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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Mar 25th, 2003, 04:48 PM       
"Pussifed troops thanks to Madam Clinton"
I like that. You're right, you ARE well spoken. Does the beautiful black woman you 'dated' know that the worst thing you can think of to say about someone you don't like is that they're a 'pussy'? What's with you and 'pussy'? Do you not like womens genitals? Do they frighten you? And while we're on the subject of your beautiful and conveniantly black girlfriend, if you poked her with pin did she fly around nbear the cieling getting smaller and smaller and then fly out the window? Is tht what happened at the end of almost a year?

"Put a bullet in his fucking brain. Send the head back to his parents with "T R A I T O R" tattoed to it."
If THAT didn't show who was the most civilized nation on earth, fuck all what would! I'll assume this is Hyperbole and that you don't literally mean that. It just sums up how you feel. Cause, you know, sending tattooed dismembered heads to parents? Kind of not what America is all about. Kind of more like what Saddam is about.


"The military is not the place to have your feelings accomidated. Its a place to learn how to kill human beings and destroy things. End of story."
I know a guy who learned structural engineering in the army. My dad and my Grandfather were both in the army, but as Doctors they were kind of too pussyfied to kill anyone or destroy anything. But hey, if that's the end of the story, well, what the hell. I always thought deterence was part of the military, and peacekeeping and rebuilding, but, you know, I'm a pussy. Can we just say the army is mostly about killing and destroying? And can you get less of a hard on when you say it?

"Muslims and any other extremist group need to be screened very carefully before they enter the country"

What about the ones that are already here? That Pat Robertson fella strikes me as one grenade roll away from a terrorist about two or three times per 700 club episode.

"I want a military that takes NO shit. Fuck with the U.S. and you might as well count the DAYS that you exist on this planet. I want the USMC to make foreign enemies shit their pants when they hear the acronym. I want the army to be the baddest fucking war machine that has walked. I want my navy and navy seals to be the baddest war machine that ever touched the water. I want my Air Force to be seen as the sulfer that rained down on Soddom and Ghamorah."

Who needs to scrub out their camoflauge panties now? Look, John Wayne, a boy howdie guy like you who knows what we NEED in an army and uses as an excuse for not being enlisted that he wasn't FIT enough for the marines is full of shit. You gonna sit on your ass waiting for the officership of a nuclear sub? You want the enemy to "Shit their pants"? Put your life where your mouth is. Maybe someone else won't have to die for you. Go see some dead bodies, go stand in front of bullets and look at some guy you killed and then if you spout this line of shit at least you'll be speaking about something besides your necro erotic fantasies. Do it NOW before you type another word, I'm sure there's a recruiting station in your neighborhood where mybe some grizzled sergeant who's ctually been in combat can tell you to let go of your weenie, close your chow hole and BE a REAL soldier instead of talking like a B-movie. Or better yet, ask any of the soldiers who are regulars on this board or who have been what they think of your adolescent yowling.

"I want a CRAZY mother fucker like Patton back in our military"
S'funny, 'cause you sound like you're one of the CRAZY motherfuckers from Doctor Strangelove." You know where they had military like the one your talking about? Germany. Know where they still got 'em? North Korea. What the hell have you got against Saddam? He's a CRAZY motherfucker.

"I am willing to bet my life savings that if I told this to the vast majority of current and former armed servicemen and women, they would not see it as an "insane rant" but a "ray of truth". "

How much is your life savings? Maybe, Maybe if you said that shit to a bunch of new recruits who've never had live ammo fired at them and have yet to see a melted body sticking out of what used to be a tank. If you said it to ANY of the soldiers I've known in my life you'd be lucky if they didn't pound the shit out of you for blowing smoke out your asshole. Even if they think what you think, the last thing they want to hear is some snot nosed little civillian spouting off like death is a movie.

You want people to adress your 'ideas' instead of you? You make it hard. Your such a huge asshole, your like a black hole sucking all argument towards your personal awfullness.

But since you asked, I'll tell you what I don't want in my nuclear powered army from the commander in chief on down. CRAZY motherfuckers. There's too much at stake here for crazy people no matter who they fuck. I want clear eyed professional soldiers who understand the awful importance of what they do and value it beyond the simple destruction you seem so enamored of. I want warriors who are taught that taking life is an awesome responsability, not a football game, and who trust completely that they're commanders are using their lives for damn good reason and with the utmost respect. I want an Army tht isn't so full of it's image as the #1 bad ass that they underestimate the intelligence, commitment and potential of the enemy. I want military planners who learn the language and the culture of the people they face so they have some meager understanding of who to ally themselves with and who will merely be new brutal dictator repalcing the old brutal dictator.

All your looking for is a monster on a leash, a boogey man to terrify the bad guys with. I want a respectful and talented a Super Surgeon. And to tell you the truth, I think that's closer to what we have than the sick imaginings of a twisted little frat boy like you.

I'm sorry I can't immediately accept you as 'dispensing truth'. Get out of that uncomfortble handstand, stand on your feet, stop talking out your ass and maybe I will.
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Old Mar 25th, 2003, 05:42 PM       
I'm sure many servicewomen would really appreciate having "the most off-base pussy" upon them.
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Protoclown Protoclown is offline
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Old Mar 25th, 2003, 06:31 PM       
First off, Max Burbank deserves a fucking STANDING OVATION for that last post!

There's not a whole lot that I feel needs to be added to after reading his post, but let me see what I can find... :

Originally Posted by VinceZeb
A certain Muslim sect is the one threatening to destroy the land you type from, unless you are in the Middle East. Now, maybe you would make a great pawn in the New Muslim Order, but I wouldn't. Muslims and any other extremist group need to be screened very carefully before they enter the country and especially if they try to enter the military.
You should be very careful with your language here. First you refer to a "certain Muslim sect" that threatens to destroy us. Then not two sentences later, you imply through poor wording (at least I hope it's just the poor wording responsible here) that muslims in GENERAL are an "extremist group". Not only that, but wouldn't discriminating against Muslims who wanted to join the military sort of go against what our country stands for? I have a good friend who is Muslim, and guess what. He's serving in the US Navy right now. I haven't talked to him in a while, so I don't know if he's out there in the Middle East or still stationed in Hawaii. But regardless he's still doing his job and serving our country well.

