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Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 09:24 AM        Muslims and gays clash
The Muslim Council of Britain which represents moderate Muslims has come under heavy criticism from the leading British gay rights activist Peter Tatchell.

“The Muslim Council of Britain's boycott of Holocaust Memorial Day reeks of prejudice and hypocrisy,” said Peter Tatchell of the lesbian and gay human rights group OutRage!.

“The MCB objected to the fact that gay victims of the Nazi death camps were remembered,” he added.

“While demanding rights for Muslims, the MCB wants to deny rights to lesbian and gay people – both Muslim and non-Muslim. It sees no double standard or inconsistency in its selective approach to human rights,” added Mr Tatchell.

“Tolerance is a two-way street. How can the MCB expect to secure respect for Muslims when it shows such obvious disrespect to other people because of their sexual orientation?” queried Mr Tatchell.

I find it amusing, in a way, that politically correct leftists here are totally confused about how to deal with this issue without appearing Islamophobic or homophobic, and end up saying nothing.

And I can only see this clash getting worse as the British Muslim population increases.
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ziggytrix ziggytrix is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 09:36 AM       
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
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Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 01:00 PM       
Originally Posted by ziggytrix
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
That's just what the far left here are screaming at gay rights activist Peter Tatchell. They'd rather be homophobic than Islamophobic. The rest of the left just sit on the fence and hope it'll go away. But it won't.
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 01:04 PM       
That's because it's a disease.
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 01:47 PM       
Shut the fuck up, sand-nigiger.
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Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 02:31 PM       
Originally Posted by ziggytrix
Shut the fuck up, sand-nigiger.
Well done, now you're back on the fence with all the other leftie sheep.
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 02:49 PM       
I find it amusing, in a way, that politically correct leftists here are totally confused about how to deal with this issue without appearing Islamophobic or homophobic,
and what exactly do you base this assumption on?
I don't get it. I mean, why did they fuck with the formula? Where are the car songs? There's only one song about surfing and it's a downer!
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ziggytrix ziggytrix is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 03:42 PM       
He bases it on the fact that even though he's a clueless retard who runs his mouth on subjects which he does not even have even an inkling of understanding, but thinks that by applying the phrase "PC Liberal" at the end, it makes it a valid, political opinion.

In other words, shut the fuck up cuntface.
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 03:45 PM       
Technically if he used such an unpolitically correct term as "Sand******" wouldn't that make him not a liberal since he's not trying to not offend people? Seems like your definition of a liberal is about the same as AA's definition for an alcoholic.
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Immortal Goat Immortal Goat is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 03:46 PM       
I'm going to be serious in this thread, but only because it will once again show my superiority to Pharaoh.

I do not agree that the Muslim community should have been outraged at the rememberance of gay victims, but I also do not think that gay victims need a special place in history seperate from the rest of the victims. They were all treated horribly, and should be remembered as such. Not as gay people or Jewish people, but people in general that went through horrible suffering in the name of hatred and bigotry.
I like snow. If winter's going to be cold anyway, at least have it be fun to look at. Probably why I was with my ex for so long...
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Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 03:52 PM       
I find it amusing, in a way, that politically correct leftists here are totally confused about how to deal with this issue without appearing Islamophobic or homophobic,
'and what exactly do you base this assumption on?'

Well first of all maybe it's not clear, but I'm referring to politically correct leftists here in the UK.

Secondly just look at what Peter Tatchell says about the left on his website.


Peter Tatchell urges solidarity with the Iranian people's struggle against clerical tyranny

Guess who was the key-note speaker at the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament's annual conference last month? No, it wasn't the veteran peace campaigner Pat Arrowsmith.

Surprise, surprise. It was the Iranian ambassador, Dr Seyed Adeli. An odd choice. Why would a progressive movement like CND give a platform to the representative of a clerical fascist regime that executes apostates, unchaste women, gay people and even children?

“Given the possibility of an attack on Iran …we wanted to hear the view of the Iranian government,” explained CND Chair, Kate Hudson. “There was no implied support…but a desire for peaceful – but firm – lobbying and dialogue.”

