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Nov 5th, 2013 07:41 AM
Tomsm Boxing is a very interesting sport.
Klitschko brothers - best boxers of our time, in my opinion!)
Nov 3rd, 2011 06:56 AM
Pentegarn We've heard it before. At this point though will anyone really believe that Mayweather wants to fight Paquio?

Mayweather is a coward, he only fights in fights he thinks he has no chance of losing, and when they say everyone wants you to fight Paquio, he pretends he thinks it is a good idea and then schemes to find a way to make it not happen (insert my oft repeated 'demanding Paquio take a blood test knowing his phobia of needles will make him have issues in the fight itself')

I would love to see the fight happen, but let us be brutally honest, does anyone believe it will at this point?
Sep 20th, 2011 07:31 PM
Pentegarn Not a spambot, not a hoax, I am bumping the boxing thread!

So Floyd Mayweather shows his class again

Skipping down to this part, we begin his tale of asshattery

Round four: This is more like it. Some big early punches. But then Ortiz gets Mayweather on the ropes, lands several punches, but none anywhere-near-decisively. And again Ortiz gets the unbeaten Mayweather on the ropes but again fails to land. Ortiz senses success but then sees Mayweather respond. And just before the bell he gets Mayweather on the ropes a third time. Ortiz is penalised for headbutting. Before the penalty Ortiz offers a kiss. And then, stunningly, as Ortiz appears to be unready, Mayweather attacks and knocks the champion down. Mayweather wins on a knock out.
Yes Floyd Mayweather, the coward who used the "Exploit Manny's fear of needles to avoid fighting him" technique, practically sucker punches Ortiz. Don't get me wrong, Ortiz should never have thrown a headbutt, but he was sorry and went over the top with the apology in ring, but if boxing is a gentleman's sport, shouldn't the participants act like gentlemen?

But he isn't done there, he then goes on to threaten an 80 year old broadcaster

Stay classy Floyd
Mar 15th, 2010 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Sam View Post
I believe in you
Mar 13th, 2010 12:02 AM
Pentegarn I think we all hold what we're feelin' when we see Gina /rimshot
Mar 12th, 2010 01:23 PM
Mar 12th, 2010 12:24 AM
Mar 12th, 2010 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Sam View Post

You already won the internet earlier Sam. There is nowhere further you can go with this discussion after the ear comment so you should save that sort of heavy lumber for the next anti MMA honk who spouts about things they think they heard a friend say about MMA
Mar 11th, 2010 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
The throwing fights debate is irrelevant to the conversation. We are discussing how MMA is a sloppy step back in the history of human civilization. Putting two grown men in a cage and having a contest where they choke, knee, stomp, bash, and attempt to break each others limbs is devolution in my honest opinion.......
Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Throwing fights aside, how is it backwards in the history of human civilization? They aren't fighting for blood or their lives, so don't try to equate this to some Rome gladiator bullshi* you saw with Russell Crowe. It is a test of wills and techniques.

It is just so ironic that you find it OK for two guys to beat the hell out of each others' skulls until one goes unconscious, but submissions and kicking is completely out of the question.
Originally Posted by Sam View Post
This is all I read of this thread. I feel I have seen all pertanent info.
Mar 11th, 2010 05:31 PM

Mar 11th, 2010 03:28 PM
MattJack Also, Coolio, it's fine to disagree. I enjoyed the little back and forth

I just want to say that I'm not trying to make anybody like MMA better than boxing, or anything else. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so that isn't what I got a beef with.

I have a problem with people who blindly bash MMA and spew shi* out of their mouths when they're clearly uneducated on the matter. All of the issues you have with MMA I could break down one by one and use video examples to enlighten you as to what is really going on. I'm not saying you'll love MMA or anything, but at least you would possibly rethink some of your positions.

There is a lot of MMA around the world, so don't limit your thinking to the western UFC promotion.
Mar 11th, 2010 03:15 PM
In the last decade, in fact, the sport has seen three deaths — two in poorly regulated shows outside the country and one in 2007 in Texas. The two fighters who died overseas may have had pre-existing medical conditions they failed to disclose. The Texas fighter died of "complications from blunt trauma to the head with subdural hemorrhage," according to the local medical examiner's office.
The same thing could have happened with a boxing match. Poorly regulated sports will always have a bigger chance of being more dangerous. You can deregulate football, boxing, racing, etc. and it will greatly increase the chances of serious injury. I think all combat sports need strict regulations to ensure the safety of the athletes.

