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Oct 19th, 2020 09:37 AM
Pentegarn Think I will necromancer this thread with my current top 10 favorite board games

10) Thunderstone Quest - The third edition of the Thunderstone deckbuilder game. They further improved how dungeon delving works in the game and removed food cards which totally fixes the junk draw issue of previous editions. The balance of dungeon delving is at its best where you will always have a productive action to take regardless of draw thanks to the various sub actions within the village action. Game ends when you find 4 keys hidden throughout the dungeon and the big bad appears. You get one final turn where you draw an extra 4 cards and keep all but 2 of your choice then you either attack the big bad or take one more turn. Most points based off your deck value and vp tokens wins

9) Crusaders Thy Will Be Done - A mancala based action game where your knights crusade accross the countryside smiting heathens and building castles, churches, farms, and monuments that enhance your basic actions. Actions include Crusade (where you kill Prussians, Saracens, and Slavs), Move (move your knights around the map) Build (build a building in an empty territory), A scoring action where you collect points based off the power points on that action, and an enhance action that increases your permanently increases your power when crusading. When the set number of victory point tokens are given out the game ends.

8) Manhattan Project Energy Empire - A worker placement dice game set in post WW2 era Earth. Power is needed to heal and you are one nation trying to become the best at generating power. But watch out how much pollution you generate while doing so. Every turn you either place a worker/energy to achieve and action, or you pull your workers back and take a personal goal for end game scoring. When you pull back you gain back your workers and generate energy tokens by rolling your power plant dice. If your highest value roll has pollution on it, you gain one or 2 pollution which has to be cleaned up or else it costs you end game points. Each time pollution happens (or in the case no pollution is rolled, a pollution is burned) the countdown till the end of the round comes closer to ending. When a round ends and event happens. The first 3 events are pleasant and may gain you a free worker, die, or resources which are given to everyone, but the last 3 events are more catastrophic like plagues, power shortages, sanctions, taxation, pollution increases and the like. The game ends at the end of the 6th round and your pollution, dice, buildings, and personal goals are added up and high score wins

7) Reavers of Midgard - A shared action selection and set collection game. Each turn a player chooses an action that he gains a bonus for, then everyone gets to do said action. Each round everyone chooses one action. Game ends after 6 full rounds.

6) Hyperborea - a 4x (explore, exploit, expand, exterminate) bag builder (think deck builder but instead of cards, you use cubes) You draw 3 cubes per turn and place them on your personal board to take actions that allow you to move, attack, add more troops, add more cubes, gain victory points, or gain technology cards that give more action choices. Points scored by gaining cubes in your bag (other than grey ones, those are worthless and take up junk) holding territory, killing different players, killing non player faction creatures, gaining tech, gaining victory point gems, getting achievements, generating troops and so on. Game ends depending on number of achievements accomplished, player count, and pre-chosen game length

5) Scythe - This one, like all Stonemaier Games, is polarizing. I fall on the side of those who love it. It's a post apocalyptic action selection, area control, resource management game. Select an action and if you possess the correct amount of goods, take the attached build, recruit, develop, or upgrade action. If you reach certain milestones, such as maxing your battle power or popularity, building all your buildings or mechs, generating all your workers, finishing a quest or winning a battle, you add a star to the score area. The game ends after a player gets their 6th star placed. Your score is based off accumulated coins many of which are given at end game based off of territories controlled, stars placed, and goods left all multiplied by your popularity tier rating. It plays great but also looks incredible with the mech and leader minis, goods all over the board, and beautiful game art

4) Power Grid - Pound for pound, this is the most balanced game ever made. The catch up mechanic is top notch so it is almost runaway leader proof. Each round you participate in auctions to buy power plants and power resources which you use to power cities. The order of bidding is determined by who is the leader which results in whoever is in last place has the bidding advantage. The game ends when a certain number of cities have power plants in them and most powered cities at the end of the game wins.

3) Puerto Rico - I love shared action games, be it the previously mentioned Reavers of Midgard, Race/Roll for the Galaxy, Exodus Fleet, or New Frontiers. But this is the granddaddy of the genre. You select from a series of actions, be it prospect coin, sell goods, increase your farm, build buildings, generate goods, ship, etc. The person choosing the action gets a special bonus benefit while everyone playing then gets to do the action. The game ends when points or colonists run out.