So when is CND hosting anti-nuclear activists from Iran ? Not any time soon, it seems. Moreover, when a handful of delegates heckled Dr Deli, they were ejected by CND stewards. All of which leaves Iranian left-wingers rather puzzled about the politics of the British peace movement. Peace at any price? With any blood-stained dictatorship?

The ayatollahs view Dr Adeli's speech to CND as a big propaganda coup; giving them kudos and respectability. Anti-fascist Iranians feel totally betrayed. With good reason.

As Dr Adeli addressed CND, a Tehran court found a young woman guilty of adultery. Identified only as Soghra, she was sentenced to be stoned to death.

The good folks at CND were presumably unaware of this latest judicial barbarity, but I doubt they would have been much fussed had they known. Their agenda is anti-nuclear, not pro-human rights. They applauded the ambassador's speech.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, stoning people to death is not against the law, it is the law. The only crime is to use the wrong-sized stones. Too big, and the victim will die quickly without suffering enough pain. Too small, and they might not die at all.

Welcome to the new mediev ali sm that is modern Iran , where the barbarism of Sharia law holds sway, and where superstitious, bigoted clerics have the power to decide whether people live or die for the most trivial offences. Women are threatened with lashing for “misplaced smiles” that arouse “satanic desires” in men. Last year, 14 year old Kaveh Habibi-Nejad was flogged to death in the town of Sanandaj for “eating in public” during Ramadan.

Franco's Spain and Pinochet's Chile were tea parties by comparison to Iran 's Islamist bloodfest. Since the ayatollah's seized power in 1979, nearly 100,000 Iranians have been murdered – including soci ali sts, trade unionists, communists, feminists, journ ali sts, students, lawyers, writers, doctors, human rights activists and religious and ethnic leaders.

In the four months following the June election of hardline President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, over 80 people are known to have been executed or sentenced to death. Under Iranian law, girls as young as nine and boys as young as 15 can be hanged. So far this year, seven children have been executed.

Torture is endemic. The barbaric tortures inflicted in the name of Islam include the cutting out of prisoner's eyes, crushing their heads in metal vices, and forcing boiling water into their ears. The Dark Ages are ali ve and kicking in modern-day Iran .

CND is not the only supposedly progressive movement that is lost for words when confronted by the crimes of the ayatollahs. The Labour government also ignores the cries of the Iranian people.

The Home Office says Iranian asylum seekers with torture scars all over their bodies are “not genuine.” It wants to deport them back to Iran , where they will face further torture and possible execution. The Foreign Office has prioritised action against Iran 's nuclear programme. Human rights concerns have been quietly dropped; much to the delight of the ayatollahs. When two gay teenagers were publicly executed in the summer, the Foreign Secretary declined to protest to Tehran . The government's commitment to uphold universal human rights apparently does not apply to Iranians, or at least not to gay ones.

Despite its soci ali st rhetoric, the far left is no better. In Iran in mid-2003, a wave of strikes and demonstrations by workers and students was violently suppressed, with over 4,000 arrests. Where were the protests from the workers' defenders, the Soci ali st Workers Party?

Only last week, two labour activists were jailed for taking part in a peaceful May Day rally in the city of Saqez in 2004. Mahmoud Salehi got five years and Jalal Hosseini three years. It is thanks to international trade union protests that these men did not suffer a more grisly fate. Even now, who can say what will happen to them in prison. If they are not tortured it will be the exception, not the rule.

Since the beginning of 2005, Iran has erupted with episodic protests by workers, students and the Arab minority in the south. These heroic struggles have been blanked from the pages of Soci ali st Worker. Why?

June's general election in Iran was marred by widespread fraud. It bought to power the anti-democracy, fundament ali st candidate, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Yet the Stop The War Co ali tion (STWC), which is dominated by the SWP, boasts that ordinary Iranians are “making advances towards democracy.” Some advance.

The STWC and SWP are campaigning against a US invasion of Iran . Good. But they have shamefully vetoed any protests against the Tehran regime. This refusal to support Iranian democrats and soci ali sts replicates their failure to back the anti-Saddam opposition in Iraq .

