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Jun 3rd, 2003 01:30 PM
Zhukov Reponse! Thankyou!


Now I know what people mean...

" And I thought I fixed that qote about Stalin. I was in a hurry when I typed that, I did not mean Marx in that sentence, I meant Stalin."

You meant Stalin, yet you quoted Marx... :/
Jun 3rd, 2003 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Zhukov
You have to put in your time just like the rest of us. Vinth doesn't belittle just anyone's cock size you know!
Jun 3rd, 2003 10:45 AM
Zhukov I posted on Vinces' website, and despite 'loving to hear any feedback', I still haven't recieved any remarks. I also posted about another geezers view of Anarchy, and I would love to hear some feedback.

Vince seems to love to call people idiot Liberals and Socialist fools, so why not me? I even called you a cocksmoker, Vince, why no return? :/

May 30th, 2003 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Zhukov
If you didn't plan to answer in the first place I would've been content with a simple 'fuck off'.

And YOU said that you didn't know him. :wink You've got him down to a science already.

P.S. Don't forget to send Vinth those measurements WITH photo attachments. You gotta ante up or you can't even be in the game.
May 30th, 2003 10:34 AM
Zhukov Vince, with your help I managed to stretch my willy up to 'Bigger than Brian' size, I had some trouble fitting my wankstop into the lines though. It was very embarasing being caught pushing my groin up against the monitor - does this entitle me to a reply?

If you didn't plan to answer in the first place I would've been content with a simple 'fuck off'.

May 30th, 2003 09:29 AM
AChimp I photoshopped the text.

You should make some awards.
May 30th, 2003 09:19 AM
mburbank Chimp, did you make that chart? That is hysterical, especially 'Bigger than your brian'. If I had awards to give out, that would get one.
May 30th, 2003 09:00 AM
AChimp You must work a lot.
May 29th, 2003 10:48 PM
VinceZeb Zhukov, I will be glad to answer all your questions at a later time. I just got home from work and it is too fucking late to think.
May 29th, 2003 10:21 PM
AChimp Here, this'll help you out. Vince e-mailed it to all of us a while ago.

May 29th, 2003 03:39 PM
mburbank Vince is going to love you.

You might want to measure your penis, he's pretty interested in compring penis length. In terms of intellectual argument, relative penis size is very, very important to him.
May 29th, 2003 03:08 PM
Zhukov Cheers mburbank

This is directed to vincezeb:

I really couldn't help visiting your 'site', (nice porn by the way ) and I was wondering if you could clear a few things up for me.

In your 'article' "ALL INDIANS/NO CHIEFS: NOBLE IDEA OR DANGEROUS THINKING?" you make an 'example' of Socilalism:

"But since people are not perfect, this is just one of many concept, such as socialism, that look great in a textbook but have no real value in reality. "

Socialism has nothing to do with "ALL INDIANS/NO CHIEFS". Socialism does indeed have 'chiefs', but I use that term loosley.

If you are going to use Socialism, can you at least point out why you think that it has no value, instead of making it sound like fact. The tired line "it doesn't work" is never explained. So please explain.

" The absence of a Higher Power. Without an authority to fear, even if It does not truly exist, human beings have nothing to fear except for their fellow man. "

People already fear their fellow man, so why is this a bads thing?

"If one is so inclined to commit a “Great Leap Forward” such as Mao Tse-Tung or the slaughtering of millions like Stalin then they can do so without repercussions, because in their own minds, A Higher Power or God does not exists."

Well done with using Mao and Stalin, those dirty "communists" didn't have a higher power, did they? Mao and Stalin were the higher power. So who does an authority fear????? Mao and Stalin did get repercussions, it is only the fact that they were the "higher power" that nothing was done about it.

I would like to know what you think the "Great Leap Forward" was, without using a websearch.

"...And that is how many movements have sprouted up, such as Karl Marx and his ideology that led to the dangerous reign of terror in Russia. Remember how many people he murdered the next time someone brings up the “Religion is the opiate of the masses” quote."

I'm guessing you are talking about Communism. Communism is not a "movement", just like feudalism or the Renaissance were not "movements". (Marx did not invent Communism)

Saying that Communism paved the way for Stalin is like saying that Jesus and Christianity paved the way for Hitler. Please give me an example (even a fake one) of Karl Marx murdering anyone.

You finish your journey with: "Instead of having no Chiefs, let everyone be a Chief and have no Indians."

That realy is a good idea, in fact that is the idea that my comrades and I have been struggling for. It sounds very much like Lenins':

"When everyone is a beuracrat, then no one is."


I mean no sarcasm.
May 29th, 2003 02:08 PM
mburbank BUMP!!
Apr 30th, 2003 11:52 AM
mburbank No, you said right off you didn't agree with him. I got that.