2) Brass Birmingham - Martin Wallace has designed a lot of great games, London, A Few Acres of Snow, Mythotoppia, Age of Steam, Automobile, but my favorite one is easily Brass Birmingham. It's a hand management style game where your cards have city names or actiion symbols on them. Each turn you play 2 cards which can either allow you to build in a specific city or build a specific building in a city connected to your supply chain. The cards can also be used to take a loan, ship goods, build canal or rail depending on the era of the game you're currently in, or gain 2 wild cards to be used later. The game is played over 2 eras where you go through the cards until the deck dries up, reshuffle and start the second era and repeat this till the deck dries up again. Most points after that wins

1) Castles of Burgundy - Stephan Feld's "Guernica" You are competing to create the best section of kingdom by using 2 die rolls per turn to either take a tile from the board, place a taken tile onto your board, sell the die roll for die manipulating workers, or sell a stack of goods you collected. Plays across 5 rounds with 5 turns per round where the quicker you fill in a section the more points that section is worth.
Dec 5th, 2012 10:56 PM
Dr. Boogie I picked up Lords of Waterdeep a couple months back. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to play it with anyone nearby because it was D&D, but thankfully I can just explain the works as purples, oranges, blacks, and whites. Also, my brother doesn't want to play it anymore because I always wind up overtaking him in the final points tally.

Picked up King of Tokyo over Thanksgiving and played the shit out of it with my sister and some friend of hers. It's a nice mix of strategy and luck, so no one really feels left out when they play it. That was my least favorite part of Settlers of Catan: getting stuck in a rut where your numbers never came up, so you couldn't do a damn thing. Also, the games are short, which means plenty of time to try again if you fail.

I've had my eye on Fortress America. It looks like an interesting one, and so many of the boardgames I play wind up being 1 vs all anyway. Anyway tried it, or something like it?
Aug 24th, 2012 05:50 PM
Dimnos Man, I have been shilling out a lot of cash to Fantasy Flight here recently.

I picked up Mansions of Madness about a year ago but only recently got to really play it. Damn that game is fun. As the keeper (read game master) you just get to murder the investigators, especially if they all split up and do their own thing, its almost unfair. Its basically Arkham Horror just done up a different way to be a bit more RPG like and someone gets to be the monsters.

On top of that I also recently picked up Rex and the new 2nd edition Descent.

Descent is basically Mansions but D&D style in place of Cathulu and has more focus on combat and killing monsters than progressing a story. Its supposed to also have campaign rules and character progression. Havent actually played it yet because we have been to busy with Rex and its political backstabbing.
Aug 18th, 2012 02:44 PM
k0k0 I just got into board games while I was with my ex fiance. My favorites so far are Smallworld and King of Tokyo.
Jun 19th, 2012 03:31 AM
OxBlood Played some new stuff this weekend. Believe it or not, this was the first time we ever played Munchkin. Problem is when you have one or two people in your group that for the love of a deity of your choice can´t wrap their head around rules.

Tell me, what´s so complicated about this:

Two decks of cards. On your turn you draw from deck A. If it´s a monster, deal with it. If you beat it, draw from deck B. If it´s not a monster, play one from your hand or draw from deck A and be done with it.

It´s really not rocket-science. Anyway, that went rather well after a while, then we switched to Jungle Speed. Now, there´s NO excuse if you don´t understand THAT game, unless you´re a very small monkey maybe. Lots of simple stupid fun, though I suck at these games because of the way my brain seems to work.

Finally we broke out the new Wiz-War. I was really looking forward to it and I had an absolute blast playing, even though I died first. Sadly, the remaining two people thought it was too random (which is the point) buuut...I´ll get them to like it sooner or later :D
May 23rd, 2012 03:22 AM
OxBlood Mageknight, FINALLY! First edition in german. I´m pretty impressed how simple they kept the inside of the box. Most things fit back in perfectly and there is NO punching out stuff whatsoever, just unwrap a few components and you´re ready to play...if you know how to play this thing. Mageknight is definetely no simple or short game, but just by browsing over the rules, I get the feeling we have something really great here...
May 8th, 2012 06:54 PM
OxBlood Ah well, too late and I wouldn´t have listened anyway I actually ordered all three Sirlin games btw, so I got Puzzle Strike, the complete Edition of Yomi and Flash Duel

The package got stuck in customs of course and I had to pay an additional 30 bucks for taxes since there was no invoice attached to the package...ah well, who cares, 240 bucks or 270 bucks, it´s way too much one way or the other.

