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Old Apr 19th, 2003, 10:13 AM       
Hey, That explains why you spend so much time here!
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Old Apr 19th, 2003, 10:13 AM       
Which is EXACTLY what makes you more pathetic. Don't you get it??
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The Unseens girrrl The Unseens girrrl is offline
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Old Apr 19th, 2003, 12:30 PM        YEA!
drugs are great for spiritual exploration! they open ur mind up sooooo much! i love them all
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Apr 19th, 2003, 05:58 PM       
I don't really spend that much time on this board.
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Old Apr 19th, 2003, 10:07 PM       
No, but in a few weeks you have ended up with approximately the same number of posts as I have on this board. To put this in perspective, I had more than 15,000 posts on the old I-Mockery board, and THIS board has only been around for a couple months.

I take a few months to break 500, you take mere weeks.

Now, who spends lots of time here?
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Old Apr 19th, 2003, 10:43 PM       
I never have, or currently partake in neither alcohol or drugs, or tobacco for that matter. I consider happiness that is drug-induced a cowardly choice, so I cannot speak from experience on the subject.
Freedom is more important that being happy. However, even if drugs were completely addiction-free, I still wouldn't use them since I consider the dulling of the senses and mind to be the surrendering of one's freedom on a much more essential level that it would be to restrain one's physical capability.

As for spirituality, I consider it a crutch, be it drug-induced or not.
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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 01:13 AM        Drugs
I find it interesting that many hardcore anti-drug people make reference to drugs dulling the senses.
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Protoclown Protoclown is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 01:17 AM       
All the people I've been around while they're on drugs have their minds and senses visibly dulled. Maybe I just haven't seen people on the right drugs, but that's all I've witnessed so far.
"It's like I'm livin' in a stinkin' poop rainbow." - Cordelia Burbank
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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 01:28 AM        Drugs
In what way did they seem dulled? And what substances if you know.

I used to hang around with high people before I got started to do drugs and I thought the same thing. Now, there are times I can look at someone who is high and I realize that when someone looks dulled it is actually the exact opposite.

Sometimes it is the body that can't keep up with the senses.
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 01:46 AM       
Mostly pot (yeah, of course that makes people slow) and acid. I don't really know specifics on others, just people who you know are "fucked up" on something, but you don't know what (could also be pot or acid, for all I know, so my observations may be quite limited).

I agree with Helm on the point of drugs being a cowardly thing, but mostly with regard to the idea of people using drugs as a means to cope with whatever problems happen to be bothering them at the time (which goes along with what he said about "happiness", but not entirely/exactly). If people just want to have fun with drugs, I don't really see that as "cowardly" per se, I just haven't really seen any direct evidence that they seem to be all that fun. In fact, most of what I've seen points to the contrary. I've had several people who have quite a bit of experience with various drugs tell me that the most fun they've ever had was while sober. That an aritificial drug-induced high doesn't even begin to compare to a natural one. Of course, I'll never know myself. But the fact that several people who have done their fair share of drugs have told me this gives me more than enough reason to believe it.

And Helm, I salute you for your unwavering stance on drugs. I am very anti-drug myself, though I have become somewhat more accepting in recent years of what OTHER people do, it is still not for me and that will NEVER change. Never been drunk once in my life, never touched a cigarette or any kind of mind-altering substance. And if that forever dooms me to "not being cool", so be it.
"It's like I'm livin' in a stinkin' poop rainbow." - Cordelia Burbank
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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 02:02 AM        Drugs
Actually Proto, I admire people like you and Helm. You don't bow to peer pressure. You have made a decision and have the conviction to stand by it.

I also agree with you when it comes to people using drugs to run from things. It's why I waited. I am still positive that had I done them earlier I would have become addicted and ended up being exactly the type of user I hate.

Pot, like alcohol is a depressant and does tend to dull things quite a bit. I don't drink at all, don't like pain killers or pot, pretty much not a depressant kind of gal. Also not into stimulants. I am even light on the caffeine as it makes me grouchy. Smoking.....ick...no thanks.

On acid I've found that the biggest problems tend to come when your mind has taken hold of a concept too big express. My favorite was when I grasped just how big infinity was. My brain got it (or believed it got it) but how exactly do you express that verbally?
Sometimes it is more like a stutter. Your brain is moving too fast for your mouth.

Oddly, with mushrooms I can see without my contacts in. And I'm not alone in that......
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Protoclown Protoclown is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 10:31 AM       
See though, I don't see why you need drugs to grasp some of these big concepts like infinity. I mean, I've thought about the concept of infinity to the point that I was COMPLETELY freaked out by exactly what that means, and I didn't need drugs to do it. I mean, maybe there's some "secret revelation" type of thing about it that you realized while you were on acid, but I doubt it's really any different than my own realizations and understandings that were achieved while sober.

