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Dec 9th, 2007 01:12 PM
Jeanette X
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf View Post
Post your statistics because I do not trust them.
Well why bother then?

Besides, you didn't answer my question. Why do blacks and hispanics make up a greater proportion of the criminals if society is not to blame? I'm waiting.
Dec 9th, 2007 08:20 AM
mburbank KK, do you EVER plan on learning to write in sentences?
Dec 8th, 2007 04:06 PM
Cedar Morrissey should just shut up, i love his music but the guy is an idiot
Dec 8th, 2007 03:40 AM
Kulturkampf Blacks and hispanics disproportinately make up the crime rate...

I think there are too many social issues that we face, as America, but more importantly that Europe faces, concerning Carribbean / Hispanic immigration (and in Europe Arab/Black immigration); I oppose it greatly as they milk benefits and make up a voting block counter to the traditional values that made our nations strong. It is reminiscent of Rome in its decline.

Post your statistics because I do not trust them.

While you are at it, if you dare, post some statistics concerning blacks and hispanics and their proportionality of the crime rate.
Dec 7th, 2007 07:07 PM
Jeanette X
Jews and Chinese between the 1900s and 1940s suffered immense hardships, and the Asian immigrants int he sixties and seventies also had many of the same setbacks. However, these groups eventually pulled themselves up.
And the blacks haven't? Or perhaps you are not familar with the fact that the racial disparity in poverty rates has narrowed and that the black middle class has grown substantially since the Civil Rights era? Or the fact that as of 2004, American blacks are no more likely than American whites to work in the service industry.

But I guess that just isn't enough progress for you, eh? Nope, they have to throw off 400 years of systemic oppression in American society OVERNIGHT, and all the institutional racism holding them back has surely all but vanished in a mere 40 years, right? There can't possibly be any institutional racism left, right?

Blacks and Mexicans, who were on similar footing to Asian immigrants in the sixties and have not been given anyw orse rights since,

I'm not sure what's more laughable, your grasp or history, or the fact that sentence appears to be eating itself.

Some groups do not advance for whatever reason.

Okay, I'll bite. If society itself isn't to blame, what is holding blacks and Latinos back, your opinion?

(Goddamn font settings! AGH!)
Dec 7th, 2007 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie View Post
You see, while you are correct in saying that Jewish and Chinese families were sneaking across the Mexican border, all that was occurring 10-20 years ago. If you don't believe me, just ask my good friend, Chang Goldstein.

that shit made this thread so much better. Hell, it made my day better.
Dec 7th, 2007 12:32 PM
Dr. Boogie
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf View Post
Were they lynched? I do not recall it.
You see? This is why I love KK. I think OAO was the last guy on these boards for whom recorded history, and knowledge in general, was limited to only the things he knew or at least thought he knew.

KK, in the future, I'd like to see you do more stories that quote dubious studies and surveys, like that thread way back about gays and suicide/drug use. Those were some of my favorites.
Dec 7th, 2007 10:00 AM
mburbank Because helping those worse off than you is both a Christian and secular value that isn't subject to cost benefit analysis,


the very definition of society is a group identity which forces things on it's membership deemed to be good. Happily, I live in a democracy where we can negotiate what those things are.

While not a Christian myself, I think Jesus was on to something, at least metaphorically, when he said what you do unto the least of your bretheren you do to me.

I hope you noticed I addressed your point.

Think of it as operant conditioning. Your last sentence was short, understandable and didn't over reach your ability to express yourself. Are you all aglow with the respect I've accorded you? Or do you feel more self actualized when I make fun of you?

On a side note, do you think it ironic that someone so concerned with national identity calls himself 'Der KulterKampf'?
Dec 6th, 2007 10:32 PM
Kulturkampf Asian immigrants were attacked in some riots and on many occasions they were sent back unfairly -- in a famous incident, tens of thousands of chinese rail workers were laid off right before their payments were due (which was going to be land, which would have essentially made much of the Pacific Northwest and the Great Plains ethnically Chinese)...