Oh and they actually included the Upgrade Kit for Puzzle Strike. Screens, Promos, Playing Mats, it´s all there except for the additional 10 Characters from the addon but I don´t really mind, to me, the main game is Yomi anyway. Flash Duel is nice too though, even though it´s basically a carbon copy of En Guarde with some nice additions but Sirlin says so explicitly too so who cares.

I really like the way, Sirlin designs his games and the thought that goes into them making them extremely simple but challenging at the same time
May 3rd, 2012 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by OxBlood View Post
Puzzle Strike is on its way here, I kinda went a little crazy and bought the whole Sirlin-Package for...well, a lot of Dollars. You simply cant get any of that over here any other way.
Wish I could have stopped you, there's a newer edition, with the works like screens and game pads on their kickstarter page coming out, and as far as I can tell they will ship it anywhere for a 55 us dollar donation (plus shipping costs)

Tried out a game called Primordial Soup, it is a race for survival game where your amoeba have to out evolve everyone else's amoeba while taking care to not evolve beyond the current climate, also you eat other amoeba's poop (while playing it all the other CABS passers by kept mentioning that particular game mechanic)

Also tried out Galaxy Trucker. I absolutely sucked at it, in fact I may have broken the record for suck on it by ending the game with a mere 1 credit to my name. Still, trying to build a ship quickly is a blast and watching as your ramshackle creation falls apart in the remorseless emptiness of space is kind of funny to see.

Finally got around to opening and playing Lord of the Rings The Card Game. It could use more scenarios, but was a solid co-op card game once you learn the somewhat cumbersome rules
Apr 16th, 2012 05:48 PM
OxBlood Lords of Waterdeep is about as simple and basic as Workerplacement gets, its great for beginners in my opinion. Simple in a good way. Place dudes, get ressources, spend them for points, done.

Puzzle Strike is on its way here, I kinda went a little crazy and bought the whole Sirlin-Package for...well, a lot of Dollars. You simply cant get any of that over here any other way.

Concerning dice games, I think my favorite is still the Godfather game. Dont know if you can get it in the states, it's being published by Kosmos over here. Great Dice-Placement game with a bit of backstabbing too. It's rather quick and a lot of fun
Apr 16th, 2012 03:45 PM
Pentegarn So Lords of Waterdeep is actually not very complicated? That's interesting, that may make me want to buy it.

I got 4 new games, tried 3 of them so far (haven't had time to wedge in the Lord of the Rings deck builder game.

-Puzzle Strike: A 'deck builder' that uses chips and is based strongly off of puzzle fighter. I liked it, it is less daunting than the instructions make it seem and was pretty fun

-Thunderstone Advanced: If you took all the original Thunderstone games and compressed them down into an easy to swallow portion, then add a few fail safes to keep the randomizer mechanic from screwing the game up too much, you have this game Anyone who was starting in on Thunderstone should play this game, and jaded TS vets like myself will appreciate how they addressed the flaws. Added bonus, you can still use any expansion cards from previous games that you want in the advanced version.

-Carnival: This game operates on a dice roll and card mechanic. Pretty simple (instructions are a page) to learn. Quick games and works well 2 player which is always a plus.

As an aside, to all up and coming game developers, I expect this year's big craze will be dice based games. It is already starting (Kingsburg and Alien Frontiers are enjoying a resurgence in popularity as far as I have seen) and I expect it will only increase. I will know for sure when I go to Origins though.
Apr 16th, 2012 08:06 AM
OxBlood Played a bit of Summoner Wars and Lords of Waterdeep yesterday. I love how in SW, the game can always be turned around if you play your cards right (literally) which led to me losing, partially also because I didn´t spot an opportunity to finish off the other summoner.

So my Sand Goblins lost to his Phoenix Elves but who cares, I won the game of Lords of Waterdeep. I like how light and easy to play the game is, it´s almost a filler-title and a great entry-point into the world of Eurogames and workerplacement
Apr 11th, 2012 05:14 AM
OxBlood Well, if you ever happen to be near Düsseldorf, I´ll invite you to a match of A few acres of snow anytime
Apr 10th, 2012 05:09 PM
Pentegarn Short rant.

Damn these game publishers for not having enough supply to satisfy the demand for their games.

I tried to order both Mage Knight and A Few Acres of Snow, both out of stock and getting them on Amazon costs 2-3 times their retail price right now.

