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Dec 16th, 2006 09:14 PM
And this is why Rez is one of the few people on this forum I trust when it comes to music!
Ya, what was I thinking?
Dec 16th, 2006 08:13 PM
noob3 And this is why Rez is one of the few people on this forum I trust when it comes to music!
Dec 16th, 2006 04:29 AM
Rez i never really cared for more than half of any given album of theirs.

i know theyre influential
i know its just looking for a reaction to say you hate them or they're crap

but i honestly wasnt there for this. these are fucking artifacts. any enthusiasm i could muster up for them wouldnt be about the music, because it bores me. it'd be fake because i'd have this historically cleaned up n polished version of what their "impact" was.

i dont hear anything exciting in them and i'd rather look forward.
Dec 15th, 2006 09:29 PM
noob3 In the 60s, the Ventures out sold The Beatles 2-1. In Japan.
Dec 15th, 2006 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Esuohlim
I respect the Beatles and I believe that they revolutionized music but I don't like their style, man.

And while I know that most bands are derivative of the Beatles anyway, I like my music cold and unemotional. The Beatles sung about love and stuff, blechh.
okay. or the emotionally repressed.
Dec 2nd, 2006 01:47 PM
eggyolk this is a beatiful album
Dec 1st, 2006 07:04 PM
bout why I said that to fucking FartinMowler? The guy can't even get the ages old Uranus joke right. His idea of humour was posting some French hotties from a dating site,

hen this morning I went to the bookstore and bought The Catcher in the Rye. I’m sure the large part of me is Holden Caulfield, who is the main person in the book. The small part of me must be the Devil.

I went to the building. It’s called the Dakota. I stayed there until he came out and asked him to sign my album. At that point my big part won and I wanted to go back to my hotel, but I couldn’t. I waited until he came back. He came in a car. Yoko walked past first and I said hello, I didn’t want to hurt her.
John Lennon (AP)

Then John came and looked at me and printed me. I took the gun from my coat pocket and fired at him. I can’t believe I could do that. I just stood there clutching the book. I didn’t want to run away. I don’t know what happened to the gun. I remember Jose kicking it away. Jose was crying and telling me to please leave. I felt so sorry for Jose. Then the police came and told me to put my hands on the wall and cuffed me.

Statement of Mark David Chapman to police at 1 a.m., Dec. 9, 1980, three hours after the murder of John Lennon.

And I will not appeal any decision you have. If it’s a decision to keep me here in the prison, I will not appeal it, and I never will. I’d like the opportunity to apologize to Mrs. Lennon. I’ve thought about what it’s like in her mind to be there that night, to see the blood, to hear the screams, to be up all night with the Beatle music playing through her apartment window. …

And there’s something else I want to say. I feel that I see John Lennon now not as a celebrity. I did then. I saw him as a cardboard cutout on an album cover. I was very young and stupid, and you get caught up in the media and the records and the music. And now I – I’ve come to grips with the fact that John Lennon was a person. This has nothing to do with being a Beatle or a celebrity or famous. He was breathing, and I knocked him right off his feet, and I don’t feel because of that I have any right to be standing on my feet here, you know, asking for anything. I don’t have a leg to stand on because I took his right out from under him, and he bled to death. And I’m sorry that ever occurred.

And I want to talk about Mrs. Lennon again. I can’t imagine her pain. I can’t feel it. I’ve tried to think about what it would be like if somebody harmed my family, and there’s just no way to make up for that, and if I have to stay in prison the rest of my life for that one person’s pain, everybody else to the side for a second, just that one person’s pain, I will. …

Again, I’m not saying these things for – for you to give me any kind of consideration for letting me go. I’m saying that because they are real, and it happened to me, and I felt her pain then, and I can honestly say I didn’t want to feel it up until then. It’s a horrible thing to, you know, realize what you’ve done.}

Statement of Mark David Chapman to the New York Parole Board, Oct. 3, 2000
Dec 1st, 2006 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Azrael
You're assuming I was trying to be funny. I said something that I knew would get a reaction, and I got it, cuz Lord knows hippies love crying over Lennon. Seeing it amuses me, and I don't care if it amuses you. And why would I waste my time actually writing an essay, even in a frivolous manner, about why I said that to fucking FartinMowler? The guy can't even get the ages old Uranus joke right. His idea of humour was posting some French hotties from a dating site, and didn't even post a link to some chick with Down's syndrome, which would have made the joke work.

