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maggiekarp maggiekarp is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 10:08 AM       
Originally Posted by Pharaoh
glowbelly, you seem to be forgetting that men are changed by having children too, and you as a WOMAN will never know what it's like to be a father. And you'll never know what it's like to have your healthy child aborted even though you want to keep it. A child is made by a woman and a man, so whether you like it or not men have a right to say what they think about abortion, it effects them as well as women.
The change in men is more of a mental thing, and with some abortions the man doesn't even know about it.

Besides, the father isn't the one renting out the space. If he really wants to keep the child, then he can try to convince the mother to keep it. Simple as that.

What's worse than bringing a child into a loveless life?
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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 10:09 AM       
In the ear and up the butt with a splintery tent peg.

Anyone mention the fact (haven't read the whole thread yet) that rich girls will continue to be able to have safe abortions and face no penalities?

Someone ought to tell Focus on the Family that they are unintentionally going to fill this country full of horrid little mud babies.
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Miss Modular Miss Modular is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 10:52 AM       
One of my best friends had an abortion a few years back. The "baby daddy" was a total jackass, and my friend was in no shape to be bringing a child into the world. I can't imagine having to bear to share custody for the rest of her life with a guy like him. Now, you could point out that couples divorce all the time and the split itself is amicable, and that's valid. She's still in the process of getting her shit together, but that guy is out of her life now, and things are going well.

Guys, do you think you could handle the physical aspects of being pregnant? I mean the hot flashes, weight gain, morning sickness, mood swings--and I'm mentioning only a few things here. Glowbelly I'm sure could point out more.
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 11:06 AM       
Of course we could handle it, but don't have to so it works out great for us.

But I still strongly support abortion so women who don't want to go through that don't have to.
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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 11:28 AM       
Originally Posted by mburbank
In the ear and up the butt with a splintery tent peg.
If this is what I have to go through in order to speak in this thread, then sign me up!
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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 01:02 PM       
Originally Posted by Miss Modular
Guys, do you think you could handle the physical aspects of being pregnant? I mean the hot flashes, weight gain, morning sickness, mood swings--and I'm mentioning only a few things here. Glowbelly I'm sure could point out more.
I think there is a fundamental problem here, and I blame a great deal of it on what I feel are the excesses of the feminist movement.

Mod, if this whole issue is merely about the 9 months of pregnancy, than no, men can't handle the physically aspects of actually being pregnant.

But that to me is a part of the problem. The way this debate has been framed has turned sex, pregnancy, and birth into bodily functions, rather than the very serious and life altering decisions that they are. You all seem to repeat the example of the asshole dad, who shouldn't be a father, who can't be responsible, and who the potential mom could never envision sharing a child (these things used to be called "families" I hear) with.

Well here's a question-- why was she with that guy to begin with? If he was good enough to have sex with (with the obvious exception being rape or incest), why is he all of a sudden a bad father? Sex is a reproductive act. It isn't a constitutionally guaranteed pleasure. It is an action with MASSIVE consequences, which should probably be considered before it's done.

I think abortion is too often viewed as a final method of contraception. I have no doubt that it's something no woman could go through easily, although the cases of multiple abortions are increasing in NYC, which I believe has the highest rate of abortion in the country.

You ladies seem to be arguing that because men can be lazy, unaccountable, abusive, and potentially bad fathers, well then there needs to be easy access to abortion to prevent that mistake. I think that abortion only protects and encourages that sort of behavior, and if that asshole man (who probably doesn't want to be a father anymore than you want him to be) knows that abortion will always be an option, then he will continue to be unaccountable for his behavior.

I'm all in favor of "choice", but how about holding people to the choices they make before the abortion??? Whose choice was it to have sex?? Or, whose choice was it to have unprotected sex??? We all seem to agree that abortion is a difficult and tough decision to make, yet we say absolutely nothing about the circumstances that brought it to that point. This of course requires sex education, and access to contraception. And although teen pregnancy for example is lower, it is still quite prevalent in rural and urban America. I think Americans are making smarter decisions, which is encouraging. So how low does the abortion rate (as well as the rate of unwanted pregnancies) need to be before we start calling a necessary evil simply evil???? How much longer do we need to excuse ignorance and poor decision making??
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Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 03:38 PM       
Originally Posted by maggiekarp
What's worse than bringing a child into a loveless life?
The majority of babies that are aborted wouldn't have a loveless life though. Only a few women wouldn't love their baby once it was born.
60% of abortions are performed on women who already have one or more children, and if they had an extra child they wouldn't not love it because it was unplanned.

