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Zbu Manowar Zbu Manowar is offline
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Old Feb 13th, 2003, 03:54 AM        Gracefully Forgotten Joes
I've been watching the cartoon series Saturday nights on Cartoon Network and despite the show holding up better than I expected, there were a few problems. A few problem Joes.

Quick Kick, I'm looking in your direction.

The problem with Quick Kick is that he's obviously the first choice for the Joes' version of Storm Shadow, i.e. the ass-kicking mad karate skillz master of Judo/Kung Fu/various forms of kicking ass. While he has an attempt at good character design with the sash that holds a bunch of crazy throwing devices and a sword, he has a few problems. Mainly, he quotes movies like a fag and his costume is a pair of pajama pants.

The man is a sorry fucker. His perchant for quoting movies makes him look like a sorryass Pat Morita. Come on, I know Karate Kid was a big thing, but making Quick Kick (or Suck Dick as he should be known) Storm Shadow's nemesis is just sad. Fortunately for all of us, the creators realized this and created Snake Eyes: a man who always dressed head to toe and who just shut up.

So, Quick Kick, welcome to the land of the Gracefully Forgotten Joes. Anybody else got any Joes they should be relegated to that big toybox in the sky?

Next up on my list: Alpine(?).
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Les Waste Les Waste is offline
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Old Feb 13th, 2003, 07:28 PM       
You dumbass. Snake Eyes was in the pilot mini-series of G.I. Joe, and Quick Kick was added later. Snake Eyes came first

And Alpine ruled. Why don't you just say Bazooka sucked? Jerk.
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Ninjavenom Ninjavenom is offline
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Old Feb 13th, 2003, 08:46 PM       
i liked quick kick. He was such a nerd.
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Zbu Manowar Zbu Manowar is offline
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Old Feb 13th, 2003, 11:03 PM       
Originally Posted by Les Waste
You dumbass. Snake Eyes was in the pilot mini-series of G.I. Joe, and Quick Kick was added later. Snake Eyes came first

And Alpine ruled. Why don't you just say Bazooka sucked? Jerk.
Quick Kick has a posse? And they gave up Snake Eyes for him?? What the hell were the creators smoking?

And I stay by my doubt of Alpine's ability. Who the hell needs an expert in climbing mountains? Just get Wild Bill to fly you up there, Nuff Said.
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Old Feb 14th, 2003, 10:34 AM       
I'm gonna have to back Zbu Manowar... Alpine was a tool.
If you're going through snowing mountainous terrain, who could possible beat "Snow Job?" And what a great name, again what were they smoking? And for diversity's sake, why didn't they just put stalker in the show instead of Alpine. It was basically the same character, he just had a crappy all camoflauge outfit since he was first generation. Same character, cooler name AND he was from Detroit. Alpine can toss Stalker's salad... with maple syrup.
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Old Feb 14th, 2003, 10:57 AM       
Well, let's get back on topic. Anybody else got any more Gracefully Forgotten Joes? Here's a Cobra one to be fair:


As far as the little cliques of Cobra goes, I never have anything against a Dreadnok. Sure, they're all products of their time, a bunch of punks designed with either bikers or New Wave music in mind, but their design was solid and convincing and they weren't complete dorks in the series.

That said, the least of their numbers is bad indeed. Zantar sucks.

Who is Zantar? That's the first problem. Nobody remembers him. He's a Zartan clone who doesn't have any distinguishing characterstics: he looks like some dork with a bow and arrow. Now, a bow and arrow can either make someone look like a badass due to the relative obscurity of the weapon and its possible weaknesses (like that Oatmeal guy in Hard Target) or make them look like they can't fucking hold a gun. Zantar is the latter. Compared to the badass leopard-print wearing/torn shirt/everyday objects as weapons motif that was the Dreadnoks, Zantar is the pussy. And his 'Billy Idol's Donations to the Salvation Army' clashes with the rest of them.

This is not to say that Zartanna is any better. The only way she is saved this indignity as her brother is that she's the chick of the whole group. A chick who's probably colorblind and looks like Ms. Trailer Park Whore/KKK Breeder of 1985, but at least she's not the member of the group that has a fucking bow and arrow and is backhanded violently for being derivative in a group that is quite unique style wise.

