The Geek Hierarchy
by: Protoclown
There are many different categories of Geekdom out there, many of which I can count myself a member. But with so many different varieties out there, how is one to know which is more socially acceptable than the other? How are geeks to know which other geeks to shun and which to look up to? It can all be a bit confusing, which is why I've put together this handy dandy "Geek Hierarchy" for you, illustrating which geekdoms are more socially acceptable than others. Hopefully, after reading this list, you'll know which geeks to tip your hat to and which to turn your nose up at, and you can thus avoid any embarrassing faux pas. Please note that this is based on years of scientific research and can in no way be factually incorrect. You've seen lists like this before, but never one this detailed, or right.
The Music Geek
Undisputed King of the Geek World, the Music Geek is without a doubt the most socially acceptable. For some reason you can be totally obsessed with going to music store after music store looking for that rare Australian-only single release by your third favorite indie band, and nobody's going to think you're weird or "eccentric" for doing so. This geekdom is the "coolest" because it does not repel women, and many of these geeks actually go out in public regularly to see bands perform, so they tend not to be socially awkward hermits.
The Film Geek
This is another geekdom that most people are comfortable with (unless you are Harry J. Knowles), because nearly everybody likes to watch movies. Even if you like movies so much that you own over 1,000 DVDs and you get so excited you hyper-ventilate when you talk about movie trivia, odds are you're still cooler than many of the other geeks on this list. Movies tend to be a social activity you can enjoy with friends, and true film geeks are always in the theater on opening night for whatever next big blockbuster is hitting the big screen (they will never wait for DVD), so at least it gets them out of the house. They can talk about the new Indiana Jones flick and most people will understand (and possibly even be interested) in what they're talking about. TV geeks (i.e. people who obsessively talk about "LOST") also fall into this category.
The Video Gamer
You've come a long way, baby. Video games went from being cool to nerdy and back around to cool again, what with the last several generations of game consoles with realistic graphics and ultra-violent games. These days everyone likes video games, from cro-mag frat boys to stuttering, sweaty middle-aged nerds who have never known the touch of a woman outside of "accidentally" brushing up against them at the mall, to thirteen-year-old girls who have communicated more words via cell phone texting than they have actually spoken aloud. Hell, even older generations are now getting into the video game craze with developers like Nintendo making titles that appeal to all ages. Video games have never been cooler.
The Sports Geek
If I had my druthers, these guys would be closer to the bottom of the list, but society apparently still thinks it's okay to paint your nipples blue and dress like a chicken, cow, or some other beast of the animal kingdom to show support for your favorite team. These are the guys who speak mostly in grunts and can't add together the change in their pocket, and yet somehow can rattle off scores and statistics of their favorite players like they actually know what numbers are used for. TV cameramen love to show these guys during televised sporting events, and somehow most people seem to overlook the fact that they look and act like idiots, just so long as they support the team. It's one of the great mysteries of life.
The Comic Geek
Hey, I'm not just ranking them this high on the list because I am one (hell, I fall into the next three categories too), but comic books have become far more acceptable over the past decade or so. It could be that the San Diego Comic-Con gets exponentially bigger every year and threatens to devour the planet like Galactus, or it could be the past decade of mostly decent comic book blockbuster movies that have put comic book characters back into the collective consciousness. Maybe it's mainstream shows like "Heroes" that have sparked up interest, or cool, mature books like "Preacher" and "Y – The Last Man" that have brought people into the fold. One way or the other, the Comic Book Guy on "The Simpsons" doesn't seem nearly as relevant as he used to. Sure, there are still plenty of guys like that in the fandom who threaten to give comic readers a bad name, but they make up a far smaller percentage than they used to.
The Sci-Fi Geek
Nearly neck-and-neck with the comic geek is the Sci-Fi Geek. At one time composed primarily of embarrassing Star Trek and Dr. Who fans, in the early 80s it suddenly became cool to like sci-fi after a little group of movies called the Star Wars trilogy came out. Fast forward twenty years and add some horribly stupid decisions by George Lucas, and suddenly it's an embarrassment to be a Star Wars fan but now considered cool to be into Star Trek and Dr. Who. With other great shows like Battlestar Galactica and Firefly, science fiction is no longer the sole province of male virgins, having attracted quite a few nerdy women as well. It's still really really dorky however to like Babylon 5 (and I do).