There are all kinds of things you can achieve in a sober mental state, if you just start approaching things from a different perspective and thinking about them differently.

I think if I can achieve the same kind of affect WITHOUT drugs, then I am exercising my mind all the more.
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Helm Helm is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 10:43 AM       
I am very anti-drug myself, though I have become somewhat more accepting in recent years of what OTHER people do, it is still not for me and that will NEVER change. Never been drunk once in my life, never touched a cigarette or any kind of mind-altering substance. And if that forever dooms me to "not being cool", so be it.
I cannot respect a person that uses drugs, even if it's a casual thing.

I was a pretty heavy drinker up to my 16th year. It seems silly, but it's absurdly easy to get beer when you're 15 here, and I didn't know any better. I thought it was 'cool' and everything. I think I was addicted, and I finally got the hint when I started waking up in puddles of vomit in the park after nightly drinking sessions.

As to not being cool, heh, I've been called a square so many times by all sorts of shitfaced losers, I've began to take it as a compliment.

There are all kinds of things you can achieve in a sober mental state, if you just start approaching things from a different perspective and thinking about them differently.

I think if I can achieve the same kind of affect WITHOUT drugs, then I am exercising my mind all the more.
To take this a step further, if you discover a truth that you cannot put to words while high, then what good is it? How can you benefit from it?

All insight gained in altered states of consciousness is pretty much forfeit if it cannot be analysed and dissasembled in a logical manner.
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Protoclown Protoclown is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 11:09 AM       
Originally Posted by Helm
I cannot respect a person that uses drugs, even if it's a casual thing.
I used to feel exactly the same way, but I've changed all that now. I've met some really great people who, unfortunately, use drugs for whatever reasaon. They have earned my respect.

It doesn't change the fact that I am and always will be disappointed when I learn that people I admire use drugs. That's something that I don't think will ever go away. I think when people use drugs, they are wasting themselves and their potential and that is very depressing to me.

A person is always capable of achieving greater things sober than high or drunk. I have never seen any evidence to contradict this.
"It's like I'm livin' in a stinkin' poop rainbow." - Cordelia Burbank
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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 02:14 PM        Drugs
Having been very anti-drug myself I can completely understand both of your viewpoints. I respect them all the more because the way you both present them. Instead of the "Drugs are bad" with no qualifiers or reasons you both have extrememly good arguments behind your dislike.

Proto - Yes I have a come to almost all the same thoughts and realizations sober. Sometimes via some very heavy depression, sometimes while meditating, and sometimes I just have an epiphany. While high there is a difference in how deep or far you can go or how many ways you can get there. Sometimes this is not a good thing.

Helm - While I completely respect your point of view and I am in no way trying to change it, I do want to ask and say a few things to you.
First congratulations on getting over the alcohol. I persoanlly loath the stuff and I think it is far more dangerous than most other things out there. What you did is not easy. My mom died of alcoholism and addiction to speed. And when she was alive she was abusive in every way possible. (Think that might be why I have a problem with depressants and amphetamines? I think it has a lot to do with it.)
In my case the nice thing about the people I drop with is that we are honest with each other. If one of us is going too far or doing too much we let them know. This also keeps us from getting high to cope with a bad week or to deal with a bad situation. I for one will not drop unless my head is not in a bad place. That solves nothing and is one of the ways you become addicted. Not the path I want to take.
If people call you not cool for not partying then it is a compliment. It is people like that who have given drugs a bad name. They are also the ones that tend to be the idoits you have likely seen. Sadly, they tend to out number the exploreres and the psychonauts. They are also usually a younger crowd. Of my crew, at 29 I am the youngest and the least experienced.


if you discover a truth that you cannot put to words while high, then what good is it? How can you benefit from it?
Can you put love into words? How about hate? Or for those that have been there depression?

How about describing sex to someone who has never had it. The warm apple pie annalogy is a good one. But tell me if that would really make sense if you had never done the real deed.

If you had walked on the moon. Looked down upon the Earth. Could you really put that experience into words? Would the words you used ever even come close to what you felt, what you understood at that moment?

They say that a picture is worth thousand words. But sometinmes words are not enough. They are inadaquit (sp) far too much of the time. That is why Buddha taught without them. Once he held up a flower in front of a group of people and smiled at it. After a while 1 single man in the cowd began to smile too. Buddha knew the man had achieved enlightenment. Not from words, but from inate understanding of something.

Have yoiu ever met somone who just understands something? Language? MAth? How to code? A tinkerer who just knows how things work? A savant who can hear a piece of music once and replay it? Mozzart, never formally trained but could play anything he put his hands on. Bettoven (sp) deaf.......
Could they explain any of it to you?

None of these can be "analysed and dissasembled in a logical manner" but thay are just as valid and real.