Women now use abortion as a form of contraception. Most of them for money/career reasons, or just that they want to postpone having a baby, it's not that they don't ever want a baby though. The easier and more acceptable abortion is, the more it will be used and if things continue as they are women will be having abortions because the expected birth date doesn't fit in well with their holiday plans.

Only 6% of abortions are for health reasons and those are the only cases that are really justifiable.

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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 03:48 PM       
Overall, those numbers are interesting, although I think that 6% figure is sort of suspect. What does it define as a "health" issue....?
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 03:55 PM       
3.3% of women have an abortion due to a risk to fetal health.
2.8% of women have an abortion due to a risk to maternal health.

The rest of the reasons are:

25.5% of women deciding to have an abortion want to postpone childbearing.
21.3% of women cannot afford a baby.
14.1% of women have a relationship issue or their partner does not want a child.
12.2% of women are too young (their parents or others object to the pregnancy.)
10.8% of women feel a child will disrupt their education or career.
7.9% of women want no (more) children.
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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 04:08 PM       
"The majority of babies that are aborted wouldn't have a loveless life though. Only a few women wouldn't love their baby once it was born. "

Uhm... How could you know that? And what are the stats on babies that DO get born and have loveless lives? And how woud you collect those stats?

"60% of abortions are performed on women who already have one or more children"

Okay. Your ability to draw conclusions about the emotional, physical, economic state of these women or the circumstances of their pregnancy derives from what?

"Women now use abortion as a form of contraception."

How could you know that? Would you undergo a surgical procedure if you could easily avoid it? What's your source? The link you provided doesn't feature a percentage of women who used abortion as contraception, which would be zero in any case, since contraception is a method of preventing conception, not terminating pregnancy. You know girls are different from boys 'down there', right? And it's not just the whole 'pole vs. hole' thing either! It's even more complicated!

"Most of them for money/career reasons, or just that they want to postpone having a baby, it's not that they don't ever want a baby though."

How could you know that? Where were the stats for Rape and Incest?

"The easier and more acceptable abortion is, the more it will be used and if things continue as they are women will be having abortions because the expected birth date doesn't fit in well with their holiday plans. "

Enemas are easy and accesible, but I prefer to use a toilet. I could easily pay someone to pull my hair out, but I prefer to have it cut. I'm sure I could have my face sanded down, but I shave. Do you know any women? Do you tell them what you think? Or are you a closet idiot?

"Only 6% of abortions are for health reasons and those are the only cases that are really justifiable."

Thanks, God.
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glowbelly glowbelly is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 04:57 PM       
Well here's a question-- why was she with that guy to begin with? If he was good enough to have sex with (with the obvious exception being rape or incest), why is he all of a sudden a bad father? Sex is a reproductive act. It isn't a constitutionally guaranteed pleasure. It is an action with MASSIVE consequences, which should probably be considered before it's done.

oh for fuck's sake, get off your friggin high horse for a second. you can't tell me that you've never had sex strictly for pleasure, which, by the way, is one of it's purposes. sex also isn't a constitutionally guaranteed reproductive act. what are you saying? that you want all sex to only happen when two people are ready to have children together? are you insane?

I think abortion is too often viewed as a final method of contraception. I have no doubt that it's something no woman could go through easily, although the cases of multiple abortions are increasing in NYC, which I believe has the highest rate of abortion in the country.

this is the most insulting thing i have ever read. you actually think that women go out, have unprotected sex, get pregnant and don't worry about it because they can just get an abortion? you're the one trivializing this, now. ever think that these women don't have access to contraception? do you have any clue how expensive the pill can be if you don't have health insurance? do you know how hard it is to tell your parents that you need to be on contraceptives because you are sexually active? did you ever think that OH MY FUCKING GOD that not all contraceptives are 100%!!??