So, Zantar is just a Zartan ripoff with a bow and arrow and possibly mental issues when the other Dreadnoks mistake him for his sister after a long week party of drinking and pissing off Destro. And that's it. Fuck, what else could you say about a Dreadnok who makes Thrasher look somewhat original?
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Zbu Manowar Zbu Manowar is offline
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Old Feb 14th, 2003, 11:16 AM       
Okay, here's one that I had forgotten about:


Don't know him? He's the guy who Hasbro included in their 'Bridge-Layer' vehicle. That one that 'laid bridges across five inch pits' but somehow could only make the actual vehicle across. And he's the Joe with the hardhat and the sledgehammer.

No guns, no actual way of defending himself. Let's face it, he's the Joe that we should all pity. While his filecard says he graduated from MIT, we all know the horrible truth: Tollbooth's sister was married to Duke. That's the only reason they kept him on. Each week while the other Joes do cool stuff, Tollbooth's the one that polishes that giant useless cannon in the front of Joes HQ. He's the one that everyone plays jokes on. What is he gonna do, run after them with his plain jackhammer? Throw his hard hat at them?

This isn't a slam against any construction worker. Far from it. But Tollbooth is a wimp. His name sucks, his vehicle isn't even a defensive one unless he blunders his way into a missile...he's just there. He's not even good enough to be a Dreadnok. Now, this is where Hasbro could have been creative...so, I give you the man who should have been in Tollbooth's place:


OUTFIT: Stained Wifebeater, yellow hard hat with Radioactive symbol on it, big pot belly, worn blue overalls, a pair of combat boots and tattoos covering his arms.

HISTORY: Lunchbreak grew up as the son of Polish descendants from the Solidarity Work Party. Raised in the ghettos and beaten up at school, Lunchbreak's twenty two hours a day at school then at work shoveling pigshit and coal mining gave him a solid work ethic. Thanks to an injury and seven years worth of living thanks to Workman's comp, Lunchbreak went into the Army and impressed the shit out of everyone by not sleeping for 72 consecutive days. This endurance and dedication made him a natural for the Joes but was a weakness when, during an important battle, Lunchbreak decided to build a bridge instead of engaging in the firefight. Hence, he now drives that Bridge machine so now he can start slapping bitchass instead of sitting around letting his asscrack show.

"The Fucker doesn't sleep! Jesus God, his blood is half fat, half caffeine! Through, while he's not the man I want behind my back when Armageddon comes, he's the man I want when I want those artillery shells moved by morning! All this for minimum wage!"

But no...we had TOLLBOOTH.
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Les Waste Les Waste is offline
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Old Feb 14th, 2003, 11:20 AM       

What the hell is the point of a G.I. Joe who hates violence?
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- Outerspacekid
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Zbu Manowar Zbu Manowar is offline
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Old Feb 14th, 2003, 09:41 PM       
Simple: because they didn't want to use Doc, who IS the medic for G.I. Joe. And who rocks, might I add.
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Old Feb 15th, 2003, 08:34 PM       
Dee Jay

Back in the early days of 1991, a local department store down the street closed its doors. Considering I live in a cornfield, this was met with some sadness as it was one of the last independent 'everything' stores that finally met its fate. It was sweet, because not only could you buy matchbox cars but also Joes. That was the place that I got most of my toys for cheap only a few years previous.

When stores like that close, you can either find good deals or bucketloads of crap that you couldn't give away or find themselves either at flea markets or stores close to the Canadian Border (no shit). Puzzles of failed movies like Police Academy 6. Doll parts that had been shoved underneath dust skirts and had only been unearthed after ten years, then had a price sticker slapped onto it. And dozens of Hardy Boy Casefile books that looked like a dog had used them as a chew toy then toilet paper. And the only thing they had left of the toy aisle was nothing but GI Joe knockoffs...and about twenty Dee Jay figures.

Dee Jay. The bastard of the ill-fated Battle Force 2000 line. The one that couldn't cut the mustard to score an overly-white bubbly vehicle that equated 'futurstic' with 'ripping off Ed Roth.' Nor could he put placed into two-packs with the others when Hasbro tried to resell him. And they couldn't fucking give him away.

So why add insult to injury? Because for a futurstic warrior, Dee Jay was pathetic. First, his name harkens back to a day where 8-tracks were high-tech. Second, his outfit isn't high-tech as much as he looks like a bright refugee from a Mad Max film. Last....well, if nobody was going to buy a Battle Force 2000 vehicle, they sure as hell wouldn't buy the crappy lone figure with baffling accessories. If you couldn't sell a Joe on figure design, weapon design was the best way to go. And Dee Jay didn't have even that. Which is sad, because if they had simply taken Sci-Fi or some other vaguely scientific Joe and repainted him, poor Dee Jay would either have sold or had company as the spokesman for a failed Joe niche.

