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Old Mar 2nd, 2006, 08:28 PM        AIDS IS A NON WHITE DISEASE
According to the kkk. Read this unbelievably moronic article and feel free to purchase some of their stylin shirts


"AIDS Plague Worse than Bubonic and affects races differently

Some health experts are warning that AIDS may become the largest epidemic in history ? even more so than the Black Plague which killed an estimated 45 million people. Dr. Desmond Johns, with the United Nations? AIDS office, says, "The epidemic continues to grow out of proportion to the magnitude of our response."

The Centers for Disease Control recently reported that for the first time more black "heterosexuals" had the disease than gay white men did. This included any Hispanics with Negro blood. Hispanics of Caucasian ancestry were not affected severely.

Most people do not want to admit that AIDS is a racial disease. The biology of the races is different and they react to the virus differently when they are exposed to it.

AIDS is the name coined for a strain of Kaposi Sarcoma, a type of cancer. In a book titled "AIDS, A Basic Guide for Clinicians it talks on page 123 about the term Aids being coined, but does not say why. It says there was an outbreak of it among homosexuals and Haitians. It states that during the past three decades prior to 1984 there is "an increased prevalence of Kaposi sarcoma in Equatorial Africa". It is mostly prevalent among Ashkenazic Jews as stated by Dr. Moritz Kaposi who the disease is named after. The KS virus is able to mutate into variants. AIDS is one of those variants.

LANCET is Britain?s leading medical journal and holds a high position of authority world wide. In March of 1987 it reported that a British AIDS research group had discovered that Caucasians have an immunity cell type unique to them. None of the other races have it. It is called the GC-2 Gene. The other races have what is called a GC-1 Fast Track Gene.

The Readers Digest commenting on this same subject stated that, "A team led by Anthony Pinching of St. Mary?s Hospital Medical School in London looked at six combinations of an inherited protein found on some human and animal cell surfaces. The researcher concluded that one of the protein combinations makes the people who carry it highly resistant to AIDS, while another makes them highly vulnerable. The work may shed light on why the disease is spreading so rapidly among heterosexuals in Central Africa. Blacks from that region are nearly ten times likelier than Caucasians to carry the ?most susceptible.? protein."

Dr. Wayne Greaves of Howard University said, "Because of the high prevalence of infection among women and young children, I see AIDS limiting the black population. Unless we can interrupt transmission somehow, we may soon be looking at zero population growth for blacks."

Henri Norris, director of the Multi-Cultural Alliance for the Prevention of AIDS stated in the New York Times that "Blacks make up 73 % of all heterosexual transmission cases...More than half of all women with AIDS are black...More than half the children with AIDS are black."

According to the latest U.N. report, in Sub-Saharan Africa there are at least 8.6 million young people between the ages of 15 and 24 with the AIDS virus - 67% are female. In South Asia, 1.1 million youths are infected -62 percent of them female. Thoraya Obaid, the executive director of the U.N. Population Fund said among the agency's core message was "abstinence". Sadly, in these non-Christian countries, girls are often married off or encouraged to have sex at a very young age. Women are not respected in these cultures. Unfortunately, the U.N. will not publicize the fact in Africa and Asia that abstaining from sex - while helpful - is not full proof prevention. For non-whites, AIDS can be acquired through casual contact with carriers.

As more people become award of the high death rate among Negroes and other nonwhites it is almost certain that AIDS will be looked upon more and more as a disease of not only homosexuals, but a disease of nonwhites. With this awareness it is also equally certain that whites will begin to do what ever may be necessary to avoid contact with non-whites. Of course whites who engage in interracial sex will become infected also.

In the January 10,1989 edition of The Washington Post an article appeared under the title, "Racial Segregation Predicted" and states that the implications of AIDS is, "mind-boggling, posing the worst threat to black Americans since the days of virulent segregation" ? and that is exactly where we are headed if AIDS becomes known more and more as what it is ? a racial disease.

Young people must be warned of the terrible consequences they may face as a result of socializing with non-whites. And interracial couples should be especially avoided. AIDS is a disease of non-whites. It originated from a mutated cancer almost exclusive to Jews and now spread throughout the races. Remember, the national media talks about the high rate of AIDS among heterosexuals in order scare white people into donating to homosexual and inner city programs. The increase in heterosexual population is among non-white heterosexuals NOT white heterosexuals. Even white homosexuals have a natural immunity to the disease simply because of their race. They contract it however, because they continually expose themselves to the virus via their filthy lifestyle and in addition often sleep with non-white homosexuals.

