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Jan 29th, 2006 04:48 PM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
Originally Posted by kahljorn
More like, "how can I make my posts a little more anal?"
hey watch it

this guy's been studying this shit for decades if not centuries

i think an apology would be in order

am i making myself clear

stupid koran-humpin' jizzface

dont bother responding cuz i checked my sources on google and i totally won this argument
Jan 29th, 2006 03:52 PM
kahljorn More like, "how can I make my posts a little more anal?"
Jan 28th, 2006 06:58 PM
Abcdxxxx By the way, the proper question should be "What entitles any land to be Jewish Free ?"
Jan 28th, 2006 04:56 PM
Abcdxxxx What entitles anyone to any land?

Why is the argument even about entitlement? Israel is literally the only Middle Eastern nation where a million non-Jews reside in peace alongside 5 million Jews. Druze, Kurds, Muslims, all protected by a secular government. There is no other land in which Jews have stronger ties, not Biblically, but historically as a soveriegn nation prior to becoming a diaspora. Jews lived under British occupation, and had the right to self determination, like any other nation.

There were displaced Palestinian Arabs as a result, but as Israel's current demographic shows, Arabs were welcomed to stay and build Israel. There was also a Jewish refugee problem through out the entire world, and Israel was the only option available to all of them.

Israel's story, for all it's romanticism has also shown results.....
Israel now has the highest average living standard in the middle east. They're the only liberal democracy in the region. For the size of their population, they are the largest immigrant absorbing nation in the World. They continue projects to air rescue communities at risk to this day. They elected the worlds second Female leader in modern times.

Culturally, They have more museums per capita then anyone, and their second in producing books. Economically, Per capita they have more bio tech startups, and they're second on the list of venture capital funds behind the US. Israel has the highest ration of university degrees to the population, with the highest number of patents filed, and scientific papers written, per capita in the world.
Contrbutions to the world include the cell phone, most of the Windows XT, and XP systems, production of Pentium microprocessors, instant messaging, the first no radiation diagnostic instrumentation for breast cancer, digital thermometers, organic produce exports, their rescue teams are some of the best, and first on-site during disasters......
Jan 28th, 2006 01:14 PM
imported_I, fuzzbot. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that yes.

We are jealous.

Of their brilliant fucking leadership. They've come this far because their leaders cared for their citizens, who were all willing to work together knowing it's for their own survival and good.

And look at us. Look up our leaders.

Sickly old men who care about nothing but their power, wealth, and relationship with the US.

Don't blame Islam and don't blame Arabs as a whole. We are capable of a lot if we were given the chance, if we could further ourselves without having any consequences and limits from our governments perhaps we could've climbed higher, faster. Instead we're going through the political and social changes that we could've gone through 30 years ago, when Israel was building itself twice as fast. I'm in awe of their constant progress, and honestly? I hope they keep it up.

Maybe after we've seen the outcome of this we'll have something to fucking learn.
Jan 28th, 2006 01:03 PM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf
BTW< I know it is extreme to call Palestinians backwards tribalist Islamists, but I do not know how else to describe people that parade their children around in mock suicide bomber outfits.
You know what? As painful as it is for me to admit, you are absolutely right. Now, I'm not saying Israel deserves the land and the Palestinians should fuck off elsewhere, nor am I agreeing with you that most of the Palestinians fit that generalization, but I think Israel should be proud of its accomplishments.

And you know what else?

The average attitude (of Arabs) towards Israel being the most successful state in the Middle East will never change. As much as they are blamed for all the problems caused in this region, they should pride themselves on how far they've come as a nation. They did it because they worked together as a tightly-knit community. And look at us. Shiites and Sunnis in constant battles, street kids or spoiled rich ones who refuse to further themselves through proper education, and lack of hope for a region we all want to see move forward.

I'm just saying that if Palestine had the same amount of financial assistance that Israel did, and less amount of stupid fucking Hamas supporters who have the "let's solve violence by creating more violence" mentality, Palestine would've been someplace else.

I think you could make a fine argument that the product Israel has produced entitles Israelis to Israel.

Even during the country's start, the UNSCOMP resolution, Israelis proved a greater desire to modernize, democratize, and liberalize the Middle East. While Israel tried to win approval to claim a slice of the mandated land, by building infrastructure, sustainable cities in the desert, and industry, Arabs were plotting for war. Tanks began to roll as soon as Israel became Israel.