You ladies seem to be arguing that because men can be lazy, unaccountable, abusive, and potentially bad fathers, well then there needs to be easy access to abortion to prevent that mistake. I think that abortion only protects and encourages that sort of behavior, and if that asshole man (who probably doesn't want to be a father anymore than you want him to be) knows that abortion will always be an option, then he will continue to be unaccountable for his behavior.

my husband told me recently that there is not a man alive who really wants children.

ugh. kevin, you seem to think that getting rid of abortion is going to make certain men better. no. instead they are just going to be lazy, unaccountable, abusive, bad fathers.

here's the problem, kevin. the choice to get an abortion is a very personal decision that is based on many different circumstances that you could never possibly understand. you know why. i'm not going to say it again. there are so many different circumstances that only the person that has to make that decision can know...here's a few off the top of my head:

did you know that not all women can take contraceptives?
did you know that condoms sometimes break?
did you know that sex is a natural act that feels good and is also a way of emotionally connecting with a human being on a spiritual level and to deny that to a person because they don't want to have a baby is what i consider to be EVIL?
did you know that responsible people with careers and lives sometimes make mistakes?
do you have any idea how expensive it is to raise a child?
do you know how much a can of formula costs? do you know how long that can lasts at the height of your child's formula intake? did you know that not every woman can breastfeed?
do you know how much it costs to go to the doctor while you are pregnant and how much it costs to give birth? (i'll give you a hint, my very first midwive's appointment cost me $1000 and no, i didn't have health insurance...and guess what? a lot of people don't; the total bill on my emergency caesarean was close to $20,000, which included a mandatory 3 day hospital stay.)

i understand your points about education and social programs, but the problem is they are being underfunded right now. wic funding, for instance, is being cut. i think there are a record number of people out there without health insurance, so not only can they not afford to have babies, they can't afford to buy birth control. your answer is to tell them not to have sex. that's pretty simple-minded, if you ask me.
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glowbelly glowbelly is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 05:04 PM       
oh and i just wanted to add that i was on wic, that i still qualify for wic and i choose not to go there because it's friggin degrading. while i was pregnant, these non-doctors, were weighing me every month, tracking how many pounds i had gained and telling me that i was gaining weight too quickly and needed to be more on *this* curve instead of the one i was on.

do you know how that makes a pregnant woman feel?

after cub was born, they wanted me to come in to the office, with the baby (at a week old...mind you, i couldn't drive or barely walk because i had just undergone major surgery) so they could weigh him and see what kind of a nutritional risk he was at. ugh. it was horrible.

and it was the dirtiest place i've ever set foot in.

i'm lucky because i have family that helped a lot. there's no way i could have afforded to feed this child without them. a lot of people don't have that and they are forced to go into these places and be degraded by non-professionals so they can get food for their kids.

it's disgusting.
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 05:05 PM       

Having a baby is just like having a doll, it's just like HAVING A DOLL, IT'S JUST LIKE HAVING A DOLL!!


Bad bad bad welfare whores 'oh, I can do sex whenever if I get pregnant i'll just have a easy-peasy abortion or else I'll have another baby JUST FOR THE WELFARE MONEY!

BAD WOMEN BAD!! if you have the SEX you make the DOLLY, get down BAD LADY I WANT SEX but the women who has MY dolly will NEVER have bad sex with me. I MAKE THE LAWS, I MAKE THE LAWS! YOU ARE MY DOLLY OVERN BAD GIRL!
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glowbelly glowbelly is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 05:30 PM       
porn is just babies as work-in-progress
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Pharaoh Pharaoh is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 05:36 PM       
Butwank, those are my conclusions drawn from the abortion statistics. No doubt you will draw your own conclusions, but you obviously haven't got a clue about abortion statistics if you think rape and incest could have any effect on my conclusions. Because less than 1% of abortions are for that reason. Proof that you're an idiot who doesn't know at all what he's talking about.
Link here

I'm married with two kids and I know lots of women here who think abortion should be controlled more.

And here's the proof Butface, from official liberal leftie newspaper, The Observer:

Women demand tougher laws to curb abortions
Sunday January 29, 2006
The Observer

A majority of women in Britain want the abortion laws to be tightened to make it harder, or impossible, for them to terminate a pregnancy.

Evidence of a widespread public demand for the government to further restrict women's right to have an abortion is revealed in a remarkable Observer opinion poll. The findings have reignited the highly-charged debate on abortion, and increased the pressure on Tony Blair to review the current time limits.

The survey by MORI shows that 47 per cent of women believe the legal limit for an abortion should be cut from its present 24 weeks, and another 10 per cent want the practice outlawed altogether. Among the population overall, reducing the upper limit was the preferred option backed by the largest proportion of respondents, 42 per cent, made up of a 36-47 per cent split among men and women.

