foolish, and naive.

Must be nice. Have fun in your life pushing the wheel while others do something useful. When you die, you will do it as you lived: Stupid, useless, naive, and without a soul.
Mar 30th, 2003 10:55 PM
James If anything, it just gives Proto one more point, and you one less.

The bottom line is you're Vinnie Zeb, and we're not. Everything you do is stupid. Everything you say is stupid. Everything you stand for is stupid.

Proto (or any one of us for that matter) could stay home and shove corn bits from our poop up our nasal cavaties, and still have a better night than you and your friends/hookers. Nothing you will ever do will one-up us and our lives, because you're Vinnie Zeb, and we're not.

Nuff said, fatty.
Mar 30th, 2003 10:08 PM
Protoclown Yep. I played D&D last night, that's true. How does that do anything to damage my credibility?
Mar 30th, 2003 10:06 PM
VinceZeb All I have to say is this:

Who did the things that I described this morning last night?

I did.

Who played D&D last night?

You did.

Think thats the end of that argument.
Mar 30th, 2003 10:06 PM
Protoclown Okay, well I thought about that letter for a minute and realized that I have better things to do than waste my time trying to prove shit to a bunch of fucks on a message board (who I couldn't give a shit what they think anyway), so I'm not going to look for it right now.

Because I think one of my roommates might have thrown it away, but I'm not entirely certain, and I really don't care enough to check. Believe me, these offers are a dime a dozen for a guy like me. I'm constantly getting solicitations from powerful and important people asking for my time, services, and money. And important guy like me tends to be in pretty high demand, let me just tell you.

So I'm sure if I REALLY wanted to I could probably find that letter, but as of right now I can't even really be bothered, even though I just promised that I would produce it as proof. But I don't really care, so now I'm not going to.

See you losers later! I've got a hot "AIM date" tonight with someone who assures me she's a "hot lil' latino chick" so I'm probably going to be out late and pretty busy, if you know what I'm sayin'.
Mar 30th, 2003 10:02 PM
Protoclown Oh yeah, and I also got an offer to serve as an office assistant on a yellow submarine. I even got a personalized letter about it and everything!

And if you don't believe me, I can even produce the letter and show it to you. I'd be MORE than happy to scan it in for you so you can see it for yourself.
Mar 30th, 2003 09:57 PM
Protoclown Oh yeah, and did I mention that the stripper who fucked me all night long was a beautiful black chick? Cuz I wanted to be sure I didn't leave that out, it's real important. Okay, thanks!
Mar 30th, 2003 09:56 PM
Protoclown Oh, I HAVE a life, VinceZeb! And since you mentioned my life, let me give you an unsolicted description of how AWESOME and RADICAL it is! Cowabunga dude!

First off, I've started going to the YMCA so I'm working on getting stronger and whipping my ass into shape. After all, it's not easy to be a "pussyfied idiot misinformed liberal" so I figure I'd better work out so I can put my money where my mouth is and shape up so I can NOT go fight in Iraq because I don't believe this war is just.

And also, I'm eating healthy, counting my calories, carbs, and fat intake. I'm also drinking milk (from your mommas titties! nooch!) which is giving me the calcium to develop strong bones and healthy skin! I'm avoiding fast food now, because that's just full of a bunch of fatty crap that isn't good for you anyway.

And for my friend's birthday last month, me and some other friends went to a strip club and a couple of them chipped in and paid for me to get a lap dance. I didn't want to do it, but it was my money, so I figured "what the hell", you know? But then, the chick who gyrating all over my lap liked me so much she invited me back to her apartment for an all-night, all-out fuckfest! With not just her but several other strippers too! At first I felt bad about it and all, because it went against my 'code of chivalry" to do something so shallow, but they pretty much made me do it! Yep, they tied me to the bedposts and fucked me like a pot-bellied stallion all night long! Hifive! Zaaaaaang! Awwww yeah, you jive turkeys!

So I guess you can see that I have quite an envious life after all. I can understand if you're jealous, and I realize that's really the only reason you disagree with me about anything. Nobody's really that stupid in real life.

Well, I've got to get back to my awesome lifestyle now, the concubines are waiting to oil up my gorgeous bronzed body and feed me grapes while giving me the massage of my life! See you losers later!
Mar 30th, 2003 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by punkgrrrlie10

Veggie delight? Are you gay or somethin?
Actually, I didn't pay anything. And not really. I actually didn't want to at first, because it was kind of rude. But then my concept of girls is different I guess (ya know, modest, don't want guys feeling them up, etc).

yes, Veggie Delight. It is low calorie, cheap and tasty. I control the number of calories/fat/carbs I take in every day. I didn't work this hard to lose all this weight so I could end up losing right before I'm about to hit the final lap. And no, I am not gay. No more than you are cool by using the 'uber-kool' grrrrl teeny-hardcore girl cliche.

