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Oct 1st, 2012 12:29 PM
saturnknight Awesome picture show Proto
Mar 24th, 2011 05:47 PM
darkkitten I know a place down in texas called the staley cemetary. So appearantly,there was an indian burial ground and they built the cemetary right on top of it.Every so often, there is a blue light that can be seen flying over the place at night. The only problem is that the police are patrolling it 24/7...
Dec 20th, 2008 12:02 PM
Popsicle Well one time I was working at a haunted house and I was in one of these halls of mirrors by myself waiting for people to get to this room. So I was sitting there waiting, I walked by one of the mirrors, no reflection. I assure you these mirrors were perfectly normal and were supposed to reflect. I go to the next one, no reflection. Then I heared rushing waster like it was in the room with me. For those who are curious it was Knotts berry Farms halloween haunt. In this maze called Killer Clown Kollege which is located near Xcelerator and pretty close to perilous plunge. Someone died on perilous plunge a while back, I thoght it had something to do with that, not exactly sure though. After a while the water stops and people start pouring in. I was following some people through the mirror hall and I saw 1 reflection of a person who wasn't even there. It was like some obese lady (which is kind of like the person who fell of perilous plunge). All and all I am not sure...The fog and lighting and darkness all may have been playing tricks on me. Either way, that was a night that scared me.
Dec 7th, 2008 02:32 PM
uno-kun If you ever travel down to Mexico, go see the Mummy Museum in Guanajuato

Guanajuato is a wee bit far down to travel, but the museum is super creepy, as you can see from the first link. Basically all the mummies there were all residents of the town at some point from the colonial era.

Not for the squeamish, since there are mummy children Dx

Also, there is a seperate hallway of just random oddities, such as a guillotine, a "vampire skeleton", and a coffin with spikes.

The best part are the caramel mummies as souvenirs. Delicious!
Nov 23rd, 2008 09:58 PM
hobbsend Heres one for you on the east coast, a bit of a hike for you guys, but deffinatly worth it; Spider's Gate Cemetary. Accroding to legend entering each one the supposed gates to the cemetary (mind you you hear alot of "The 6th gate is between that rock and that dumpster" )but still has a really nice, creepy feel too it. Heres a link with more: http://www.strangene.com/cemeteries/spidergate.htm
Nov 12th, 2008 12:58 AM
resident-adam I'm thinking of visiting Centralia in full Stormtrooper regalia. I'll post pics when/if I do. Great article though.
Nov 6th, 2008 05:08 AM
frizzen Great article, that town has seemed facinating since I first heard about it! Shame they keep tearing it down.

Check out the Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpikes.
Oct 28th, 2008 04:44 PM
Ferrit I grew up within a few miles of the Danvers State Mental Hospital in Danvers MA. Back in the late 80's we used to be able to drive around the grounds at night for a pretty good freak out. But that was when it was still open and functioning. Little by little it was closed down and all the residents redistributed around the area, which definitely added to its creepiness; the emptier it got, the darker it would get at night. Eventually it was closed down and as of right now I've no idea what still remains of it. But if just exploring the grounds at night was spooky (and keeping an eye out for cops and security once they chained the access roads off), actually going inside, at night, with flashlights would have been something I'd have paid good money to have been able to do. Check out the film Session 9 for more of what would have (or still would, if any of it is left) made creeping around inside Danvers State Mental Hospital the perfect thing to do around the Halloween season.
Oct 28th, 2008 10:56 AM
SPINAL Looks like an ideal location for a remake of: "Motel Hell", "Phantasm", "Night of the Creeps", "Return of the Living Dead" or maybe "My Bloody Valentine"
Oct 28th, 2008 05:13 AM
Rebel Without a Sauce It's hard to trust a city called Centralia... it's the worst kind of portmantea! ...ONE THAT MAKES SENSE.
Oct 28th, 2008 04:06 AM
HowardC I live in WV and in defense of it's "creepiness" factor it is only scary to people who live in the city or highly populated areas. If houses with big-assed yards in the middle of the woods=creepy then I guess we are then. I mean I live less than a mile from "slaughterhouse hollow" and it isn't the least bit crepy here. Unless you are afraid of the dark that is.

You want to be creeped out, try going to the old prison here. Apparently they have started to run a spook house in it during october. I haven't went yet, but the prison itself is scary enough without the doctoring, so I can only imagine.
Oct 28th, 2008 12:16 AM
Before hitting up Centralia proper, we had arranged to take a tour of a coal mine in the next town over, which I believe was called Ashland. Fortunately the mine that we went into was not on fire, which is important to note, or I would be dead while writing this.
At least you're not dead and we don't have to use Zombie killing tactics on you...