Both sides have developed a strong nationalistic impulse, but one actually did something about it, IMO.
That's way better than how "Letter Boy" would've put it, anyways. That last sentence is so fucking true.
Jan 28th, 2006 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Sethomas
What entitles the modern Jews to the homeland of Israel?

I know I'm not "letter boy," but I'd like to answer this nonetheless.

I think you could make a fine argument that the product Israel has produced entitles Israelis to Israel.

Even during the country's start, the UNSCOMP resolution, Israelis proved a greater desire to modernize, democratize, and liberalize the Middle East. While Israel tried to win approval to claim a slice of the mandated land, by building infrastructure, sustainable cities in the desert, and industry, Arabs were plotting for war. Tanks began to roll as soon as Israel became Israel.

Both sides have developed a strong nationalistic impulse, but one actually did something about it, IMO.
Jan 28th, 2006 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Sethomas
Instead of reading this entire waste of bandwidth, I'm just going to ask Letter Boy again:

What entitles the modern Jews to the homeland of Israel?
The UN Declaration of Human Rights note that everyone is entitled to a homeland.

What entitles them to Israel?

It is the origin of their ethnic group and their religion (depending on how you view it).

Does it mean they have a right to a monopoly on political rights?

I don't think so, actually. I think it should be a democracy with no special rights granted to anyone.

But if I had a choice between the Jews running things and the Palestinians, who would I choose? Backwards tribalist Islamists or a group of people that tend to have good education and upbringing?

BTW< I know it is extreme to call Palestinians backwards tribalist Islamists, but I do not know how else to describe people that parade their children around in mock suicide bomber outfits.
Jan 28th, 2006 08:17 AM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
Originally Posted by Sethomas
Instead of reading this entire waste of bandwidth, I'm just going to ask Letter Boy again:
Everything you need to know is in the first few pages of this thread, the rest is Letter Boy denying his mistakes and basically people repeating themselves over and over again because he purposefully misunderstood everything they've said so he wouldn't come off as stupid as he evidently is.

The fact that all he cares about is who gets to clench their buttcheeks in victory at the end of a discussion should say a lot about him, really.
What entitles the modern Jews to the homeland of Israel?[/
wtf most of them were born in the region!! they deserv it
Jan 28th, 2006 07:03 AM
Sethomas Instead of reading this entire waste of bandwidth, I'm just going to ask Letter Boy again:

What entitles the modern Jews to the homeland of Israel?
Jan 28th, 2006 06:28 AM
imported_I, fuzzbot. What is this, grade school? You read like an unfed angry child. This isn't about winning or losing. It's a debate that meandered off its original subject thanks to your utter stupidity and lack of respect for others.
Jan 28th, 2006 05:37 AM
Jan 28th, 2006 02:56 AM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
It means you're making excuses for grown fucking men.
Do you really expect yourself to be a fully grown gentleman by 20 if you were growing up amidst violence?

A lot of 20 year olds think and act like fucking kids. I don't know how old you are, but you don't seem so "grown" to me. Age doesn't play a role in this. Brainwashing is brainwashing. Don't act like these people are going to sit down and think logically and fairly if they've just seen their families being whiped out. Of course they're going to take action, of course they're going to follow other people's footsteps. They've been growing up thinking it's right.
You're right, not every Muslim uses the same tired old libels or apologetic, rationalizing, moral equivalency. SO WHY DID YOU?
To turn you on.
Jan 27th, 2006 06:23 PM
Abcdxxxx This isn't a popularity contest.

You said suicide bombers were 13 year old young children...and now you say it doesn't matter that they're older then you are. It means you're making excuses for grown fucking men. A huge percentage of Palestinians achieve higher learning degrees, so stop talking about Palestinians as being less capable to use whatever reasonable thought we both use to avoid killing people in the name of our scriptures.

Don't come to debate with "I think I heard it on Al Jazeera, or my religious school told me that". You have no interest in facts, if you think they're interchangeable, and when questioned, you won't back them up. You're talking about how great Al-Banna was for Jews in Jordan, and then tell me I don't know what *I'm* talking about? Al-Banna was a anti-semite, that inspired the likes of Hamas and possibly even Hitler. There were never Jewish citizens of Jordan, running happy. You presented an argument based on disinformation and now you're bitch fighting instead of backing it up. Everytime I ask you to back your shit up YOU CHOKE!