Pity poor Dee Jay. Now, let's not imagine where those twenty figures went. I somehow think they met their end at a Salvation Army somewhere in Quebec, layered in price stickers like concert posters on a college campus, the newest one saying 'just take them, for fuck's sake, even Ebay won't touch these.'
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Old Feb 17th, 2003, 05:08 PM       
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Old Feb 17th, 2003, 05:18 PM       
I take it I have company in thinking Dee Jay sucks.
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Old Feb 17th, 2003, 06:23 PM       
Originally Posted by Zbu Manowar
Who is Zantar? That's the first problem. Nobody remembers him.
That would be because he didn't exist. You're thinking of Zandar, Zartan's brother. And yes, he sucked, but he wasn't a "ripoff" of Zartan anymore than your younger siblings might be "ripoffs" of you.

Okay, so he WAS a ripoff, but I'm trying to justify him here, alright?

And Zarana (not Zartanna! blasphemer!) was Zartan's sister. She was cool in my book.

QUICK KICK FUCKING RULED!!!! He was one of my favorites, but you're wrong about him being Storm Shadow's nemesis, I'm afraid.

Snake-eyes was one of the original seven Joes (the others being, if I recall correctly: Breaker, Zap, Flash, Stalker, Scarlet, and Grunt... and that's WITHOUT looking them up. How sad is that?), so he was around a good two or three YEARS before they brought Quick Kick (or Storm Shadow) around, as Les Waste pointed out.

And if you'll remember, they also had some kind of rivalry going between Storm Shadow and Spirit for a while, then they kind of had a brief thing with Quick Kick, but they pretty quickly hammered down that Snake-eyes and Storm Shadow were absolute arch-nemesis to one another. Stormy would occasionally duke it out with some of the other Joes, but Snake-eyes was the main guy they always put him up against.

I also loved Alpine and Bazooka.

The BEST Joe of all time though had to be Shipwreck.

I don't think I really HATED any of the characters until the movie, when they brought in Cobra-La. That was the beginning of the end, and EVERYTHING from that point sucked ass.

The old Marvel comics by Larry Hama fucking RULED. They're reprinting them all now in really nice 10 issue trade paperbacks, and if you never read them as a kid, check them out. They can still be a damn fun read today. They started getting really bad toward the end though, sadly. But I think I have all the issues from 21-135 or so.
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Zbu Manowar Zbu Manowar is offline
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Old Feb 17th, 2003, 06:37 PM       
Okay, I admit fault with names of Zartan's bastard siblings, but that could also be proof that nobody really remembers them. Hence, gracefully forgotten Joes...through next time I'll do my homework, I swear.

Still, at least Zarana is slightly above Zandar for being the female Dreadnok. And that's still a slim margin...through can anybody tell me why Zandar's action figure comes with an arrow quiver yet no bow and arrow? Does the throw them at people? Was he originally supposed to be Lady Jaye?
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Old Feb 17th, 2003, 08:05 PM       
Storm Shadow broke Quick Kick's leg.
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Old Feb 17th, 2003, 08:07 PM       
Thank God. No wonder the guy got so many figures then was made an honorary Joe upon retirement.
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Old Feb 17th, 2003, 08:31 PM       
Originally Posted by Mockery
Storm Shadow broke Quick Kick's leg.
That was during the Excalibur episode. That fucking Apache Chief bozo used his mystical powers to heal Quick Kick's leg, but than Storm Shadow broke it again, even worse.

I really do hate Quick Kick.
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Old Feb 17th, 2003, 09:05 PM       
Should we take a poll to see how many people aren't too fond of Quick Kick? Not to bash his fans, but compared to Snake Eyes...it's Gobots to Transformers, here.
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Old Feb 17th, 2003, 09:39 PM       
Quick Kick was one of seven Joes that was killed in the comic book. For the longest time, Hasbro wouldn't let Larry Hama kill off any of the Joes, but finally they decided to let him loose on some of the older characters and he had seven of them taken hostage and then killed. It was funny, because it was all a misunderstanding. Cobra Commander told the guys who captured them to "take care of them" and they interpreted that as "kill them" but that wasn't what he meant at all.
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Old Feb 18th, 2003, 12:47 AM       
Who were the other six? And I thought it would have been better if Destro or Zartan or Tomax & Xamot took them out. You know, to make someone at Cobra look cold and calculating as opposed to comically stupid/stone cold crazy.
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Old Feb 18th, 2003, 12:51 AM       
I can't remember off the top of my head. I think Breaker was one of them. They were mostly older Joes that didn't really go on many missions anymore, I think.
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Old Feb 18th, 2003, 01:51 AM       
Basically a bunch of placeholders, you mean. Ah, so it goes.
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Old Feb 18th, 2003, 02:01 AM       
Okay, another one:

Captain Grid-Iron

This one hurts the most, because he was my favorite Joe back in the dying days of the original 3 3/4 inch Joes. You see, Grid-Iron was cool. He was obviously the new head hancho of the Joes by this time (Duke, Flint, and the lame duck General Hawk being fazed out for either guest appearances in 'Night Force' or such niches) and the new Joes needed a new leader.

