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Mar 6th, 2006 11:56 AM
kahljorn ..Yea, "knowing thyself" and understanding what motivates you is a good thing. This topic has been brought up in passing a couple of times lately, and it's nice to see different people and sciences and whathave you investing thought into objectivity. It's my personal belief that objectivity is one of the most basic skills required to function properly in this world, especially as far as science and even politics goes for obvious reasons.
What I don't understand is that the concept of objectivity has been around for a long time, and it has been used in problem solving situations and philosophical pondering throughout the years and you would would think that theoretically it would have leaked it's way into the general populace by now through education, but it hasn't. From my basic understanding of scientific principles one of the most important things is Objectivity. This is why they make careful note of their observations, to record their individual perception and perceived results of the experiment, while attempting to retain a journal of the experience.
Why isn't this taught in school(i know they teach the scientific method, but why isn't it emphacized that it's an incredibly useful tool in real life)? I'm under the belief that learning objectivity is one of the most fundamental skills to surviving in this world. It's common sense, it's one of those few things ANYBODY can figure out and understand just by looking at the outside world. I feel that all forms of "Common sense" should be taught in school at a young age, so that our minds are already tuned to think of reality in a realistic, productive manner. This plays into my healthy citizens talk. You can't hope to have healthy, productive citizens if they are incapable of thinking properly. If people are at least capable of thinking properly I think it would help the world alot, in every facet.

Again, the theory and practice of objectivity has been around for thousands of years, many philosophers and mystics have used it over the years for the propagation of their works. It has existed since buddhism, which can be plainly seen by looking at their 8 fold path. Every single "Fold" on the path represents an aspect of objectivity. In a similar sense, so does yoga, from what I've read of eternalism it's basically a form of objectivity, most more recent psychologists even stress the importance of objectivity(or multiple "Dimensions") with their patients.
Why aren't we taught this at the age of 8, along with every other basic mannerism of the universe? Why are we raised to be so self-important that we think our outlook of the universe cannot be questioned? Smug bastards.
Mar 5th, 2006 08:42 PM
homoperfect I personally am afraid of hights. Naturally I have a negative reaction towards planes. Emotionally I have anxiety, fear, and nervousness. When my sister was married on the west coast, In order to get to the wedding and back so I could be to work. If I had acted soley on emotion I would not have flown yet I didn't. One might say that I acted with emotion towards my sister. Then you find out she isn't blood related and I hav rarely spoken with her let alone care for her. So why go? Mind you, I'm not talking of getting rid of your emotions. what I'm speaking of is knowing thy self. Knowing what emotions you have and how they drive you. then with this knowledge act on an reasonable level by allowing your self to see beyond your emotions. In a sense you're acting with something greater in mind. It's almost like reaching into a higher power.
Mar 5th, 2006 01:48 PM
kahljorn "If we were to live our lifes with emotional void I too think we would create a vast emptyness in our live."

I think this just shows how emotionally void we really are at core, that we need to attach meaning to various objects that have no innate meaning. What value do these attachments have? Usually they are worth no more than emotive response. They are purely symbols.
Mar 4th, 2006 07:58 PM
homoperfect If we were to live our lifes with emotional void I too think we would create a vast emptyness in our live. All the same, if we are to make logical attempts then we should know ourselves emough so that we understand our emotional Motives. When we take part in logic we are not voiding emotion completely, we are understanding our motives yet not letting them interfere with the fair and balanced process. If we were to let our emotions wreck havoc a civility would be lost. I can't tell you how many times I've had the urge to massacre others because of an uncouth comment or deed but It is my ability to rationalize with myself and put limits on my emotions that keeps me out of the gutter of life.
Mar 3rd, 2006 01:11 PM
mburbank Vince you bastard! How dare you, HOW DARE YOU show your fce around here!?!

You break our collective E-heart and then you have the GALL to show up and make a post and vanish again!?

Go back to your submarine, homewrecker! There's a new sheriff in town and his name is KulturKampf. He's the kind of man you'll never be, and he's actually in the army, protecting our way of life, unlike you. He's all the man you pretnded to be, and none of us need you anymore.

Mar 3rd, 2006 12:02 PM
kahljorn " but I think that the worth of things is determined by what we feel because without the inner feelings and thoughts that we have, things become empty very quickly. Exempt of real meaning and joy."