Originally Posted by VinceZeb
I want our guys to play hard, kill hard, and go find some native women that dig U.S. GIs to fuck hard. My army should be death incarnate. I want the U.S. to be feared as the greatest fucking war machine that God could make men be. Simple as that.
There's really nothing to say to all this that Burbank hasn't already addressed. You disgust me, warmonger. I think you've seen a few too many movies and have a glorified idea of what war is all about. I'll admit that I don't even have the vaguest CONCEPT of what it's like to be in a war (and never do I want to), but after talking to my father about his experiences in Vietnam, I can damn sure imagine just HOW unimaginable it must be. You and I can't understand what it's like, so quit pretending you can. Asshole.
"It's like I'm livin' in a stinkin' poop rainbow." - Cordelia Burbank
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Old Mar 25th, 2003, 07:05 PM       
Originally Posted by Protoclown
I have a good friend who is Muslim, and guess what. He's serving in the US Navy right now. I haven't talked to him in a while...
No doubt he's playing 'hot potato' with frag grenades 2,000 leagues under the sea as we speak.
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The_Rorschach The_Rorschach is offline
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Old Mar 25th, 2003, 07:36 PM       
Personally, as much I enjoyed your sticking your fingers through the holes in his arguments Burbank, I'd still like to hear the opinions of people who served during or after Clintons term because there was a huge shift. We have a few, McClain, who I'm sure would like an excuse to forget the Mock Toy Wars at this point, Broverg and Kelly, and anyone else I don't really know.

Some of the changes were beneficial, I admit, but dispite the benefits by further pushing our armed forces towards a paperwork beaurocracy, we sacrifice a bit of discipline along the well that is inherently necessary. What that guy did in Kuwait you would never have seen in Korea, or either of the World Wars (purposely don't mention Vietnam because that was a unique case). Didn't even see in the first Gulf War. Maybe wall to wall counseling wasn't the way to go, but it solved alot for problems that taking a slightly lower eval that isn't even looked at until promotion time comes around.
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Mar 25th, 2003, 09:01 PM       

I guess those guys are insane, since they seem to think like I do.......
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Mar 25th, 2003, 11:10 PM       
I like that. You're right, you ARE well spoken. Does the beautiful black woman you 'dated' know that the worst thing you can think of to say about someone you don't like is that they're a 'pussy'? What's with you and 'pussy'? Do you not like women’s genitals? Do they frighten you? And while we're on the subject of your beautiful and conveniently black girlfriend, if you poked her with pin did she fly around near the ceiling getting smaller and smaller and then fly out the window? Is that what happened at the end of almost a year?

You first start off attacking something you have no facts about being true or a lie. Classy move. But since it is you doing it, I am not surprised in the least. I'm sorry that I went out with a black woman, Massa Maxie. It won’t happen again. I think I need to go back, grab pictures of the girlfriends I have had, and make sure they fit the approval of Heir Burbank!

I use the word pussy because it is an easily understandable insult. I have no problem with women whatsoever. Perhaps you have a problem with the word? I don't. I don't tend to use it in a "real life" setting, but your not worthy of any kind of respect to begin with, so why bother?

If THAT didn't show who was the most civilized nation on earth, fuck all what would! I'll assume this is Hyperbole and that you don't literally mean that. It just sums up how you feel. Cause, you know, sending tattooed dismembered heads to parents? Kind of not what America is all about. Kind of more like what Saddam is about.
How about this, max. Why don't you go off and get into a group, a brotherhood which fights for each other and to protect each other. Now, one of them decides to murder some of your friends, based on his beliefs. Beliefs that had him suspect to be on the battlefield to begin with. Now, what would the great Christ-like Max do? From the way you display yourself, you would sit around, talk smack about him, sternly tell him that he shouldn't do it again, and then whine about how you are fighting. SHAKE THAT BAD-ASS STERN FINGER, MAX!

Now me, I'd take it a bit differently. Once the guy is proven to be a traitor on the field, he stops breathing. He committed an act of TREASON, you moron! He ATTACKED MEMBERS OF HIS OWN BROTHERHOOD, HIS OWN SOLIDERS, And HIS COUNTRYMEN! You have the audacity to sit here and talk about being a civilization when supposedly this cocksucker attacked his own troops! Go out and ask ANY military man with a pair on him what HE would do with a traitor off the record. I guarantee all of them end with him dying. Painfully.

I swear Max, you are such a bleeding heart whiny ass bitch it isn’t even funny. You would probably walk by a soon-to-be-rape victim and think to yourself. "Well, I probably should help that poor innocent woman, but who am I to be pre-emptive in my judgment? Maybe this is a fantasy of hers and who am I to be judgmental? Maybe a child would possibly get struck by her running away after I helped her, and we cant have that kid getting a boo-boo! I don't want to impose my bullish comic book like heroism on anyone; I don't want to be seen as a warmonger! But I think Ill call the cops, since they will get there before anything happens, because the police are here to protect us. Man, I'm glad she doesn’t have the right to carry a canceled weapon, someone might actually get SHOT! Let's hope she can talk diplomacy with her soon to be "supposed" rapers! Oh, there goes her clothes; I hope she can talk good! They are only doing this because Bush wants oil!"