Unfortunately, they got one hell of a blunder.

The name 'Captain Grid-Iron' is just too lengthy. Why not just call him Grid-Iron? The title of Captain seems a very small one considering the Joes are supposed to be this elite band of commandos who take orders from higher up than Captain. Then on top of it all, some idiot decided that the football motif of this figure wasn't complete until every single freaking thing about him said FOOTBALL. Football grenades. His costume was a boiled down football outfit to an extent. His helmet was a football helmet. And while they could be cool to an extent.....it's a bit much, isn't it? Somehow, the whole affair came off to be not 'a Joe who has a hankerin for some pigskin,' but rather 'failed Batman villain #137 who was rejected because somehow the motif went overboard, drowned, and floated up to a retarded kid's summer camp five months later.'

It was just too much. It's not like being a football/sports fan was an unfamiliar motif to the Joes: Bazooka wore a jersey and a half helmet, the Basketball guy from the movie wore a jersey, and not to mention that a few years previous Fridge Perry was given his own special mail-order figure complete with Jersey and a fucking mace that was in the same of a football. Fridge Perry also looked damn cool. All Captain Grid-Iron looked like was some knock-off puss that somehow brought to mind the old 'Metal Brigade/Choose Your Stats' action figure with that fucking helmet of his. Complete with football grenades so you could throw them....huh?

All and all, nice try, but failed effort.
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Old Feb 18th, 2003, 02:09 PM       
Proto probably knows more about G.I. Joe in general than I do, considering I never even bothered to read a single G.I. Joe comic book, but nobody knows more about the Sunbow (the good series) than I do.

Shipwreck is probably my favorite Joe, but I always rooted for Cobra. I don't know why, but as far back as I can remember I've always wanted the bad guys to win. I don't know what that says about me
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Old Feb 18th, 2003, 03:11 PM       
Well, I can tell you one thing: Shipwreck will never be a gracefully forgotten Joe. That man fucking rocks and is right up there with Snake Eyes in my book. Nothing says Joe like a fucking kickass take no prisoners sailor. However, if he had some really bad versions I'll be sure to take out those but only because it would fuck up the basics of Shipwreck..and we all don't want that, right?

Now, for yet another one..and this saddens me:

Gung Ho in Dress Blues

Don't get me wrong: I love Gung-Ho. But this is a awful action figure.

Hasbro had a habit in the '80s of making Joes that were either cool, filler, or just honoring something/somebody because, at their heart, they were patriotic toys. And since Gung-Ho was a popular figure, it would make a lot of sense to redesign him for more sales and it if happened to be an honorary figure...hey, added bonus! Nothing says "$!" like a figure that does everything.

But sadly, Hasbro goofed here. As we all know, Gung-Ho isn't the GQ type. For fuck's sake, the man is a Marine. Tattooed chest, wears a vest and dirty pants and a hat because he's a swamp fighter. Making a swamp fighter the pinnacle of Marine excellence is hardly an intelligent move. And the filecard on him which they excuse his dress doesn't make him look hardcore as much as it makes him look like the alternative to Ken in Barbie wants another man. Add to this the utter lack of accessories--a saber is cool, but molded to the fucking scabbard is DUMB--and you have a Joe who doesn't do anything except stand there, his saber stupidly in his hand, looking out of place and uncomfortable. And why Hasbro didn't pay some poor guy $5 an hour just to put the labels on the figure's arms instead of having kids do it is just pathetic.

The truly sad part about this is if you click on the link, you can see the Brazilian version which is full of weapons like pistols and guns along with a cover design that looks kickass. Compared to Gung-Ho's filecard which has him standing at attention and you can see how badly Hasbro fucked up a good figure. So, while Brazil has a Gung Ho dressed to the nines and tearing new holes, we have one who likes shining his shoes and making sure his patches and awards are all nice and even.

Before he tries stabbing himself with his sad little sheathed saber.
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