Were they lynched? I do not recall it.

However, let's put it simply:

Jews and Chinese between the 1900s and 1940s suffered immense hardships, and the Asian immigrants int he sixties and seventies also had many of the same setbacks. However, these groups eventually pulled themselves up.

Blacks and Mexicans, who were on similar footing to Asian immigrants in the sixties and have not been given anyw orse rights since, have lagged behind whereas the Asian immigrants are now a model minority.

Some groups do not advance for whatever reason.

Why should a nation be forced to accept more of them?
Dec 6th, 2007 06:43 PM
Jeanette X
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf View Post

Mexicans and blacks endured some hardships 30-40 years ago but still have not recovered from them and have abnormally high instances of criminality, drug use, etc. compared to other groups. The idea that immigrant groups automatically get better is poppycock.
Mexicans and blacks have endured hardships quite a bit longer than 30-40 years. And if you think that 30 years is enough to overcome systemic institutional discrimination, then you are very, very naive indeed.

The Jews and the Chinese were in identical situations to the Hispanics 70 years ago and now they are moving along very far into our societies while hispanics are not.
Funny, I don't remember the Jews and the Chinese being forced to return to their native lands the way the Mexicans were during the Great Depression (over 60% of those repatriated during Operation Wetback* were legally U.S. citizens, by the way). Nor do I recall Jews and Chinese being lynched the way Mexicans were. Or being denied services by the U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs when they arrived home after serving in the military. Or not being allowed to serve on a jury where the defendant was a member of their own race. Or being forced to go to seperate schools on the basis of their race.

*I wish I was making that name up
Dec 5th, 2007 09:49 AM
mburbank Now that I know Jews have your approval I'm totally fine with you and am not put off by your Germanofacistic flavor at all.
Dec 4th, 2007 05:47 PM
Dr. Boogie Putting aside the fact that blacks and Mexicans have been experiencing hardship slightly earlier than the 1960s, I'm afraid you've gotten your facts wrong again. You see, while you are correct in saying that Jewish and Chinese families were sneaking across the Mexican border, all that was occurring 10-20 years ago. If you don't believe me, just ask my good friend, Chang Goldstein.

Of course, the problems we're having now with the Sino-Latino Jews are coming to the forefront. And don't forget about the German-Canadians.
Dec 4th, 2007 05:22 PM
Kulturkampf Some ethnic groups are still outsiders.

Mexicans and blacks endured some hardships 30-40 years ago but still have not recovered from them and have abnormally high instances of criminality, drug use, etc. compared to other groups. The idea that immigrant groups automatically get better is poppycock.

The Jews and the Chinese were in identical situations to the Hispanics 70 years ago and now they are moving along very far into our societies while hispanics are not.

Immigration does not automatically mean that people are going to be 'on top in 30 years,' only certain groups succeed in assimilation.
Dec 3rd, 2007 08:49 PM
ScruU2wice Mercury Morris of the 72 Dolphins was denouncing the New England Patriots and it reminded me of this thread.

Small World
Dec 3rd, 2007 08:05 PM
Dr. Boogie
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf View Post
The Jamaicans and other carribbean immigrants to England were at the bottom 40 years ago... Where are they now? Still committing disproportinate amounts fo crime.
Ah, but that's where you're wrong. The Jamaicans and the rest of those troublesome Carribeanites started out at the bottom 30 years ago, and now they're kings of industry!

I believe Morrissey made a comment about it in his last album. It was in the form of a song called "Lost My Company to Barbados Slim".
Dec 3rd, 2007 07:10 PM
mburbank What do I take seriously here, or at all?

Here, almost everyone but you. Even when their ideas don't agree with mine.

I treat their ideas WAY more respectfully than I treat yours. Want to know why?

"Some immigrant group snever fully repair."