Here is what I mean when it comes to drugs. The AMT experince I spoke of previously had a very odd moment in it. There was a point where I was "too high" and actually felt sober though the way I was thinking told me I wasn't. As the night wore on I could feel myself coming down, but at each plateau I felt higher.
Now take both your hands put one by your head and one by your hip and move the top one down and the bottom one up. PErceptually that is what it felt like. My body knew the drug was wearing off so I was knew I was coming down, but my brain was telling me it was the other direction. At the time I could feel and understand both.
There it is in words......but unless you have felt that there is no way to understand it.

I've been skydiving. I know what terminal velocity feels like. The opening sensation in your chest. The feeling that all movement has stopped. The sensation that all function in your body has stalled. There are the words, but do you really understand it?

For me, the drugs I have tried strip away the learned mind. They leave me with my intuitive mind unblocked. I find that I inately understand things.
It is very Zen. Knowing without knowing.

Proto - If infinity scares you......you'll get a kick out of this.....
The night that I grasped it was f'd up. My mind didn't just understand it, I felt all of my being surround it. That opening sensation you get at terminal velocity or when you are in love moved from my chest to encompass who I was. My boyfriend was unnerved because we had been talking when it happened. HE said that my eyes went blank, but looked full. I was crying and laughing and rocking like an autistic person. After a couple of minutes I came back and told him that life and death are amazing. Then slipped off again.
What I saw and felt.....what I knew then and still feel sometimes now....I could never explain. It makes me cry to remember it. Not sadness not pain but pure joy that I touched something so big if even for a moment.

What I learned....that the human mind just ain't meant for that. What we are might be, but in this body.....no chance.

A minister said he thinks I met/touched God.
One of neuroscientists I work with said he thinks that thae synapses in a particular section of my brain all fired all at once causing a burst of brain activity that opened a door to understanding for a short time. (Short less scientific explination folks)

Regardless of what it was. I learned a lot from it.

Sorry.....that was way too long of a post....
Just wanted to get it out while I wasn't at work.
Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them.
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 02:32 PM       
A lot of posts has nothing to do with the quanity of time spent on a board.
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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 03:15 PM        Movie
If you want to see a good movie that sums up a lot of the inate understanding concept see Pi.
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 08:05 PM       
That which cannot be put into words serves no communal function. It only is of significance to the one experiencing it. The world will not be bettered by a man's psychedelic experience, nor will it be better if said man is in love.

So, from a social materialistic point of view, this is a non-argument.

From a personal point of view, whereas the case you present is interesting, I tend to favour the scientific approach to explaining such phenomenae. The need to make the leap of faith from brain synapses to 'newfound understanding' is of questionable origin. It may lie in man's omnipresent ability to delude himself so as to feel the world a safer, more understandable place. The 'I understand infinity now! Oh how great is this world! Hold me tight." factor, so to speak. As strong as the sensation would be, there can be made no safe assertion that it indeed is of any real significance. My personal choice is that I do not care for the highs and lows I will experience in my life. I only care for knowledge, understanding, ultimately the result of those being the freedom to be unbound from human limitation and instinctual urge. I cannot see how quaffing pills or shooting up can further me in that path. If I can take the shortcut to see god in a drug, if my seeing god lies in the dependency of this drug, I'd rather not see god, and take the long, taxing way there.
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 08:25 PM       
Everyone that I know who regularly does drugs is either a) working at a minimum wage job with no ambition or b) perma-fried.

This includes all the gangstas, skaters, Goths and ravers. The ravers especially.
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The Unseens girrrl The Unseens girrrl is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 08:30 PM        hey
i prefer the word 'perma-stoned'
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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 08:45 PM        Drugs
Helm -
I think we are on the same path. We just chose a different way to travel it.
If it were legal to test certain drugs scientifically then a lot of the answers would be found via your prefered method. As it is, it is people like Timothy Leary and Dr. Shulgin who paved the way for people like me to continue as safely as possible down this particular path.
If you are ever interested in the scientific aspect of psychedelics read either TiKal or PiKal by Shulgin.

Chimp -
I work at Stanford Med School. Neuroscience department. And I don't think my brain is fried.
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 09:13 PM       
If people want to do them, let them. But we should not support them by force with our tax dollars when they decide to clean up their fucked up life. They can pay for their own mess. Everyone else pretty much has to.
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Vibecrewangel Vibecrewangel is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 09:18 PM        Drugs
More tax money goes to fight the ineffectual War on Drugs then will ever get spent on helping people clean up.

Though much like abortion I have to say your issue - you pay for it.
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 09:37 PM       
The War on Drugs is ineffective. We don't crack down like we should. If kids want to do drugs, let them. And when they want to keep shooting up, give them a nice abonded house to sit in and a full needle of high-grade heroin. Then wipe your hands clean. The govt's job is not to take care of people who choose to fuck up their lives.
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Old Apr 20th, 2003, 09:45 PM        Drugs
I'm not even sure what to make of that post Vince.......
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