The indifference of the SWP to the tyranny of the ayatollahs is nakedly opportunistic. They know that criticism of the Iranian Islamists would fracture their political alliance with the Muslim Association of Britain, which is pro-Islamist and supports Sharia law. They fear it could also ali enate pro-Islamist Muslim voters, who are being targeted as a support base for the SWP's electoral front, Respect.

The SWP's atheist leadership used to dismiss religion as the opiate of the people. Now, for the sake a few votes, their hide their irreligiousness and collude with the right-wing Islamists of the MAB; selling out liberal and progressive Muslims, and turning their backs on the Iranian people's freedom struggle. SWP. Socialists Without Principles?
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ziggytrix ziggytrix is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 03:53 PM       
Shocking news: Ragheads hate queers! Fox News at 9, you heard it first.
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Abcdxxxx Abcdxxxx is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 05:27 PM       
I think you got the Gay Press edition of that story. They boycotted, for the second year.... but queers weren't their big concern, sorry to say.


Ditch Holocaust day, advisers urge Blair
Abul Taher

ADVISERS appointed by Tony Blair after the London bombings are proposing to scrap the Jewish Holocaust Memorial Day because it is regarded as offensive to Muslims.
They want to replace it with a Genocide Day that would recognise the mass murder of Muslims in Palestine, Chechnya and Bosnia as well as people of other faiths.
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 05:30 PM       
oh for fuck's sake.
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Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 06:11 PM       
I agree, Abcdxxxx, the main reason they boycotted is because they hate Jews. The quotes I posted were just to show that there is a clash between gays and Muslims. They're not all about Holocaust day though, there are other issues. Link here.
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 06:23 PM       
I didn't pick those articles because it said "the Jewish Holocaust" I picked them because it shows it was a Holocaust denier thang.

Think about it. Remembering the Holocaust OFFENDS them!?
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ScruU2wice ScruU2wice is offline
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Old Jan 19th, 2006, 09:57 PM       
Honestly some of the things I hear old pakistani people say about the jews are down right hilarious. and Hindus their not big fans of Hindus.
And don't get me started on the gays. And what's the deal with Hands free headsets it's like people are talking to themselves, And Airline food, C'mon, I asked the stewart "can I have another pillow, It tastes better than this crappy food" HAHAHAAH
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Old Jan 20th, 2006, 07:39 AM       
Hey Saad, how are you doing? I should get on AIM sometime so we can chat.

Anyway, on topic: I think we should wipe out all the Muslims because only then can we be safe.

...& maybe the queers too. :/
Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie
No YouTube embeds in your sigs, poindexter.
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Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline
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Old Jan 20th, 2006, 08:47 AM       
We don't have to wipe queers out. If Muslim and non-Muslim birthrates continue at their current levels, Muslims will one day be the majority here, and eventually sharia law will be introduced and gays will no longer be tolerated. Forget about gay marriage, they won't even be able to admit they're gay. It's only a matter of time in Europe before that is going to actually happen.
So, what's it going to be? Muslims or gays? It's your choice.
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Old Jan 20th, 2006, 09:31 AM       
Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Hey Saad, how are you doing? I should get on AIM sometime so we can chat.
Translation: Oh man, you're a Muslim & I like you but I was going to be really racist in this post.
Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Anyway, on topic: I think we should wipe out all the Muslims because only then can we be safe.
Translation: OK, I'm just gonna say what I think.
Originally Posted by Pub Lover
...& maybe the queers too. :/
Translation: ...err, maybe I was joking about the whole racist thing.

Out of my personal experience every male Muslim I've known has become an asshole at the latest by the 20-22 age, & every female that didn't kowtow would unceremoniously disappear & not be heard from again.

Oh & they can't garden, but that could of just been the ones that lived near me. They would take broom handles or baseball/cricket bats & hit the ground outside, then stand around with these crude instuments before madly thrashing at the ground again. Once, in 2001, I was reported to the council for having am 'unfit' garden. Apparently my flowers, shrubs & trees 'attracted insects & rats'. When my garden & home was inspected by councilworkers, I helpfully pointed out the mounds of trash & garbage in some very coincidental neighbouring gardens, but I was told that the council would be unable to take action against my neighbours so I should either bare it or move.