Increased awareness of the realities of abortion, and the impact of ultrasound images of a 23-week-old foetus smiling and grimacing, have made people change their views, said Ivereigh. The latter 'very dramatically showed that what had been depersonalised in many people's minds as a foetus was clearly seen to be a baby, a human being in formation, and that has come as a shock to many people', he added.
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KevinTheOmnivore KevinTheOmnivore is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 05:39 PM       
Originally Posted by glowbelly
you can't tell me that you've never had sex strictly for pleasure, which, by the way, is one of it's purposes.
Really? The biological purpose of sex is for human beings to have a good time?

sex also isn't a constitutionally guaranteed reproductive act. what are you saying? that you want all sex to only happen when two people are ready to have children together? are you insane?
That's not what I said, and that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying (as i'm sure I don't need to point out to you) that sex is important. It's risky (never 100% safe), it's potentially life threatening (if not practiced safely), and can change a persons life forever....whether they have the baby or ont (another thing I'm certain you know).

People can have sex all they want, but if they do it, especially if they do it stupidly, what entitles them to an abortion? I hate to admit it, but a point Pharaoh made earlier is accurate-- a woman is entitled to control her body, but the state is entitled to dictate what they feel is the threshold that the public is willing to bear. For example, states have varying laws for what passes as acceptable and unacceptable cosmetic surgery, which is certainly less significant than abortion, right?

this is the most insulting thing i have ever read. you actually think that women go out, have unprotected sex, get pregnant and don't worry about it because they can just get an abortion? you're the one trivializing this, now.
Are you serious? Really? Wow, I'm sort of honored. Like, if I sent you a link to Nazi hate speech, my comment would still top it? Neato.

Anyway, as I said, I think abortion is a tough choice for any woman (although to assume that it is for every single woman would be sort of silly, and not really supported by data). If a woman is on her second, even her third abortion, when does it stop being a really tough choice, and simply just contraception?

Where is YOUR line on acceptable abortions, glow? You claim, like everybody does, that you'd like to see a world without abortion. Yet you also think it's ok if a woman has had multiple abortions. How do you reconcile that?

ever think that these women don't have access to contraception? do you have any clue how expensive the pill can be if you don't have health insurance? do you know how hard it is to tell your parents that you need to be on contraceptives because you are sexually active? did you ever think that OH MY FUCKING GOD that not all contraceptives are 100%!!??
Which is why men and women should think hard about having sex, and OMFG, in this day and age, how hard is it to get a condom? i mean REALLY? If you live somewhere where you can't get a condom, them maybe you shouldn't have sex!

I'm not a supporter of the pill for personal reasons, but I agree with you that it should be easier to access if you don't have health insurance.

my husband told me recently that there is not a man alive who really wants children.
Well your husband doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Sorry, but I personally plan to have a family one day, and I know I'm certainly not alone in that. There's a lot of bad men/fathers out there, but they are not the standard.

ugh. kevin, you seem to think that getting rid of abortion is going to make certain men better. no. instead they are just going to be lazy, unaccountable, abusive, bad fathers.
So then answer my previous question-- do these men pull of their masks after sex, revealing the evil super villains that they are? Why do men who are lazy, unnaccountable, and abusive seem to be having all these babies???

I think stupid men will take sex a lot more seriously if they have fewer escape routes from the consequences.

the choice to get an abortion is a very personal decision that is based on many different circumstances that you could never possibly understand. you know why. i'm not going to say it again.
Good, cuz I'm really tired of hearing them. i'm just not sure what it'll take to get by this argument, glow. You've had actual data presented to you, when I have time I'll dig up more. You keep reverting to this anecdotal stuff about me being a man. Then I tell you about pro-life women who have large families, or who have even HAD abortions and now regret it.....maybe what you should say is you really can only understand abortion if you're a woman who happens to be a pro-choice liberal, because that's what it sounds like.

did you know that not all women can take contraceptives?
Then don't have casual sex.

did you know that condoms sometimes break?
True, I think it even says something like that on the wrapper (or something like it's 99.99% safe). Maybe people, I dunno, should not have frequent, casual sex???

did you know that sex is a natural act that feels good and is also a way of emotionally connecting with a human being on a spiritual level and to deny that to a person because they don't want to have a baby is what i consider to be EVIL?
I'm glad the Church of glowbelly considers sex deprivation evil, but I'm not sure how relevant that is. I agree with you on the spirituality of sexual intercourse, but i'd rather keep all of that stuff out of this discussion (unless you want me to start saying what God supposedly wants, etc.).