Blunt trauma to the head is more severe in boxing as stated earlier, but I think what is more telling about the quote is that the fighters possibly didn't disclose crucial medical information. Medical information is used for just about every sport out there and for good reason. The problem is that some athletes want to compete in the sport so badly that they'll go to great lengths to get their medical records smudged, faked, or accepted.

MMA wasn't the problem here, but rather the circumstances around it. You could easily replace MMA in this quote with "Football," "Boxing," "Hockey," "Professional Wrestling," and so on.
Mar 11th, 2010 09:12 AM
Pentegarn Care to post a link to that quote so we can see it in context?
Mar 11th, 2010 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by MattJack View Post

Long post
I can't reply. I got warned. I guess we can just agree to disagree on MMA but I will leave you with this quote.

In the last decade, in fact, the sport has seen three deaths — two in poorly regulated shows outside the country and one in 2007 in Texas. The two fighters who died overseas may have had pre-existing medical conditions they failed to disclose. The Texas fighter died of "complications from blunt trauma to the head with subdural hemorrhage," according to the local medical examiner's office.
Mar 11th, 2010 12:27 AM
Pentegarn 44 inch vertical is pretty damn impressive.

Also, I heard the "human cockfighting" metaphor used again in the Rogan vid. I think that is about the worst analogy to use. In cockfigthing, the birds get no choice and have razorblades attached to them to cause more offensive damage. In MMA, these guys choose to fight. They do it in a mostly professional manner (what Mir said about hoping to kill Lesnar notwithstanding) and they do so without attaching razorblades to their bodies to inflict more bloody injuries.
Mar 10th, 2010 11:29 PM

Coolio is my favorite troll on I-Mockery now.

Some quick videos for people like him who may be reading this thread:

MMA fighter training. Dude is just a drunken bar brawler though, so anybody can do this s*it. Current UFC WW Champ.

Classic Judo techniques wrecking strikers. I know, there isn't any skill in MMA or any use of martial arts.

Some Karate being used here. This guy is the UFC LHW Champion. He's a karate master who's been practicing the art since he was a boy, but anybody can do this. They cut out the part where he breaks a person's neck, steals their girlfriend, and then rides off in his pick up truck with a confederate flag waving from the back though.

Joe Rogan pushes boxing's shi* in, so pay attention to this Coolio.
Mar 10th, 2010 10:01 PM
Fathom Zero
Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
I guess that's where we differ......MMA lacks skill, finesse, and basic sportsmanship. People are dumb enough, they don't need more senseless and useless violence injected into their ever growing entertainment schedules. At least boxing had some normal rules and a sense of pride. MMA is nothing more then the physical manifestation of the decay within our society.
That's funny because in most interviews looking at a retired boxer, they're retarded mush-mouths where veteran MMA guys going on twenty years and still fighting are talking about their economy of motion.

Yeah, Jeet Kune Do is so fucking savage in comparison to boxing. I'm tired of that bullshit that boxing is more sophisticated and gentlemanly. YOU'RE PUTTING YOUR FIST INTO ANOTHER PERSON OVER AND OVER.
Mar 10th, 2010 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Sam wins the internet!
Mar 10th, 2010 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
I guess that's where we differ......MMA lacks skill, finesse, and basic sportsmanship. People are dumb enough, they don't need more senseless and useless violence injected into their ever growing entertainment schedules. At least boxing had some normal rules and a sense of pride. MMA is nothing more then the physical manifestation of the decay within our society.

Mar 10th, 2010 05:09 PM
I do respect the participants and acknowledge the skill therein.
I guess that's where we differ......MMA lacks skill, finesse, and basic sportsmanship. People are dumb enough, they don't need more senseless and useless violence injected into their ever growing entertainment schedules. At least boxing had some normal rules and a sense of pride. MMA is nothing more then the physical manifestation of the decay within our society.
Mar 10th, 2010 04:56 PM
Pentegarn Wow, I am losing track of what you are trying to say Colonator, you're all over the map. I am not even sure you know what you are trying to say.

Let's begin with this gem:

Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
I don't know how they score MMA but I believe the match is over when one of the fighters is holding the head and spinal cord of his defeated opponent.

This makes me laugh for a few reasons. So when you watched the MMA match where this transpired, was there another match on the card with a centaur fighting a guy with four arms?

