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A Stingray!?

I'm stunned. Steve Irwin is dead and I'm sure the entire internet is already talking about it, but jeeeeez... a stringray?? A STINGRAY!?!? We're talking about a guy who basically spent all of his days figuring out ways to piss off the deadliest animals on the planet; crocodiles, sharks, snakes... and a stingray of all things is what takes the man down? That's the equivalent of a bullfighter being killed by a koala; it just doesn't happen.

I feel bad for him and his family, I truly do... but I'm also sure there will be people getting angry at stingrays; saying all sorts of stupid shit like, "They're the terrorists of the sea!" and what have you. I spent much of my childhood at sea, sailing with my family, and aside from sharks, stingrays have always been my favorite aquatic creatures. I always thought the way they looked and moved was awesome. The mouths on the underside of stingrays always made me laugh too.

But really, those creatures are timid as hell and Steve's death is truly a freak occurrence of epic proportions. They're called stingrays for a reason, not stabrays. Hopefully people will keep that in mind, but I guarantee you the media is gonna have a field day with this stuff. You'll soon be seeing all sorts of special reports on stingrays. Reports with ominous titles like "Stingrays: Friend or Foe?" and "Stingrays: A History of Bloodlust."

He was supposedly filming a documentary when this happened, so does that mean it was captured on footage? If so, it's kind of a double-edged sword; I don't want to see footage of a Steve Irwin getting killed cuz I really did like the guy, but I always want to know just how in the hell a Stingray managed to do that. It's just so friggin' bizarre!

R.I.P. Steve Irwin.

Steve, your bravery/insanity will be missed. I'm gonna go press the button on our Crocodile Hunter action figure tonight, just so I can hear him say "Crikey!" one last time.



Erin (Guest) on 09/04/2006 3:32 am

It is very sad for his family. =/ I didn't even watch him and I feel badly about it.


Fathom Zero (Guest) on 09/04/2006 4:27 am

RIP, you crazy bastard.


Peter (Guest) on 09/04/2006 5:10 am

Everyone knows god killed him because the crocodile problem in heaven is unbearable. Go get them heavenly crocs steve


NotDavid (Guest) on 09/04/2006 5:19 am

Steve Irwin helped build the stereotypical image of us Australians. It wasn't very cool being called a 'Crocodile Effer' on Xbox Live.

But with that aside, he was a cool bloke. He was born in my city. I saw him do a performance at Australia Zoo. I guess a lot of people will miss him.


El Guano (Guest) on 09/04/2006 7:05 am

As funny and stereotypical he was,he did do alot for Wildlife Conservation.He will be missed.


Mac (Guest) on 09/04/2006 8:48 am

Damn, here's to you Steve: Crikey.


Kyo (Guest) on 09/04/2006 8:51 am

Poor guy. He seemed like such a nice man, I feel bad for his family. Well, at least the croc didn't get him, like everyone always said. Though, being stabbed in the heart by a stingray stinger is, I think, worse. But hen ever claimed to be the stingray hunter.


James (Guest) on 09/04/2006 8:58 am

I am going to college for Zoology right now.
Steve Irwin was one of the main faces of wildlife conservation and zoo animal management. I am still shocked, what a horrid way to go.

And yet, I know this is wrong to think, I always thought something bigger would have tagged him off this mortal coil.

RIP Steve Irwin, the animal world lost a friend.


Angryhydralisk ( (Guest) on 09/04/2006 9:03 am

In the past four years alone, MANY cool and/or meaningful celebrities have met their end...Rod Roddy, John Ritter, Mister Rogers, Johnny Cash, Fay Wray, Dimebag Darrell, and many others, and most recently, MAKO, Akira Ifukube, and now Steve.