Me, on the other hand, would be over there in 3 seconds, even it if cost me my fucking live to help out someone who is going to be brutally violated. You wouldn’t give three seconds of your time. What are you going to do max if you have information that someone that installed your security system may give the codes away so someone can break into your home and murder your family? You gonna' tallllllllllllk to them and be nice. Wave your finger, say "Don't do that, that isn't right!" No, what you do is you find out who is going to do it, if they admit it, you beat criminal ass with your fist.

You are such a transparent fool, Max. It is deplorable. You talk about how you care about our constitution and what this country stands for, but when it comes to Saddam and his ilk being kicked out, you TRASH BUSH instead of TRASHING SADDAM. The last time I checked, in all our arguments the only thing you did to try to show you even had a fucking INKLING of compassion for the Iraqi people is to put on your pimp outfit and whore the children out. We have killed maybe less than 10 children during this bombardment. How many does Saddam and his troops kill in a WEEK? HOW MANY KURDISH CHILDREN DIED BECAUSE OF HIS GASSING, MAX? HOW MANY CHILDREN HAVE THEIR EYES GOUGED OUT BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS SPOKE OUT AGAINST SADDAM? HOW MANY WOMEN ARE STRUNG UP DURING THEIR MENSTRUAL CYCLE BY FLAG POLES TO BE HUMILIATED? HOW MANY CHILDREN WILL NEVER USE THEIR HANDS BECAUSE THEIR FINGERS HAVE BEEN GNAWED OFF? HOW MANY CHILDREN HAVE BEEN ORPHANED BY SADDAM, AND HAD TO WATCH THEIR PARENTS FALL DOWN FEET FIRST INTO A PLASTIC SHREEDER; THEIR SCREAMS HAUNTING THEIR CHILDREN FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES, YOU SELF-RIGHEOUS COCKSUCKER? HOW MANY WOMEN HAVE BEEN RAPED IN THE RAPE ROOMS BY HIS PROFESSIONAL RAPISTS, MAX? Answer me, you prick!

You have no right to judge my character! I am a better man than you will ever fucking amount to. Jesus Christ Himself could be on this planet, and you wouldn't even push Him out of the way of a freight train. You have no convictions, you have no balls, and you have no spine. You make me want to puke bile for five days straight. You are... disgusting.

I know a guy who learned structural engineering in the army. My dad and my Grandfather were both in the army, but as Doctors they were kind of too pussyfied to kill anyone or destroy anything. But hey, if that's the end of the story, well, what the hell. I always thought deterence was part of the military, and peacekeeping and rebuilding, but, you know, I'm a pussy. Can we just say the army is mostly about killing and destroying? And can you get less of a hard on when you say it?
My grandfather and uncles were in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Gulf War I. They learned different skills besides battle. What is your fucking point? And I am sorry to deflate your Clintonian view of the military, but they aren’t international meals on wheels/houses for humanity. They are trained to be in solders, which means to KILL PEOPLE and BLOW UP THINGS! They are not supposed to be a peacekeeping/rebuilding group for everyone! They do things like that now, but the core purpose of our armed services is to protect the country, by killing enemies that attack us or are perceived to be a threat.

What about the ones that are already here? That Pat Robertson fella strikes me as one grenade roll away from a terrorist about two or three times per 700 club episode.
Oh I'm sorry, we shouldn't investigate anyone. We shouldn’t "profile" because peoples FEELINGS will get hurt! Oh my God. That is so horrible!

You can live in your idiotic reality of benefit of the doubt, but you can feel all warm and cozy with your big fluffy comforter of tolerance which will get even hotter as a nuclear blast turns your ass into particles.

Who needs to scrub out their camoflauge panties now? Look, John Wayne, a boy howdie guy like you who knows what we NEED in an army and uses as an excuse for not being enlisted that he wasn't FIT enough for the marines is full of shit. You gonna sit on your ass waiting for the officership of a nuclear sub? You want the enemy to "Shit their pants"? Put your life where your mouth is. Maybe someone else won't have to die for you. Go see some dead bodies, go stand in front of bullets and look at some guy you killed and then if you spout this line of shit at least you'll be speaking about something besides your necro erotic fantasies. Do it NOW before you type another word, I'm sure there's a recruiting station in your neighborhood where mybe some grizzled sergeant who's ctually been in combat can tell you to let go of your weenie, close your chow hole and BE a REAL soldier instead of talking like a B-movie. Or better yet, ask any of the soldiers who are regulars on this board or who have been what they think of your adolescent yowling.
I'm sorry I am not in shape enough and do not fit the requirements of our finest fighting crew, the USMC. That makes me just EVIL, doesn’t it Max? In Max's military, we wouldn’t' have standards for soldiers. Who cares if Vince is a risk? We will take him anyway! Besides, we shouldn’t do any fighting, because we all know the military was made by our Founding Fathers to be cooks and CAD designers! For right now, I am being the best for my country I can be! How about you Max? If you were in the military or even thought of joining, you got room to talk? Were you in the military? I felt like shit after I could not get qualified to be in our great armed services! How about you, Max? If you got drafted right now, your ass would be up in America Jr. in 3 seconds. I've seen dead bodies, they do not deter me from my positions. If someone threatens my life, my family, my friends, my co-workers, my country, my God, if it comes down to it, they will not live any longer. You wouldn’t, because you are a spineless fucking joke. I used to sit around with friends after school and work and we would drink at a VFW in our part of the city. Those soldiers would want us to come over and look at the medals, the pictures of the solders that earned them, the ones who died in battle. They only thing they wanted us to do is to remember their sacrifice. Honor them, and the country they stand for. I talked to them about my feelings on everything, my country, the fact that right now I couldn't serve. They told me that my protection of my country via my voice and if it came down to it, my service in a militia would never be in vain. Something that I also picked up from Ted Nugent, a man that knows MANY a thing about what this country is about. Men better than I will ever be made sure to know that just because I am not in the military, I can still be a patriot. I was pride filled that day. And I'll never forget thier sacrifices for this country or for freedom around the world. All you do with your Saddam equating and Bush pandering is insult what these guys fought for. You whine about your freedom of speech as long as its a convince for YOU! You believe you are such a big fucking patriot for talking out in AMERICA about AMERICA! No, you balls-less idiot, the people that stood up in Tiemenan Square were true people that fought for democracy. I hope I never have to go through that, but if I did, by God, I would.

