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I think I’ll pass on that place…

So I've been checking out places in WeHo (West Hollywood) a lot lately, but we've still yet to find a good one to move into. It's at the point where I would literally drive up and down all the little side streets in the area in hopes of finding a place for rent that wasn't already listed online. Sure, it's been good exploring so much to the point where I've been to more places than most people who've lived here their entire lives, but I'd really like to be settled in now. Today, however... today took the cake.

I logon to my Westsiderentals account to see what the latest apartments are, and I notice one apartment that doesn't have any photos but it's in a great location. The price is within our budget and the location is right near Sunset where Re just happened to get a job. "Great! She can walk to work and not have to worry about a long commute!" I think to myself. So I call up the place and find out some more information about it; the place has loads of space and it really is in a nice area and they're anxious for us to come out and see it and they give me the code to get in the front gate. I then call Re up on the phone and tell her to stop by the place on her way home from work to see if it's a nice place or not.

A few hours go by and then I get a call from Re. She sounds disturbed and instantly verifies with me that I gave her the correct address, which I did. So I ask what's wrong and she laughs in total bewilderment, "Well, the door to this apartment has 'I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE MOTHERFUCKER!' written in black marker on it."

Holy shit... HO LEE SHIIIIT! And yes, the place was a dump inside too; I don't know why she even bothered to check inside after seeing that on the door haha. So yeah, if that doesn't sum up just how bad our apartment hunting luck has been, I don't know what will. Oh wait, yes I do...

There was another apartment listing I found today which claimed the apartment would bring us good fortune because it had a "special unique aura" about it. I shit you not. Guess I need to bring my power crystals with me next time I go hunting for an apartment. I'm sure whichever place gives off the strongest vibrations will be the one!

I thought apartment hunting was only supposed to be this absurdly difficult in NYC.



Aks (Guest) on 06/21/2006 12:36 am

Dude, when me my sister and parents were looking for a house (which by the way we found and Im living in now) We went to this house. Smelled like shit but that wasnt the worst. It was actually nice big and cheap. But we find out why. A fucking mouse ran across the floor. Like 4 of them. And our realestate guy hit the wall to check something and I cracked only to find more mice. We would have killed to have your kind of luck 4 months ago.


Jesse (Guest) on 06/21/2006 2:00 am

Move to seattle then. :)


AngryHydralisk (Guest) on 06/21/2006 6:59 am

That reminds me of my brother's apartments, except all the dirty stuff was from inhumane puiles of clothes on the ground. Almost a sea of them.


Therz (Guest) on 06/21/2006 10:47 am

Would'nt it have been better if you have got a apartment before you began moving?


-RoG- (Guest) on 06/21/2006 11:10 am

"Would’nt it have been better if you have got a apartment before you began moving?"

We do have a small apartment, we're in a temporary month-to-month lease. But anyone who lives here will tell you, it takes quite a while to find a nice, more permanent place to live in.


jenny (Guest) on 06/21/2006 3:24 pm

I feel your pain, I live in San Francisco and even if the apartment is covered with mold, there are atleast 10 people wanting it.


Jason Kane (Guest) on 06/21/2006 3:30 pm

damn had so much good luck on the road trip....too bad it left the second you arrived in CA.


Hyro (Guest) on 06/21/2006 3:43 pm

If I had any vacancies I'd try to set you up at one of my buildings in Hollywood but I'm currently full.


-RoG- (Guest) on 06/21/2006 4:39 pm

Jenny, hehe yeah I've heard it's just as hard finding a good place in San Fran that a million people aren't chasing after already.

Jason Kane, nah I've had plenty of good luck here so far actually, even met some really cool people... the only real bad luck has been the apartment situation. Oh and switching banks too. That was a pain in the ass cuz our old bank didn't have any brances on the West Coast.

Hyro, thanks I appreciate it. Most of the buildings I've seen here that have vacancies are in pretty bad shape. And if not, by the time I call the phone number, the places have already been rented out!


Martin (Guest) on 06/21/2006 4:46 pm

you can live in my house i live 30 minutes from hollywood.


Martin (Guest) on 06/21/2006 4:49 pm

JENNY: yeah where in SF do you live ? I used to live in Pacifica. But i live in LA now, and trust me its very lame here theres only two diffrences in the weather, hot and very hot. Watch a Giants game for me and perhaps a Thizzle dance so i dont feel too homesick.


MajikMan (Guest) on 06/21/2006 5:42 pm

I know this sounds so obvious it's probably not even worth asking, but you're not looking exclusively online are you? Seems like there would be considerably more (or perhaps at least different) adds to browse through in print sources.


jenny (Guest) on 06/22/2006 12:15 am

i live in the sunset, very close to castro

Rog: try craigslist, it's how i found my place


ROBBLES (Guest) on 06/22/2006 8:24 am

I live in a refridgerator box in an alley in Holleywud. You can have my box for $10, comes with free soiled undergarments.


ColdFusion (Guest) on 06/22/2006 6:16 pm

The government don't control the sky! You could live in a BALLOON!!!


ColdFusion (Guest) on 06/22/2006 6:16 pm

Oh wait a second.. FAA.. yes they do.


Amanda (Guest) on 06/22/2006 7:09 pm

Jenny: I thought craigslist was just the Bay Area....? Heh I found my place on there, too.


Shannon (Guest) on 06/22/2006 7:51 pm

maybe if you werent searching in Hollywood, you would have better luck! Hollywood is notorious for being expensive and hard to rent in. i wish you luck though.


-RoG- (Guest) on 06/22/2006 8:52 pm

MajikMan & Jenny, yeah I've used Westsiderentals, Craigslist, a variety of independent L.A. rental sites, the local papers/magazines, and of course I've simply gone out driving up and down a bunch of side streets to see what I could find. No luck so far, so I'm just gonna keep on trying.

ColdFusion, thanks for giving me false hope. I was just about to go buy a balloon. :(

Shannon, we've been checking all over the place, but yeah West Hollywood has been one of the main areas we've checked out and either there's no vacancies or the places are a dump. Have an appointment to check out a place this Saturday though that looks very promising. At least, it better be. If it's not, I might have to kill one of you just to release some tension. Hope you guys don't mind.


Knighthawk (Guest) on 06/27/2006 2:27 am

Don't be silly Rog. Insted of killing us, Kill a homeowner and steal the house! :D


Cathy (Guest) on 06/29/2006 8:14 am

on january i was helped my aunt to find an apartment in la, cos she was moving from nyc and i'm the one who lives in california:) so, the thing is, while looking for a place to live for her, i started thinking los angeles is one of expensive cities. so it was quite funny, cos the one i found was in west hollywood. we decided to choose one of these because we could take a look at them on web, besides we just pointed anemities and we got a great list. of course everyone has it's own way on apartment hunting :)


gordo (Guest) on 07/07/2006 9:03 pm

Sounds like a normal place in Detroit, cept it had a door and the last tenant could write

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