The Toy Geek
Most people still think that toys are just for kids, even though the toy companies realized a while ago that they can make far more money by producing unarticulated toys that amount to little more than plastic statues of the most obscure characters imaginable and market them to "collectors". Few outside other geekdoms can understand why a thirty-year-old man obsessively collects every cool looking classic Optimus Prime figure he can get his hands on, to fulfill some deep-seated need to honor his childhood hero, the toy of whom he asked for every single Christmas and birthday year after year, but somehow never received and had to make Grimlock the Autobot leader instead when he played with his Transformers because he was the highest ranking Autobot he owned, or at least the pushiest. So, um, yeah. Toy geeks.
The Role-Playing Geek
There's a certain type of role-playing geek that embarrasses most other role-playing geeks, and those types can be found actually playing inside stores that primarily sell role-playing games. When you walk into such a place and your glasses fog up from the miasma of hot B.O., when you hear the hooting, staccato laughter that sounds like a baboon being anally violated with a boulder, and when you notice a cloak draped over the chair behind someone excitedly standing to make a big production out of rolling dice, you will know you have encountered the type of geek I am talking about. They give all of us a bad name. I firmly believe (hope) that most tabletop RPG experiences mirror my own: a group of friends gets together to bullshit about various things and eat snacks, and oh, maybe roll a few dice along the way and not take things too seriously.
The War Reenactor
For some reason, there is some unknowable thing that compels certain people to get together, dress in old war uniforms, and stand on a grassy hill for hours, only to have all this waiting culminate in their falling over and playing dead. I have never understood this, and I never will. Everybody already knows how it's going to turn out, so I fail to see where the enjoyment comes from. What's really scary is when whole families get together and reenact a war (because I'm sure that's historically accurate). In the southern states I'm quite certain there are many Civil War Reenactors on the Rebel side who are hoping to pull out a surprise victory this time in their little fake war.
The Otaku
I enjoy some anime. I've even been to a few cons, which is one of the main reasons why I haven't actually bothered to check any new anime in the better part of a decade. Because of the Otaku. Also, because I haven't had the time, but that's not nearly so interesting. The anime con has already been dealt with in far more detail than I'm prepared to cover here. If you've been to an anime convention, you understand what it's like to be bowled over by the stench as soon as you set foot in the venue; you know all too well that you will see lots of rather abundantly large people trying to squeeze into skimpy, form-fitting costumes. You know the pain of hearing a guy with heaving, sweaty breasts and a shrill, girly voice who knows all of three Japanese words trying to speak like he's fluent in the language, and the guy who does not let his lumberjack beard deter him from dressing up like a sailor scout. You know how most of the cosplayers at such a con make the geeks at comic conventions look like the Cool Kids whose table in the cafeteria you dared not approach, even the guy with the paunchy belly wearing the homemade Metamorpho costume.
The MMORPG Player
A relatively new phenomenon, the Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Gamer came on the scene and suddenly bumped the tabletop Dungeons & Dragons geeks up a few notches. I have never played one of these games, nor do I intend to, because I have seen too many people have their entire lives sucked away, packing on the pounds as their life becomes more and more sedentary, and the only news they have to share with me involves virtual quests. I have heard the hushed rumors of "poopsocking" and I know that someone out there must have tried it, sure as I know that any fucked up thing you can conceive of has been tried before and there's probably a pay site somewhere on the internet about it. At least D&D involves a group of friends getting together in person and actually socially interacting with one another, while MMORPGs have forty-year old guys getting into online arguments with fifth graders over how they're going to split their virtual treasure.
The Band Geek
Has there ever been an instance in all of history where a marching band did not sound like shit? I've never understood what compels some people who want to learn an instrument to dress like a goober and march around at sporting events. I mean, hell, I've got nothing against brass instruments at all, but in this context they sound like the sad, pitiful wails of the dead. Some people really get into this kind of thing. Maybe they had a choice between taking Band or Home Ec and they figured this was a better choice? Well, it's not.
