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May 11th, 2003 11:53 AM
Skulhedface I made it out

I went to her birthday party and she actually admitted that she wanted me back and I almost seemed possessed because without even thinking about what I was going to say, it just came out...

"You know what? Fuck it, I'm better off without you. Happy birthday."

I left and I hadn't heard from her since.

My roommate was kind enough to point out that that means I will not get laid anymore but I walked away with my dignity. So I guess it all works out.
May 10th, 2003 07:34 PM
Queen Tonya Oy vey, what happened? Didja make it out, or were you sucked back in??
May 7th, 2003 12:15 PM
Skulhedface Today being the birthday, I plan on it. I wasn't gonna think about her, but she's sentimental about birthdays so I can't completely put her out of mind, she WILL call today.

I'm just waiting until later. I'm getting zero presents but I'm going to rake in some cash
May 6th, 2003 03:29 PM
Generator86 Man, I've got to be honest. Seriously, you've got to forget about her. I know, I know, much easier said than done, okay? Been there, tried that, failed, drank, tried again, ad nauseum. You've gotta see that waiting around for her to make up her mind isn't doing you a god-damn bit of good, right?

But hey, taking relationship advice from me is more than likely one of the dumbest things you could do. I figure I've got to go through about two or three nasty break-ups before I even have enough authority on the subject to talk out of my ass.

Either way, best of luck and happy birthday. Have fun.
May 5th, 2003 11:25 PM
Skulhedface Well, there is more to the story but I wasn't going to post it because this thread has seen activity die off, but now that there's renewed interest I'll let you in.

I said all that stuff in stories for the bored, and that was the last time I'd seen her was that night, but I have heard from her again. She called here twice telling me that she was unsure all over again, that seeing me again reminded her of how she felt about me, how much she misses me and all the good times we did have and all that (we were basically inseperable for 2 years, now). I have faith that she never cheated, at least on me, because we were basically around each other almost 24 hours a day. Before she started working, she'd even come hang out at the shop with me and watch me do tattoos all day, so I never had a question about her faithfulness. But her tragic flaw is that she was sheltered, she didn't get to even start her cutting loose until she turned 18. She feels like she missed out on her teenage years and now that she IS allowed to cut loose, she's trying to squeeze in as much as possible before she DOES have to grow up. She stayed faithful to ME, but after breaking up she saw herself as COMPLETELY untethered and that's how that all came about. What it is is that she didn't cheat on me, but she had a good idea of who to go for if we did break up. So you are all half right, but considering that she was almost literally never away from me for longer than 30 minutes until she got a job (and that's easily checkable, should I feel paranoid) I never had any worries.

Maybe that was part of it, that we did spend entirely too much time together, and that's part of what's making it so hard for me to get over her, not to mention that just when I'm feeling normal again she comes back around and invites me to her birthday which is 2 days after mine, mine being tomorrow, and tells me she still has feelings and love for me.

SO the story is once again unfinished. I'll let you guys know the definitive final answer by Friday night or Saturday morning, depending on my alcohol intake that night
May 5th, 2003 06:36 PM
Generator86 Sorry to arrive at the party so late....

What's the situation like now? I read the Stories for the bored thread that you started, so I know that you're not together in a "going out" type of deal, but does she still drop by or anything?

I've got to agree on the old adage of "Once a cheater, always a cheater". Get this. I was in 11th grade when I met this girl. Let's call her Some Dumb Skank. Anyways, I'm just a scrawny little long-haired punk/metalhead. She's in a Mexican gang. Seriously. What she saw in me, I still have no idea. So we start going out. We break up a couple of weeks later, mostly due to the fact that I didn't enjoy driving around listening to Warren G, and we really didn't have a damn thing in common, other than we enjoyed fucking. I run into one of her friends about two weeks after we break up, and she asks me how we're doing, since she didn't know that we weren't together anymore. I tell her that I dumped her, and her response was, "Oh, you found out about her and (insert some guy's name)?" I had no fucking clue. Turns out that the entire time we went out, she had another boyfriend in her gang, and after we'd get done hanging out, she'd drop me off at home and go to this guy's house and fuck him. Also, she had an ex-boyfriend in jail who she'd treat like they were still going out, too. The guy in jail got out briefly, impregnated her, and got sent back to jail for robbing a store or something like that. She calls me up about six months later, saying how sorry she was and I was the nicest guy she ever went out with and that she wants to get back together with me. She was six month's pregnant, for fuck's sake, with a convict's kid, and she honestly thought I'd take her back. But the thing is, when she asked me back out, she was STILL going out with that guy in her gang. I don't want to sound like a misogynist or anything, but she has honestly got to be one of the dumbest fucking bitches I've ever met.