And of course, what road trip would be complete without the experience of getting pulled over for speeding in some backwards ass town where they don't bother to have the speed limit posted until after you pass through the speed trap... 35 miles per hour on this road. Who would have guessed?
Plus out of state plates. I think they just wait for that...

As for creepy locations, up and around my hometown (Erie, or as it goes around this time of year, Eerie, PA) we've got Axe Murderer Hollow and a few other supposedly haunted spots. Never been to any of them myself, so I can't vouch for the coolness factor of them, but we do have a Horror Festival every year, with movies and horror actors and the like. Nothing A-list (I'd say, unless you're a horror fan) like the one Rog went to, but it's a good time. Might want to check it out next year (or, y'know, whenever *laughs*)
Oct 27th, 2008 11:40 PM
saturnknight http://www.offroaders.com/album/cent...re-history.htm a slight history on Centralia is in the link I posted here. It's sad that you couldn't get any pics you'd dee worthy for the site.

On another note, the orbs in the creepy tree, they're basically supposed to be ghosts... Did you lose power to your digital cameras at any point around that church?

Also, if you ever take a trip up to Canada, check out Newfoundland, it's where I'm from, and there are plenty of ghost stories around this area, from suicide, to a man getting lost in a small wooded area for 10 days and coming out traumatized and mentally destroyed. He was perfectly sane when he went in to them. If you want to hear more Newfoundland stories, or for me to go deeper in to telling you the one mentioned, feel free to contact me some way.

Oct 27th, 2008 11:26 PM
Protoclown Commanderraf: Thanks for the tip, but that's probably a little far out of my range at this point. Who knows, though--maybe Roger could make it down there sometime!

MS-DOS4: I don't know. The GPS belongs to my friend Dave (Sarcastro, who posted below). He didn't really lead us astray so much as the area just isn't well mapped though.

Mister Tea: I agree, and I'm sure there's probably a slightly more credible version of the story that involves demonic possession or something instead of the aneurysm. You know how these stories go though, they get told over and over and details change over the years. I just recounted how I remember it being told to me.

Military Messiah: Dude! You didn't think that was worth mentioning while we were there? The noise you heard up in the church? That's kind of a creepy little detail there.

Ozzie: Oh man, that must have been freaky as hell. I envy you for that. I've been out ghost hunting to graveyards and Civil War battlefields many times, but never have I experienced anything like that!

fugmunky: I don't doubt that you're right about that. Unfortunately we only had so much time and we wanted to check out Egg Hill too...

SlimJim: Holy SHIT that place sounds AWESOME! I'm definitely putting that on my list of places to see. And the great thing is that it's easily reachable for me in a day. The only thing that concerns me is that website mentions that it's "being rennovated"...I'd be afraid I'd get there and it would be like arriving after the party's over.

Brunbb: That actually makes some kind of sense.

And to those of you who suggested "haunted hayride" kind of attractions, those can be fun, and I appreciate the suggestions, but I'm looking for things that are a little more genuine, you know?
Oct 27th, 2008 10:24 PM
Brunbb Centralia was an inspiration for the movie, not the game. The game had all that fog because of the graphical limitations of the PlayStation.
Oct 27th, 2008 09:46 PM
SlimJim If you guys are ever near the Louisville KY area, you really should check out a place called the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. From our friends @ Wikipedia:
A sanatorium (also sanitorium, sanitarium) is a medical facility for long-term illness, typically tuberculosis.
A synopsis of the place:
The official (RE: boring) website:
Oct 27th, 2008 09:39 PM
JJ the Jetplane I've only been to one Halloween based "event". It's the Homer Mill, in Michigan, and it's pretty amazing. It's actually Alice Coopers favorite haunted house attraction in the country. I've gone the past two years with a couple of my bodies, and it was really fun both times. The first time i went was last year, and when me and my buddies got there, we were really really early (it was like 5 pm, and still light out) and we thought it wasn't going to be very scary at all. But, since we got there so early, we were the only people there, which seemed to make everything 10 times worse than normal. The scares were actually so frequent one of my friends started getting angry at the workers and yelling at them whenever he got startled, which was funny in retrospect, but we were to busy shitting ourselves to laugh at the time. The weird thing about it though, was that the first few rooms weren't even remotely frightening. They were actually just plain silly. But everything got WAY worse the further in we got. And we discovered that apparently, my friend Steven is afraid of clowns , and I'm afraid of heights. It was really fun and i was psyched to get the chance to go again earlier this year. When we got there this year though, it was later in the night (about 8 or 9) and there were a lot of people in line. When we finally got in, it wasn't even all that scary. Hearing the people in front and behind you screaming just ruined the experience and spoiled all the scares. Plus, since it was so much later, the workers seemed tired, and not really into what they were doing.It was still fun, but in a more "laughing at all the stupid people behind you screaming" kind of fun. So yeah, if anyone ever gets the chance to go, try and go early, before anybody else shows up. Going through that haunted house with only a few friends makes everythinga lot better, and the fact that it's light outside is barely even noticeable once you get inside the house. It's really dark in most of the rooms in the house.