I left the country.
Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie
No YouTube embeds in your sigs, poindexter.
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Kulturkampf Kulturkampf is offline
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Old Jan 20th, 2006, 09:54 AM       
Originally Posted by Immortal Goat
I'm going to be serious in this thread, but only because it will once again show my superiority to Pharaoh.

I do not agree that the Muslim community should have been outraged at the rememberance of gay victims, but I also do not think that gay victims need a special place in history seperate from the rest of the victims. They were all treated horribly, and should be remembered as such. Not as gay people or Jewish people, but people in general that went through horrible suffering in the name of hatred and bigotry.
Yuoa re going to be serious with the thread?

You basically just said nothing other than: "I am a liberal and I think that everyone deserves dignity and human rights and so many people are in pain that my heart bleeds because of bigotry."

Tell us what you think of even moderate Muslim councils taking these ridiculous, hardline stances.
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Old Jan 20th, 2006, 09:56 AM       
Originally Posted by ziggytrix
Shocking news: Ragheads hate queers! Fox News at 9, you heard it first.
You confirm Pharaoh's stance:

Liberals have no idea how to handle a situation where their zeal for multiculturalism and inclusionof homosexuals begins to clash, being that the Muslims are yelling "FUCK HOMOSEXUALS!" and now some of the homosexuals are saying, "Hey, these Muslims are mean fuckers!"

You do nt, either, so you act like a cunt.
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Jeanette X Jeanette X is offline
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Old Jan 20th, 2006, 11:22 AM       
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf

Tell us what you think of even moderate Muslim councils taking these ridiculous, hardline stances.
Yeah, their Christian bretheren would NEVER do anything like that...
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Old Jan 20th, 2006, 01:58 PM       
Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Out of my personal experience every male Muslim I've known has become an asshole at the latest by the 20-22 age, & every female that didn't kowtow would unceremoniously disappear & not be heard from again.

Oh & they can't garden, but that could of just been the ones that lived near me. They would take broom handles or baseball/cricket bats & hit the ground outside, then stand around with these crude instuments before madly thrashing at the ground again. Once, in 2001, I was reported to the council for having am 'unfit' garden. Apparently my flowers, shrubs & trees 'attracted insects & rats'. When my garden & home was inspected by councilworkers, I helpfully pointed out the mounds of trash & garbage in some very coincidental neighbouring gardens, but I was told that the council would be unable to take action against my neighbours so I should either bare it or move.

I left the country.
I don't blame you.
They were probably practicing beating their wives with the bats.
Whereabouts did you used to live?
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Immortal Goat Immortal Goat is offline
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Old Jan 20th, 2006, 05:12 PM       
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf
Originally Posted by Immortal Goat
I do not agree that the Muslim community should have been outraged at the rememberance of gay victims, but I also do not think that gay victims need a special place in history seperate from the rest of the victims. They were all treated horribly, and should be remembered as such. Not as gay people or Jewish people, but people in general that went through horrible suffering in the name of hatred and bigotry.
Yuoa re going to be serious with the thread?

You basically just said nothing other than: "I am a liberal and I think that everyone deserves dignity and human rights and so many people are in pain that my heart bleeds because of bigotry."

Tell us what you think of even moderate Muslim councils taking these ridiculous, hardline stances.

You basically just said nothing other than :"I am a conservative and I think the only people worth a damn are white upper class citizens who are sure to praise the Lord for their good fortune while stepping on the destitute".

Oh, and I'll tell you what I think of moderate Muslim councils taking these stances. I think it is sad that there is even this argument at all. It is important to remember victims of the Holocaust, and I also feel that victims of other such horrendous acts in history need to be remembered as well. It is stupid to not be able to look past one's own personal bigotry and see the humanity in all of us. You, KuttheKrap, are an inferior being, possibly evolved from the moist underbelly of a maggot infested sewer rat from Nazi Germany. That is the only way to explain your lack of intelligence coupled with your blatant disregard for human life. Fuck you, you Nazi skinhead, and I hope you choke on your communion wine and die.
I like snow. If winter's going to be cold anyway, at least have it be fun to look at. Probably why I was with my ex for so long...
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