On a basic level, you and I want the same thing for the military, I just express it more emotionally, but you still don't respect their sacrifices. You never respect the ones before you by being a stupid liberal pussy. LOOK AT THE NY POST! Look at what they said about the people who murdered their BROTHERS! THEY WANT BLOOD! That is what I WANT THEM TO SAY! I DONT WANT THEM TO TALK ABOUT SURIGAL STRIKES AND BEING A FUCKING DANCER IN THE FIELD OF BATTLE! I want them to want to kill their enemies with pin-point accuracy and precision! Being a badass doesn’t mean underestimating the enemy, you fucking idiot! I want my army to be confident that it can win every battle, because it has the best people, training and equipment around. Do you want a military with a bit of doubt? I fucking don’t. Doubt creates the illusion that we can lose! Why don’t you watch some network news if you want people casting doubt on our fine coalition troops! If you want an army that has doubts about winning, move to fucking France.

I want an army that is so badass that NO ONE will think twice about trying to attack our country! I want a military that scares nations that want to screw with us! You don’t want this?!? What the hell kind of American are you, sir?

And real quick, to answer Proto: Any extremist group should be barred from the military. Your friend should not be if he is just a Muslim. IF he were a Muslim extremist, then he should be barred. But, your friend should be looked at a bit more if he were just joining. Its for safety reasons. If Italian Catholics flew planes into the Towers, I want them to be profiling my ass if I board a plane. And just because he is Muslim, that doesn’t mean I do not respect his service for this country. That is admirable, and send him my thanks for his duty.

I cannot stand here and say I have been in a war. I NEVER want to have the ability to realistically imagine it. War is hell, people die, and it isn’t a fucking game. But if we have to go to war, if I had to fight for my country, I want to be able to win and crush my enemy. I wish only the best for the people that serve. My family has served, and I am honored that they fought in wars to free and protect less fortunate people and were able to stop murders and dictators. I just don’t celebrate our troops on Veterans’ day, I celebrate them EVERY DAY! Maybe I do get a bit wound up when it comes to my country, but I wont allow some bastard like Max to sit here, insult the president, act like his pussy-whipped diplomacy would work with evil countries, and sit there and hide behind his free speech and “patriotism” like he is the almighty. I have more loyalty and respect to my troops, my President, my country in my fucking big toe than he will ever have in his body! I tell our veterans “Thank you” for their service. I let them know that this great experiment in self-govt we call the United States of America will never die in vain, that It will live with people like me, because I go out and try to make a difference.

No matter what I do or say, I wont amount to shit when compared to the great people who have fought for this country, died for this country, went through hell for this country. I wish I could be that important in life. My only goal is to be even a sliver of a man that these people are. That sliver would make me a bigger man than Max will ever be.

Evil prospers when good men do nothing, Max. You won’t do anything. You are nothing. I will continue to do for my country and the great freedoms people have given their lives for everyday. I am something.
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 06:09 AM       
I will continue to do for my country and the great freedoms people have given their lives for everyday.
Do what, exactly, Captain Courageous?
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 09:54 AM       
Presumably, sit on his fat ass and post angry missives on internet forums. But, you know, he, like, really means it, so it's sort of like he's doing his part.

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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 10:50 AM       
Since you want a validation of my personal life, I might as well give one, since I am not ashamed. Your obession with me being fat is pretty damn funny. Considering that I have lost 250lbs in 3+ years, I wouldnt be quick to calling someone fat, because I am willing to bet that you wear a nice hefty belt size.

I vote, I exercise my rights, I keep and bear arms, I practice my freedom of religion, I listen to political and news shows and try to gather information on what influences my life, I speak to veterans and politicians whenever I can get a chance via e-mail, hand written letter or a call in talk show such as I tried to do with Sen. Jim Talent yesterday on a local station. I got to talk to Ted Nugent, so that ruled. I attend "pro-war" rallies to support our business that help build the weapons that keep our country free. I follow the politics of the day. I participate in town hall meetings and open floor debates when possible. I give money to help our troops, to support families of POWs and MIAs. I pay my respects on Veteran’s and Memorial Day to the people who fought for me to "sit on my fat ass and post angry missives on internet forums." I study to find out my laws and rights; I study to find out how I can serve my country in the future when I am old enough to run for an elected office, I study to find out the truth of the world and what is going on. I also post and discuss the important issues of the day with people on the internet since it is the medium in which political opinions can be easily voiced.

Now sir, what do YOU do to earn the freedoms that men and women are dying to protect and grant to others?
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sspadowsky sspadowsky is offline
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 11:22 AM       
I watch for and speak out against people who want to trample our basic freedoms and go against the principles our country supposedly stands for. You know, like guys who favor pre-emptive military action that threatens to destabilize already volatile regions of the world and worsen our country's relations with the entire world. Guys who favor racial profiling. Guys who favor barring people from military service because of their religious beliefs.

You know, guys like you.

As for my belt size, you're welcome to think whatever you want. I couldn't give less of a shit. I like poking fun at windbags like you, with your "Kill 'em all" gung-ho bullshit. And when someone says "Why don't you sign up?" you have some excuse. Wouldn't pass the physical? Get on a treadmill, fatty! Put your money where your fucking loud mouth is. I'm sure the Corps will be glad to hand you a rifle. You know, since you're so enamored with the concept of being a dehumanized killing machine.
Kitchen Measures

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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 11:47 AM       
No, I have a history of health problems concerning my heart that would not allow me to serve in armed combat. I am also senitive to extreme tempature change, if it gets too hot or too cold I break out in hives and pass out. That will not allow me in the military.