The Ren Faire Geek
I've been to a Ren Faire and there's nothing inherently wrong with them, I suppose, but there's a certain type of person they attract who will embarrass everyone within a 50-yard radius of them, with their sad medieval garb and practiced "milady" faux British accent that suggests they probably act like this under normal circumstances. These people have a little too much trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, yet still have no problem incorporating modern conveniences like indoor plumbing into their delusion. I've no problem with people who work at these Faires and have to get into "character" to do so, but there's a certain type of Faire-goer who simply takes things too far.
The LARPer
Even sadder than the MMORPGers are the LARPers, or Live-Action Role Players. These are the imagination-impaired geeks for whom sitting at a table and rolling dice just isn't enough. No, they're only satisfied if they can don a wizard robe over their pudgy frame and run around shouting "lightning bolt", throwing nerf darts at guys wearing orc masks that look like they were picked up at Wal-Mart. I think the worst part about LARPers is that many of them strike poses indicating that in their own delusional minds, they feel that they must somehow appear to be "badass". Unfortunately the message these poses actually seem to be conveying is "Please take my lunch money".
The Furry
One pastime that society will perhaps never understand is dressing up in animal suits and not going to work your shift at a theme park or sporting event, but rather getting together with a bunch of other people in animal suits and hanging out. Maybe there's sex involved, and maybe there isn't. I've known some furries, and hell, I've been friends with a few, but they're not the type who dress up in ridiculous costumes or think that their soul is actually a fox's trapped in the body of a human. Even they think the people who dress up like this are fucking crazy. And if the above picture is any indication, for some people dressing up in animal suits is apparently not enough, no, they have to strap on swords and go hunt orcs and goblins with their nerf arrows, combining two bottom-barrel geekdoms into something new that I'd rather not even think about.
The Fanfic Writer
The lowest form of geek, the Fanfic Writer saves the Enterprise, defeats Darth Vader, and beds Buffy the Vampire Slayer on a weekly basis. Many of them "uncover" the true homosexual relationship between two male characters, but the worst offenders are the ones who insert themselves into the story, living vicariously through their characters because they have absolutely no life whatsoever. Ubiquitous on the internet, they have no real social grouping outside of its "tubes", so there is no way to actually identify them in public. Anyone you meet could be a potential fan fiction writer. Perhaps even you could be a fanfic writer and not even know it! (If I had scary music this is where it would be playing).
So that pretty much sums up the geek list. Maybe you don't agree with all of it. Hell, I don't agree with all of it, but society makes the calls, not me. There's no shame in recognizing yourself on this list. After all, there's bound to be somebody on it worse off than you. Unless you're a fanfic writer, in which case, nothing I can say will console you, but maybe you could work me in as a villain and kill me off in your next story.
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Reader Comments
Great article. I agree with your order. As the article makes clear, the respective positions change with social trends. But it will be a cold day in Hell before I allow furries and fanfickers to become cool. Those guys are just sick, man.
and is the music nerd a picture of deadendz
I do however fall into more than one of the other categories on the list. :P
As for the other groups, I at least know some people who could be considered members of all of them, and that seems pretty accurate too.
And I know one man, let us call him Bob, who is a member of every single group on that list. If he is coming, flee for your life. You'll know he is on his way because of the way the smell makes your earwax melt.
Thankfully most furries also have another sort of geekdom, and those individuals can find some happiness and fulfillment in life, however rarely.
About the furries, I mean, I like the antro sorta style some of their art has, but that's all really, I mean, dressing up like that? That is sorta weird...
More bordering on the insane really.
Great article still man.
By the way, they call themselves "Living Historians", which is hilarious on so many levels!
Over here in Germany Videogames and Videogamers tend to be stigmatized...because we are all bad people who are out to hurt other people and train for doing so with Videogames...yeah, sure. And as far as I have experienced...most Women don´t like it. :D
Video Gamer
Comic Geek (I only read Jonah Hex these days, so I don't think I still count here)
Sci-Fi Geek
Band Geek
1)shower regularly
2)never cosplayed
I'd also like to propose rising Otakus a bit higher, or alternatively lowering the comic geek status. From what I've seen on all kinds of cons the otaku geekdom tends to have more female members than the comic geekdom. And we all know that having an uterus automatically makes you cool.
But come one, the furry rank is too low. We deserve to at least be above the Ren Faire geeks. We're nice guys, really (and not all of us dress up in full fursuit). Of course, that's just me defending my geek-rank. Apart from that, excellent list.
