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Jun 9th, 2003 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Wow, a kelly post full of ignorant drivel! Par for the course.
You're still in the sand trap, Vinth.
Jun 9th, 2003 12:23 PM
mburbank Vinthenese for:

"I have to say to that nothing since I can't make an argument tiward it factually and don't have the understanding with all of what I said to start with, let alone the understanding of what Kelly said to boot. So I will say Kelly is a dumbass and leave and let the leave be at that.

Is the embarassment for me due to my accusing others always of having insulted instead of argued? Maybe. Do I know that? Perhaps. If I did have the knowing myself would the admitting be thrown up by me? No. Simple as that."
Jun 9th, 2003 12:08 PM
VinceZeb Wow, a kelly post full of ignorant drivel! Par for the course.
Jun 9th, 2003 11:59 AM
weight·lift·er or weight lift·er ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wtlftr)
One who lifts heavy weights for exercise or in an athletic competition.
bod·y·build·ing ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bd-bldng)
The process of developing the musculature of the body through specific types of diet and physical exercise, such as weightlifting, especially for competitive exhibition.
I don't see any difference in the definition unless you're saying that you lift weights but not competitively. In which case, this makes you an amature who should probably avoid regailing us with your vast knowledge of something that you know little about. I'm paraphrasing here but Einstein once commented that if you can't explain a subject so that a child understands it, you probably don't know it well enough yourself. Quit relying on the wonders of the internet to explain the technicalities and pretend that I'm THAT child. Please expound on your monumental knowledge of physiokinetic training, you hulkamaniac you!
Jun 8th, 2003 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
I'm sorry if you need the BMI index explained to you. You do have access to the computer; you can look it up.
I belive that the purpose of asking was to see if you understand!
Jun 8th, 2003 04:37 PM
mburbank "I'm sorry if you need the BMI index explained to you. You do have access to the computer; you can look it up."

Vinthenese for:

"Theeth thearch engines am too hard for the utheing of."
Jun 8th, 2003 02:42 PM
El Blanco So, ranx, you have nothing. Zip, nada, bupkiss. Just some sinister music and shifty eyes.

As for how they feel about the legal actions taken by the Bush administration, they all have their own opinions and I haven't spoken to most of them for a few weeks.
Jun 8th, 2003 01:59 PM
Zebra 3
Re: And the Beat Goes On...

Originally Posted by El Blanco
Originally Posted by Walter Simard
Originally Posted by El Blanco
Anyway, they are being treated real well. They are cared for, they get counseling and plenty of other things we think are neccassery.
:/ - With over 60 suicide attempts and two deaths by beating, hmm.
Thge suicides could have been for a lot of reasons.

And under what circumstances did those deadly beatings supposedly happen?
:/ - As far I know there were only attempts of suicide, and all involved the Muslim detainees, and none of of the U.S. military. I'm sure that they all have different reasons to want to kill themselves; lost of a love one, a sweetheart, a good paying job, recurring nightmares that they'll be missing the upcoming T3 movie sequel...

:/ - Apparently the deadly beatings occured while the two were being interrogated by the U.S. military, and there's an ongoing investigation (whitewash). C'mon do think anybody of importance in Washington actually gives a shit about these two killings?
Jun 8th, 2003 12:29 PM
Jun 8th, 2003 12:28 PM
ranxer not yet, sounds like fun though
i still find it amazing that if i put a few things together i get labeled a conspiracy nut, but if the bush administration spreads lies of conspiracy to justify killing a few thousand people they arent labled the same.

Jun 8th, 2003 11:20 AM
VinceZeb I wonder if Ranxer has his living space boobytrapped to burn up at the flick of a switch.
Jun 8th, 2003 10:12 AM
Jun 8th, 2003 09:26 AM
ranxer tis true that i don't have much 'fact' to back up what i'm saying, but i'm not trying to 'stir up trouble' i'm talking from what i suspect to be true based on passed behavior of the fascists in power.

i'm betting on it but will be happy to be shown wrong.

i'm betting that more than 70% of the round up (despite what your friends said) were wrongfully accused. and a thousand or so isnt THAT MANY considering how many muslims there are in america. ok so we have muslims from afghanistan there too.. its hard to find the numbers..

sorry i don't have much more than accusations, but i think the administration should be handed its ass in sooo many ways.

hey blanco are your muslim friends bush supporters? do they like the results of the criminally insane administrations terror on iraq?
Jun 8th, 2003 02:03 AM
El Blanco
Re: And the Beat Goes On...

Originally Posted by Walter Simard
Originally Posted by El Blanco
Anyway, they are being treated real well. They are cared for, they get counseling and plenty of other things we think are neccassery.
:/ - With over 60 suicide attempts and two deaths by beating, hmm.
Thge suicides could have been for a lot of reasons.

And under what circumstances did those deadly beatings supposedly happen?

i don't see how anyone can defend the draconian incarceration of what must be over a thousand muslims across the country with something like a 20% guilty rate. i'm not sure how many but im sure its not over fifty percent.
I thought they weren't getting trials. Or were they secret? Where are you getting your numbers?

Of course, you have no idea. You just feel like trying to stir some trouble.

its only racism that allows this in the first place.
If you are refering to the war against non-Muslims, I totally agree.

you ever been yanked from your life and thrown into isolation for weeks with an hour of light every few days? no contact, no rights, considered a terrorist because of your name? you think those folks just go back to thier jobs? or can get hired again or back to school again?
Do you actually know anyone this hapopened to, or do you have just a bunch of vague references?