I don't like treadmills, sorry. I perfer ellipical machines. 30 to 60 minutes a day, 7 days a week. Also ab exercies and weight lifting, every other day. Would you like a copy of my training regime? I would be more than happy to give it to you.

Oh, you mean you perfer to fight people that are in touch of reality? The region is a hotbed because of lies. U.S. forces will free a people, thus making the lies start to be exposed for what it is. I perfer profiling, period. Racial profiling is a mealy-mouth liberal term to get people to think people that are for profiling are racists. Racism means the thought of one race being superiour genetically as apposed to another race. If Italian Catholics flew the WTC planes, I want to be profiled the next time I get on a plane or do something that is shady. Arab Muslims from the Middle East killed 3000+ people in NYC, in case that slipped your mind. Those are the people who should be watched.

So, we shouldnt bar people or at least keep from the theater of battle people who sit there and talk about how the U.S. is going into his country and going to rape his people? Now, this was a U.S. soilder, sir. 101st Airborne. He talked anti-American screeds. But no, he should be allowed in because if we don't we may hurt someones feelings. Blow me, punk. http://www.townhall.com/columnists/m...20030326.shtml is a nice little column on this person and others. But I guess she is a racist white woman that is afraid of the big bad glack muslim man, huh? Oh wait.....

Sorry, sir, but if a certain group is talking shit about the military or the govt or supporting our enemies and they are in the U.S. military, they should be sent to the brig or the UCMJ should be introduced. That isn't called racism, idiot, that is called safety and protection.

But we will do what you would like to do. We will pull out and leave everything alone. Never worry about over the wire threats or anything. Then we will see on the news where a large explosion happened in many large cities. They may have been nuclear, chemical or biological. We have reports that Saddam sold those weapons, becuase terrorists have to buy them, they cant just go make them. Saddam is on Iraqi TV saying that he sold them and there are more in different cities all over the world. We must meet his demands if we don't give him he wants....

People like me and leaders like president Bush want to prevent that.

Martyrs are remembered but leaders are followed.
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 12:20 PM       
Boy, she raises some great points! But you know, there's something suspicious: She kinda looks like a chink to me. I wonder if she came to this country with a diabolical scheme to infiltrate our society in the guise of a journalist, and she's providing secrets to the evil Red Chinese! We should kick her and all the other chinks out of the country, 'cause they're a threat to our security. Besides, that whole diversity thing is way overrated.
The cigar boss

Last edited by sspadowsky : Apr 18th, 2011 at 05:40 AM.
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 12:44 PM       
No, I have a history of health problems concerning my heart that would not allow me to serve in armed combat. I am also senitive to extreme tempature change, if it gets too hot or too cold I break out in hives and pass out. That will not allow me in the military.
Why is it the people who beat the drums loudest for war, are also the ones who've never been in a combat situation and who come up with the biggest excuses not to serve on the frontlines? You should be out there as a live target for the Saddam Fedayeen, instead of my cousin who only joined the damn military because he needed the money to go to university.
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 01:14 PM       
Boy, she raises some great points! But you know, there's something suspicious: She kinda looks like a chink to me. I wonder if she came to this country with a diabolical scheme to infiltrate our society in the guise of a journalist, and she's providing secrets to the evil Red Chinese! We should kick her and all the other chinks out of the country, 'cause they're a threat to our security. Besides, that whole diversity thing is way overrated.
Wow, like a good liberal, you use racist remarks and then accuse the conservatives for being racists and bigots. She's actually Filipino. Some of us have the intelligence to learn the different facial structures and names of people from Asian/South Pacific countries, and apparently some of us can only make stupid jokes when they can’t argue the point made.

Amazingly enough, you never refuted my points as being wrong, you just attacked that intelligent woman who was the link in the article. She is well respected in the fields of govt waste and immigration reform. And you are...?

And don't worry, the Chinese already have our secrets from the Clinton administration. Your favorite president, obviously.

Why is it the people who beat the drums loudest for war, are also the ones who've never been in a combat situation and who come up with the biggest excuses not to serve on the frontlines? You should be out there as a live target for the Saddam Fedayeen, instead of my cousin who only joined the damn military because he needed the money to go to university.
Well, your cousin then joined the military for the wrong reason. I am thankful that people join, but that is a selfish reason. And now he is learning that joining our proud military US services is not just for money, it’s to protect the country in times of war.

I'm sorry, when you’re physical and your health history says you can’t join, what should I have done? Say, "Well in the future some dumbass from Canada is going to say that this is an excuse for joining, so can you admit me on double-secret probation even thought I may be a liability on the battle field and even on the training grounds?" Sorry I can’t control my biological make up. I wish I could be a pure race like you are, Tom.

I wish I could be out there taking out our enemies, but I can not. If we are ever invade or if I am truly needed where the govt would have to revoke the standards for soldiers in national crisis or we needed militia groups, I would be there in a heart beat. I can’t join something that won’t have me due to my medical history. Besides, I am glad they are like that. Only the most fit and best among us should serve in the military so we can be as efficient as possible and unfortunately, I did not fit that.
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 01:26 PM       
Well, your cousin then joined the military for the wrong reason. I am thankful that people join, but that is a selfish reason. And now he is learning that joining our proud military US services is not just for money, it’s to protect the country in times of war.
I wouldn't say that. The government promised him something for his service. Its not that seedy.