Harry Knowles looks like an Irish Sasquatch.
MMOs aren't that bad, really. You just gotta find one that's not populated entirely by awful jackasses.
Oh! I just remembered a furry I went to college with! He was the type of guy who threw around terms like "fursecution" without a hint of irony. He seriously claimed I was as bad as the Nazis because I thought he was ridiculous for thinking he's an anthropomorphic wolf. Also, he was really greasy and squint-eyed and had a really greasy, quint-eyed, fat girlfriend. I'm sure they painted themselves up like wolf-people and had greasy, squint-eyed, probably paint-smeared sex. Ugh.
Willie is right too, message board/internet geeks would be another good addition.
I also think knitting/craft geeks should be on there, or perhaps just art geeks to be more all-encompassing.
Well, I'm an Otaku first and foremost. One with good hygene, that doesn't dress like a character that I should never dress as, but an Otaku none the less!
I'm also a Movie Geek, but I'm the "elitist" kind of movie-geek that doesn't like the same movies as everyone else.
I'm a definite Comic Geek, but I never really got into "Superhero Comics". I read pretty much everything else.
I tried to get into Table-Top RPGs but my friends just weren't into it. So, I had nobody to play with. (BTW you forgot Card-Game RPGs)
And, (are you ready for this) I am, and I will freely admit it, one of those dreaded Fan-Fiction Writers you mentioned! In fact, here's my profile, which reveals a whole lot of other geeky interests. I do NOT write "self-inserts" however. That, would just be a little too far into the abyss.
BTW Furries may be geeky now, but what about in the future after they perfect genetic engineering (allowing them to actually become anthropomorphic animals!)?
Music geeks definitely get off easy. I suppose I fall into the Video Game geek category. I enjoy films, comics, and sci-fi, but on a more casual level.
The only disagreement I have is that you ranked MMO players too low, and Tabletop RPG players too high. If you are talking with people, and you say "I play WoW," you are going to get off much easier than if you say "I play DnD."
You know, the guys that go nuts over the latest powerful computer hardware (whether they have any use for it or not) and sometimes even ancient obsolete computers (for the "collector's value).
Tech geeks would work.
Willie is right too, message board/internet geeks would be another good addition.
I also think knitting/craft geeks should be on there, or perhaps just art geeks to be more all-encompassing.
Say Protoclown, is there any chance of a "Part II", perhaps?
I myself have been a member of RPG, Band, SciFi and VideoGame geek clubs. Once, I was a character in a LARPG - my God, what was I thinking?
Respect should be given to the Civil War bunch. A good buddy of mine in college was WAY into this. I've never seen anyone so dedicated to researching anything... and at least it's of actual events. I went to one of these things and learned that 1)most of these guys strive for authenticity, not in uniform, but in the outcome as well 2) most have multiple uniforms and will vary which side they are one 3) I've never seen so much booze consumed in my life!! So at least its a social, moonshine drinking affair.
Sport Geek - i can't help but think of that Seinfeld episode.
1)shower regularly
2)never cosplayed
Also, you forgot car geeks and gun geeks. You know the ones...
And Willie, no that isn't deadendz...haha. That's some guy from the Flaming Lips, I think. I just found in on a google search.
And Willie, no that isn't deadendz...haha. That's some guy from the Flaming Lips, I think. I just found in on a google search.
The "holier-than-thou, has to point out the mistakes of others to make up for their own pathetic exsistence" geek.
I was also a band geek, but dressing like a goober and marching about wasn't why I joined...come to think of it, I didn't understand why I stayed. O.o But I still would think of Otaku as lower than band geeks, cause at least band geeks have better stories to tell. "And this one time at band camp..."
Was always indifferent to furries, pretty much ignored them at the conventions.
What about actual dictionary-definition geeks?: The sad carnies who bite off the heads of small animals for the amusement of fair-goers. I'd put them between MMOnerds and Band Kids myself.
... as for you Protoclown? You sir are a disappointment. You have the intelligence, you have the voice, you just can't help constantly taking a shit on all of that by throwing out one thing that fucks up each of your articles. It's like playing the most disappointing game of Where's Waldo since the Cancer-Ward edition came out.
