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South African Lion South African Lion is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 06:43 PM        The death of the heterosexual man- replaced by pseudo-fags??
When did the real, actual, proper, heterosexual man die? Why has it become trendy and acceptable to embrace this gay-chic, where the lines between actual man and lisping queen have become hopelessly blurred? Why do so many women prefer 90 lb., pseudo-effeminate, testosterone-free feebs to actual men?

Feelings: Men are not 'in touch with their feelings'. Well, they're not supposed to be, anyway. I don't know when, or why, it became acceptable and even preferable that today's man gabs like a bloody bird. Men are NOT supposed to talk a lot; they are not hard wired to do so. They SHOULD NOT burden others with their problems and emotions, as women have so shamelessly done for aeons. Men today are confused- the liberal media, the left have jammed their limp-wristed agenda down the throats of seemingly everyone, and you fucks have bought the shit, for the most part! Men are SUPPOSED to be quiet, physically strong, and dominant.
Men and women are fundamentally, profoundly DIFFERENT. Fact. Accept it. Appreciate it, because that's the way it's SUPPOSED to be. Today's 'New, sensitive man', in touch with his feminine side, breathing estrogen out of his arse, should be fucking slaughtered. Soon.

Homosexuality: Is it wrong? Is it deviant? Well, I don't care if these people do what they please behind closed doors, but still, the practice does indeed go against nature. The anus is NOT an entrance! Doesn't the fact that shite comes out of it tell you something? EXIT only! The anatomy of men and women tell you that heterosexuality is preferable and in fact right. I mean, not that reproduction would tell you that, either... ahem. Above all, though, I am sick of your socialist, limp-wristed fucking agenda- do what you do behind closed doors- FINE. But keep it out of my fucking face, Anal Boy. You're lucky that we're allowing this leftist shite to go on. Don't anger us.

Facial hair: why have those of us who actually have sufficient testosterone to grow a full, heavy beard become reviled? Who the FUCK started the trend of gay facial hair- i.e. the soul patch, the barely-there goatee, etc? A full goatee, masculine side-burns, or a full beard are the only acceptable choices! Fuck off, those of you who can't decide what gender to 'be'!

Politics: I want these leftist limp-wristers to fuck off, PRONTO. You little non-men with your socialist (i.e. thieving) politics should get a job and pay your own bills. Once you're no longer supported by mommy and daddy,

Music: fuck this gay indie shite. Fuck alleged 'alternative' music. Fuck chart music. Fuck fake punk. Real, heterosexual men listen to death metal. But then, since you are a fucking limp-wristed brat led by the Media's hand, you wouldn't know about ANY music that isn't released on a major label and played to FUCKING DEATH on MTV. Fuck you.

There are those of us who are PROUD to be actual men. We have the power, because we are stronger than you. We have testosterone. We don't 'talk about our feelings' as though we were 13-year old girls. We like rugby, beer, Scotch, cigars, fighting, true metal music, and women who look and act like women. We don't wear baggy clothes, don't cut our hair into gay bobs, and don't have designer facial hair. We are fucking SICK of men who embrace this pseudo-gay chic. Fuck the fucking hell right off!
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Les Waste Les Waste is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 06:47 PM       

Bobo Adobo is funnier and smarter than all of you, proven by the fact that he is currently in a high-paying and important government job where he earns a fat cash paycheck and much pussy. How did he get so famous and successful you ask? It's simple: he has never, in his entire life, watched one second of anime.
- Outerspacekid
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South African Lion South African Lion is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 06:59 PM       
Who gives a fuck about originality and creativity? I'm solely concerned with the truth.
Poke fun at my lack of eloquence all you like-- the underlying argument is faultless, and that's all that matters.
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Ninjavenom Ninjavenom is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:36 PM       
blood, eggs, babies, and piss come out of vaginas. Does that, therefore, not make it an entrance?
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Jeanette X Jeanette X is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:43 PM       
Are you joking or are you really this much of a bigot?

Yeah, we need more manly, brutal, heterosexual men like you. Why don't you take a good long look at the rape rates in your country (which are the highest in the world), and see how wonderful your attitude towards women and gays is. Fucking pig, I bet you would rape a woman if you thought you could get away with it, the way you talk. If you were really secure in your masculinity, this sort of thing wouldn't bother you one bit.

(btw, Ninjavenom, urine comes out the urethra, a small hole above the vaginal opening, not the out of the vaginal opening itself)
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:44 PM       
You enjoy the act of growing pubic hairs out of your chin? You cant seem to form coherent sentences or have a proper conversation due to your own neanderthal-like mental development? You generalise and catergorise and then act out against your own stereotypes and those that your other uninformed, incestuous brethren have created?