But, Tom, he is no victim either. People who go into the military go in understanding that they will probably go into combat sometime. Its in the job description. There is a reason we train our guys to use assault rifles.
according to my mongoose, anyway.
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sspadowsky sspadowsky is offline
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 01:30 PM       
It's called "ironic humor," you fucking idiot. And it served quite well to tear down everything she said. I can't help it if I'm too efficient at taking apart your moronic and myopic world view. And since you seem to think it's a perfectly valid idea to profile candidates for the military based on their heritage or religious beliefs, I've got two words for you: Timothy McVeigh.

See, when you live in a free society, you're taking a fucking chance. You can't develop a plan to stop everything bad from happening. Because a free society is vulnerable, just like any other. Bad things can happen. It's a concept I refer to as "real life."

What hot-head soldier-sniffer loudmouths like you fail to realize is this: When we're putting people in jail indefinitely, violating their constitutional rights because their heritage makes them suspicious, when we're barring people from institutions because of their race or religion, and when we have National Guardsmen and cops running around everywhere, and fighter jets and choppers patrolling our cities' skies, we are no longer free. Get it?

Last edited by sspadowsky : Apr 18th, 2011 at 05:40 AM.
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theapportioner theapportioner is offline
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 01:56 PM       
I wish I could be out there taking out our enemies, but I can not.
I'm sure we could muster enough pocket change for a one-way ticket to Kuwait. I personally will provide the bribe money for a one-way bus ride to Nasiriya. You're gonna have to find the guns yourself, tho.
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 01:59 PM       
I'm serious dude. I pledge 50 bucks, and I'll cover the difference if we're within 10% of the cost of the plane ticket. We'll personally see to it that you get on that plane, though.

C'mon! Defend our freedoms and our virtuous and benevolent president Bush! We believe in you! You can do it!!
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 02:20 PM       
I wish I could be out there taking out our enemies, but I can not.
Bullshit. My ex-girlfriend served with an MP in Korea who had arrhythmia. Get down to your recruiting station right now and tell them you want to go to Baghdad ASAP. I'll make the 'Just Shoot Me' sandwich board that you can wear on the frontlines.
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 04:58 PM       
Your NY POST article;
1.) When you go into combat I'll give your movietone news opinion some more weight.
2.) All those guys are talking about disobeying orders. IE, no second chances? What does that mean, exactly, killing people who you capture? And the Doc who wasn't sure he'd treat the Iraqi wounded? These aren't CRAZY motherfuckers, they're soldiers telling the press they either intend to disobey orders. Sure they can feel like this. Their THERE. For them it's not a movie. But if they act like this, they are bad at being American soldiers.

"I'm sorry that I went out with a black woman, Massa Maxie."
It' not her race I found incredable. It's your compulsion to mention it, and the idea that you dated a beautiful woman that struck me odd. But you nailed me about the missegenation thing. I think it's repulsive. Anyway, that's what they taught me at Bob Jones.

I'm pleased you have no problem with the word "Pussy". I don't find any word at al 'out of bounds' per se. I just find the words people use, especially the ones they use frequently, reveal something about their character. Stupid fag.

"Why don't you go off and get into a group, a brotherhood which fights for each other and to protect each other."
I'm not so big on groups. Why don't you? Oh, I forgot, until you can command nuclear submarine your just letting the options pile up.

"Now, what would the great Christ-like Max do?"
There's only one way I'm Christ like and it isn't a beard or sandals. Here's what I wouldn't do. Muttilate the corpse and send a piece of it to his parents, who are probably pretty miserable all ready. Last I checked medical science that doesn't bring other people back from the dead, and it also fucks up the people who do it. I'm glad you imagine you have the sack to cut off someones head. It's nice to feel good about yourself. I hope that as bad as I'd certainly feel, I'd let the rule of law take care of the matter since that's one of the main things I'd be fighting for. This murderer will almost cerrtainly get the death penalty. I'm sorry lethal injection doesn't give you as big a hardon as tattooing a decapitated head.

So, one of the thinks you'd be fighting for is the right to lynch someone as long as you were good and sure at the time you'd got the right guy? Say, Naldo, chime in, is this what you meant when you started talking about "What America Stands For" Your think that as long as a murder takes place within a brotherhood, Judges, Juries, due process, all the stuff that separates us from Iraq should pretty much go out the window. The America for you fantasize about fighting for is just the biggest, baddest , marauding tribe?
Telll me this, what if, when your all reved up and ready to avenge your brothers, what if a commanding officer told you to stand still and shut up?

"I swear Max, you are such a bleeding heart whiny ass bitch it isn’t even funny."
I'll take that as a compliment. I guess you'd like it if I said you're a primitive vicious animal, but you're not. Your just some guy getting himself all lathered up in an action movie dreamworld. You're an imaginary badass dreaming of exotic ports of call and loose women and righteous fury and bodies piling up at your feet. You're an idiot. Worse yet, you're an accident waiting to happen. You're the kind of guy who's buddies end up fragging him before his ridiculous antics get them all killed.

I liked your whole rape metaphor. It was really great, absolutely paralell to the war in Iraq and made a a strong point. I think that's totally what I'd do. One thing though. You kind of bring up rape more than most people. It's like the whole 'pussy' as insult thing. It's kind of on your mind more than it ought to be.

Oh, wait, it's not paralell at all. Becuase, see, I would help her. And if I helped the woman being raped, there's not much of a chance I'll fuck up and kill a whole bunch of people in the apartment building next to her. And there's mnot much chaance that by helping her I'll establish an international precedent regrding the use of force. But apart from that, yeah, a rape of a woman and a war are pretty much the same.

"Me, on the other hand, would be over there in 3 seconds, even it if cost me my fucking live to help out someone who is going to be brutally violated. "
I'm glad you know that. Me, I hope I would, but since life isn't a movie, I might also wet my pants in terror if the guy was, you know, bigger than me nd armed. But hey, I'm a pussy. Your a big, tough, formerly fat guy who's in shape and tan and ready to command a nuclear submarine and borderline psychotic. Listen, the next time you fight crime, batman, get back to me about what you would and wouldn't do. Until them, roll it up into a cone, butter the end and stick it up your formerly fat ass.