I am Geek! Hear me Roar!
I myself fall into many of these categories: music, movies, video games, comics, sci-fi, role-playing games, and toys, so I'm definitely taking plenty of shots at myself here too.
Also, I should say that when I was searching for pics and I found that pic of the furry LARPers, I couldn't stop laughing for a good three minutes.
saturnknight: No offense to your girlfriend, but there will be no reading of fan fiction here. Not on my watch.
Magic Flyin' Lemur: Back in college one of my friends lived on a dorm hall with a furry who apparently wrote these bizarre stories about himself being attacked and raped by werewolves, which included sharp claws being thrust into his asshole. Apparently the guys on the hall would get on his computer and read these crazy stories when he was gone.
Bikegeek/Mockery: Yeah, I suppose I could have included fitness geeks. Hell, there's a lot of other types I probably could have added if I'd wanted to, but you gotta draw the line somewhere.
Tetsu Deinoychus: I could've included card game geeks but I figure they're close enough to the RPG geeks there wasn't really any point in distinguishing them with their own separate entry.
Butters: You may have a point, but most people I've talked to have considered MMORPG players lower on the totem pole because they're not really being social like table-top gamers. True, many gamers are socially retarded, but at least they're trying.
Marthaeus Autolykos: So I can't help but notice that you like to over analyze things...
Beatpole: Hell, I think I would pay money to see that shit. Sounds like hilarious entertainment.
KillerMcGee: You have a point, and I do play board games with my friends, but I think I would classify those more in the "RPG" type of category due to the similarities in subject matter, and I would consider things like Balderdash (my favorite board game) to be in a separate "board game" category. Still, I don't think there's enough of a following to really be considered a social sub group worth mentioning.
Despotofks: Do you have a man-crush on me or something? I "disappointed" you because I make a few typos and mistakes? I didn't know you held me on such a pedestal.
And yeah, should you di another list, the fitness geek, card game geeks (I remember Pokemon...), and tech geek (that one should be high on the list, if only because he can save our souls when our laptops fail. I speak out of personal expierence on that count)
Next time you offer your "constructive criticism," and want it to be construed as such, try to NOT put it in the form of a snide comment.
And I really don't care what people think of me.
Imagine you are a gay man, but you will not ever admit it or even touch gay porn. Because it is so gay. So you dress up as an animal and jerk off to shitty furry porn because dog cock is not like human cock... Right? It's not gay right? Animals do not count! SERIOUSLY!
Ah fuck it, furries ARE messed up.
If you need me I'll be in my closet watching the lion king.
And one more furries allowed. Ever. They creep me out
Mar 9th, 2008, 10:45 AM
I'm joining an RPG group near Cleveland soon, if anyone would like to join us just let me know.
And one more furries allowed. Ever. They creep me out
It's an old story, but I'll tell it again: I once had the fortunate opportunity to have dinner with Trace Beaulieu (Crow T. Robot/Dr. Clayton Forrester of MST3K fame), who was Guest of Honor at a furry convention some years ago. And we asked him what he thought of furries and the idiotic inter-geek snarkery that frequently gets directed at them. Not surprisingly, he said he was disappointed that it goes on. I'm guessing maybe he got enough flak for being a sci-fi fan growing up in Minnesota that he knows what it feels like, so was sad to see sci-fi geeks doing it to others.
Beaulieu's comments were echoed more recently by Mark Evanier, who noted furry fandom "has endured a fair amount of mocking in the past, often from folks who oughta know better, given how their own interests have prompted ridicule from others."
Now, it's not that furries can't take a joke or anything. It's just that the folks who continually put down furries as a way of building themselves up don't seem to realize they aren't all that funny after we've heard it the first hundred times.
In summary, being a geek is cool. Being a geek putting down other geeks is really just lame. Or, as Xeni Jardin of Boing Boing says: "Yay for eccentric humans doing their own thing no matter what fun-crushers may say!"
like being an anime fan = pedophilia
But the rest of the world will call us geeks no matter what faction we are in or how 'cool' we are on the list. :/
I mean, this article is humour and the people commenting should treat it as such. I take no offense from any of it. (I'm a Furry, music, D&D and video gamer, go me.)
Just my two pennies.
