
The Adventures Of Pete & Pete Halloweenie Halloween Episode!
by: -RoG-

There's no denying that "The Adventures of Pete & Pete" was one of the greatest television shows ever to emerge from the Nickelodeon channel. Well, you could deny it I suppose... but I'd then be forced to politely ask you to leave this site. Politely ask you with a hammer that is. Anybody who grew up watching this series knows there was something very simple, yet very special about each episode. Narrated by the older brother Big Pete Wrigley (Michael C. Maronna), the episodes were a surrealist vision of suburban life as seen through the eyes of a child. It could be a tale about the simplest of problems, but when seen through the eyes of these two brothers, the problems take on far more epic proportions. Little Pete Wrigley (Danny Tamberelli) is always getting into problematic situations, but what can one expect from a little kid with a tattoo of a woman in a red dress named "Petunia" on his forearm? There's plenty of other quirky characters in the show, and out of all of 'em, I don't think any were quite as memorable as the neighborhood superhero Artie, the Strongest Man in the World (Toby Huss). He's a weird skinny guy who always wears and striped shirt and has powers such as moving an entire house by an inch or hiting a golf ball 300,003 yards. The show was also known for having a variety of cameos from celebrities including Steve Buscemi, Chris Elliott, Debbie Harry, Janeane Garofalo, LL Cool J, Michael Stipe, Selma Blair and more.

What's perhaps most impressive about the show is how it's really held up over the years. A lot of shows I used to watch when I was younger are certifiably painful to view nowadays. When I was in middle school, In Living Color was all the rage and we kids couldn't get enough of it. Now I can't even make it through a single episode. With Pete & Pete, however, that's simply not the case. If anything, the show is even better now because all the great metaphorical tales and surrealism have taken on new meaning. In a nutshell, they don't make 'em like this anymore.

Today I'd like to take a look at one of my favorite Pete & Pete episodes. On paper it probably wouldn't sound like one of the greatest ones due Artie not making an appearance in it, but it's a fantastically sentimental look at Halloween in the suburbs and the tribulations some kids go through just to bring in a decent candy haul. So without further delay, let's dive into the episode known as... HALLOWEENIE!

It all starts out with Big Pete's narration about why Halloween is so special... for one night, bedtimes disappear and you can change your identity to anything you'd like, all in the name of Halloween. As he discusses this, we're treated to a collage of Halloween visuals including trick-or-treating, costumes, candy, ghouls, autumn leaves, and more.


Unfortunately, Big Pete has lost his love of the holiday refering to Halloween as "The ultimate dork holiday. Halloween is for Halloweenies." His little brother is a true believer in the holiday and can't understand why Big Pete is no longer into it. Now Pete is now asking himself if it's even possible to regain his Halloween spirit. Today's story is about his quest to answer that question and how it could potentially destroy Halloween in their wonderful little town (the fictional Wellsville) forever.

Big Pete explains that Halloween is more than just gettings loads of candy for his little brother, it's about the chase for something much grander: Immortality. You see, there was a feat (simply refering to as "The Record") in which two amazing trick-or-treaters visited 374 houses in one night. From that day forth, they were legends and both Big Pete and Little Pete always tried to break the record, until Big Pete eventually gave up on Halloween entirely. Nona F. Mecklenberg, who has always been Little Pete's best friend, offers to replace Pete's big brother this Halloween to help him on his quest for trick-or-treating immortality. She even shows her support with a rendition of Little Pete's tattoo (Pentunia) on her arm cast.

But as his big brother explains, to Little Pete, Halloween is a holy day, and gutting a gourd is his special way of thanking the gods of Halloween. And man, is he ever serious about it. It's like watching a surgeon going to work on a patient... Little Pete demands suction, and mom hands him the nozzle of an industrial vacuum cleaner to suck out all the pumpkin innards while laughing jack-o-lanterns dance in his head.