I have a bunch of Muslim friends, and yes, they were questioned and a few were harassed. One of my friends had his work permit revoked while his immigration status was reviewed, but he got it back. None of them know anyone who was dragged away to some secret detention.

we create backlash with everything we do in america!
Same goes for everyone in the world.

i still think the whole round em up tactic was an attempt to get them to attack again in america(emediate backlash) so that the war on terror could rachet up more support for the war on iraq, but thats just me.
Ya, it is just you, cuz all you have is a vague accusation.
Jun 7th, 2003 10:45 PM
ranxer i don't see how anyone can defend the draconian incarceration of what must be over a thousand muslims across the country with something like a 20% guilty rate. i'm not sure how many but im sure its not over fifty percent.

its only racism that allows this in the first place.

racism used with reverse terrorism wielded by the christian fundamentalist right wing corporate government. yeeha, wave that flag! geet them terrorists! (not that i'm saying all rightwingchristians with stock/jobs are evil)

you ever been yanked from your life and thrown into isolation for weeks with an hour of light every few days? no contact, no rights, considered a terrorist because of your name? you think those folks just go back to thier jobs? or can get hired again or back to school again? we create backlash with everything we do in america!

i still think the whole round em up tactic was an attempt to get them to attack again in america(emediate backlash) so that the war on terror could rachet up more support for the war on iraq, but thats just me.
Jun 7th, 2003 07:25 PM
AChimp Yeah, but Carlos the Jackal was the mastermind behind many acts of terrorism, not the unwitting boob who was following orders. I think there's a difference between the Grand Poobah of Terrorism and the peons.

Besides, Carlos the Jackal was arrested, not captured in battle. Different rules.

I'm sorry if you need the BMI index explained to you. You do have access to the computer; you can look it up.
Translation: I don't know what to say anymore, so you can just look it up instead. Poophead.
Jun 7th, 2003 06:29 PM
Zebra 3
And the Beat Goes On...

Originally Posted by El Blanco
Anyway, they are being treated real well. They are cared for, they get counseling and plenty of other things we think are neccassery.
:/ - With over 60 suicide attempts and two deaths by beating, hmm.
Jun 7th, 2003 04:34 PM
VinceZeb I'm sorry if you need the BMI index explained to you. You do have access to the computer; you can look it up.
Jun 7th, 2003 03:07 PM
mburbank I think they should be treated as prisoners of war, which is what they are. There's plenty of precedents to follow.

And you're totally right Vinth. Kelly calling you a bodybuilder instead of a guy who lifts weights really does mean you don't have to explain not understanding what BMI really is or backing up in any way any of the things you said about you not being a fat stupid kid.
Jun 7th, 2003 03:04 PM
El Blanco
Originally Posted by AChimp
Considering that other industrialized nations don't try to find loopholes in international treaties ("Oh, they're not prisoners of war... they're um... combatants."), I'd say, yeah, you'd probably be treated better.

POWs are POWs. Name, rank and serial number is all they have to tell you.
Are you sure? Do you know what France has done with Carlos Illych Sanchez Ramirez? (I may have just butchered his name, but thats Carlos the Jackal)

Anyway, they are being treated real well. They are cared for, they get counseling and plenty of other things we think are neccassery.

But, what would you have us do with them? They are in a legal and political limbo. Who has jurisdiction? What are they charged with?

So, lets ay we release them all. Then, one of two things happens:

They go backto their home countries, get welcomed as heroes, rearm regroup and fight again and kill more people (don't kid yourselves into thinking they will just be Americans). Thats what happened when we let Qadaffi handle those airline bombers about 10 years ago.

Or, they go back to their home countries and their governments capture thm and do things that would make Jeffery Dahmer cringe. How does that sit with the human rights' activists? You know the US will take heat over handing the prisoners over into that.
Jun 7th, 2003 02:32 PM
VinceZeb Kelly, when did I say I was a bodybuilder? I lift weights; I never once said I was a "bodybuilder". Dumbass.
Jun 7th, 2003 11:58 AM
Protoclown Vince...is that...jizz in your eye??
Jun 7th, 2003 11:00 AM
kellychaos As we all know (or looked up in Vinth's case) BMI is a numerical rating of your health based on height and weight and is not as accurate as other means of measuring your risk of wieght-related illnesses, such as the various forms of body-fat measurement. That being said, Vinth, what are some of your measurements of those critical areas. If you are a true bodybuilder like you say, you would not only know the areas that I'm talking about but you would also know those measurements (within a .25 inch or so) off the top of your head. Prove me wrong, fatboy! Case closed enough said.
Jun 7th, 2003 10:42 AM
mburbank t may not neccesarily mean it, just by typing it 'out'. But I'm guessing he;s right and you're wrong. Why? Because you're a stupid fat kid. Studies have made it shown. Simple as that to boot.
Jun 7th, 2003 08:01 AM
VinceZeb Sethomas, what the fuck are you even blabbing about? I know what the BMI is. Just because you come on here going "Oh no VinceZeb, I am going to type out some information to counter you and just becuase it is countering what you say, it means it's true" doesn't mean you are factually accurate.
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