Those with the GC-1 (germinal center) gene (non-whites) are in greater danger of contacting the HIV virus through casual contact such as toilet seats, drinking glasses, sneezing etc. Blacks are in the greatest danger of getting AIDS in this manner. This is the reason for the AIDS epidemic in Africa and also why AIDS, even in the US is the number one cause of death for blacks.

Though we are considered racist for pointing this out, the fact is blacks should be alerted to the danger they face from HIV. Phil Wilson with the African American AIDS Policy and Training Institute at the University of Southern California said "More black churches, fraternities, sororities and organizations like the NAACP need to speak out on AIDS." Surprisingly, those who want to avoid being called racist, are actually causing the death of blacks for not warning them of the danger. It is politically incorrect.

It must be noted, however, that technically no one dies of AIDS. AIDS simply destroys the immune system and death can come about from any number of diseases that can infect the body. For this reason, sometimes doctors will list the cause of death to be TB (which is on the rise) or pneumonia, when this would not have come about if the immune system was not first destroyed by the AIDS virus. Deaths brought about from AIDS are probably much higher than reported.

White people as a whole are just not getting AIDS ? no matter how many middle class Baptist grandmas they try to find to plaster on the news. Those people who do get it by way of innocent means such as blood transfusions have the politicians to blame for not isolating carriers and developing testing procedures on a mass basis. Better yet, we need geographical separation at least on a neighborhood and school basis and we need to teach our people the health dangers of social integration."


By the way, before any of you ask, the only reason i went on KKK.com is because some lady who works in the bias crimes squad claimed that if you ever type in swastika.com or kkk.com it will redirect you to their website.
ill fuck that bitch so hard in 10 years she'll crack her back and remember my dick - kahljorn
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 07:38 AM       
I haven't seen any evidence that black people are any more genetically inclined to get AIDS, but it's true that the vast majority of people with AIDS in the US are either black, gay or inject drugs.

Half of new AIDS cases in the US last year were among black Americans even though they make up only 13% of the US population, but I think higher rates of promiscuity is the more likely cause.

Only 6% of people with AIDS are white people who got it through having heterosexual sex. And there's a politically correct silence about more black people getting AIDS, which doesn't help black people at all, it gives them a false impression of what's happening.
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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 10:46 AM       
Okay, you don't know what a Liberal is, and now it's pretty clear you have no idea what the word 'silence' means. Who did not know that AIDS was spreading faster amongst Black Americans than white, you? Must be the politically correct silence.

Higher rates of promiscuity? Maybe, but isn't that just a side efect of higher rates of inferiority? Lets face it, More Blacks get AIDS because they are more bad than Whites. They use drugs more, the screw around more, and all those guys are 'on the down low' whenever white pussy is in short supply. All of that behavior is BAD. BAD=AIDS. Everybody knows it, they're all just too politically correct to say it. AIDS is a half of a way to die, but if you're monogamous, straight, and you don't do drugs you won't get it. We are better than them, and as a result, more of them die horrible, prolonged painful deaths. It's not up to me to say if they deserve it or not. That's up to God.
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Geggy Geggy is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 11:00 AM       
AIDS came from monkeys in Africa...don't you already know that?!
enjoy now, regret later
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 11:03 AM       
And if God won't punish you for Monkey Fucking, what will He punish you for?
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Geggy Geggy is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 11:08 AM       
That's different because God don't judge!
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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 11:30 AM       
I'm not sure who's worse, Rongi for posting a thread in all caps, informing us that the KKK doesn't like black people, or Pharaoh for that stupid response.

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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 12:02 PM       
I'm just pissed nobody told me the KKK doesn't like black people. What the fuck am I supposed to do with this robe now?
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 01:37 PM       
Originally Posted by KevinTheOmnivore
I'm not sure who's worse, Rongi for posting a thread in all caps, informing us that the KKK doesn't like black people, or Pharaoh for that stupid response.
What's so stupid about it?

Information about AIDS has failed to get across to black people that they are at the greatest risk. Anyone would assume form AIDS campaigns that white heterosexuals are the most likely to get AIDS.

'HIV/Aids is now the biggest cause of death among young black women in America - but too little is being done to combat it, a leading research organisation has said.

In states like Alabama and others in the country's Deep South, non-white women make up 13% of the population - but make up nearly 70% of Aids infections.