True believers in Halloween still need assistance in their celebrations, and Crossing Guard Frank Gulcher is there to help as he continues to abide by "the code of the crosswalk" as he calls it. He's on special assignment today though, Halloween duty, and he's taken out his urban assault vehicle (ie: his bike) to protect Sector 17 - which one can only assume is Pete's neighborhood. As Pete and Nona work on their smog-belching jack-o-lantern, he warns them to buddy up when they go out trick-or-treating, because "they" are out there. "They" being the dreaded Pumpkin Eaters.

Well, perhaps it's spelled "Pumpkin Eterz" if the shaving cream graffiti on that car window is indeed their callsign. Either way, the identies of the members of this gang are unknown to this day, but every year, they ruin Halloween for tons of believers, leaving nothing but destruction and chaos in their wake. As you can see, they've all but demolished Wellsville in the past. Smashed pumpkins, shaving cream, toilet paper, candies and sad trick-or-treaters literally cover the streets. It's a grim sight indeed.


Riding through the night on their bikes as the fog seems to follow them wherever they go, the Pumpkin Eaters wear oversized jack-o-lanterns atop their heads to conceal their true identities. Big Pete refers to them as the "Dark Knights of Halloween". Little Pete, has much more disdain for them and describes the Pumpkin Eaters as "Gut Buckets!" while gritting his teeth.

The real shocking news is that Crossing Guard Frank Gulcher informs Little Pete that if they don't find a way to stop the Pumpkin Eaters this year, it will be the last Halloween for Wellsville.

As Big Pete and his best friend Ellen walk through the neighborhood, they discuss how this may be the last Halloween. Pete says his little brother is taking it as if somebody punched his soul - as one should. A world without Halloween is a world that I want absolutely no part of. That's not how Big Pete feels any longer though... he makes a bold statement about how he hopes it is the last Halloween, because he's sick of it. Moments later, it's as if fate was listening, for the two of them come upon an alley filled with smashed pumpkins. It's a virtual graveyard of smashed pumpkins, except for one that just happened to survive.

As Pete picks up the lone surviving pumpkin, he describes how he once believed that smashing them was so senseless, yet now he understood, because he hated Halloween. As the voices in his head encourage him to "do it", Pete finally gives in and smashes the last pumpkin. He walks away with Ellen, staring at his hands in a state of shock as if he just commited a serious crime.

What he's unaware of is the fact that the leader of the Pumpkin Eaters was watching when he did this and is now convinced that Big Pete could become a future member of their evil anti-Halloween gang since he "tasted the dark side".

Some of you may recognize the leader of the Pumpkin Eaters. His name is Rick Gomez, and I used to love his little bumper spots on MTV back in the day in which he played a crazed patron talking about how he would drink up all the grease until his heart explodes. Ah memories...

Anyway, this night was the night before Halloween, also known as Devil's Night, and the Pumpkin Eaters had it out for Little Pete and Nona. They ambush the two and cover them in shaving cream, but even worse, they smash their jack-o-lantern masterpiece while screaming "Weenie!". Crossing Guard Frank Gulcher does his best to chase the criminals down, but they escape into the night.

Big Pete then confesses that he couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for what happened to his little brother, musing that the Halloween gods had cursed him for destroying the pumpkin earlier that day. But the ambush on Devil's Night wasn't even the worst of it, for the very next day, Nona's father told her that he'd have to be an idiot to let her go out on Halloween with a gang like the Pumpkin Eaters roaming around. And yes, her father is none other than Iggy Pop. Upon hearing the news that she can't go out for Halloween, Nona slams the door on him as he declares, "Love hurts".

Yes it does Iggy Pop... yes it does.

Little Pete is crushed by the news, because he knows it's impossible to break "The Record" without two people to carry all the candy. Big Pete then shows what a good brother he is and offers to go with Little Pete, despite his personal lack of love for Halloween.

When she hears that Big Pete is going out trick-or-treating on Halloween, Ellen reminds him of what happened to Ned Richmond last Halloween...

