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Choose Your Own Adventure: I-MOCKERY STYLE!

Bare necessities, eh? Well, if that doesn't say "Gameboy Advance" you don't know what does! Unfortunately this means you've forgotten to bring anything hygiene related like your toothbrush or deodorant. It's only a matter of days at camp before the other kids start referring to you as "Stinky McStinkerton", which would sting like hell if you didn't have your Gameboy world to retreat into for shelter from the cruel mockery of the other kids.

Eventually though your unwholesome stench becomes too much to bear, and the other kids exile you from the camp, tying you up in a sack and leaving you out in the middle of the woods one night. You begin to live the life of a hermit, growing a long scraggly beard and taking to eating tree bark just to survive.

Look... just don't go near him... not unless you have batteries to offer

As the seasons go by at the camp the other children tell whispered stories around the camp fire about the crazy Game Boy hermit who lives in the woods nearby, his sanity in tatters, hanging only by the thread of his ability to retreat into his Game Boy world. And sometimes, in the darkness of night, he can still be seen wandering the campgrounds scavenging for batteries...