Meanwhile, half of the new HIV victims in the US are people under the age of 25 - and most of them are black, and for black women aged 24-35, Aids is the number one cause of death.

Dr Judith Auerbach, director of public policy for the American Foundation for Aids Research (Amfar) told BBC World Service's Analysis programme that this statistic was "staggering."

"Part of what's staggering is that most Americans - including young women, and young black women in particular - are unaware of this fact," she added.

"How we've got there is probably the result of some neglect in recognising who's really at risk in this country at this point in time."

"Part of what's so shocking is the disproportionate increase in rates, and specifically among African-American women, such that it leads to death."
Link here

And the reason why blacks aren't targetted in AIDS campaigns, is political correctness, they don't want to portray AIDS as a black disease.
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 01:41 PM       
Originally Posted by Pharaoh
And the reason why blacks aren't targetted in AIDS campaigns, is political correctness, they don't want to portray AIDS as a black disease.
You've obviously never been to America, particularly DC. You can't turn around here without seeing an AIDS education billboard with a black couple dancing and laughing or something.

The rate is highest in this city than anywhere else in the country among the African-American community. So it certainly is targeted as a "black disease" here, at least a black problem.

The reason your response was stupid is because you took a ridiculous thread and made it even more ridiculous by trying to validate the KKK's point. THat's why you're stupid, stupid head.
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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 02:01 PM       
Kev, we're actually in America. How could we possibly know more about what things are like here than a guy from England? If he says the reason word hasn't gotten out is because of political correctness not wanting to say Black people have more AIDS than white people, who are we to disagree?

I myself have never seen any AIDS education that didn't imply it was a Disease of white heterosexuals. Sure, it started in Africa, spread to the gay and intervenous drug community, but after that, I have always been told, it lept to the white heterosexual community and there it has stayed.
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 02:46 PM       
Originally Posted by mburbank
I myself have never seen any AIDS education that didn't imply it was a Disease of white heterosexuals.
That's because the liberal multiculturalists don't want to be un-pc!!! They wouldn't DARE target the black community, it would break their PC code!!!*

* Except in DC apparently, where they have giant billboards specifically doin this, right next to giant Hennessey advertisements.
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El Blanco El Blanco is offline
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 03:21 PM       
They took down the Kools ad?

Everyone has AIDS!
Everyone has AIDS!

And so this is the end of our story
And everyone is dead from AIDS
It took from me my best friend
My only true pal
My only bright star (he died of AIDS)

Well I'm gonna march on Washington
Lead the fight and charge the brigades
There's a hero inside of all of us
I'll make them see everyone has AIDS

My father (AIDS!)
My sister (AIDS!)
My uncle and my cousin and her best friend (AIDS AIDS AIDS!)
The gays and the straights
And the white and the spades

Everyone has AIDS!
My grandma and my dog 'ol blue (AIDS AIDS AIDS)
The pope has got it and so do you (AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS)
C'mon everybody we got quilting to do (AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS)
We gotta break down these baricades, everyone has
AIDS! x 20
according to my mongoose, anyway.
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 05:27 PM       
Originally Posted by KevinTheOmnivore
Originally Posted by Pharaoh
And the reason why blacks aren't targetted in AIDS campaigns, is political correctness, they don't want to portray AIDS as a black disease.
You've obviously never been to America, particularly DC. You can't turn around here without seeing an AIDS education billboard with a black couple dancing and laughing or something.

The rate is highest in this city than anywhere else in the country among the African-American community. So it certainly is targeted as a "black disease" here, at least a black problem.

The reason your response was stupid is because you took a ridiculous thread and made it even more ridiculous by trying to validate the KKK's point. THat's why you're stupid, stupid head.
I have been to America actually, three times, I've got friends who live in New York and Connecticut, and I didn't notice any AIDS campaigns aimed at black people last time I was there.

The KKK's main point is that black people are somehow biologically more vulnerable to getting AIDS and I said I don't agree with that. But I do think that black people should be alerted more to the danger they face from AIDS because they don't seem to be getting the message.
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 05:31 PM       
That's because they're constantly listening to that rap music, am I right? wink, wink
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 05:54 PM       
Originally Posted by Pharaoh
Half of new AIDS cases in the US last year were among black Americans even though they make up only 13% of the US population, but I think higher rates of promiscuity is the more likely cause.