(P.S.) If anybody does check it out, make sure to stick with your group in the room with all the curtains and the strobe lights. I circled around that room for 10 minutes trying to find the way out of that room, the strobe lights were blinding me, and no matter how many times i heard that woman in the middle of the room scream, it still scared the crap out of me. (Sadly, the woman wasn't screaming when i went through this year)
(P.P.S.) The restaraunt in the Homer Mill is also pretty good. :^D
Oct 27th, 2008 07:57 PM
fugmunky o yeah and rizzo - goddamn right about knoebels!!! ride the phoenix forever!!!
Oct 27th, 2008 07:55 PM
fugmunky if anybody wants the TRUE Centralia experience, may I recommend the weather to be cold and rainy...and it must be at night. The last time me and some of my friends went it was a spittin image of the smokey dreariness of Silent Hill. The only thing that would have made it better is the distant howling of a air raid siren in the distance.
PS the ground at Centralia in certain spots is extremely weak, so one wrong misstep could send you hurtling to the bowels of coal fire hell...
Oct 27th, 2008 07:12 PM
Ozzie I once went with a group of friends to check out a graveyard that was supposedly haunted by the spirit of an Indian chief ( I live in Minnesota, so it seemed fairly feasible)

Upon reaching the graveyard, we were disappointed to not only not see any ghosts, but that the graveyard was maybe 50 square feet big and full of French-Canadian immigrants, which would make them probably the least frightening type of zombie I could imagine.

As we're walking back to the cars, I start to hear this faint children's music, like from a music box or something. It was faint, but loud enough to know that it couldn't be coming from the "nearby" buildings (The closest being more than 100 yards away) and of course, I just think I'm imagining it and scaring myself, so I turn to my friend to tell him and laugh it off. His eyes are the size of fucking dinner plates as he's saying "Please fucking tell me you can hear that too" before I have a chance to speak.

Actually scared now, I nod to him and we both run back to our car ahead of the rest of the group, claiming to them we were merely just cold and not wusses.
Oct 27th, 2008 06:26 PM
Julio Commanderraf: Remember that a lot of spooky people also go to Real de Catorce for nothing more than some peyote.

Protoclown:Those red lights are simply scary. I look at them and I truly believe it is some demonic entity lurking around.
Oct 27th, 2008 06:17 PM
albinorino24 While we are on the subject of creepy places a buddy of mine works nights at a hotel here in Michigan. It used to be a big mob hangout. Al Capone had stayed there a couple of times and everything. A mab boss actually got shot in the hotel bar. There is a newspaper framed on the wall talking about it and everything. Since my friend works at night there isnt any other employees and sometimes you can hear a vacum running in an empty room. Or you can hear footsteps in empty hallways. Even the ice on the fountain pop machine will come out by itself.
Oct 27th, 2008 03:34 PM
rizzo Yeah, we're pretty bad with posting what the speed limit actually is in PA...sorry about that. You missed the best part of central PA besides State College, though, and you were really close to it too: Goddamn Knoebels Amusement Park. It's the only amusement park left anymore that's not just after every single penny of your dough, plus the food kicks ass. Check it out the next time you're up this way.
Oct 27th, 2008 03:25 PM
Sarcastro I must defend Mr. T from the vile accusations leveled upon him, here. When I was entering the destination, we didn't have a precise address to give. So instead of putting in a street address, I put in a zip code and an interstate that Lauren had reckoned was the right one. So yes, Mr. T did in fact lead us away from Egg Hill, but that was only because the destination he'd been given to find was not exactly Egg Hill.
Oct 27th, 2008 02:52 PM
Aaarg You should have gone to southwestern PA and gone to Fright Farm. It's not creepy, it's just a big haunted house and hayride attraction. Also, Laurel Caverns. No spooky shit but Laurel Caverns is great.

And yeah, lots of rural places can be scary at night. Western PA, western VA, West Virginia, and other places in the region are good for that. Tiny little towns that consist of nothing more than a gas station and a creepy bridge.
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