Completely insane and depressing. I thought Irwin was pretty crazy (Especially when he dangled his kid that one time), but it's still very sad for him to die at the age he was at. All I can wonder is who's next?


oliver (Guest) on 09/04/2006 9:04 am

Oh My God... Steve Irwin is D-e-D
I had no idea, poor bloke , he was
the evel kenevel of the 00s,
but stingrays are nastier than you think


dan (Guest) on 09/04/2006 9:05 am

... Steve Irwin's dead?! I'm always late in news :(
I liked that guy. Being killed by a stingray just sucks.


David (Guest) on 09/04/2006 9:05 am

As much as I didn't like what he did for how Americans see Australia, this was a sad way to go. Weird really, I always thought he'd die of something not related to animals like maybe from a fall or something. It's kinda like a gun expert cleaning his gun and it goes off on him and kills him, know what I mean?


mlvassallo (Guest) on 09/04/2006 9:50 am

I have been stung by a stingray. Not in the heart but I felt like I could have died.

Anyhow, blame Mad Max and Crocodile Dundee for how Americans view Aussies, not Steve Irwin. He was bad ass and this is a truly sad day.


Steidas (Guest) on 09/04/2006 10:50 am

We'll miss ya Steve.


Ninjawolf (Guest) on 09/04/2006 11:01 am

Even with all the people who make fun of his habit of pissing off dangerous animals, I think in truth most people had respect for him. I never really liked him too much, but it just seems sort of surreal for him to be dead.


Aks (Guest) on 09/04/2006 11:30 am

Thats a place that has the info on how he died. Says it has friggin footage of him getting stabbed. Sad.


Jesse B (Guest) on 09/04/2006 12:04 pm

Yeah, They have the footege. But you got to think. Terry was on a tour with her kids when see got the news. Man, he left a legend we could tell our kids.

Infact, lets get working on the legend.

"Steve Irwin took on the greatest of wild beasts. Crocs, Gators, Snakes, Sharks. Anything that faced him, he beat. But one."


Aislinn (Guest) on 09/04/2006 3:09 pm

R.I.P Steve Irwin. The animal kingdom won't be the same without ya.


orange (Guest) on 09/04/2006 4:10 pm

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE CANT BE DEAD! I HAD A CRUSH ON HIM! im siriusly crying right now. im not kidding. i hope this is just some cruel joke...theres just no way...hes not dead...


ty22 (Guest) on 09/04/2006 4:18 pm

=( I know he's dead but I still don't believe it. I think they should eat that stingray or burn it.


Steve (Guest) on 09/04/2006 8:16 pm

It's surreal.
I mean, the guy was wearing his shorts while in antarctica, hanging out with penguins.
He was built of the stuff of legends. An Aussie Hercules.

I bet the crocs hired that stingray as a hitman.


shannon (Guest) on 09/04/2006 9:50 pm

yeah i have been watching specials all day on Animal Planet that they have been running on him. i was crying at one point. i feel so sad for his family, he left behind a wife and two kids. and it is really weird abou the stingray attacking like that. i had th epleasure of swimming with wild stingrays in the bahamas and the most they did was try to suck on my leg.


Greta (Guest) on 09/04/2006 11:19 pm

aww poor teri bob and bindy. goodbye steve


Rob (Guest) on 09/04/2006 11:47 pm

Wow, truly unbelievable. He was just a good guy. For some strange reason, i wanted to meet him. I think it was the curiosity of seeing his real personality. His catchy persona made him the butt of many jokes. But as much as we made fun of him, we loved him just as much. I also will devote one last "Crikey" to our fallen friend. His death was untimely. His life brought us education and entertainment. This is how he will be remembered. See you on the other side my friend.


Ryan (Guest) on 09/05/2006 2:22 am

aussie here.
man that sucks.
my dad works at a reptile park in sydney and has helped steve with a lot of reptiles needed for shoots.
it actually makes sense for it not ot be a croc or a snake. when you spend as much time with them as steve did, you can predict their movements and know what theyre going to do.
rest in peace man.