Apart from 'Snever' which is just a typo, what does that sentence mean? Repair what, exactly? You couldn't have taken five seconds to think of how to express what you meant?

Other posters here aren't so overwhelmed with their swellness that they don't take a moment to look at what they've written and see if it makes sense. They treat their ideas with a modicum of respect, not as evidence of their gloriousness.

When you stop presenting yourself as one of those inflatable clowns you punch in the nose just to watch them come back up for another punch, I'll stop punching you.
Dec 3rd, 2007 05:56 PM
Kulturkampf What do you take seriously, burbank?

And on this topic...

Some immigrant group snever fully repair. Some group snever fully adapt.

The Jamaicans and other carribbean immigrants to England were at the bottom 40 years ago... Where are they now? Still committing disproportinate amounts fo crime.
Dec 3rd, 2007 09:43 AM
mburbank Hmmm, KK, maybe it's because you introduced your point such as it is by quoting a pop star (who by the way, I really like) with a long track record of being depressive, flighty, and who's main claim to fame outside his singing (which I really like, I own several albums) was asexuality.

You cherry picked a quote he's now at pains to distance himself from because it dovetailed with an intrenched attitude you already have. SO sorry if that didn't make me leap to dignify your thread with sustained debate.

Your a lazy writer, your terribly self impressed, and you think your tired, hackneyed, well trod angry white guy politics are something fresh and new because you've sprinkled them with flakes of Teutonic masculinity and finshed them spit polished them with booze and vomit.

This is what causes consensus here that you are a buffoon, there is nothing strange about it, consensus are by their very definition popular and UNTIL YOU POST SOMETHING COHERENT ENOUGH TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY you are just mock fodder, which is why you are tolerated and even enjoyed, this being I-MOCKERY.COM

But I imagine this is one of those threads where you don't pay any attention to my critique or take up any challenge because you are besotted with your own sense of self and are looking for validation via one or more of the reasonably level headed folk here taking you seriously. I, personally, do not.
Dec 3rd, 2007 01:16 AM

Oh, shit! It's liberal!
Dec 3rd, 2007 01:11 AM
Dr. Boogie It's all part of a cycle, KK. These new immigrants are on the bottom of the food chain now, but in a few decades, they'll have the opportunity to look down their noses at the next generation of immigrants, just like Morrissey!

Also, what famous songs has Morrissey done? I thought I had him in mind, but that was Van Morrison.
Dec 2nd, 2007 11:05 PM
sspadowsky Something I had nothing to do with is different than it used to be, so I'm mad! I'm not sure why, or even if I know what the hell I'm talking about, but I'm going to speak on it anyway!
Dec 2nd, 2007 11:03 PM
Kulturkampf Oh, this is one of those threads where 2 people make comments about what was said, and the rest say nothing else because that is enough... Oh yes, the threads where I present something so ridiculous as suggesting the inherent value of a national identity and that unadulterated immigration is bad...

Just because there is a strange popular consensus that I am full of shit doesn't make it true.

I'm sorry you are liberal.
Dec 2nd, 2007 09:01 AM
mburbank I've often found fault with your attitudes toward lots of things. Would it be okay with you if I took control lot you? 'Cause I seriously think it would be better for everyone if I did.
Dec 2nd, 2007 08:33 AM
Kulturkampf It is about a lot more than 'nostalgia,' it is about a national identity that people are entitled to.

So people have a right to move into a foreign nation and live there and the local people have no right to complain? An interesting idea. Add onto this that they hate England and demand special treatment nearly everywhere that they go as well as suck up social services, we really have ourselves quite a combination.

There is a sort of hypocrisy in a lot of Leftist thought: we're supposed to leave countries alone and leave them to their culture of murdering gays and treating women like cattle as it is their business, but God forbid that we ever want to have control over our own nations.
Dec 2nd, 2007 06:20 AM
derrida so this faggot's nostalgia is a reason to keep people from living in the first world? cool.
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