Your inner feelings and thoughts come as a result of your body. All this happiness happy happy joy joy bullshit you're talking about is a purely material feeling that comes as a result of your body. Why do you think real meaning comes from human emotion and human situations? Seems ridiculous considering you're investigating culturization, you should know that 90% of human situations are designed, especially the way they think and feel; if that's not the case, how could you ever take part in culturization anyway, the ability people have to emulate and adopt different belief patterns is the basis of culture. I guess you still haven't caught onto that fact despite me having posted it above.

I find it funny that you act like you understand taoist concepts and then post shit like this. Taoism is all about exposing dialectics, which is why you hear things like "Yin and Yang". "Good and bad" "Right and wrong" "Black and white" "Homosexual and stright". Taoists essentially feel that it is entirely unreal(?), and usually escape from human drama. I believe doing this is called Wu jao(thao?) or something, anyway, it translates down to "The way" and essentially involves removing yourself from human civilization according to the belief(this isn't exact) that not only can they not do anything, but if they did it would screw things up in the world and also they would postpone their own enlightenment due to playing part in the human drama.
The tao is ambigous, don't talk about any eastern culture like you understand it, you jackass.

It's funny that you try to act like feelings are so much more important than the material body. So horribly ironic. It's obvious you are just trying to appear as if you're the guy with the big heart, and it's ridiculous. Quit pretending, you're a jackass like everybody else.

nothing has real meaning or joy, my friend, everything is empty. That's why you could buy a gigantic vanilla ice cream cone and find yourself in bliss, while somebody who is lactose intolerant could find themselves quite sick(and ergo, not in bliss). You see, you attach your feelings to things you think you enjoy, it's not because the object has any innate joy associated with it, it's because YOU associated joy with it. Get it? This goes for people too, some people will like you, some people will hate you. It doesn't have anything to do with you innately, and everything to do with relativity.
Mar 3rd, 2006 09:50 AM
KevinTheOmnivore Sayin' what needs to be said.

Mar 3rd, 2006 09:43 AM
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Mar 3rd, 2006 09:41 AM
Dole Vince, you are the best possible argument against the existence of a higher power.
Mar 3rd, 2006 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Royal Tenenbaum
Religion is nothing but irrational ignorance. It's depressing that we haven't yet moved beyond superstition into reason by this century.
Wow, all this religious history that has existed for tens of thousands of years and its positive influence on history has all been destroyed by one internet loser saying this quote. I'm sure the kids you serve at the local coffehouse/bookstore think you're a fucking messiah.
Mar 3rd, 2006 12:39 AM
davinxtk So, to recap your argument:

Originally Posted by Kulturkampf
What matters is that I got into a fight and broke my nose and it made me feel masculine;
A) You're an idiot.
what matters is that I met a girl and I fell in love;
B) You're a liar.
what matters is that in the summer of 1996 I got a handjob in a bathroom
C) See B.
in the summer of 2003 I entered the US Army
D) See A.


Originally Posted by Kulturkampf
Who cares about how my nose was broken?
1) Literally nobody.
Who cares what the dimensions of the girl I fell in lvoe with were?
2) You got a handjob from a fat chick.
Who cares the size of the bathroom or the science behind sucking shit at basic combat training?
3) You're bad at your job, which the majority of the people present are rather literally paying you to do.

Oh oh oh, and if you feel like doing a request:

There are carptements that exist within thought.
What the fuck is a carptement and when did you first discover it?

I am invincible that way.
You sound like a sixth grader.
Mar 2nd, 2006 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf
So I think that science is helpless to describe anything significant about us. It is just observation of the physical.
And there is nothing significant about our physical bodies. Not the complexities of the circulatory system, not the way in which the body repairs itself, not the fact that there's over twenty feet of small intestine in the body, nothing significant at all.
Of course it is significant, and of course there is meaning in it, but I think that the worth of things is determined by what we feel because without the inner feelings and thoughts that we have, things become empty very quickly. Exempt of real meaning and joy.
Mar 2nd, 2006 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by The One and Only...
You know, Kulturkampf, you could just fucking box.
Am I the only one here who thinks this is way out of character?

Wait, I guess it's not.

Shit, I'm confused.
Mar 2nd, 2006 12:12 PM
kahljorn "But science does nothing for me by itself, and whether or not science can explain a rationale behind something , I do not think that languge can even explain the profound depths of... things! "

Who cares, you said science can't explain feelings and it can..

"Does our brain have reactions because it is programmed by DNA and environment, or do we have a soul? "

Our brains have reactions because that is what they our designed to do for survival purposes.