Fucking gougers
Apr 6th, 2012 08:24 AM
OxBlood Gamenight later on, I guess we´ll start with good old Roadkill Rallye, I love that game, it´s so...shameless for a boardgame. "Go, kill little children with your car-mounted flamethrower, it´s worth points! Oh and here, use candy, that´ll give you an additional kill-dice!".

And I´m thankfully not making that up

We also might try Merchants and Marauders again, gorgeous game if you have any love for Sid Meyer´s Pirates in your heart

Well, in the end it was half a game of Kingsburg that we stopped after year 3 (just took too long with two of the guys having to walk their dog multiple times, poor thing´s sick) and a quite extensive round of Bang! that I won because the Sheriff didn´t pay attention to my huge grin every time I told him I was the Deputy. Not my fault for not calling my kindergarden-style bluffing Interestingly the REAL Deputy didn´t really try to convince his buddy that if HE was the deputy, I must be the Renegade...but who cares, I filled 3 people with holes and took the win. Yay me.

And since a month without new boardgames is a month without new boardgames, I ordered Lords of Waterdeep the other day. Looked like a nice entry-level title
Apr 5th, 2012 01:39 AM
Pentegarn That's the bear, I said a bear
Apr 4th, 2012 03:00 AM
kahljorn not the charmin' bear
Apr 2nd, 2012 10:04 AM
Pentegarn Does a bear shit in the woods?
Apr 2nd, 2012 03:01 AM
kahljorn did you enseminate in her domain afterwards
Apr 2nd, 2012 12:00 AM
10,000 Volt Ghost
Apr 1st, 2012 11:57 PM
Pentegarn Got Eminent Domain from GF for my birfday. I did not realize it can be played 2 players until today
Mar 31st, 2012 02:11 PM
10,000 Volt Ghost More games need a Milady.
Mar 31st, 2012 12:25 PM
Pentegarn So the GF and I tried out a game called Feudo. It is a 13th century British conquest game. I had hoped for a bit less combat and a bit more politics in it, but it was pretty much all conquest. Kind of felt like Smallworld without the troop loss for occupying places.

Essentially you have 3 Knights, 2 Mercenaries, 2 Infantry, 1 Baron, 1 Milady, and 1 First Knight who have various power scores and you have them scurry about the board in an effort to collect victory points which are gained by conquering cities or defeating other players soldiers in the combat phase. There are a couple minor factors to worry about like Barons can stack an additional unit on them for more power in a single space, or First Knights being the strongest single unit but not being allowed to stack, or Miladys who can render opposing Barons useless by using the enamored ability. There is a plague running rampant throughout the kingdom as well and if a unit gets the plague (which happens a lot) they will become weaker (except the Milady, who turns into a disease spreading whore). The winner is the person with the most victory points after 10 turns.
Mar 31st, 2012 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by Pentegarn View Post
A few acres of snow was just reviewed on the Shut Up Sit Down show. I am going to be getting it soon.
Exactly the reason why I got it, Quinns and Paul have a way of being a great indicator whether a game is fun or not

And even though their representation of the game is not all that accurate, the atomsphere is spot-on. I´ve of course yet to play it with another person but the game is so easy, yet very elegant in it´s design, I´d say almost anyone can play it and have a lot of fun.

Both factions have about the same options but different strenghts. While the English have the superior sea-force and easier troop recruitment, the French are sneaky, great at raiding unfortified english outposts and traversing the inland terrain with ease.

The two-actions-per-turn mechanic gives the players a lot of options but also forces them to think tactically AND strategically since you can play cards into your reserve for later use (though those cards can be vulnerable to enemy ambushes. I think it the English player would not like it at all if he was to start a big Siege for Port royal or maybe Quebec and the French just wastes his Siege Cannons with a single Sapper :D

As you can see, I really really like what I´m seeing in this game. It´s really fast too, I can imagine games of around 40mins as soon as both players know their way around the game

Oh and they even included french and german manuals and info-sheets, very nice of them.
Mar 30th, 2012 09:21 AM
Pentegarn A few acres of snow was just reviewed on the Shut Up Sit Down show. I am going to be getting it soon.

Kingsburg is a great purchase, I recommend it to everyone
Mar 30th, 2012 06:57 AM
OxBlood Not much time right now, but three new games on the shelf, Kingsburg, Rex - final days of an empire and A few acres of snow, the new Wallace game, more on the last two in a while
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