A little story:
Back when I was in high school (these were the days when 300 baud modems were all the rage... I suspect I've been online since before many of you were even born) *waves cane* we used to have these things called BBSs. This was in the days before this newfangled internet thing became popular.
Now, being the sort of huge geeks who ran or called BBSs in the first place, one could say we weren't exactly the most popular kids in high school. And a lot of these local BBSs had war boards dedicated to flaming other users for no good reason at all. So after school we'd log on and trade insults with other geeks as a way of making ourselves feel better. (This is kinda why I think the whole trading insults with other geeks online thing is so twenty years ago... I've been there, seen that, yawn and sigh.)
I don't remember what prompted it, but eventually some of us geeks got the idea that there must be more to this online stuff that just flaming each other all the time. So we started to meet each other offline (those of us who lived reasonably close, anyway). And we had fun. A lot more fun than sitting behind our computers flaming each other, certainly.
So that led to more of us getting together offline. And more of us having fun. Geeks who lived further away joined our merry band, and our group continued to grow. Eventually, there were parties. Soon we had a band of about 40-something geeks spanning two counties showing up (40 may not seem like much, but remember, this was before the AOLization of the online world... modems were still very much a geek toy). After making plans online, we descended on local arcades or movie theaters or had picnics in the park and whatever else we could think of. Hiking. Exploring abandoned places. Seeing how many highway cones we could acquire in one evening (and then wondering where we'd like to redirect traffic with them afterward). Our New Year's Eve party lasted three days.
We were geeks, yeah, but we were social. (Demented and sad, but social.)
And what happened to the geeks who still wanted to hang around in front of their computers trading insults? I don't know. They missed out on most of this, I'm afraid, and we were too busy off having fun to notice their absence.
Like all good things, this had to come to an end eventually. In 1988, many of us headed off to college and our merry band was for the most part scattered to the four winds. Some of us still keep in touch here and there.
I guess the point of this story is that it doesn't really matter if you're a gamer geek or an anime geek or a furry geek. We're all geeks, and geeks today have a choice: They can either sit around behind their computer screens flaming other geeks to make themselves feel better, or they can get out and meet their fellow geeks and find out what they, and the real world, has to offer.
Lord Rancer preparing to throw a watermelon off Kensico Dam, circa 1987.
Incidentally, if the thing you one does is so specific that it's highly unlikely anybody else does it, is one, like a Geek singularity? 'Cause I got this friend, see, whose into some very specific shit.
Then I stumbled onto the internet and found whole groups of people who were into the same things I was.
So yay for the internet.
Never say never.
Anyway, I'm saying Protoclown only met the scary otaku. Liking anime and not bathing should not be synonimous. Of course, I also fall under the gamer nerd. I go to ren. fests, but I'm not a groupie. (Although if I could get away with it, I would dress that way every day.) So what does that make me? Are dabblers in various forms of nerdiness nerds, or just posers?
because i am a comedy nerd
because i am a comedy nerd
You all can start thanking me now.
You all can start thanking me now.
In fact...
Also, I think that people should get out more often in large groups. Especially where I live. I have to drive from the West side of Cleveland to the East side to see anyone outside...I'm beginning to think I'm the only person in my city 'cause I haven't seen anyone else. And why does the word "Langolears" keep reappearing in my head?
It's like, yeah, okay, you can dump on furries/otaku/sci-fi/whatever folks. Maybe it was funny, y'know, last year. I mean, you know Lore Sjöberg did the whole Geek Hierarchy thing already in 2002, right? Six years ago. I know part of creativity is the art of hiding your sources, but c'mon, man...
Nah. To me, the most offensive thing about people making fun of furries isn't that they're making fun of furries---it's that they seem incapable of coming up with any other jokes. They fancy themselves comedy geniuses when they're just parrotting the same old stuff everyone's heard before. I dunno, maybe they're just new to the internets and it's their way of fitting in. I know being a newbie here means I have to spend time in the spanking machine (yay!), so I'm being a good sport and not taking it personally. Maybe I'll stick around, maybe I won't. I can assure you that has more to do with my priorities than being "offended." It's not like I don't have other things to do, y'know?
Look, I'm certainly not faulting you for trying and you get a gold star for effort. It just seems sites like these are a dime a dozen on the internet these days, and I wish someone would raise the bar already.