Your argument - faultless?

I guess its childlike naiviety and clumsiness is quite charming and a little cute - baby wants to be a big boy now? a real man! coochie coo - sheep.
I sell fire in Hell.
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Zebra 3 Zebra 3 is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:55 PM        Where Are All the Real Men in South Africa?
:/ - Maybe its those man-eating sharks that you keep boasting about that ate most of these so-called real South African men.
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South African Lion South African Lion is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 08:36 PM       
I don't deign you worthy of individual replies, so a collective post will suffice. And we know how you black-rimmed glasses wearing, triple-mocha-frappachino-latte sipping, Marxist loving socialist gimps love 'collectives', so...

Jeanette X- roar, roar ever so loudly, you little tigress! Such bile, such angst... well, we know what you DON'T want in a man. What, then, DO you seek? A spineless, easily-trained bitch of a brat that you can order about and model your clothes on? You go, you "Gen X Hip Chick"! You'd better run- the latest Blink 182 video is on!
And hey, I'm sorry to deflate your image of me, but I'm not a rapist.
Sorry to disappoint.

Jin- take out a gym subscription. NOW. I know exactly how you look (aforesaid prissy/trendy glasses, non-physique, baggy attire) and sound (high-pitched, whiny, bitchy, voice with the cadence of a damned limp-wrister) already. Again, like Jeanette, you project your negative hopes and desires onto me-- the truth, though, is that I AM an actual MAN, and could fucking crush you. If it makes you feel better to believe that I'm a child, then by all means indulge in your feelings. After all, isn't that what you pseudo-homosexuals do?
And Jin, Jin, Jin--- maybe you harbor some resentment toward those of us who CAN grow facial hair, and so attempt to compensate for your physical inadequacy by condemning us? Are you one of those limp-wristers who shaves his chest as well? Do you HAVE any chest hair, or are men not supposed to have that, either?

Ninjavenom- the very fact that pregnancy occurs, and can occur only in one way, reveals the vagina's dual purpose. But you knew that. The very fact that all animals require male/female for procreation, and so perpetuation of their species, is all the evidence I need for my argument. It's true, homosexuality occurs in other species, just as in our own, but these weaklings are pushed out and killed. Odd, then, that in today's society 'our' gays are glorified!
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:10 PM       
I like this guy. He makes me laugh!
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Jeanette X Jeanette X is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:15 PM       
And we know how you black-rimmed glasses wearing, triple-mocha-frappachino-latte sipping, Marxist loving socialist gimps love 'collectives', so...
And we know how pricks like you love to sterotype people who are smarter than you.

Jeanette X- roar, roar ever so loudly, you little tigress! Such bile, such angst... well, we know what you DON'T want in a man. What, then, DO you seek? A spineless, easily-trained bitch of a brat that you can order about and model your clothes on? You go, you "Gen X Hip Chick"! You'd better run- the latest Blink 182 video is on!
And hey, I'm sorry to deflate your image of me, but I'm not a rapist.
Sorry to disappoint.
Ha! I have a very nice boyfriend, thank you, one who would run away screaming if I ever tried to make him wear my clothes, but who isn't afraid of women and shows it by being respectful of them.
Did you ever stop to think that the reason that there is so much rape in your culture is because of attitudes like yours? Attitudes that men should dominate women?

No S.A. Lion, you may be strong physically, but inside, you are just a scared little boy in a mans body.

And Jin, Jin, Jin--- maybe you harbor some resentment toward those of us who CAN grow facial hair, and so attempt to compensate for your physical inadequacy by condemning us? Are you one of those limp-wristers who shaves his chest as well? Do you HAVE any chest hair, or are men not supposed to have that, either?

Ninjavenom- the very fact that pregnancy occurs, and can occur only in one way, reveals the vagina's dual purpose. But you knew that. The very fact that all animals require male/female for procreation, and so perpetuation of their species, is all the evidence I need for my argument. It's true, homosexuality occurs in other species, just as in our own, but these weaklings are pushed out and killed. Odd, then, that in today's society 'our' gays are glorified!
How odd that Alexander the Great was a homosexual then. Do you really mean to tell me that you never have sex soley for the purpose of pleasure? That you only copulate to produce children? Yeah right.
And no, dipshit, homosexuals are not pushed out and killed in other species, as much as you would like that to be true.

And by the way, not all homosexuals are neccessarily effeminate. Gyms are often gay hangouts and many gay men are weightlifters. But of course, you wouldn't know that, seeing as you've probably none or very few gay men.
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:35 PM        Re: The death of the heterosexual man- replaced by pseudo-fa
Originally Posted by South African Lion
Men and women are fundamentally, profoundly DIFFERENT.
Then I guess they shouldn't be fucking each other.
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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:45 PM       
"I don't deign you worthy of individual replies, so a collective post will suffice."