Annie (Guest) on 09/05/2006 3:08 am


I actually laughed alot when I first heard. I thought it was a joke. I was waiting for a punch line.

It's pretty sad but it's not gonna keep me up at night and he was a bit of a tool.


Joseph (Guest) on 09/05/2006 4:05 am

Me, I feel sorry for his family. Pretty much all of the world found out before they did.

He's been on television since I was born. Man. It's like hearing god just died or something. He was always just there. You know? Shit, I remember watching him doing stuff when I was 3 (very vaguely) , 4, 5, 6... I'm only 15 now by the way.


johhnydamage (Guest) on 09/05/2006 4:43 am

i was going to go through the comments to see if i was repeating this, but i'm lazy.

irwin was going to film an episode of the 'crocodile hunter' that day. only problem was the waters out past the reef were choppy because of a storm, so instead they set up to film a segment for his kids show. if it wasn't for the storm he would have went out and film somewhere else. crazy coincidences man:-(

at least thats what CNN said during their 24 hour coverage yesterday on stingrays. i didnt get to see FOX News', but they did the same thing.


Russ (Guest) on 09/05/2006 6:55 am

True, stingrays are awesome, I've always enjoyed them myself. Also, I haven't heard much in the area of they have killed people unless its some rare breed on a shore of some 3rd world country noones been to often. But, you said it best, I'm sure we'll see all sorts of b.s of people focusing on stringrays for the bad, and from that, for the annoying.


Darnin (Guest) on 09/05/2006 7:21 am

Wow...I still can't beleive he's gone. I don't want to think about it, but it's just not possible. I'm still in doubt, though, because we all know nothing on Earth can kill Steve. Must be some alien stingray.


Taijoker (Guest) on 09/05/2006 7:25 am

from what i know (im ausy btw) he was doing somehting with the creatures in the water there, and he was going to try o ride a stingray (people do it all the time), but he shocked the ray a little too much and it whipped its tail up and the spine in its tail managed to get in his heart.

stingrays are kinda like bees, they have a stinger in the middle of the bottom of their tails that they use for defence, it can paralyze people. but onl about 3 people have died from stingrays, and they have been similar, i geuss the heart cant handle a dose of paralysis poison.


macrodeath (Guest) on 09/05/2006 7:30 am

God, i was laughing when i heard this. I was waiting this for long time. I thought it is going to a crocodile taking his life, but no. A fucking stingray, now thats ironic.


Doommarine23 (Guest) on 09/05/2006 9:00 am

Every dog has thier day... This dog will be missed


Uncle Lumpy (Guest) on 09/05/2006 11:44 am

If people seriously start villifying stingrays, then they'll be missing the point of Steve's work entirely.

Steve Irwin dedicated his life to increase understanding between human beings and creatures who were viewed as "savage" and "monsterous".


James (Guest) on 09/05/2006 1:57 pm

Right on Uncle Lumpy! Irwin worked his entire life to open people's hearts to the wonders of wildlife. Those who will undoubtedly villify the ray missed the message that he was trying to convey to us.

Mother nature can be cruel, and this seems unfair to most. But we must rememember his life and what he did for wildlife conservation and his family, and not his untimely end.


comradecayt (Guest) on 09/05/2006 2:14 pm

you first reaction was to laugh also. It's just so fucking weird... I seriously thought it was a joke. I still feel slightly amused. It's kinda like a Monty Python skit. What a stupid way to die.


bicostp (Guest) on 09/05/2006 2:35 pm

Wow. Stabbed by a stingray in the heart. I bet there were better odds of him getting hit by lightning twice while winning the lottery on a full moon than that happening.

Rest in peace, you crazy Aussie. :'(


Trash (Guest) on 09/05/2006 3:30 pm

I have nothing against Steve, but I gotta say the bitch had it comin'.


Shane Skekel (Guest) on 09/05/2006 9:39 pm

Of all the ways he could have died, a friggin' stingray had to do it. If you're going to ride one of those; at least pluck its stinger off. Now who's going to take his place?