You're right, not every Muslim uses the same tired old libels or apologetic, rationalizing, moral equivalency. SO WHY DID YOU?
Jan 27th, 2006 07:13 AM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
Originally Posted by Abcdxxxx
Don't come on here and make shit up...and stop disregarding 21 year old Palestinian MEN and WOMEN like they're 13 year old children.
I didn't say they were like 13 year olds. I said 20 is still not old enough to know right from wrong IF you've grown up in that environment. We are talking about people who receive no formal education and aren't engaged in anything but what Hamas wants to put them through.

Again, this is common sense. I'm not talking about taking your average 20 year old and putting him in that position and expecting him to know it's wrong. These people don't know it's wrong because no one is telling them it's wrong, simple as that.

Weren't you the one who dismissed me for being a 'teen'? I'm 19 years old. That doesn't make me a man, then? 'Cause you called me a "kid." So, by your definition, these people are still "kids" who don't know what they're doing.

Don't ask me to site my sources if you haven't done that responsibly yourself. It is common knowledge (to anyone but lazy fucks like you) that the Internet is not your most reliable source for research, I'm not interested in your shitty links. I WAS interested in what you think, but obviously, I no longer am, because halfway through this thread most of us saw right through you: A self-righteous moron who won't stop whining incessantly about things he clearly lacks knowledge in.

I'm willing to put this to an end. You won't get anywhere. Not with your attitude, not with your stupidity. I'm just glad that I'm not the only one here who finds you utterly boring and ill-informed, to the point where you start slapping irrelevent shit in a poorly written post and call it an "argument" just for the sake of coming off as a "winner" here.

Who are you trying to prove yourself to? To give others the illusion that you're mr. smartypants? Your posts are just random ramblings of an assclown.

But, go ahead, keep trying. Who knows? It might be fun for one or both of us.
Maybe if assholes like you stopped the dissemination of lies... like how an Israeli raped and killed a woman in front of her child...we wouldn't have this fucking problem
See, herein lies your sick problem.

A few Muslims seemed to believe this is what happened, perhaps this is what was written in an unofficial Arab newsletter, and you assume that all Arabs pass these off as facts. That we all have the same mentality, and you only do this because you're not close to being smart enough to come up with a better conclusion. You think we are involved in this, collectively and inevitably (we're too dumb to think for ourselves, hi-ho). This childish behavior just speaks volumes of who you are and your absurd mentality, there's NO WAY I can carry this conversation with you because you just keep sinking lower, and hilarity ensues when you think you're being clever about it.

Save it. I'm already bored with your rebuttal to come.
Jan 27th, 2006 06:00 AM
Abcdxxxx Stop theorizing and SOURCE YOUR FUCKING INFORMATION. You like being petty, so play by your own rules. The indoctrinization is unquestionable, and it's flat out child abuse, but what can one say to a brainwashed adult ? I ask myself that every time I respond to one of your posts! Maybe if assholes like you stopped the dissemination of lies... like how an Israeli raped and killed a woman in front of her child...we wouldn't have this fucking problem. Don't come on here and make shit up...and stop disregarding 21 year old Palestinian MEN and WOMEN like they're 13 year old children.
Jan 27th, 2006 05:44 AM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
Originally Posted by Abcdxxxx
So the Koran claims there were Jews getting hugs from Muslims in JORDAN ?
And blowjobs, too.
That the average suicide bomber is THIRTEEN ?
Sky News and Al Jazeera have stated. When suicide bombers line up in Al Manar to say their little speech before they blow the shit out of themselves, the age always happens to be around 13. Always. They're kids, who after going through what they've been through, aren't in their right minds to think about 'right' from 'wrong.' Kids are easily brainwashed, but people are easily brainwashed as well. Even if the average age is 20 (which I still don't think it's true,) that still doesn't make them old enough to understand. They're easily influenced and controlled, especially by the sweet-talking leaders of Hamas and other terrorist organizations who make it seem like it's the perfect thing to do. Get this through your head or perhaps get a gun to help you make a hole for this simple idea. It's fucking common sense.
Does the Koran give you license to MAKE SHIT UP ?
Why don't you read it and find out what it's all about?