So Earth to Retard, it's not a joke and never was one.
Remember, there's a reason I asked what exactly you were trying to accomplish. To paraphase Rip Torn, you're acting like a retard trying to hump a doorknob.

So, you decided to say something stupid because you knew someone would get irritated. No humor involved, no real point, you just wanted to stir shit up, under the guise of "it's i-MOCKERY, guys!".

You do realize how stupid that is, right? Especially the hippies reference you made.

"WOW, those crazy hippies, gettin' all pissed and stuff when I done made fun of someone who got murdered. Who would have ever expected anyone to react like THAT? Fags."
Dec 1st, 2006 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Grislygus
What, exactly, are you doing? I assume it has to do with some flawed attempt at being funny, but it's not clear what humor is involved. You say that a world class douche is your hero. Okay, there's the basis for sarcasm, jokes, plenty of opportunity.

Fartinmowler asks you to explain, in one hundred words or less, why he's your hero. You respond with a nonsensical post. Allright... completely missed the chance to build up the joke, but whatever. You can still salvage it.

Next, Sniper takes you at your word and rants. Good potential for a comedic response... but you just infer that the entire point of I-Mockery is making fun of... stuff.

The hell? You're acting as if your first post was the punchline. Earth to Retard, you need to actually make a joke in order to defend it.

You get an F
You're assuming I was trying to be funny. I said something that I knew would get a reaction, and I got it, cuz Lord knows hippies love crying over Lennon. Seeing it amuses me, and I don't care if it amuses you. And why would I waste my time actually writing an essay, even in a frivolous manner, about why I said that to fucking FartinMowler? The guy can't even get the ages old Uranus joke right. His idea of humour was posting some French hotties from a dating site, and didn't even post a link to some chick with Down's syndrome, which would have made the joke work.

So Earth to Retard, it's not a joke and never was one.
Dec 1st, 2006 01:41 PM
Grislygus What, exactly, are you doing? I assume it has to do with some flawed attempt at being funny, but it's not clear what humor is involved. You say that a world class douche is your hero. Okay, there's the basis for sarcasm, jokes, plenty of opportunity.

Fartinmowler asks you to explain, in one hundred words or less, why he's your hero. You respond with a nonsensical post. Allright... completely missed the chance to build up the joke, but whatever. You can still salvage it.

Next, Sniper takes you at your word and rants. Good potential for a comedic response... but you just infer that the entire point of I-Mockery is making fun of... stuff.

The hell? You're acting as if your first post was the punchline. Earth to Retard, you need to actually make a joke in order to defend it.

You get an F
Dec 1st, 2006 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Sniperwulf
To Azrael- I think you are way off in thinking that Mark David Chapman's murdering John is a benefit to you. The fact that he died so tragically and so suddenly would actually make him a martyr of sorts. I'm sure that he was seen as a head-figure of the counter-culture and a champion agains't the Vietnam War before his death, but by him dying like this, people will remember him more than ever and his solo music and the music of the Beatles will become more important because of that. Anyways, do us all a favor and leave this forum along with all these other moronic and unfunny new people.
I really could give less a of damn. Seriously. It's just fun working dumbasses like you up over it. I thought Dimebag being killed was a tragic event, but I don't get all bent out of shape and weepy-eyed everytime somebody metions it. Hell I-Mockery could do an entire entry mocking his death and I would applaud them for it. Plus, am I really getting a morality speech on fucking I-Mockery of all places?
Nov 30th, 2006 10:19 AM
Girl Drink Drunk I got into the Beatles around the age of 11, when I listened to their Yellow Submarine. I thought Yellow Submarine, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds were absolutely bizarre songs, yet was unaware at the time that those songs were writing around the time when they openly into drugs. Now I'd say my favorite Beatles record is Revolver (I fucking love that opening guitar riff on "She Said. She Said").