Steve (Guest) on 09/06/2006 12:01 am

Jeff Corwin might match up to Steve Irwin solely because that's the only other person I can think of doing Irwin's line of work...


John Cassisi (Guest) on 09/06/2006 3:20 pm

Steve will be missed. He was a wonderful man because he just faced danger everyday and was not hurt. It's sad to see this truly amazing man gone.

R.I.P Steve Irwin

P.S. He's probably up in Heaven right now kicking the shit out of all the stingrays he sees.


Ninjawolf (Guest) on 09/06/2006 4:45 pm

On the subject of your comments about the Leatherface costumes Rog, my brother had a sort of way around it: a few years back he went to his best friends Halloween party and for the most part he wore his regular clothes. However, at one point he managed to slip out and get in the Leatherface costume he had brought and got up in the woods near the house and got a chainsaw that had the chain removed. He had gotten his friend to lead a group of people into the woods while he hid behind the tree so that he could start up the chainsaw and scare them all. Only thing is, by the time he had gotten it started (it had tooken him a few trys) most everyone had already seen him, so it didn't work out. But yeh, the whole chainsaw thing is mostly fixed by just removing the chain. And you should be able to find a strap to put it on your back and a fairly simplistic way to hid the said strap, so it wouldn't be too difficult.


El Nerdo (Guest) on 09/06/2006 6:34 pm

I'm speechless with sorrow, so I'll just program a tribute game to beloved Steve Irwin instead.


Annie (Guest) on 09/06/2006 10:29 pm

"I have nothing against Steve, but I gotta say the bitch had it comin’."

Haha. Amen.


Katey (Guest) on 09/07/2006 2:50 am

He was a wanker. But he was OUR wanker, and we loved the way he wanked.
They're polling on the news here as to whether or not the footage should be released. I really don't think it should. It's really immoral. "WE LOVED THIS GUY, LOOK! HERE'S HIM DYING!" Not cool.

Give 'em hell up there Steve.


Liz (Guest) on 09/07/2006 5:39 am

I can't believe he's gone!!!


I'm not one to really care about celebrities...and while it's never really a good thing when people die, I don't really get upset when I hear about celbrity deaths...but this just made me so sad!! I will truly miss him!!

p.s. sharks are my favorite animal :D


Darnin (Guest) on 09/07/2006 7:26 am

I blame the weather. If it wasn't for that, he would have been out in the middle of the ocean. I'm sure he wouldn't have any problem wrestling sharks and the like.


Jason Kane (Guest) on 09/07/2006 9:37 am was bad luck thats all..i hope to god if they show what he was filming,they don't show him die.


nuffels (Guest) on 09/07/2006 5:35 pm

I can't believe he's gone. He just seemed so... immortal. That crazy sunnuvabitch will be missed.

A fuckin' stingray...


Ghost Rider (Guest) on 09/07/2006 7:04 pm

In response to:
"Wow…I still can’t beleive he’s gone. I don’t want to think about it, but it’s just not possible. I’m still in doubt, though, because we all know nothing on Earth can kill Steve. Must be some alien stingray. "
Comment by Darnin 09.05.06 @ 7:21 am

ZOMG It was Steve Irwin... not CHUCK NORRIS. Everyone knows that nothing on Earth can kill Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris is GOD!!!11!!!


Brad G. (Guest) on 09/09/2006 10:56 pm

Well this sux. Now Australia has one less stereotypical figure to present himself to the rest of the world. Poor Steve :(


-RoG- (Guest) on 09/12/2006 10:29 pm


Petrarka (Guest) on 10/31/2006 8:15 am

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Allison Clark (Guest) on 06/11/2011 5:51 pm

Some deaths can be really strange. Just look at the list in the Darwin Awards. Steve Irwin is a great man. Its sad he had to go that way.

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