He was a 15-year-old who went trick-or-treating and the Pumpkin Eaters caught him, hung him upside-down and made an example of him. Now nobody hangs out with him, and to further demonstrate how his social life has been obliterated, they show that his photo in the school yearbook is on a page all by itself. That's right, not even the photos of other kids want to be near him now. Once a Halloweenie, always a Halloweenie.

Apparently, despite the fact that everybody hates the Pumpkin Eaters gang, if somebody is caught and humiliated by them, then that person is frowned upon forever. In this town, the children have their own Scarlet Letter to bear... the letter W.

Big Pete ignores his fears about becoming a Halloweenie and decides to go trick-or-treating anyway.

According to Little Pete, if the two of them actually break the record, they would become legends like Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. Naturally, it's only fitting that they decided to dress like astronauts for this particular Halloween, and Big Pete admits he was particularly relieved that the helmet came with a visor which covered his face from public view. Little Pete was also relieved, because he could relieve himself in his space suit in the name of science. I'm guessing Big Pete is thankful his little brother didn't ask to do one of those two-person costumes, like a horse, because Little Pete would've probably pissed all over him if that were the case. Then again, if it's in the name of science, I suppose it's ok. You can pretty much do anything you want as long as you proclaim that it's for scientific reasons.

As they set off late in the afternoon that Halloween, Little Pete was dreaming of the ultimate Halloween glory, while Big Pete couldn't help but dread what the Pumpkin Eaters would do if they caught him.

There's still more of "Halloweenie" to see!
Click here to continue onward to page 2!


Reader Comments



Oct 21st, 2009, 05:42 AM
Still, being one house shy of the record is nothing to sneeze at either. (Though I always measured Hallowe'en success by weight. Personal best: 14 pounds.)

I've never seen this show, but I will probably read the Wikipedia page on it now.
Forum Virgin
Oct 21st, 2009, 09:39 AM
Aw, I frickin' loved Pete and Pete, it totally cemented my love of Michelle Trachtenberg (though she's so far removed from Nona now that its scary, but I can still hope she'll go back to her weird roots).

I loved this episode too, seeing this really makes me wish I could go back in time and watch all the Nick halloween specials from this time period...oh well.

Are Pete and Pete episodes on DVD yet?
Oct 21st, 2009, 09:44 AM
The Adventures of Pete & Pete was the greatest show airing in Nickelodeon at its time. Hands down. I remember watching those episodes and I could experience a wide array of emotions from anxiety to an overdose of hilarity. These days, however, everytime I watch those episodes I find myself extremely nostalgic, as they manage to have some meaning even now.
Forum Virgin
Oct 21st, 2009, 10:20 AM
Oh god i miss this show. One of the greats. Hopefully they show it on Nick on Halloween.
Forum Virgin
Oct 21st, 2009, 11:45 AM
Endless Mike, Open Face, Pit Stain...

Why didn't the bullies at my school have sweet names?
Retardedly Handsome
Oct 21st, 2009, 12:05 PM
I got it on my "online move" que(no free advertising from me) and just bumped it up a few notches. I remember when they stopped running the show but the kept airing the short with big Pete cutting the grass on the highway all the time. Used to make me so mad.
Unfunny Python Reference
Oct 21st, 2009, 12:55 PM
I wasn't allowed to watch in Living Color, but Pete & Pete is is my top 3 greatest shows of ALL TIME! This is by far favorite episode after "Nightcrawlers". I'm happy that you took one of my suggestions for your site. Thanks again!
Admiral of the Undead
Oct 21st, 2009, 06:33 PM
Pete and Pete shines as perhaps one of the finest programs ever produced for television. The episodes were often times simple, but that was probably their greatest appeal. No matter which episode you watch, you're bound to walk away with a notion of something eternal and thought-provoking.