Sorry about that little rant.
Apr 21st, 2003 07:45 PM

B: When you start drinking at 9 that night, and you stop at 12, and you don't leave until 2, and you only had MAYBE 5 beers in that 3 hour period... You figure it out. An amateur could drive home like that.

Besides, didn't I say a "LITTLE"? I don't think I had enough by the time I actually left to even qualify for a DUI.
Apr 21st, 2003 06:27 PM
Re: OK so here's the deal...

Originally Posted by Skulhedface
but because we both had a little alcohol in our systems, I tried to say "Look, I'll take you home" she wanted to leave without me.
okay fuck tard, you love her so much that you will drive her home after you have been drinking - stupid!!
Apr 8th, 2003 07:53 PM
Royal Tenenbaum I think she needs a slap in the face and a slug from a .45 .
Apr 8th, 2003 07:16 PM
Skulhedface Apathy would work pretty well I suppose. Thanks Proto.

And you too Professor Cool.
Apr 8th, 2003 06:47 PM
Professor Cool I was kidding Proto

An friend told me to do something similar when i broke up with this one long term girlfriend

Of course he's the guy that thinks "all your base" is still the coolest
Apr 8th, 2003 06:17 PM
Protoclown Dude, it's seriously not worth any kind of revenge. And in a weird fitting ironic sort of way, by giving her nothing but your apathy, you'll almost be hurting her more than you would by setting OUT specifically to do so.

Just forget about her and move on. Revenge is petty and usually not worth the effort.
Apr 8th, 2003 05:21 PM
Professor Cool (use *70) Call her bosses office saying your looking for her and say your her boyfriend...that wll be a treat!

Now stupidity aside.....Good luck Skull..
Apr 8th, 2003 01:52 PM
Skulhedface Well guys, first of all, I guess I have to say thanks for trying to help me out in a time of a lot of confusion.

Originally Posted by Protoclown
Soundtest is right, you need to drop this chick like a bad habit. Seriously. Everything you've said is just setting off alarms in my head that say this girl is extremely immature in her dealings with people, or insane, or both.

First off, if she's willing to cheat in a relationship AT ALL, even if it's with YOU while she's in another relationship, THEN SHE IS WILLING TO CHEAT. PERIOD. If she'll cheat with you, she'll cheat ON you, despite what she may say or believe now.

She sounds so wishy-washy about what she wants, one day she wants you back, the next day some random guy is like "Dur, you're purdy" and she's got a new boyfriend. That's not normal, dude. That's not the kind of person a good, lasting relationship happens with. Maybe you had two years like you say, but I say if you did, you were damn lucky to have lasted that long.

I've never been in love, but my understanding of it is that you're not supposed to constantly subject one another to fucked up psychological mind games, which is CLEARLY what's going on here.

If you go back to her, she'll be using you like a tool, dude. Probably not what you want to hear but I think you need to hear it.
Yea Proto, I think I finally "woke up". I'm not AS bitter anymore, but I still find this whole thing unforgiveable.

Originally Posted by UnDeath
yeah man, be callous in this. As black and white with her as you can, either she stays with you, and you continue as usual, or ya kick her to the curb and be short with her until she gets the point...
But nobody but you knows the entire story, so do what feels right, and try to just look at the situation from all sides, including hers, so see whats up.
other than that, just scream inconherently when she comes within 5 feet of you, wherever you may be, and when she leaves that radius, act like nothing just happened...
It's usually not in my nature to be callous, but it IS my nature to describe to the "eye for an eye" philosophy in certain matters. I will never physically hurt this girl, and part of me actually feels like an asshole for wanting her to hurt as bad as I do, but I justify it to myself by saying "She hurt you, man. Let HER know what it feels like."

It does go against everything I was raised to believe in. I was raised old-fashioned when it came to love (i.e. wait until you find a girl you KNOW you'll be with for awhile, and treat her with utmost respect) which of course seems to give me a severe handicap in the end. The worst part of all is, I feel vindicated because in my heart I knew I did everything I could to try to make things work, and it was ultimately not MY fault things went wrong, but it still feels fucking miserable to have invested all that love and time and affection into her and not have it "pay off" so to speak, in the end (and I don't mean sexually you pervs) What the payoff is? Not marriage or anything... just knowing that life, while maybe not overall, but for the most part, will be hunky dory in the end.