Only 6% of people with AIDS are white people who got it through having heterosexual sex. And there's a politically correct silence about more black people getting AIDS, which doesn't help black people at all, it gives them a false impression of what's happening.
I feel it's worth pointing out that if you replace the world "black" with "gay", you have Pharaoh's response to the thread about gay people not being well-adjusted.
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 06:26 PM       
I have been to America actually, three times, I've got friends who live in New York and Connecticut, and I didn't notice any AIDS campaigns aimed at black people last time I was there.
Were you watching UPN?
according to my mongoose, anyway.
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 06:27 PM       
"The KKK's main point is that black people are somehow biologically more vulnerable to getting AIDS and I said I don't agree with that."

You disagree with the most important and probably most realistic thing the entire article said?
Some ethnic groups actually are more likely to develop certain diseases than other ethnicities. That's why when you look up various diseases you'll notice most of them say stuff like, "You're at risk if you're a white male between 18-25".
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 07:08 PM       
Originally Posted by kahljorn
"The KKK's main point is that black people are somehow biologically more vulnerable to getting AIDS and I said I don't agree with that."

You disagree with the most important and probably most realistic thing the entire article said?
Some ethnic groups actually are more likely to develop certain diseases than other ethnicities. That's why when you look up various diseases you'll notice most of them say stuff like, "You're at risk if you're a white male between 18-25".
Are you kidding?

You really think 'non-whites are in greater danger of contacting the HIV virus through casual contact such as toilet seats, drinking glasses, sneezing etc.' and that's the 'reason for the AIDS epidemic in Africa and also why AIDS, even in the US is the number one cause of death for blacks.'?
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 07:18 PM       
"I didn't notice any AIDS campaigns aimed at black people last time I was there. "

Did you notice a lot of AIDS campaigns aimed at anyone? 'Cause if you did, you are a wierd vacationer. And don't come to my country anymore. We're all ready full up on idiots.
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Old Mar 3rd, 2006, 08:50 PM       
I don't think aids can be contacted through toilet seats or "Casual contact", so that's clearly not the part I'm talking about. I was, however, talking about "The biology of the races is different and they react to the virus differently when they are exposed to it. "

It's a very true thing that some races are more likely to contract certain things than other races and there's usually actual reasons supporting this(even if they aren't necessarily inate, like homosexuals being more likely to get it because they take it in the ass). I wasn't saying I believed it, just that it was the only valid point in the entire article that wasn't shrouded by bigotry.

Just as an example:

"Testicular cancer is most common among white males and is considered uncommon in men of African and Asian descent.1 Although rare, testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in men between the ages of 20 and 34.2 It is considered to be among the most curable types of cancer, especially when it is detected at an early stage."
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Old Mar 4th, 2006, 06:51 AM       
Originally Posted by mburbank
"I didn't notice any AIDS campaigns aimed at black people last time I was there. "

Did you notice a lot of AIDS campaigns aimed at anyone? 'Cause if you did, you are a wierd vacationer. And don't come to my country anymore. We're all ready full up on idiots.
Obviously nothing more can be done to stop the spread of AIDS among black Americans then. I mean at least the KKK are suggesting something. You lot suggest nothing. Maybe the KKK (and kahljorn) do have a point about black people being more susceptible to AIDS. If so, it should be made better known, because I have never heard that theory.

And a few words of advice, butman. When you accuse someone of being an idiot, at least make sure you don't spell any words wrong in same sentence. It's weird and already, not 'wierd' and 'all ready'. Alright?
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Old Mar 4th, 2006, 09:51 AM       
For one thing, butbank is a much better play on his name. If you're going to do it, do it in a way that's tolerable.

Also, if you'd been paying attention in other threads, max has admitted defeat in the local spelling contest, so that's really mean of you to pick on him for that.
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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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Old Mar 4th, 2006, 10:56 AM       
Originally Posted by Pharaoh
Obviously nothing more can be done to stop the spread of AIDS among black Americans then. I mean at least the KKK are suggesting something. You lot suggest nothing.

And just a reminder-- HIV campaigns are targeted directly towards African-Americans.
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Old Mar 4th, 2006, 12:50 PM       
AIDS spread so rapidly because of the gay promiscuous lifestyle which came about after gay liberation. And it was liberals who brought about that gay liberation, therefore they are responsible for the rapid spread of AIDS and the deaths of thousands of gays and now black people.

The likes of the KKK are an insignificant annoyance to black people compared to the thousands of blacks that are now being killed because of liberal policies.
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