The thrust of your 'article' though was that that far more important than Santorum being wrong was the fact that Democrats didn't have to pay for gaffes and Republicans did. In fcat, far from having 'shit' thrown at him, Frist has heaped praise on him.

I think it's pretty clear your thesis is wrong.

But bully for you, admitting your surprise. You just came very close to admitting you were wrong about something, and Naldo has never done that here even once.
Apr 30th, 2003 11:46 AM
VinceZeb I do have to say I am suprised that he didn't get more shit thrown at him. I am not saying I agree with the guy, Max, as you seem to be trying to implacate. But he seems to have gotten off light. That I do admit.
Apr 30th, 2003 11:37 AM

I can only assume you agree Santorum just got a big 'ol free pass from his leadership. Why? Because of the R.

Everyone should read the entire interview the Santorum quote was culled from. At one point he starts talking about Man on Dog sex and the reporter tells him he's 'freaking her out'.
Apr 30th, 2003 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by kellychaos
You can heat the collective households of a small midwestern city on those things.
As you could with your stank breath.
Apr 30th, 2003 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Blah Blah Blah, Max. I hope pointing out my "flaws" keeps you warm and toasty at night.
You can heat the collective households of a small midwestern city on those things.
Apr 29th, 2003 03:51 PM
mburbank Frist calls Santorum's GOP leadership role 'solid'
Senator drew notice with comments on gays

• White House supports Santorum

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Tuesday that Sen. Rick Santorum's leadership post is not in jeopardy, providing the Pennsylvania Republican with an important vote of confidence three weeks after his remarks about homosexuals.

"It's solid, it's absolutely solid," said Frist, R-Tennessee, responding to a reporter's question about Santorum's hold on his job as the No. 3 Senate GOP leader.

I hate how if you have an R after your name, you get a free pass.
Apr 29th, 2003 02:29 PM
mburbank Pointing ouut your "flaws" would be time consuming and depressing. Point out your flaws would be only marginally more entertaing.

Pointing out your hypocrisy, mystifyingly huge ego and hysterically dysfunctional language skills is delightful.
Apr 29th, 2003 12:41 PM
VinceZeb Blah Blah Blah, Max. I hope pointing out my "flaws" keeps you warm and toasty at night.
Apr 29th, 2003 10:58 AM
mburbank But see, Vince, this is exactly my point!

"I write what I want"

I don't think that's the case. I think you intend to communicate various speciffic things, but you write what comes out. Your excuse that it's just a message board is exactly why I started drawing quotes from your site.

Even when you DO write what you want, despite your claims you DON'T stand behind it. As Kelly is pointing out, when you asked about his service record you fully INTENDED to be doubtful, sarcastic and condescending. When you were found wrong, you backpeddled shamelessly.

That only other possability is that you intended none of those things, you only meant to ask a simple question. If THAT is the case then you don't write what you wantg, becuase that's not what you communicated.

A far more accurate statement for you would be "I don't care what I write." I think that's sad. You should care what you write if you use te internet, because your writting is the sum total of who you are here. Not caring about your writting when you're on the net as much as you are is exactly the same as not caring as your grooming, weight or odor in the so called 'real' world. If you honestly 'don't care', why have a website, why psot on any message board, let lone several?

I think you are a very conflicted and confused person. I think you don't KNOW what you want or what you care about and you try to cover it up by posturing as loudly as you are able.
Apr 29th, 2003 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
No, kelly, it wasn't. I got you to answer a question. That was my original intent.
Then just ask me directly. There was no need for sarcasm or incredulity because I've never overstated my military service from the start.

Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Don't think too highly of yourself or the weight of your inflated head will crush your body.
It's not so much that I'm proud of MY military service so much as I'm proud of my army and of anyone who has ever served whether they were involved in any combat or not.

Originally Posted by VinceZeb
And for the record, such as I said before, your opinion of me matters as much as some third-world bum.
Back at ya, buddy.
Apr 29th, 2003 10:22 AM
VinceZeb I write the way I want, Max. Sorry if that makes you feel bad or makes you think I have some kind of "secret motive". There is about two people that care if I make people look dumb on a message board, which by the way is my secret motive. Jack and Shit. Now run along and spread this little tidbit so it makes me look stupid and you can laugh and beat off at your net-superiority.
Apr 29th, 2003 10:16 AM
mburbank You may have had no alterior motive at all. It could be just another case of how bad you are at choosing words that communicate your message at the moment.

"From the way you talk, you fought in 3 different wars and a few covert operations to boot."

If your question was "What is your combat service record?"

and not 'I bet you never saw combat while you were in the armed services', you might want to skip phrases like "from the way you talk" , limmit the number of operations you mention to a believable amount instead of the seemingly sarcastic "3 different wars and a few covert operations" and skip 'to boot' which I've never seen used in a non sarcastic context.

It's not investigation, Vince, it's reading. Simple as that. It's not fair to blame me for your bad writing.
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