"The last time I checked, in all our arguments the only thing you did to try to show you even had a fucking INKLING of compassion for the Iraqi people is to put on your pimp outfit and whore the children out."

is that what you were doing when you talked about driving spikes through the heads of Chinese Slave traders who'd kidnapped children? Putting on the pimp outfit and whoring the children out?
I mean as metaphors go, that's really sweet. Sort of wholesome in a Normal Rockwell kind of way. Jeeze, put that together with your raape metaphor, your decapitation fantasies, the whole slightly sweaty brotherhood thing and the 'pussy' infatuation, and I'm getting a picture of a really likeable guy. Seriously, you're what's great about America. Savage, fanatical, meanspirited and yet inactive.

Wht you mean while W. and his dad played golf? While the first Bush administration denied it had happened when we sold the Kurds out last Gulf war? See, for about ten years now, the Kurds have lived in a semi auutonomous state protected by our soldiers who bombed Iraqis entering the no fly zone, and all this without a declaration of war. Now, though, Turkey says it's going to enter northern Iraq whether we like it or not, preemptively, to protect their security. I wonder where they got that argument, those swell allies of ours. But don't worry. The Turks are known for treating the Kurds with Kid gloves. But it's allright you don't worry bout that, because when you brought up Kurdish kids, you were just putting on a pimp outfit and whoring them out, right?

I don't know, how many? I don't have a source for this. Is it similar to the number of women beaten and killed and made to dress in bags in Afghanistan during the time when we actively supported the Taliban and sent them huge buckets of money for reducing the opium trade? Or where you just whoring out Iraqi Women along with Children? Our ally India has this nasty hbbit of setting women on fiure. It's a tradition! Oh, say, you'll like this, if a woman from Africa seeks asylum in the good ol USofA becuase her folk want her to hve a clitterectomy, you know where John Ashcroft is going to put her while the paperwork gets done? A JAIL CELL! Boy oh boy, the women of the world must be so relieved to have your support, Captain AmeriVince!

Three rapes in a single sentence. Time to squeegee your monitor, Vince. First of all, just for the record, I think rape is bad. I'm four square against rape. But how many, Vince? Do you actually know anything about this or are you just typing in caps 'cause its fun? Amnesty international keeps excellent statistics on torture, and I think you'll find Iraqs record is Appalling. But keep reading. A lot of the coalition of the Willing have pretty appauling records to. This isn't why were going there. We're A-Okay with countries that torture folks. That's where we send prisoners of war when we want to find out what they know. If Iraq played ball with us, we wouldn't give a fuck what they did to women.

"You have no right to judge my character! I am a better man than you will ever fucking amount to."

I'm rubber, your glue. You have no idea what kind of man I am, and sadly, you have no idea what kind of man you are either.

"You have no convictions,"
Actually I do. I'm firmly convinced your are an awful, awful person with some seriou problems. If I had no convictions, I'd never bother adressing you. As for my balls, that's another thing you show way too much interest in.

I'm sorry, I don't have the time right now to respind to the rest of that coniption fit passing as a post. I'll get back to you.
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 10:45 PM        Still....
Sorry to digress but at no point have you addresses or made a substantial explanation as to how the 101st incident had ANYTHING to do with sensitivity training or some kind of military paradigm shift in terms of its personnel.

Let me tell you a little about the military. You see my friend, although there is a screening process, as I'm sure you well know, it cannot weed out every bad character trait. As it turns out, there are people who beat their wives, abuse children, drink excessively, and yes, even murder within the military. Those people that commit those crimes are not easy to weed out. While you may be able to test someone to determine their intelligence or their medical qualifications, there are no tests that identify people likey to commit violent acts.

Some of those people might even seem "normal" at first. Perhaps whatever drives them to such crimes develops over time and is therefore not able to be noticed. I will certainly agree that this persons chain of command was derelict in not identifying clear signs that this particular person was unstable (insubordination, attitude problems, and as a small factor, his religion, which put his personal faith at odds with the mission at hand).

Your assertion that his actions are somehow a result of a previous, current, or future administrations decisions and policies is absurd. This has everything to do with this particular person acting irrational, and noting to do with military policy. Your assertion that the Clinton administration is responsible for these kinds of things by allowing people of other backgrounds to serve is completely ridiculous.

Asian Americans served with great pride and honor in WWII, even though they were fighting against people of their own nationality. Muslim American soldiers have served this nation for decades. Your statements on this matter are both childish and quite frankly a tad racisit whether you care to admit it or not.

However, please do not take anything I say seriously. Unlike you, I have first hand experience which has probably been tarnished by all the "pussifying" that I've been subject too.
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Old Mar 26th, 2003, 11:17 PM       
VinceZeb might be my new favorite I-Mockery villain

Reading all the responses to him is hilarious
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Old Mar 27th, 2003, 12:30 AM       
GA, the guy was talking about how great his Muslim religion was and he was talking anti-american screeds constantly before he was deployed. And you say no red flags should go up? That is insane. I'm sorry, but if you are talking crap about the country you are going to fight for right before you enter the theater of war, then you need to be looked at severely, and not be brushed aside as having "a short temper". And unlike these other idiots, I take you seriously. I also have a lot of other co-workers that served in Vietnam and also during the 80s who were in the military (For some reason, my school attracts former military people like flies on shit) and have given me the ideas that I am influenced by, so unlike Max who thinks I know about all my war from a video game, I do understand that war is sickening and I would never want to be in one, but I would rather live free or die on my feet or be like Max would seems like he would glady live on his knees if the stakes were too great.