To Azrael- I think you are way off in thinking that Mark David Chapman's murdering John is a benefit to you. The fact that he died so tragically and so suddenly would actually make him a martyr of sorts. I'm sure that he was seen as a head-figure of the counter-culture and a champion agains't the Vietnam War before his death, but by him dying like this, people will remember him more than ever and his solo music and the music of the Beatles will become more important because of that. Anyways, do us all a favor and leave this forum along with all these other moronic and unfunny new people.

I am not implying in any way that the Beatles and Lennon weren't influencial or that it was a good thing that he was murdered.
Nov 29th, 2006 08:46 PM
Jomb i really like the Beatles, especially later when they became psychedlic (White album, Magical Mystery Tour, Rubber Soul, etc.)
Nov 29th, 2006 06:24 PM
Nov 29th, 2006 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by FartinMowler
Here this is for you

Down syndrome French Dating - The leading online dating and relationship site for the French, this site is growing fast! French Down syndrome dating includes both English and French interfaces. Click to find your Down syndrome French Partner http://frenchfriendfinder.com/go/f3090
Not everybody is a Xenophobe like you.
Nov 29th, 2006 05:27 PM
FartinMowler Here this is for you

Down syndrome French Dating - The leading online dating and relationship site for the French, this site is growing fast! French Down syndrome dating includes both English and French interfaces. Click to find your Down syndrome French Partner http://frenchfriendfinder.com/go/f3090
Nov 29th, 2006 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by FartinMowler
Mark David Chapman is my hero.
I want you to tell me why in atleast 100 words or I will keep bugging you until you leave
That's Gangsta-Talk, right. I'll pour battery acid in your eyes, that's Gangsta talk, right. The little girl is no longer here, now you're dealing with the real mudder fawking Gangsta now, right! That's Gangsta-Talk, right. Fuck you, fat Artie. I hate that fat-devil Artie. I hope he burn in hell! Gary, it's the Retarded Flu calling, the flu is in the phone. I need you to say, "Shew, shew, retarded flu." HaHa Woah, how's about a reacharound, round, round? He killed the most overrated musician of all time. And did it in the name of Jesus. That's about as hardcore as it gets, negro. Kevin Federline, Yeah! 50 years ago we'd have you hung upside down with a fork in your ass! Now I need to find the words, the words, the words. What causes the words? I'm ready for the healing to begin. Rosie O'Donnel is a fine actress! I landed right in the middle of Hymeytown! We need a choclolate New Orleans, cuz Dubya doesn't like Black People! Watcha Gonna Do Brother, when Hulkamania runs loose on you! Or to simplify, it's fucking I-Mockery, clean the sand out of your vagina.
Nov 29th, 2006 04:50 PM
RaNkeri Yellow Submarineis definately the trippiest cartoon ever made

My fav is Hello goodbye
Nov 29th, 2006 03:34 PM
Mark David Chapman is my hero.
I want you to tell me why in atleast 100 words or I will keep bugging you until you leave
Nov 29th, 2006 01:34 PM
Azrael Mark David Chapman is my hero.
Nov 29th, 2006 03:29 AM
kon guys
Nov 29th, 2006 03:28 AM
MrAdventure the beatles more like the weasels
Nov 29th, 2006 03:26 AM
Jixby Phillips i do not respect the beatles they are a bunch of fruits, and rotten ones at that
Nov 29th, 2006 03:23 AM
GADZOOKS Your face is a monster's ass
Nov 29th, 2006 12:28 AM
Coca_Dolittle Works for me. I don't care if you don't like them or not, I just ask for them to be respected.
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