I don't know, man. That sounded pretty gay to me right there. I mean, 'deign'? That's kind of the verbal equivalent of taking it up the ass, isn't it, you nancy ass queerbait? What kind of fucking bum rutsler says 'deign'.

"Jeanette X- roar, roar ever so loudly, you little tigress! Such bile, such angst..."
So, were you dresed as Madona or Barbara Striesand when you sad that, fag-boy? What the fuck, you can't write like a man and use some man words you cock smoker? Come on, chick-a chick-a chik-a queen queen, only a closet case says 'roar ever so loudly'. You want it up the ass, fagmaster!

You little bitch boy, you're just begging for some ex-conrough trade leather boy to slap his calloused paw over your mouth and make you take it so you can cry to your support group about how it wasn't your fault. Pussy ass fags like you make me want to fucking puke. How about you 'deign' to write like a man if you can get your hands off latino boy cock for five seconds, Maria.
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Protoclown Protoclown is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 11:32 PM       
I think Les Waste hit the nail on the head with his reply. There's no way this guy can be taken seriously, and there's no way he's dumb enough to believe any of that bullshit.
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Brandon Brandon is offline
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Old Apr 23rd, 2003, 11:36 PM       
<---The late, great Paul Lynde.

Truly a paragon of traditional masculinity.
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Skulhedface Skulhedface is offline
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 02:56 AM       

Did you ever think that perhaps his stance against "FAGS!" is perhaps because not only is rape prevalent in South Africa, but so is AIDS? And what's a good way to catch teh AIDS? GAY HOMO BUTT SEX, THAT'S HOW!

Hey, George of the Jungle, go beat your chest someplace else, hmm? False machismo on a message board doesn't read too well.
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The_Rorschach The_Rorschach is offline
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 03:26 AM       
What's false about it?

I suppose androgeny is good for some people, but not everyone approves. I went out to the IMAX showing of Ghost of the Abyss today, and I actually left feeling pretty shitty about myself and my generation. That's going to colour this post somewhat.

Sure, Lion Guy is primarily citing superficialities, manners of dress and demeanour, but if his thinking goes any deeper then I would have to agree with him. Men were once expected to be stoic, uncompromising and reliable. Men today largely act like bitches.

Seeing the dignity with which men like Murdock, Bride and Phillips died perfoming their duties I couldn't help but remark to myself that they were men. They were civilians, their occupations were not supposed to involve the risks they faced and embraced. Scores of others below decks continued shovelling coal into the four story engines to keep electricity running to the telelgraph that those on the lifeboats might be saved knowing their own lives would be forfeit for doing so.

I could care less how someone dresses, but there has been a shift and the men today are made of weaker stuff than those who came before them.
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ziggytrix ziggytrix is offline
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 03:31 AM       
Eastern wisdom has long taught that strength of body affects stregth of spirit, but this does not just apply to men.
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The_Rorschach The_Rorschach is offline
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 03:36 AM       
Thanks Ziggy, I am now officially depressed.

I need a drink.
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 05:35 AM       
South African Lion makes me want to be a REAL MAN again.


roar, even.

exit, stage right.
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Protoclown Protoclown is offline
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 07:07 AM       
Ror, you're joking, right?

See, personally? I think a man who isn't afraid of his emotions and the idea of showing them to the world is FAR stronger and braver than one of those "stoic" men of the past.

I agree with Jeanette, that the type of "man" described by this flaming idiot is actually nothing more than a scared little boy in a man's body, hiding under a wall of false bravado.

Gender roles don't matter for SHIT in this day and age. Or they shouldn't. I'd like to think we're evolving past that sort of silly outdated idea.

I don't know why everybody's getting so worked up though. This guy has to be a fake. Everybody knows they don't even have electricity in South Africa, let alone computers.
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Brandon Brandon is offline
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 08:42 AM       
South African Lion has inspired me to do great acts of manliness.

I'm going to go smash a beer can on my face to prove how superior I am to all the nancy boys.
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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 10:13 AM       
I'm telling you, South African Lion is BEGGING for it. Read between the lines and you see a guy who wants nothing more than to be shoved against a wall and taken by a Longshoreman.
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 10:26 AM       
Originally Posted by FS

roar, even.

exit, stage right.
since i'm watching cartoon network right now this made me almost fall out of my chair.
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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 10:53 AM       
Uhhhh... Proto, gender rolls exists because there are certain acts that are more suited to men or women. It isn't a "silly notion", it's defined by nature.
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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 11:13 AM       
Name some, aside from mother/father, priest and nun.
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