In the meantime, I enjoyed my 24-mile ride on my weirdo bike and saw some deer and stuff, thanks for asking.
1. Procrastination.
2. Curiosity to see whether y'all can live up Chojin's challenge of preventing the forums from becoming another 4chan/YTMND clone.
I know the mockery thing is what passes for fun around here, but I guess the question I keep asking is: Do you know any other tricks?
If you don't, then how exactly is this place any better than the endless repetition of 4chan/YTMND y'all seem to want to avoid?
Here's an idea... let's turn your question upside down and let you answer it: If you think it's so great here, why should I stay?
It's not that I don't have better things to do (and in fact, I spent the past 48 hours doing More Important Things) so convince me. What makes you and yours so special? Why should I stick around?
I'm just curious to see if any of y'all are willing to raise the bar.
OTOH, if you're really are this down on furries, why does it matter to you whether or not I think this site is just another 4chan/YTMND clone?
It honestly doesn't matter to me one way or another. Chances are I'm going to get busy with other things Real Soon Now and I'll get gone. The question here is whether you're willing to benefit from the feedback I'm offering while I'm here.
Go on, admit it, you think you'd look cute in a chipmunk outfit. Even Tadao admits she wants to be an aye-aye or wombat or jellyfish or something. Maybe you're just afraid to admit to your own secret desires.
1. Procrastination.
2. Curiosity to see whether y'all can live up Chojin's challenge of preventing the forums from becoming another 4chan/YTMND clone.
I know the mockery thing is what passes for fun around here, but I guess the question I keep asking is: Do you know any other tricks?
Here's an idea... let's turn your question upside down and let you answer it: If you think it's so great here, why should I stay?
Go on, admit it, you think you'd look cute in a chipmunk outfit. Even Tadao admits she wants to be an aye-aye or wombat or jellyfish or something. Maybe you're just afraid to admit to your own secret desires.
"My friends and I stopped hanging out with a guy because he fell in with the furry crowd. I hesitate to call them a geek though, it is insulting to geeks. I actually rank them about equal with the trenchcoat guy who goes to those run down porno theaters."
Does that sound like someone who wants to be in with furries? If I wanted it, i would have already been one, I had an in long ago when he tried to convert me and because he tried to convert me, myself and my best friend and his wife and another couple we all hang out with simply got out of his life. We wish him well, we don't go to his house and make fun of him for his choice, but we do not want to be a part of that world. So I think that particular attempt to once again reverse my arguement against me was weak at best.
It's called reading comprehension, I highly recommend it.
You might want to bring something other than my own argument style back at me, all that shows is you have no valid argument to counter me with. Unless of course you are merely acting out those parrot fantasies I referred to earlier...
And by the way, way to accuse people of being unorignal and then completely rip off my argument in an attempt to counter it...
Anyone else care to explain how this place is better than 4chan/YTMND since Pentegarn doesn't seem up to the challenge?
Anyone else care to explain how this place is better than 4chan/YTMND since Pentegarn doesn't seem up to the challenge?
You want a reason? Fine, we are better because I said so. That should be good enough for you since you clearly cannot counter anything I say without ripping off my tactics. Want another reason, a reason that states why you think it is better here? You are here arguing your case here, and not at 4chan and ytmnd. I would ask if anyone else would like to defend you since you are unable to defend yourself, but I won't because 1) all I would be doing is ripping your tactic off, even though I more than proved your take on i-mockery lacked substance so that question you asked would be invalid and 2) nobody here wants to defend you.
I expect your next reply (cause you cannot resist it) will be to give me a take with a 1) and 2) reason in it because I just did that in my post and all you seem capable of is your little parrot act.
"Arguing on the internet is alot like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded"
The result of this was that everyone got into a huge argument about whether the image was offensive to the mentally handicapped.
I don't know why I thought of that, just now.
This is really good. Are you ready?
I made an account on a forum and trolled it and then ignored all semblence of logic and reason I saw.
No wait, That wasn't me at all was it? Must have been someone else I was thinking of. Who could that be, I wonder? hmmmm....
Aside from that, good stuff. I am a movie geek and I dabble in the toy geek stuff.