Or perhaps I need to get my head out of the clouds.
Apr 8th, 2003 03:43 AM
UnDeath yeah man, be callous in this. As black and white with her as you can, either she stays with you, and you continue as usual, or ya kick her to the curb and be short with her until she gets the point...
But nobody but you knows the entire story, so do what feels right, and try to just look at the situation from all sides, including hers, so see whats up.
other than that, just scream inconherently when she comes within 5 feet of you, wherever you may be, and when she leaves that radius, act like nothing just happened... :/
Apr 8th, 2003 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Protoclown
I've never been in love, but my understanding of it is that you're not supposed to constantly subject one another to fucked up psychological mind games
I hope I've just had bad luck. I mean, they always start fine... but the cynic in me says that it's inevitable...

At least I can buy true love.

Edit: wrong closing bracket
Apr 8th, 2003 12:23 AM
Carnivore Infidelity is unforgivable.

"End of sentence!"
Apr 8th, 2003 12:10 AM
Protoclown Soundtest is right, you need to drop this chick like a bad habit. Seriously. Everything you've said is just setting off alarms in my head that say this girl is extremely immature in her dealings with people, or insane, or both.

First off, if she's willing to cheat in a relationship AT ALL, even if it's with YOU while she's in another relationship, THEN SHE IS WILLING TO CHEAT. PERIOD. If she'll cheat with you, she'll cheat ON you, despite what she may say or believe now.

She sounds so wishy-washy about what she wants, one day she wants you back, the next day some random guy is like "Dur, you're purdy" and she's got a new boyfriend. That's not normal, dude. That's not the kind of person a good, lasting relationship happens with. Maybe you had two years like you say, but I say if you did, you were damn lucky to have lasted that long.

I've never been in love, but my understanding of it is that you're not supposed to constantly subject one another to fucked up psychological mind games, which is CLEARLY what's going on here.

If you go back to her, she'll be using you like a tool, dude. Probably not what you want to hear but I think you need to hear it.
Apr 7th, 2003 11:34 PM
Jixby Phillips People who fall in love are faggots
Apr 7th, 2003 05:02 PM
once she GROWS UP, yea, she'll be running back.
IF she GROWS UP, she won't be running anymore.
Apr 7th, 2003 03:56 PM
Skulhedface Nope, Soundtest.. I'm too bitter right now to let her off easily like that. It's gonna be fun to see her squirm.

Whoever said "It's easier to hate the ones you love" was a wise man indeed.
Apr 7th, 2003 03:29 PM
soundtest She is a headcase. Inform her of this fact and then ignore her completely. But if you want to have some cruel - but deserved - fun, try this: ignore her completely for a couple of weeks or so. Later on, when she tries to talk to you, casually and politely state that you are busy. Do this for a couple more weeks. Then, when her interest has peaked for you again, give her the time of day, but only to manipulate her. What you do from this point is up to you. Be creative!

Or just take her back right now and be the laughing stock of my day.
Apr 7th, 2003 02:46 PM
Skulhedface Alrighty children, here's the final update to this thread, hereafter it's CLOSED because I'm a bitter fuck

After what happened that night, she went home, later went to work, typical boring day. However, her manager suddenly confesses to having a crush on her, he sweettalks her (her weakness being that she's fucking gullible) and suddenly they're an item. What surprised me was that I wasn't the last to find out, because she IS honest but she waits until the last minute to tell me anyway....

I finally did snap. As "gentlemanly" as I've tried being to her, this just set me off. I started saying that those type of relationships (boss/employee) never, EVER work and that I'm fucking pissed if she wants to run to me if she wants love or affection or even sex but still wants to pursue a relationship with another. I told her that I wasn't going to sit down and be a fucking pawn that she can run to and fuck when she feels the urge, that I'm NOT going to be playing her game anymore.

She freely admits to being sexually attracted to me still, and more, so when they start a relationship and she ends up disappointed with him (because they have NOTHING in common, if he hadn't BULLSHITTED her it never would've happened) then I KNOW she'll end up running back to me, and half of me can't decide if I should take her back, because I do love her enough to make that risk worth it, or to tell her to sit on a rusty spike strip for ever using me like that.

In other words.. once she GROWS UP, yea, she'll be running back. She has before.

But I found out I'm only human :/ because I didn't want to snap but finally did.

The only question I have left is what I should do on the day she DOES come running back, because I know this guy better than her, and he's always been full of shit, so I know this one ain't gonna be a timeless romance.

But no I'm not bitter now
Apr 6th, 2003 09:21 PM
The Unseen Good work fucker
Apr 6th, 2003 01:46 PM
Skulhedface Well Professor Cool... I did want to report something... but unfortunately, it didn't quite work out that way, which is why I didn't reply sooner.

It was rather uneventful, with both of us being sick, so we just stayed up watching movies all night.

Oh yea, and a quick kiss
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