Meth feels pretty good, too. At least that's what I hear....

did you know that responsible people with careers and lives sometimes make mistakes?
Which is all the more reason to take sex more seriously, and also make contraception readily available to people.

do you have any idea how expensive it is to raise a child?
Not yet, although I have a good idea. I personally wouldn't be able to do it right now, which is why I'm not going to get married yet, and more importantly, I'm not goingto get a girl pregnant!

do you know how much a can of formula costs?
drugstore.com has Nestle Good Start formula at $25.99 for like a 25 oz. can. Is that the market average, I didn't really get to shop around....?

do you know how long that can lasts at the height of your child's formula intake? did you know that not every woman can breastfeed?
Well, yes. Why? My mom couldn't, btw.

do you know how much it costs to go to the doctor while you are pregnant and how much it costs to give birth? (i'll give you a hint, my very first midwive's appointment cost me $1000 and no, i didn't have health insurance...and guess what? a lot of people don't; the total bill on my emergency caesarean was close to $20,000, which included a mandatory 3 day hospital stay.)
I think healthcare, particularly related to maternity and childcare, needs to be totally revamped in this country. One of the problems i have with the pro0lifers in this country is that they show very little regard for matters like these, which IMO lacks consistency.

i think there are a record number of people out there without health insurance, so not only can they not afford to have babies, they can't afford to buy birth control. your answer is to tell them not to have sex. that's pretty simple-minded, if you ask me.
Right, because the first thing people who have no insurance, no access to good contraception, and no knowledge on the subject should be doing is FUCKING!!! Isn't that like the very DEFINITION of simple-minded?????

Healthcare is a totally different thread, ESPECIALLY when it comes to childcare. We could also touch upon education, like how not every state even has universal Pre-k yet, and still uses these inefficient tax credit things......but that's another subject.
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 05:52 PM       
"Butwank, those are my conclusions drawn from the abortion statistics."

I got that they were your conclusions, I'm just pointing out I think they are really stupid conclusions.

"A majority of women in Britain want the abortion laws to be tightened to make it harder, or impossible, for them to terminate a pregnancy. "

There's kind of a world between 'harder' and impossible. 'Harder' could mean a three day waiting period. Impossible? Well, impossible only has one meaning. I'm not familiar wiith "The Observer", but if that's the kind of writing that passes for liberal, I think I get the whole Tony Blair as Labor a little better. A 'liberal' newspaper ought to know btter than to headline a story on the majority of respondents (below 50% in this case) to a given study with the words 'A majority of women in Britain'. Your lefties need a better official lefty read.

I'm very, very pleased for you that you are married and have reproduced twice! Me too! See how much we have in common? When your wife says she favors 'tightening' does she mean 'impossible'? How does she think women who have abortions after this 'tightening' should be punished? I think we should sew them shut so they can never use their dolly ovens again.

I've never met anyone who thinks abortion is a form of contraception. I've never even met anyone who thinks they are nice. I've never heard of anyone who said "I think I'll have an abortion for fun."

Did you see where I called you 'Fagroah'? Hah hah! It has the word 'Fag' in it! I don't mean a cigarette, either! I mean a gay person!
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 06:11 PM       
Ah yes, the ultimate insult, to be gay. Well done Butcrank.

And once again you've proved yourself to be really dumb.

Originally Posted by mbutwank
" A 'liberal' newspaper ought to know btter than to headline a story on the majority of respondents (below 50% in this case) to a given study with the words 'A majority of women in Britain'. Your lefties need a better official lefty read.
'The survey by MORI shows that 47 per cent of women believe the legal limit for an abortion should be cut from its present 24 weeks, and another 10 per cent want the practice outlawed altogether.'

47% plus 10% equals 57%. That's a majority of women in Britain who want the abortion laws to be tightened.

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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 06:33 PM       
Originally Posted by sspadowsky
Originally Posted by Kultie
I am pro-life as fuck.

'always outnumbered, but never outgunned.'

Say, that's cute. I'll bet your colors don't run, and if I burn your flag, you'll burn my ass, too. I'll bet a large percentage of what you post here can probably be found on bumper stickers. Your rifle fires more often than your synapses.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush!
It's a child, not a choice!
I do not know where the motto comes from but it was on Brutal Attack's "20 Years: always outnumbered, never outgunned."