Gosh I miss it.
Member OfThe Pigmask Army
Oct 21st, 2009, 06:56 PM
Wow, Endless Mike sounds like an asshole. The only thing that would make this funnier is if Nick Castle was in it. Maybe give the Pete Bros. candy while in the kitchen, chopping a carrot with a butcher knife.
Is a RoboCop.
Oct 21st, 2009, 08:11 PM
This was probably my favorite episode. I still need to get the DVDs, though. :C
Forum Virgin
Oct 21st, 2009, 09:56 PM
I have the first two seasons on DVD, but never released the third, which upsets me. The final season had the episode "Saturday" which I loved and haven't seen in years. There are a lot of Nickelodeon shows that I wish they would put out on DVD (SALUTE YOUR SHORTS, where are you???) but they do not seem to hear my pleas. Anyway, "Halloweenies" was a great episode, and I'm glad to see it made it here on the site.
Movie Enthusiast
Oct 21st, 2009, 10:11 PM
Rog, Rog, Rog... First, Little Pete's tattoo is clearly on his right forearm, in the picture you posted yourself! Second, he and Nona have not "always been best friends"! He only met her in Season 2, after Artie left the show. /nitpick. That said, great write-up and I'm glad to see Pete & Pete getting its due. I only wish you'd do more horror movie moments! You used to churn them out several times a week during this time of year! What gives? (Been reading the site for about 6 years now.)
Last of the Time Lords
Oct 21st, 2009, 10:31 PM
Pete and Pete is quite simply the greatest thing Nickelodeon has ever produced. It even tops Invader Zim, and I would never make that claim lightly.
Oct 21st, 2009, 10:31 PM
nirvana_infinity: Yep. Saturday is indeed one of the greatest episodes and, if memory serves me right, that's supposed to be the last one of the entire series. J.K. Simmons appearance as the stoic barber Dan is awesome. I have that episode recorded on VHS along with Pinned! (the one where older Pete enrolls in the wrestling team of his school in order the get the mighty W on his jacket). Hell knows where I have that videotape.

By the way, now that we are talking about Saturday, if someone can tell me which is the name of the song that plays during the ending credits I will really appreciate it, since that song is not one of the twelve that are in the Polaris album.
An Arizona Horror Company
Oct 21st, 2009, 10:43 PM
Nicely done!
Pickled Patriarch
Oct 22nd, 2009, 12:39 AM
Thanks for the comments all... glad to see you guys love the show and miss it just as much as I do. It really was unique and absolutely brilliant.

Originally Posted by goblyn View Post
Are Pete and Pete episodes on DVD yet?
Yep, as stated at the end of the article, the first two seasons of the show are on DVD. Still hope season 3 comes out sometime, just not counting on it.

Originally Posted by Ex Leper View Post
I wasn't allowed to watch in Living Color, but Pete & Pete is is my top 3 greatest shows of ALL TIME! This is by far favorite episode after "Nightcrawlers". I'm happy that you took one of my suggestions for your site. Thanks again!
Absolutely, I love the show and had it on DVD and was meaning to cover this episode for years, so I'm glad I finally had time to do so! I also always liked the episodes "Field of Pete" (what with the Orange Lazarus) and, of course, "When Petes Collide" (Artie vs. Bowling Ball is something I never forgot).

Originally Posted by MrWarranty View Post
That said, great write-up and I'm glad to see Pete & Pete getting its due. I only wish you'd do more horror movie moments! You used to churn them out several times a week during this time of year! What gives? (Been reading the site for about 6 years now.)
Glad you enjoyed the write-up and thanks for sticking with the site for six years or so. As for horror movie moments, while this isn't really the place to be asking about them, the simple fact is that I'm way busier these days and there's less help at the moment. First off, I wasn't the only one "churning them out several times a week" as you said, the other writers did them too when I was working on larger pieces. Max Burbank has been absent the past two months, and Protoclown has been all but gone as well. That leaves just me and Dr. Boogie to write most of the articles on the site this season, so I've been busy working on larger pieces like this rather than the smaller Greatest Horror Moments articles to give everybody the most bang for their Halloween buck. I also have a new show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, that airs live every Friday night and we've been doing Halloween episodes all month long, so that eats up plenty of my time each week as well.
Oct 22nd, 2009, 04:57 AM
Let's not kid ourselves here Pete & Pete is the ONLY good live action show nick ever produced. Don't believe me? Go back and watch ANY of the others now that you are an adult and see if you can enjoy them. Before you metion You Can't Do That on Television, understand that it unfortunately doesn't hold up either and regardless was a canadian program that nick simply aired.