Oh, right.

The Internet already does that for you.
Jan 27th, 2006 05:29 AM
Abcdxxxx So the Koran claims there were Jews getting hugs from Muslims in JORDAN ?

That the average suicide bomber is THIRTEEN ?

Does the Koran give you license to MAKE SHIT UP ?
Jan 27th, 2006 05:27 AM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
Originally Posted by Abcdxxxx
Yup, meanwhile you're the Emperor without any clothes.

You can't source your rhetoric because it's made up garbage. Nothing you say has a basis in reality.
My source is the Koran itself.

That beats any cum-stained source you could dig up through your boring and highly unreliable list of geocities-hosted websites.

Get off the internet. Find a book.

sad, lazy, Dawa reject
What your mother calls you is no business of mine.
Jan 27th, 2006 05:13 AM
Abcdxxxx Yup, meanwhile you're the Emperor without any clothes.

You can't source your rhetoric because it's made up garbage. Nothing you say has a basis in reality.

What a sad, lazy, Dawa reject.
Jan 27th, 2006 04:33 AM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
Originally Posted by Abcdxxxx
So you can't back up your mouth?

Like I said...TRY GOOGLE.

No wonder you're so clueless.

no more ignorance, no mores lies....
You should put that on a shirt. You'd look cute in it.
Jan 26th, 2006 11:05 PM
Abcdxxxx So you can't back up your mouth?

Like I said...TRY GOOGLE.

There's a whole page of errors you made. Back it up, or shut the fuck up and logout.

The next post you make should be citations, links, and proof.... no more ignorance, no mores lies....
Jan 26th, 2006 10:11 PM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
Originally Posted by Abcdxxxx
You're a DONKEY. You were 13, and barely studying the Koran when 9/11 happened. You entire perception is colored by a world where a secular society actually gives a shit about the Koran.
It's been well-established that you're an ignorant tit who knows absolutely nothing about this matter. Nothing. Zero. Sefr. Rien.

Time for you to leave. Head on a platter and all.

Jan 26th, 2006 09:26 PM
Abcdxxxx You're a DONKEY. You were 13, and barely studying the Koran when 9/11 happened. You entire perception is colored by a world where a secular society actually gives a shit about the Koran.

Enough Hee-Haw, Heee-haw... stop primping and provide us with some sources for this misinformed propagandist bullshit you only WISH you said in error:

Do you think it's easy having a religious debate with a kid who saw his mother get raped and killed?[/qoute]......[qoute]the Israelis are doing things that are thrice as bad as this, wiping out thrice as much of the population. Just compare the death tolls in each country and see for yourself. ............ Most of them are 13. ......Most of them are KIDS. 13 year olds are kids.
Why don't you look up the history of Lebannon* and see how the Christians and Muslims were living in the same definite terrority?
(*The civil war was a political and territorial dispute and not religious.
He forgave a Jewish woman called Hind from his tribe who killed his uncle Hamza

Why don't you look up the history of Jordan and look at the presence of Judaism there, amongst Islam?.....When I talked about Jordan I was talking about Al Banna's Islamization project.
In the end we believe in the same God
I'm sure you know that suicide in general is forbidden in the Koran.
Jan 26th, 2006 01:30 PM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
I don't know what an Arab is
I'm glad you admit it.
I'm glad you keep clinging to that Bahrain shit
You spoke confidently about a country you didn't only know SHIT about, but you didn't even know WHERE it was, or the fact that it is a country! That speaks volumes about your lack of basic knowledge when it comes to this field. I shudder with embarrassment for you. You can't convince anybody here of anything you say regarding this simply because even the shittiest of the dumbshits know more than you do. You claim to know, but you don't, you assume things and pass your ill-informed opinions off as facts.
your perception of the Middle East is inside out, backwards, and you're nothing more then a useless apologetic for the typical party lines.

You haven't said a single thing that that wouldn't be covered in the first month of some hack mid-east studies course in a third rate American University. Yeah, you're blowing our minds. Getting to talk to a real life Muslim being disingenous about his community is so exotic.

You're just a teenager of the month club reject on the internet. Get a fucking mirror, and take the pacifier out of your ass.
Oh my God, stop! My stomach is screaming obscenities at me for laughing too much.








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