Chojin, the funny thing is you are taking time out to draw these. That is pretty sad. But we all know someone that is the "Gay Alien Bondage Dog" is the epitamey of 'cool'. I do hope they keep you warm at night, because when the computer goes off, I get to have my nice life that I am enjoying quite much, and your still a loser. So sleep tight with your second rate drawings.

Proto, yep, I am insensitive. I could give a fuck less if I insult anyone on this board. OOOOHHH I am insulting! Wow. Get a life.
Mar 30th, 2003 07:02 PM
Mar 30th, 2003 06:59 PM
Mar 30th, 2003 06:48 PM
James A "good momma joke" is an oxymoron. Just like a thin Vinnie Zeb.

And didn't you already post a story like that somewhere else? I just skimmed it over and saw it had to do with me and my mom, so I'm not positive. But I am positive your originality is over in Iraq. Go over and get it.
Mar 30th, 2003 06:46 PM
Protoclown Frankly, VinceZeb, I'm apalled that you would make "fat jokes" about Jamesman. First of all, you don't even know if he's fat (if you'd seen his picture you would know that he is not), and secondly, it seems grossly unfair to me that you, a former weight challenged person yourself, would go and make fun of others for the same thing. I cannot believe you would be so insensitive.

you fat fuck
Mar 30th, 2003 06:42 PM
VinceZeb Then I guess the ladies of Canada are cruel to you then, huh?
Mar 30th, 2003 06:39 PM
I have responsabilities I take on full handedly.
I don't think that there's any doubt you take your job as "Semen Extractor" at the local humane society very seriously. It can be very cruel to leave an animal alone with an untreated erection.
Mar 30th, 2003 06:32 PM
VinceZeb This board isn't worth the time to think of a good momma joke. It's existance and the main residence here are a great enough joke enough.

Man, I can see Jamesman now:

*starts to scan the posts on the board*

"OH HO! *Snort* There is a post by VinceZeb!"

Quickly, his stubby fingers fly towards the keyboard so he can be the first to fire off his razor blade sharp wit. The sweat begins to roll off his brow, rolling down his face and onto his supple man-breast.

"Wow, Vince said something about working out! How can use my vast intellectual powers to turn this to something funny!"

Thinking about what he wants to do right now, since he doesn't have car no job because he mooches off his parents, he sees an empty McDonald's chicken nugget box laying on his dirty, unkempt floor! The geek's spine siffens.

"AH HA! I will use a vast McDonald's comeback! That will show HIM! *Snort*"

Quickly, so he can watch the new anime porn he just downloaded, he types out cute one liners about McDonalds. His ass crack gets sweaty as he is flying his chubby fingers along the keyboard, anticipiating the completion of his post so he can go wank off to those beautiful anime women. The women he deserves and would get if they were only real!

"YES! Take that, Vinny!" He chuckles as he begins to unzip his pants.....

"OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" screams one of his mother's younger friends as she opens Jamesman's door.

Jamesman's faux-self esteem is shattered as he sits there, flabby stomach hanging over his penis that you could thread a needle with, ready to masturbate to pictures of women who are not real.

"WAAHHHHHH!!!!" Jamesman runs out the door, pulling his pants up. He then hikes to the only place where that understands him: The local Baskin Robins and then to the local comic/game store.

Now, lets recap Jamesman: I do things, I have a social life. I have responsabilities I take on full handedly. I work out and exercise every day. I eat healthy, because fast food is nothing but fat and oil and sugar, which suprising enough was found on the floor where your tears fell.

Now, Jamesman, would you like to stop trying to act like your superior to me or shall I just keep posting these little truths about yourself? I can stop and ignore your existance (just like the women of the world do), or I can keep going. You decide.
Mar 30th, 2003 06:31 PM
AChimp Jamesman made me LOL.

Oh, I'd like to donate $500, but after the exchange rate, that become $12.71
Mar 30th, 2003 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Oh yeah, then I paid a visit to your mother and made her drink my cum from a tropical drink glass. I even included the little umbrella!
Looks like the wives aren't the only ones in trouble when Loose zipper zebby is in town!!!
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