That being said Pete & Pete is possibly the greatest television show ever produced. The actors were simply left to their own devices, allowed to create their own characters... something that is noticably absent with current children's television. More importantly the writers seemed to inheriantly know what things are awesome to kids, and even more impressively which things are still considered awesome by those kids when they become adults. That is probably the reason we all love it as this site is dedicated to childish things we find so awesome that we won't give them up due to age.

I particularly liked the halloween episode myself. I remember nodding in agreement to their "lectures" in that one as I still do to this day. At the time I was one of those kids getting a little to old to trick or treat, but this episode convinced me to go and I continued to go well into adulthood until my halloween prop building replaced my urge to trick or treat.

My favorite episode was the summer one about Mr. Tastie though.
You'll thank me later...
Oct 22nd, 2009, 07:36 AM
I am not here to argue the merits or faults of old Nick programming...we're not going to get into that...

What I will do however, is say thanks for giving Pete & Pete it's due proper.
I'm going to have to re-watch seasons 1 and 2 now.
Oct 22nd, 2009, 11:35 AM
Now that you, guys, are talking about which show was the best and all, I have to say that I also liked A LOT Legends of the Hidden Temple. There was something about that giant rock Olmec and, to date, I want to get a Blue Barracudas shirt so bad that I think I'll buy one of those replicas they sell on some websites.
Ninja Meatloaf Fox
Oct 22nd, 2009, 05:15 PM
I have to pick that DVD up, Pete&pete (my personal favorite episode being the episode where they kill the squid)never got old.
Movie Enthusiast
Oct 23rd, 2009, 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by Mockery
Glad you enjoyed the write-up and thanks for sticking with the site for six years or so. As for horror movie moments, while this isn't really the place to be asking about them, the simple fact is that I'm way busier these days and there's less help at the moment. First off, I wasn't the only one "churning them out several times a week" as you said, the other writers did them too when I was working on larger pieces. Max Burbank has been absent the past two months, and Protoclown has been all but gone as well. That leaves just me and Dr. Boogie to write most of the articles on the site this season, so I've been busy working on larger pieces like this rather than the smaller Greatest Horror Moments articles to give everybody the most bang for their Halloween buck. I also have a new show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, that airs live every Friday night and we've been doing Halloween episodes all month long, so that eats up plenty of my time each week as well.
Your ridiculous amounts of success and fame will be the death of us all! I'm happy for you, but I do miss the old days a little bit. (-: You with your online tv show...
Oct 24th, 2009, 07:59 PM

I loved watching this show when I was young. It's the best.
drifting in the void
Oct 27th, 2009, 04:03 AM
I really loved Pete & Pete. I never saw all episodes I guess, not even sure they all aired in germany, but it was a great show nonetheless
Forum Virgin
Nov 4th, 2009, 12:58 PM
Man, forget all this sugary crap teen shows that infests Nickelodeon today (Zoey 101), Nick of the 90s was the best time for the channel, and Pete & Pete were responsible for it. Now if they would just release the last DVD set to have a complete set.

And while they're at it, how about a Rocko's Modern Life Complete Series DVD? Quit spending $60 million on Ninja Turtles, Nick, and get us some wallaby action!
Forum Virgin
Nov 18th, 2009, 06:37 AM

The Adventures Of Pete Pete Halloweenie Halloween Episode

After seeing the screen shoots, some interesting notes:

-It appears there is now a special background for each brother, very well done if I might add.
-Apparently the new areas that where added where addits in each sister chamber
EDIT -What the hell did you guys did to Mongolfier?

Overall I think 75 is good. What do you guys at IPL think?
Forum Virgin
Sep 6th, 2012, 04:49 PM
Iggy!! haha awesome episode. Salute your shorts, Are you afraid of the dark and Doug. Yep, that was my life.

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