You get on MattJack when he says "you obviously don't know MMA". Here's the thing though. Statements like your quote show you obviously don't know MMA. Because a statement like that shows your obvious (apparent to all) ignorance of how MMA works. When you mistake watching someone play the game Mortal Kombat for an MMA match, that makes your lack of knowledge in MMA obvious. When you say, "I don't know how they score MMA" that also makes your lack of knowledge obvious. When you say:

Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
I've never seen any of these fighting styles used in the cage....ever.....

You make your lack of MMA knowledge obvious.

If you think there is no jujitsu, traditional US wrestling, or grecko roman in MMA, you are watching something not MMA. Maybe it was an episode of the A Team. Maybe it was a documentary on mollusks. Maybe it was Man vs. Food. Maybe you were at Dave and Busters watching Mortal Kombat and mistook it for UFC 103. Whatever it was, it was clearly not MMA if you saw no jujitsu, traditional US wrestling, or grecko roman. Maybe you watched the Toughman Contest. That is closer to what you think MMA is.

Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
I think this whole fantasy that MMA fans are living in is kind of silly to be honest. These fighters DO NOT USE MARTIAL ARTS. All they do is sloppily punch with haymakers, knee, kick thighs, choke, and attempt to break arms.
Your assertion that MMA does not actually use martial arts is laughable at best. If you are so sure of that belief, I recommend you go to your local MMA training facility (most major cities have several) and tell them of your views. I would be interested to hear how that works out for you.

Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
I wonder what would happen if an MMA fighter would not walk into the ring? Maybe his career would be over because most of these MMA fighters are completely and utterly replaceable. I.E. No skill involved.

Ask Brock Lesnar when he bowed out of a fight due to illness. Let's see... he's still in MMA, he kept his title, and they rescheduled the fight. That answer that question for you?

I get it, you hate MMA. Fine. Hate it, but don't make up and twist facts about it to suit your anti MMA agenda.

If anything, I am angry at boxing for letting itself be destroyed by its own corruption, arrogance, and lack of organization. If you can't get the best fight in 30 years done, you don't deserve to be a sport. Period. I wouldn't call myself a hardcore MMA fan, but I do respect the participants and acknowledge the skill therein.
Mar 10th, 2010 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by MattJack View Post

They have a point system. Most fights across every promotion goes 3-5 rounds, so if nobody gets KTFO'd then they have to go to a decision. The point system is based off of a mix strikes thrown, landed, take downs, sub attempts, ring control, and a few other things.
Interesting. I wonder how the judges make out what's going on in the unskilled mess that's proceeding before their eyes.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
They aren't fighting for blood or their lives

I guess they are fighting for absolutely no reason at all which makes it useless as well as dangerous. Dangerous morally and physically I may be so bold to add.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
It is just so ironic that you find it OK for two guys to beat the hell out of each others' skulls until one goes unconscious, but submissions and kicking is completely out of the question.

I would like to believe that the human race has gone beyond rolling around on the floor while beating / choking / limb breaking each other.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Yes, the fighter isn't protecting himself. Much like in boxing, if the fight is so one sided that there isn't a contest the fight will be called. It doesn't mean he is KO'd.

Are you trying to clean up the filthy MMA by comparing it to Boxing? "Much like Boxing" you say?

You cannot and I will repeat CANNOT compare MMA to boxing because the brutality of MMA is almost immeasurable. When a boxer is in distress the referee will put his arms around him and wave one of his hands in the air. It never gets to the point where the fighter is being beat over and over and over again on the ground NOR does it ever get to the point where a limb or an air way is constricted.

MMA is garbage. It's low brow fighting.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Yes. It is a submission. Think of it at a 'gotcha' move. All you do is tap or risk injury.

"Or risk injury"

Thank you

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Boxers have NO NEED TO TAP. You can't be serious with this. They just have to pummel the other man into either submission(throwing in the towel) or until he goes dead to the world.

At any point in the boxing match any fighter can refuse to walk into the ring. There is no need for any "risk of injury" becayse they have the option of not proceeding into the middle of the ring.

I wonder what would happen if an MMA fighter would not walk into the ring? Maybe his career would be over because most of these MMA fighters are completely and utterly replaceable. I.E. No skill involved.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Boxers have DIED in the ring. Nobody has died from MMA. If the referee sees a boxer on the ropes then the fight is over?

I still haven't researched in to how many people have been hurt in MMA but yes, before boxing was regulated there were deaths. Hence why they regulated it.

I don't know if you know this but "Being on the ropes" is a term used to reference when a fighter is in trouble. It's just a phrase, it doesn't really mean that the person is on a rope of some sort.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
This is because you are ignorant. You have no understanding of what is going on, so therefor it must be some grown ass men wrastlin' for male supremecy.