I'm a video game, MMORPG, and RPG nerd. I also use the phrase "internet culture" entirely too much for it to be healthy.
Is internet nerd worthy of it's own slot?
video game, MMORPG, internet, otaku, fanfic writer.
yes I have lost a day to an MMORPG (Endless Online)
yes I do shower
no I do not dress like anime characters
no I do not write self-inserts
yes I do have a social life outside of the MMORPGs
yes furries are strange BUT as long as they don't try to convert everyone to being furries then that's okay.
another category, the insane geek (found this on stumbleupon)
edited it so it only says this...
Ta plus okaru seems worse than LARP (after its moved above the Ren Faire Geek)
I wonder if people will still post here, then?
You're a very sad person, Protoclown, and I hope someone mocks you publicly in the face every day for the rest of your life.
(a fanfic writer, and proud of it)
And I'm sure all your e-friends will be very proud of you when you copypaste your post into your livejournal.
Wait, is this a troll or a real whining person? I.. I just can't tell anymore.
Fucking internet.
On the off-chance that you are an actual person who got offended, let me just say that fan-fiction can be extremely well-written, well-honed pieces of creative work. That does not mean that you're not a complete dork for writing it. If you write your own, unofficial, posted-on-geocities fiction set in other creators' continuities, then a) you need to maybe learn to create your own universe instead of mediocre derivative work that doesn't usually fit with the style of whatever it is you're putting yourself into , and b) you're writing FAN FICTION, stop taking yourself so goddamned seriously. People like you are the reason fanfic writers get made fun of; self-serious jackasses that can't take a joke. Same with furries and trekkies and... well, frankly, any nerd that can't laugh at the fact that they like nerdy shit.
If you are a troll, however.. Well played, I guess; pretty entertaining stuff.
Although the name of this site clearly tells the audience what you people here spend your time on, I'd just like to add the real, acutal, completely and totally LOWEST OF THEM ALL - is a person (and I use that term loosely) who puts down other people just because they have different interests.
You're a very sad person, Protoclown, and I hope someone mocks you publicly in the face every day for the rest of your life.
(a fanfic writer, and proud of it)
Can you be the one to mock me publicly, Rentanet? Cuz that would be awesome. Hell, I'd even pay you. Not much, but I'd pay you to follow me around and dish out some "quips".
Oh snap. I just did, didn't I.
Dude, you need to grow a sense of humor.
I mean, if you can't laugh at yourself (as Protoclown has done by including his own interests on the list), then what are you doing laughing at everyone else (as you apparently did until the last entry)?
I gotta stop using parentheses so damn much...
I'm not sure fanfic writers should be the lowest form as some just do it for fun. However, I think that if said fanfic writer was crazy enough to try to submit something to a real honest-to-God publisher or, say, mail their script to George Lucas to see if he would use it.. yes, that would be worthy of the lowest form.
LARPers... yes, they definitely deserve to be in the bottom three. I know a LARPer and, well, he's weird.
larpers should definately be higher
P.S. my LARP character does wear fur, does that make me a member of 5? i'm gonna say no, since the fur part is secondary to the part about being in a LARP. I wouldn't wear the fur if it wasn't in the setting of being in a LARP.
P.P.S. i've dressed up for midnight movie openings as both sci-fi characters and fantasy characters, does that make me a film geek?
P.P.S.S oh, almost forgot, I was a disc jockey for over 10 years - does that automatically qualify me as a music geek? if so, i'm pushing 7 categories....
i have created a monster
oh wait that's echidna n/m
i have created a monster
Feel good about it, though. It increases traffic, and is therefore no bad thing.
As for the dude who said something about the geeks and nerds being put on the Autistic Spectrum by psychiatrists, I've already dug myself in a hole before about mentioning my condition and I don't want to dig my own grave again.
See, I can say that too, and guess what!?! I'm lying! Back it up or shut up.
Fanfic writers I think are higher than "FURRIES" though, by simple fact that Furry geeks also have weird sexual fetishes attached WHILE being an animal. Bestiality alone I think drops them into a sub-human category.
So many memories
I think we should continue to argue about whether Furries or FanFic writers belong at the bottom of the list.
No. Really. i-serious.
It's just that there have been so many lately....
And the other two are neither fanfic or furries, just to clear that up for my own piece of mind.