And speaking of the twit... er, Max. Sorry max, but those guys are just caring about their fellow soliders. And they are acting like real american soliders, not the efemminate brigade you seem to want out there. If you were in the army, you would be as my friend calls them one of the "peabrained army assholes with a little power", some who cares if the shirt button line is 1/64ths of a centimeter off from the pants crotch zipper. My friend who was also a commander in Vietnam, was in the Army. So I guess my arguments are influenced by movies, huh?

No, I metioned it because someone accused me of being a racist. A standard idiot liberal tactic. Sorry I've dated beautiful women that were intelligent. I'll make sure to go after ugly brain dead skanks next time, sir.

Sorry, my offer was to be an officer on a nuclear sub. I couldn't command it with only my bachleors. Would you like a scan of the letter I recieved? Nice plain jane on weird concrete gray paper. If you want, I can give you a color scan of it. Just tell me if you want it. I can scan the envelope as well, if you would like.

I don't get a hard-on from people dying. But he is a traitor, and he deserves a traitors death. Not some three-ring circus trial with Jesse Hi-Jackson screaming about racism that he suffered. Hell, I'm not alone. Two guys in the military in my marketing class (one white and one egyptian, before you start the racist talk) both said he should have an "accident" involving a bullet in the chest or head. Traitors dont have rights. They betray the country, they die, simple as that. Or was Hiss framed back in the day to, Max? And I doubt their officer told them to shut up. Commanding officers have a pair of nuts, thats why they lead troops into battle. Ya know, nuts, the things you will only possess if you buy a can of Planters'.

Sorry, I don't dream of your masturbatory fantasies. Dreaming of things isnt my style. I take action in the way I show my duty to this country. I LOVE my country, and I show it every day. Do you, Max? Like I have asked, what have you done today to earn your freedoms that people greater than us have fought for and are fighting for now?

Actually, in a military setting, I would be calm, collective and ready to do what is necessary to kill/injure the enemy enough for my squad to win the battle.

I bring up rape because it is the most demoralizing thing that can happen to a woman. I bring it up because it something that is horrible, that you wouldn't stop. You almost even admit it, which is sad.

I also enjoy that you keep bring up that I had said I am thinner and fit and have a decent tan for once in my life and recieved a letter for recruitment to be a Nuclear Officer (and I ask again, would you like a copy of that letter?) I know it helps you enjoy your homosexual fantasies at night, but please quit metioning it, because its rather disturbing. You are married for God's sake. But I guess your limp-wristed rantings and opinions should have given you away. Better read your kid "Heather has two mommies" so there can be a level of prepardness with your child about the parents of the house.

Never said I was big and tough. All I said was is that I would fight for someone in trouble. That doesn't make you big and tough, that just makes you a man. You should probably make sure your family doesnt sue you for impersonating one. The only two things I fear is God and the IRS. Never said I wanted to be batman either. Sorry, I only read comics, I dont believe I am in them. I have to exist in a thing called grown up reality, unlike your pillow fort making ass.

Like I said before, when the recruiter tells you that you cant join up, well, you CANT JOIN UP! I know you are a moron who can't get that simple reality, but its cold hard fact. If you cant join something, you are going to coax him. What should I say to the army recruiter, "Sir, I am not in the shape the military needs me to be due to my medical history, but a netgeek who would probably sell out his own people to the death camps in WWII because the only guy holding him from his freedom was "armed" is trying to bait me into joining to prove a point! So please, sign me up!"

I worry about Kurdish children. I worry about all kids, thats why I want this war to be successful, so kids will not live under evil. Sorry you cant worry about that, becuase one U$ bomb may kill a child. Wow, you can kill Lucifer with one bullet, but there is a 50% chance a kid may get a scrach if you pull the trigger. Max doesnt, and no one is suprised!

You bring up things that dont match, Max. We are in IRAQ right now! We are fighting them to get rid of WMD and as a side effect to free Iraqi people? Have you EVEN met Iraqi people who had to suffer under Saddam? I met one, and its the saddest fucking tale you could ever hear from a human being. But I guess they don't matter, becuase if you cant free everyone, you shouldnt free one, isnt that right max? We couldnt free every slave in the world, so we shouldn't have freed ours, right Max? Someone that wants asylum should be in a protected area for a while until everything clears. That is how a lot of criminals get into this country, by claming asylum. Be realistic and quit thinking like a fucking 6 year old flower child.

I think its appualing that you had to say that rape is bad and you are against it? Did you not think we were convinced that you were, you fucking dumbass? Sorry, but you have issues if you have to come out and say you are against rape. Yes, some of the colition of the willing have bad records, what does that have to do with anything? We are fighting evil now. We are going to destroy evil. You were against destroying that evil. You called a good moral and just man an idiot and a moron for supporting freeing the slaves of evil. When you get to meet God, make sure to tell him that you thought a moral man was an idiot and we shouldn't have went in to free a country and do what we are going to do to make the world better. Iraqi citizens that are freed from Saddam kiss our soliders feet and want to shake Bush's hand. Iraqi citizens that would here your idiotic rantings of a douchebag liberal would want you to kiss their ass.

You are correct, Max. I do have no idea about what kind of man you are. Because you have no qualites of a man besides (I assume) a penis and the ability to ejaculated sperm.

I have convictions. People like me scare you because we know whats right. Your nothing but a bleeding heart idiot. And dont bother having any more time for me, because frankly, I have no more time for your stupid ass. Do the world a favor and go back to writing shitty articles for a website. Do your great part in the world. When I become a big part of the social fabric of America, I may mention you at a gathering of people, or even write a book about you. You are a living example of what a boy should never grow up to be.
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Old Mar 27th, 2003, 12:40 AM       
Hi Vince!

I couldn't help but notice from your posts that you seem to hate gay people, or at least have something against them.

Well, I'm here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with homosexuals. In fact, it's OKAY TO BE GAY! There is no reason to be uncomfortable around them!

If you disagree with me, you are simply misinformed.
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