When you switched your vocabulary from "You obviously don't know this" to "you are ignorant" is that just a way you admit defeat?

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Most of the fighters are well versed in two to three martial arts.

They may be well versed in ballet too but you don't see that when they step into the "cage". You see a mess of grabbing and large over the top swings that then culminate into a grab ass match on the ground which then leads to one choking the other. Boring. No skill. No martial arts. No nothing. Probably 3-4 moves get used in every single fight.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Stomping somebody's foot is barbaric, but hitting them in the face with 1lb gloves is OK

Stomping of the foot is just another reason why not to watch this unskilled mess.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Yes, there is a difference. One might break your foot and the other might break your brain. I'll take my chances with getting stomped on my foot.

Once again, Boxers are only allow to fight a certain number of matches. It's called a regulation. This is a collision sport. I wonder how many bouts an MMA fighter is allowed to have a year? and I wonder what's going to happen to their health? Both sports are dangerous but MMA is much more brutal and grissly on so many levels.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
No, I was pointing out this thing called irony. Just admit that you are upset that your precious boxing is on life support.

I'm not a boxing fan, at all. I'm just saying between MMA (mess / no skill) and boxing (skill and stamina), boxing is better on so many levels.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Wasn't John McCain bombing Brown People in the 1960s from a plane in the sky? Killing hundreds if not thousands of people, OK. Blood in a combate sport, AWFUL.

I still agree with him when he called it "Human Cockfighting" because that's what it is. Hence why it was illegal and I believe it still is illegal in many states of the union.

In my profession usually bad things are regulated. MMA is one of them I guess.

Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
Way to ignore my argument.
Mar 10th, 2010 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
Yes, but they don't hit each other just for the KO. There is a point system based on hit ratio and where the strike lands. I don't know how they score MMA but I believe the match is over when one of the fighters is holding the head and spinal cord of his defeated opponent.

They have a point system. Most fights across every promotion goes 3-5 rounds, so if nobody gets KTFO'd then they have to go to a decision. The point system is based off of a mix strikes thrown, landed, take downs, sub attempts, ring control, and a few other things.


Originally Posted by Coolio
The throwing fights debate is irrelevant to the conversation. We are discussing how MMA is a sloppy step back in the history of human civilization. Putting two grown men in a cage and having a contest where they choke, knee, stomp, bash, and attempt to break each others limbs is devolution in my honest opinion.......

Throwing fights aside, how is it backwards in the history of human civilization? They aren't fighting for blood or their lives, so don't try to equate this to some Rome gladiator bullshi* you saw with Russell Crowe. It is a test of wills and techniques.

It is just so ironic that you find it OK for two guys to beat the hell out of each others' skulls until one goes unconscious, but submissions and kicking is completely out of the question.


Originally Posted by Coolio
lol, I'm going to ignore the whole "Obviously" comment. I once new a guy who started all of his debates with "you obviously don't know this...or that..." I would usually say back to him "you obviously don't know how to communicate like an adult"

COOL STORY BRO. Didn't know "obviously" wasn't communicating like an adult. Maybe I'll just be more direct and tell you how foolish you look when you don't know what the hell your talking about.

Let's try: You apparently haven't a clue what really goes on in MMA, but this is probably due to your lack of education, or possibly even a lack of motivation to go out and read a little bit of literature on the matter at hand. Go read a book.

Originally Posted by Coolio
The fighter isn't protecting himself? Is it because he's getting beaten on the ground or has slipped unconscious from lack of oxygen to the brain?
Yes, the fighter isn't protecting himself. Much like in boxing, if the fight is so one sided that there isn't a contest the fight will be called. It doesn't mean he is KO'd. Lack of oxygen to the brain? I'm started to believe you have a lack of oxygen in your brain when you rattle off this kind of shi*.

Originally Posted by Coolio
Is the fighter tapping out because he's in pain or is in fear of serious injury? Boxers do not have to "tap out".
Yes. It is a submission. Think of it at a 'gotcha' move. All you do is tap or risk injury. Why is OK to have this in strict martial arts matches, but not in mixed martial arts? Is it the gui? I don't understand.

Boxers have NO NEED TO TAP. You can't be serious with this. They just have to pummel the other man into either submission(throwing in the towel) or until he goes dead to the world.

Originally Posted by Coolio
If the referee sees a boxer on the ropes then the fight is over. It doesn't have to get to the point of almost getting seriously injured.

