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Jan 3rd, 2007 06:54 PM
zeldasbiggestfan I dont know what that was for but okay.
Jan 3rd, 2007 06:52 PM
Preechr I'd love to hear your thoughts on the issue, Whitey. Aren't you one of the ones headed over there? Sometimes I wonder if I'm just a dick playing arm-chair quarterback, but I really do believe in what America's trying to accomplish with the WOT. I'm trying to read as much as I can on the subject, but I know enough people actually getting shot at every day that I understand that thinking is one thing, believing another and doing something else entirely...
Jan 3rd, 2007 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by zeldasbiggestfan
Originally Posted by mburbank
I think it was pretty clearly nuts to invade Iraq without anything resembling a strategy, but we did that already.
Chances are wed send more troops because lets face it. Our military isnt really thinking when it should be.
This will be the only time I ever post in a thread like this.

Zelda, go fuck yourself you little shit bat.
Jan 3rd, 2007 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by mburbank
I think it was pretty clearly nuts to invade Iraq without anything resembling a strategy, but we did that already.
Chances are wed send more troops because lets face it. Our military isnt really thinking when it should be.
Jan 3rd, 2007 04:31 PM
mburbank You may be the only person here who will believe me when I say I hope you are right and I'm wrong. I think the # of troops we'd need to have a critical impact on supply lines is way larger than the amount we're talking about sending, or for that matter the # we have.

I also think the biggest downfall in your logic is that it's logical. We'd be nuts to attack Iran without the solid backing of the rest of the world. But a lot of people with their hands on the wheel are balls to the wall nuts. I think it was pretty clearly nuts to invade Iraq without anything resembling a strategy, but we did that already.

I'll just leave it at saying I hope you're right. I would love to eat crow on this one.
Jan 3rd, 2007 03:44 PM
Preechr Max, the only way we'd ever go into Iran would be with the rest of the West behind us, and I honestly don't see that happening any time soon, even were Iran to build and test a nuclear bomb. I think arguing that we should keep troops in reserve just in case something happens when we have something happening that actually might require troops we have is a little silly... A surge in Iraq should help to disrupt supply lines from Iran and Syria, which would be a good thing. More troops could be utilized at checkpoints between the slums and the more peaceful areas in Baghdad, which might also be helpful.

If you believe we are wasting our time in Iraq in a general sense, then of course you would think adding more troops would be just a bigger waste of time. Personally, I don't see it that way. Like Kevin, I have a bit more positive of an outlook on Iraq because I take the time to go look for positive news. In the process of doing that, I'm also seeing some positive news in the larger region. The leaders of Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Egypt and Afghanistan, both the political and the spiritual ones, are waking up to a trend with very serious implications to the future of the region and their people.

It's no secret that the people of the core Western nations are not reproducing at self-sustaining rates, just as we have all heard talk of the population explosion across the board in the third-world regions where we find most of our security issues: Sub-Saharan Africa, the former Republics of south-western USSR, the Middle-East, Indonesia and the South Pacific and most of South, Central and Meso-America... Here's the new news: that trend is being compounded by yet another trend. More young women are living freer, working, eating better and voting and thus waiting to have children.

I'm not saying the the population explosion in the Middle-East is being followed by a birth-rate decrease that's anywhere close to that being seen among Westerners (and Japan,) but it's much closer to the decrease seen among Middle-Eastern immigrants living in Western nations than it was just ten years ago. this is a pivotal development because the faith certain jihadists had that their cause would eventually succeed no matter what relied heavily on demographics and trends that no longer exist exactly as they did.

Another thing that changed is the methods with which the West is dealing with problems in the Middle-East. Instead of applying sanctions and dropping bombs from 15,000 feet, we are now directly involved... some might say knee-deep... and more development money is pouring into the region than ever before. Foreign Direct Investment is at an all time high, and that's not just limited to Iraq and Afghanistan. Saudi, Syria and Egypt especially are having to struggle with some hard choices right now, as their work-force needs are increasing faster than their ability to bring in foreign workers and the supply of skilled native workers is in direct competition with Al Quaeda's recruiting department.

A lot of things are changing, but you have to want to see it. Nobody's going to force sunshine and lollipops up your ass because the most liberal humanist effort in the history of the world has been politicized by hypocrites and liars in the government and the press that seek nothing but power and prestige

Osama bin Laden hoped to cordon us out of the third-world by disrupting our systems with 9/11. He thought that bringing some of the hell of the Middle-East to New York and Washington would cause us to abandon the region altogether. Fortunately, our response was to further disrupt the region under the tenuous control of people like him. The disruption that is happening BELONGS there, not here, and it needs people like us driving it, not people like them. We are bringing concepts of freedom and liberty and abundance to an area familiarized only with dearth and repression.

So yeah, if we need more troops to increase the disruption as our current efforts are bearing such sweet fruit, then I say go for it. It's just too damn bad those that like to call themselves "liberals" can't get their heads out of their asses and offer their support to what's really happening here. That would do more to make this effort successful than anything the Bush administration could ever hope to achieve without them. Like it or not, the War on Terror, even as it is now so clumsily being fought, will be won by us. I think it's a crying shame the Democrat Party will have to lie to sign their names on that victory.
Jan 3rd, 2007 02:26 PM
zeldasbiggestfan No and no. This is going to end worse than it already would have ended.
Jan 3rd, 2007 02:21 PM
mburbank Reporters for several different news outlets are saying W. has decided on a Surge and will announce it in a speech next week.

It makes me feel more than a little sick.

I cannot see a way this will work out as anything more than a pointless waste of lives.

He's spent critical weeks now consulting experts. Do any of you all know of any experts who actually think this surge could be helpful at this point, who advocate for it?
Dec 20th, 2006 08:04 PM
Ant10708 Its hard to imagine our troops being more screwed than they are?

I could think of a bunch of scenerios.
Dec 20th, 2006 10:34 AM
mburbank Well, I want to go on record now as saying an additional 30 thousand troops will get bogged down in Bahgdad just like when we pulled back troops in Bahgdad and made 'securing' it our top priority.

The idea may well be to have them ready for Iran, but I don't think they'll ever be in any position to do that.

We are already at the point where we are loosing the ability to respond to any flareup outside Iraq. If we surge and we remain strategically right where we are (or if things continue to go downhill despite any surge, which I think is just as likely) we will be even more screwed than we currently are, something hard to imagine.
Dec 19th, 2006 07:32 PM
Abcdxxxx For sure, and there's speculation that this 30,000 will also be in preperation for dealing with Iran (which if true, would pretty much answer your "will this work" question).

Then there's activity like this:

The March to War: Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean. by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
I've seen a bunch of predictions that the US will take action in March, with the Saudis upping production of oil to hurt Iran. Most of these scenarios involve Syria, since it's neighbors, Lebanon, and Iraq are both hanging by a shoestring, and they're sheltering both Hamas, and Hezbollah.
Dec 19th, 2006 04:46 PM
Pub Lover Do I think it'll work to do what? Bring peace to the middle east? Or even just Bahgdad? No.
Dec 19th, 2006 04:13 PM
KevinTheOmnivore Yes and yes.
Dec 19th, 2006 01:49 PM
Is the 'surge' in Iraq going to happen?

Two questions here:

The rumor mill has it that the 'New Way Forward' the President will nveil in his speech early next year will include a temporary 'surge' of troops, about 20 or 30 thousand into Bahgdad.

1.) Do you think this is really what the President intends to do?

2.) If it is, do you think it could work?

For the record, yes and no. I think the ony thing this 'surge' will acomplish is to lay McCain's presidential bid on the ashes.

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