It is a good band.

Kahljorn, the former skinhead, should be able to tell you about Brutal Attack.
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 06:44 PM       
Please don't talk about me, I don't like you very much, and I don't really care about your taste in music that was probably derived by the concept that it "makes you cool" and your friends will like you for it too!!!.
I guess sspad was right, what you say can be found on bumper stickers and, in this case, album covers. Not that I expected to be surprised.
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 08:06 PM       
Originally Posted by Whatsisface
The survey by MORI shows that 47 per cent of women POLLED believe the legal limit for an abortion should be cut from its present 24 weeks, and another 10 per cent OF THOSE POLLED want the practice outlawed altogether.'

47% plus 10% equals 57%. That's a majority of women POLLED in Britain who want the abortion laws to be tightened.

And Kulty, I give less than a shit where it came from. Knowing where it came from doesn't make it any less stupid. It's the kind of incantation relied upon by mental midgets who think that every important topic can be summed up with a bumper sticker.
"If honesty is the best policy, then, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy. Second is not all that bad."
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ziggytrix ziggytrix is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 08:10 PM       
You guys all need to shut the fuck up.

Either abortion is homicide or it is not.

There is NO conclusive evidence one way or the other.

Neither camp is going to convince the other until there is irrefutable evidence, or until the point is renderned irrelevant by some magical not-yet-invented technology that makes abortion obsolete.

How many times are we going to have this stupid argument where not one damn person ever says something different than the last time? It is so fucking tired.
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Immortal Goat Immortal Goat is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 08:17 PM       
Wow, there's some intense debate going on in here. Now I just HAVE to put in my 2 cents!

On the whole "You're a guy, you'll never understand" thing, I only agree to a point. Kevin has a point in that if they guy would make a shitty dad, don't fuck him. Better yet, leave the son of a bitch. Maybe this is another one of those "You're a man, you'll never understand" things, but I just can't believe that it is THAT FUCKING HARD for a woman to leave an abusive man. He hits you, you leave the fucker when he's sleeping. You never look back. If you already haven't made the mistake of having kids with that guy, then you have no major reason to stay with him.

Still, it's none of MY business what you do with YOUR vagina. I may dislike the decision (p.s. I'm only pro-choice before the second trimester. 3 months is plenty of time to decide if you want a think living inside you), but that doesn't mean that your position is less valid. But honestly, if you want to guarentee that you don't get pregnant, don't fuck. I know that can be hard to do, but there are plenty of vibrators on the market that can do things no man ever could, so just rely on that until you are emotionally/physically/financially able to handle a baby. I don't think that's too unfair to ask. Having sex when you're unable to handle the consequences is more than just unfair to you, it's unfair to the life that you may unwillingly bring into this world.
I like snow. If winter's going to be cold anyway, at least have it be fun to look at. Probably why I was with my ex for so long...
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Ant10708 Ant10708 is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 08:19 PM       
Kevin are you serious? Sex has consquences? No one should ever have to face consequences for their actions! That is horrible!

Kevin as a man you will never know what it feels like to make a poor decision and have some guy fuck you without a condom only to realize you are too young to have a baby, nto ready to have a baby, not have the income to have a baby yadaa yadda yadda. But if that woman has the baby us men will be paying her monthly checks until that should of been an abortion turns 18, weather or not our income agrees or not.

* I also know it happens with condoms on. My friend cherie got pregnant at 15 while using a condom. Good thing NY allows girls to commit abortions without their parents ntotifications because they are obviously mature enough to make these types of decisions alone but you have to be 19 to buy a mother fucking lighter in Suffolk county.
I'm all for the idea of stoning the rapists, but to death...? That's a bit of a stretch, but I think the system will work. - Geggy
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maggiekarp maggiekarp is offline
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Old Mar 1st, 2006, 08:43 PM       
Originally Posted by KevinTheOmnivore
Really? The biological purpose of sex is for human beings to have a good time?

And the "Don't fuck a dude if he won't make a good dad" thing, alot of people can seem like decent human beings and change, even without sex. While that's my personal motto, you're acting like guys have never had sex with a woman who wouldn't make a good mother.

Are you people saying you want people uneducated in sex, like a 15-year-old-girl unfamilar with the consequences, to take care of a baby?

[edit] People should be weened off of abortion, but to cut it off completely will only lead to worse problems
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