Boxers have DIED in the ring. Nobody has died from MMA. If the referee sees a boxer on the ropes then the fight is over? Yeah, go tell George Foreman that then. Ali only LAID on the ropes for round after round during their historic Rumble in the Jungle. Rope a dope.


Originally Posted by Coolio
I've never seen any of these fighting styles used in the cage....ever....
Originally Posted by Coolio

All they do is wildly swing at each other, try to choke them, or try to break an arm. The fights are boring and have no class, style, or skill. Anyone who has two brain cells to rub together can be an MMA fighter.....get on top and punch or get behind and choke.
This is because you are ignorant. You have no understanding of what is going on, so therefor it must be some grown ass men wrastlin' for male supremecy.

You are entitled to think they are boring fights, but to say that there isn't any skill in an MMA fighter only reaffirms that you have a serious case of The Dumbass. Most of the fighters are well versed in two to three martial arts.

Originally Posted by Coolio
I've see an a fighter stomp the feet of his opponents numerous times. It's allowed. What MMA are you watching?
Originally Posted by Coolio
I guess there is no difference then. Hmmm....(rolls eyes)

My fault. I thought you meant soccer kicks to the head.

Stomping somebody's foot is barbaric, but hitting them in the face with 1lb gloves is OK

Yes, there is a difference. One might break your foot and the other might break your brain. I'll take my chances with getting stomped on my foot.


Originally Posted by Coolio
When you say "laughable" do you mean true? Because this gigantic post you just vomited out really doesn't help your argument. It's actually helping me.......
Originally Posted by Coolio

I think the whole "What’s the difference between bashing someone half to death on the ground" just proved my point completely.
No, I was pointing out this thing called irony. Just admit that you are upset that your precious boxing is on life support.

Originally Posted by Coolio
I think this whole fantasy that MMA fans are living in is kind of silly to be honest. These fighters DO NOT USE MARTIAL ARTS. All they do is sloppily punch with haymakers, knee, kick thighs, choke, and attempt to break arms.
You're right. These guys just work on cars and hit women all day. They couldn't possibly be trained in multiple fighting arts. That is impossible.

Originally Posted by Coolio
I've never seen any kind of bruce lee-ish fighters enter the ring. It looks like 2 guys who had too many drinks and are fighting over a girl in the corner of the bar.
You are a fuckin* retard. Anybody can do a flying leg scissor into a heel hook. That's just some sloppy school yard shit we all did in 3rd grade.

Originally Posted by Coolio
Those examples you gave are irrelevant. This was illegal because it was a blood sport not because it was being persecuted because of race or identity.
Way to miss the point. I was simply saying that just because something is illegal doesn't make it right. The United States Supreme Court could make a decision that the sky is green tomorrow, so does that make it green? No, it just means that a government is full of shi*. The government has been wrong over and over, so the whole "morality" and "legality" argument means hot dic* to me.

Originally Posted by Coolio
For once John McCain was right. He called it "HUMAN COCK FIGHTING" and I have to agree with him. Its a messy sport with no skill that runs strictly on testosterone and ignorance.
Wasn't John McCain bombing Brown People in the 1960s from a plane in the sky? Killing hundreds if not thousands of people, OK. Blood in a combate sport, AWFUL.


Originally Posted by Coolio
I'm noticing that you keep bringing up boxing’s bad business practices which I do not deny. Problem is its irrelevant to the conversation. The facts being that MMA is a uncivilized neo-gladiatorial event that has captivated and duped most young men into idolizing it and or using the half-cavemen they throw into a cage to fight as role models.
You are such a parrot. This is the same thing you say over and over. How many times do I have to refute this mess?

Originally Posted by Coolio
Boxing is not only much safer then MMA but REQUIRES SKILL also the bout is conducted in a very orderly way. Unlike MMA.
Originally Posted by Coolio

Just the name MMA (Mixed martial arts) is a falsehood. They don't use a mix of anything. Like I stated over and over again its a very amateurish and barbaric contest that we as humans should have shunned away from a few thousands years ago. Boxing is the progress of that. The sport is still active but now there are more rules put in place to protect the fighters. MMA if you can even call it that is a big step back in terms of civilized combat.


Originally Posted by Coolio
blah blah blah mma bloodsport blah blah blah boxing sacred blah blah blah role models blah blah blah decline of western civilization




Ni*ga, go read a mother fuckin* book.
Mar 10th, 2010 12:41 PM
Fathom Zero You guys're doing it wrong.

Mar 10th, 2010 10:39 AM
Angryhydralisk This is hilarious.
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