"And science is communicated through language, and some things are so deep they defy language and ideas... "

Why do you keep trying to talk about them, then? Seems kind of pointless. The idea that something can be innately indescribable is ridiculous, the idea that it would be very dificult to describe it given the circumstance is a better statement.
Mar 2nd, 2006 10:46 AM
Dr. Boogie
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf
So I think that science is helpless to describe anything significant about us. It is just observation of the physical.
And there is nothing significant about our physical bodies. Not the complexities of the circulatory system, not the way in which the body repairs itself, not the fact that there's over twenty feet of small intestine in the body, nothing significant at all.
Mar 2nd, 2006 07:48 AM
Spectre X Whatever, dweeb.
Mar 2nd, 2006 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by Spectre X
You're such a dweeb.
Your insults make my skin burn and cold tears drip from my eyes.

Mar 2nd, 2006 06:29 AM
Spectre X You're such a dweeb.
Mar 2nd, 2006 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by kahljorn
Yes, i just told you. Programmed neurological responses. Just like how the response you just gave me was programmed by your experiences and, dare I say, "Knowledge". Did it come from nowhere? Did you pull it out of the asshole of God? No, it was deliberate and came from YOU.
I think that that is a lie.

Does our brain have reactions because it is programmed by DNA and environment, or do we have a soul?

Or is our DNA our soul? I think so, maybe. I do not know.

But science does nothing for me by itself, and whether or not science can explain a rationale behind something , I do not think that languge can even explain the profound depths of... things!

And science is communicated through language, and some things are so deep they defy language and ideas...

So I think that science is helpless to describe anything significant about us. It is just observation of the physical.

the most important things to me are in my mind and my thoughts, and there is no way that they can tell what I am thinking (and even if I tell them they have to depend on my opinion).
Mar 2nd, 2006 12:08 AM
The One and Only... You know, Kulturkampf, you could just fucking box.
Mar 1st, 2006 06:47 PM
kahljorn Yes, i just told you. Programmed neurological responses. Just like how the response you just gave me was programmed by your experiences and, dare I say, "Knowledge". Did it come from nowhere? Did you pull it out of the asshole of God? No, it was deliberate and came from YOU.
Mar 1st, 2006 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by kahljorn
Most feelings can be scientifically understood by two means; neurological responses often resulting in the release of various chemicals that are explicitly designed to create "Feelings", and programmed neurological/psychological responses that trigger the above release(along with other related processes).

So yes, they can be explained in words and science, and it has been done before. I thought this was common knowledge among anyone who's ever argued either side of freewill. Do you not apply your logic to more than one field, do you study a philosophy and then abandon it without having learned anything from it?
Science can observe the actions within the brain and the triggering of emotions, but can it understand a peson's emotions and the reasons whyw e think our ways and live our lives the way that we do?
Mar 1st, 2006 01:01 PM
kahljorn Most feelings can be scientifically understood by two means; neurological responses often resulting in the release of various chemicals that are explicitly designed to create "Feelings", and programmed neurological/psychological responses that trigger the above release(along with other related processes).

So yes, they can be explained in words and science, and it has been done before. I thought this was common knowledge among anyone who's ever argued either side of freewill. Do you not apply your logic to more than one field, do you study a philosophy and then abandon it without having learned anything from it?
Mar 1st, 2006 12:51 PM
mburbank "I do not fear being hit in the face or beaten down; in the park, for fun, me and my friends beat each other up because we are skinheads, and that is what skinheads do; we drink, we fight, we bleed, and we continue to drink and then we meet again next weekend for as much of a rauccous time. "

I don't know a lot of Skinheads, but I'm going to go way out on a limb and say you and your friends beat each other up because you are idiots.

People who don't feel alive, or at best feel more alive when they hit each other in the face are usually very drunk. They also vomit on themselves, poop in alleyways, drive into lamposts and people and other cars, stink and wet themselves. People who glorify this instead of being ashamed or at least embarassed have a personality disorder. People who see this sort of thing as being proof of 'love of life' have almost certainly been hit in the head at least once too often. It doesn't take all that much getting hit in the head to cause brain damage. Not being afraid of it is stupid. Brain damage is bad. Actively seeking out potential brain damage is stupid. Romanticizing it. You should try getting hit in the face when you are dead cold sober.
Mar 1st, 2006 11:02 AM
Royal Tenenbaum "An atheist can be ignorant in other things, but if he rejects the existence of the supernatural he is no longer ignorant about religion."

That's basically what I claimed. Atheists have merely removed a hurdle, but they can still be ignorant.

PS. Please kill yourself.
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